
Naruto : The War Hero

Volume-1 Synopsis What would happen if Sasuke had actually killed Sakura instead of putting her in a genjutsu after resealing Kaguya. Watch as Naruto's life is transformed by this one traumatic event NaruSaku & Harem. Mainly a R-18 fic with somewhat of a plot tying everything together. ♪☆\(^0^\) ♪(/^-^)/☆ Volume-2 Synopsis Naruto has successfully returned Sasuke and Orochimaru has fallen, however he has had to make the ultimate sacrifice. The struggle is on as he attempts what no man has before, to change his destiny ... ~(^з^)-♡ Volume-3 Synopsis Naruto is hated by the village. He is sad and leaves. He is not alone. He has Tsunade, Jiraiya, and Shizune with him. Tsunade tries to comfort Naruto. Everyone goes to Iwa. Can an impossible love happen? Tsunade X Naruto (๑♡∀♡๑) Volume-4 Synopsis Naruto starts to build a Harem, Will he be able to control all the women or will they over run him? This is a R-18 story so stay out if you don't like reading naughtiness. As a note. there is little to no plot in this..... ( ◜‿◝ )♡(灬º‿º灬)♡ Volume -5 Synopsis soon.... I'll be uploading Some of Best FanFictions Here Found this on online Posting it here

Uzumaki_Kushina_21 · アニメ·コミックス
129 Chs

Chapter 31

(3 Days Later Just Outside Suna)

Naruto's group had set up camp in a small cave about a half days travel from Suna. They were making good time, hopefully they could be in Suna by around midday. Currently Naruto was staring into the dying flames of the campfire, while the rest of the group slept. Naruto was in deep thought as he gazed into the flickering flames. He was roused from his thoughts when he heard someone speak behind him.

"You're still up?"

Naruto turned his head to see Sakura standing behind him. She stifled a yawn as she walked over to him, her pink hair in a mess as she rubbed the sleep out of her eyes. When she reached Naruto she quietly sat next to him and stared into the fire as well. They sat in comfortable silence for a moment before Sakura spoke up.

"So why are you still up?"

"I was just thinking."

"HA! You thinking, yeah right." Sakura said earning a childish pout from Naruto. She slapped him on the arm playfully, and giggled when she saw his face. "I was just kidding. So what were you thinking about?"

"I was just thinking about how much my life has changed in the past few months. I mean I'm on a mission that is gonna help me with my Hokage training, I've been put in the CRA and I've got seven amazing girlfriends that can hopefully be my wives one day, and I'm gonna be a father in less than a year." Naruto said as he continued to stare into the flames. "Sometimes I wonder if this all just a dream or something."

Sakura rested her head against Naruto's shoulder and gripped his arm.

"Well Naruto Uzumaki this isn't a dream. You are on your way to becoming Hokage, you do have seven beautiful girlfriends, you are gonna be a father, and I love you so much." Sakura said causing a smile to spread across Naruto's face.

"I love you too Sakura-chan. I love all you girls."

"I know Naruto, all of us know." Sakura said as she gripped Naruto's arm a little tighter.

Comfortable silence washed over them again. But this was broken when Naruto felt Sakura lightly push away from him. He turned to see her biting her lip in nervousness.

"Sakura-chan what's up?" Naruto asked worry evident in his voice.

"Now's the perfect time to tell him, so do it," Inner Sakura said to her outer self.

"N-Naruto I have something I've been meaning to say to you."

"What is it Sakura-chan?"

Sakura took a deep breath and gazed into Naruto's blue eyes.

"I-I'm sorry." Sakura said earning a confused look from Naruto.

"What are you sorry for Sakura-chan?"

"For everything!" Sakura said as tears started to form in her eyes. "For hitting you, for yelling at you, for ignoring you all those years, and for being an ignorant bitch."

Sakura then wrapped her arms around Naruto and cried into his shoulder.

"Please forgive me Naruto." She said in between sobs.

Naruto wrapped his arms around Sakura and held her close.

"Sakura-chan you don't get it do you?" Naruto asked in a soothing voice.

"W-What?" Sakura asked trying to wipe away her tears.

"You hit me, because you cared about me."

Sakura's eyes widened when she heard this. She felt Naruto grasp her hands with his own.

"You yelled at me and hit me whenever I was taking things too far, or when I was doing something stupid or perverted. It was your own way of showing that you were worried about me. Whenever I was reckless and got hurt, you'd yell at me and scold me. But even though you'd call me an baka, I knew that you were just worried about me. You didn't want me to make any mistakes that could get me hurt. Your scolding helped set me on the right path, Sakura-chan."

Fresh tears had formed in Sakura's eyes as she listened to Naruto.

"You're my cherry blossom, who helped me bloom into the man I am today."

A smile spread across Sakura's face as tears continued to flow from her eyes.

"Y-You're such a baka." Sakura said as she pulled Naruto into another tight hug. "I love you so much."

"I love you too Sakura-chan." Naruto said as he kissed her forehead.

They sat like this for a few minutes. Naruto let Sakura hold onto him tightly as they sat by the fire.

"Did my mother tell you what one of her dying wishes was?" Naruto asked suddenly.

"No, she never mentioned anything like that to me."

"Well before my father sealed Kurama inside me, he let my mother say her final words to me." Naruto took a breath to calm his nerves before he resumed speaking. "She told me to eat right, to get plenty of sleep, to bathe everyday, to study my ninjutsu and respect my teachers, to make friends, to have a dream, to adhere to the three shinobi prohibitions, and" Naruto looked into Sakura's eyes and cupped her chin. "She told me to find a woman like her to fall in love with. That woman has always been you Sakura-chan."

"R-Really? You think I'm like your mother?"

"Are you kidding? All you're missing is her long red-hair and her violet eyes. Except for that you're practically her twin."

Sakura just blushed and hugged Naruto again. As they held each other Naruto ran his fingers through Sakura's silky hair.

"You're growing your hair out." Naruto said with a smile.

"Yeah, you said you liked when my hair was longer, so I thought I'd give it a try." Sakura said as she ran a hand through her hair, which now went past her shoulders.

"Well it looks great, Sakura-chan." Naruto said as he gave her a chaste kiss. "Now get some sleep, we're leaving early tomorrow."

"Okay Naruto, but you need to get some sleep too." Sakura said as she stood up.

"I will don't worry." Naruto said with a grin.

"I love you Naruto." Sakura said as she walked over to her sleeping bag.

"I love you too, Sakura-chan."

Naruto stared into the flames for a few more minutes before he to got up and went to bed.

(The Next Day)

A sandstorm had delayed the groups departure by several hours. They didn't arrive in Suna until the sun was setting. As the group approached the village entrance several guards appeared in front of them.

"Halt! State your names and business!" The lead guard said as he held up his hand.

"I'm Naruto Uzumaki, and this is my team," Naruto said as he gestured towards the rest of the group. "We're here on a mission directly from the Hokage. So we need to see Gaara immediately."

"You will address the Kazekage with respect you little." The guard was stopped when a voice spoke up behind him.

"That is quite enough Baki."

Baki turned to see Garaa standing behind him.

"Kazekage-sama!" Baki exclaimed before he quickly bowed to Gaara. "These Konoha shinobi were asking to see you. They said something about a mission directly from the Hokage."

"I know. Kakashi sent word that Naruto and his team would be coming soon. I've actually been expecting them for a while now." Gaara said before he turned his gaze to Naruto. "You and your team can follow me to the Kazekage tower."

Everyone on Naruto's team nodded and followed Gaara through the village. Since it was past sunset the streets were mostly empty. It only took the group a few minutes to get from the village entrance to the Kazekage tower. After being led through the halls our group eventually found themselves in Gaara's office.

"Alright Naruto what is your mission here. Kakashi alerted me that you'd be coming, but he didn't give me details as to why you're here."

"Well this mission is supposed to be the first step in my Hokage training. My team and I are to travel to each of the hidden villages with bijuu and check up on their current situation."

Gaara closed his eyes and nodded.

"I see I'll be happy to inform you of our village's current status," Gaara said as he turned his gaze to the rest of Naruto's group. "But I'd rather discuss this in private. So I'll have Matsuri escort the rest of your team to their rooms."

Tenten was about to speak up, but Naruto stopped her.

"That's fine Gaara," Naruto said as he turned to his girls and smiled. "You girls go get some rest it's been a long day."

All of the girls nodded and followed Matsuri, who had just shown up, to their rooms. But before Choji, Sai, and Shisui could follow them Naruto stopped them.

"You three make sure nothing happens to any of them."

"Hai!" The three boys said simultaneously.

Naruto nodded and the three of them left to find their rooms. When Naruto turned around he saw a rare smirk grace Gaara's face.


"You have a lot to tell me later."

Naruto sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Sure we'll talk about 'that' later, but right now I have something important I need to discuss with you."

"Oh, and what would that be?" Gaara said as he leaned back in his chair.

Naruto took a deep breath before he spoke.

"Shukaku wishes to be sealed back inside you."

Gaara's eyes widened slightly as he sat back forward.

"What did you just say?"

"I've spoken with Shukaku and he wants you to be his jinchuriki again."

"Why would he want to do that?"

"He said he wants to try and make amends for what he did to you as a child. I've changed all the bijuu's view on humans, and they all wish to give their jinchuriki another chance."

Gaara clasped his hands and closed his eyes.

"I hold no ill feelings towards Shukaku. If he wishes to be sealed within me again, I'm willing to give it another chance," Gaara replied making Naruto smile. "However I will need to speak with council about this, so give me a few days to prepare."

"Sure thing Gaara, I'll contact Shukaku and inform him of your decision."

"Very well," Gaara said as he leaned back in his chair. "Now let's get down to business."

Almost three hours had passed before Gaara had finished briefing Naruto on the village's status.

"Well that's about everything." Gaara said as he sipped from a cup of tea.

"Good I'll send a report to Kakashi-sensei tomorrow," Naruto said as he stood to leave. "Well I'll see you tomorrow Gaara."

Right before Naruto could walk out the door sand pushed the door closed. Naruto turned to see Gaara smirking at him again.

"Where do you think you're going Uzumaki? You still have some things to tell me." Gaara said motioning for Naruto to take a seat.

"Dammit I was hoping you had forgot." Naruto muttered under his breath as he sat back down.

"So what's going on with you and those girls, you seem awfully protective around them."

Naruto scratched the back of his head in embarrassment as he spoke.

"Well you see I'm the last male Uzumaki, and the last Namikaze. So before Tsunade-baachan stepped down as Hokage, she put me in the CRA."

Gaara nodded in recognition.

"I've heard of the program."

"Well those girls are all my future wives." Naruto said as a blush spread across his face.

"Even Sakura-san?"

"Yes, Sakura-chan was the first to join actually." Naruto said causing a small smile to grace Gaara's face.

"I always knew you two would get together. I could tell you really loved her, especially after you fought against me."

"Yeah I love all of the girls, I'd give my life to keep them all safe," Naruto said. But what he said next made Gaara's eyes widen. "Especially since they're all pregnant."

"They're all pregnant?"

"Yes," Naruto said with a big smile. "They're all having one, except for Hinata-chan who's having twins and Sakura-chan who's having triplets."

"That's a lot of children Naruto, I hope you're prepared."

"I will admit I'm a little nervous, but with the girls help I know we'll do fine."

"You'll be a great father Naruto." Gaara said as he smiled at his friend.

"Thanks Gaara, that means a lot." Naruto said returning the smile.

"Well that's all you're free to go."

Naruto stood to leave, but before he left he remembered something important he had forgotten to tell Gaara.

"Uh Gaara before I go I have something else important I need to tell you."

"What is it now Naruto?"

"Okay I need you to not get mad at me."

"Whatever it is Naruto I'm sure it's not that bad."

Naruto started to chuckle nervously as he rubbed the back of his head again.

"Uh what if I told that I brought Obito Uchiha back to life."

Gaara sat motionless as he stared at Naruto.

"Care to run that by me again?"

"I brought Obito back to life."

"That's what I thought you said." Gaara replied as he rubbed his temples. "I'm sure you have good reasons Naruto, and I trust you completely. But this will likely cause hell with Kumo and Iwa. I'm not sure how the Mizukage will take this news, but A and Ōnoki will likely throw a fit," Gaara said with a sigh. "I will not inform the other villages of this news. All of this will be in your hands."

"Thank you for being so understanding Gaara," Naruto said with a slight bow. "Oh and Gaara one more thing."

Gaara sighed heavily before he spoke.

"What did you bring Madara back too?" Gaara asked sarcastically.

"No, I actually wanted to know where I might be able to find Temari."

Gaara's eyes narrowed as he stared at Naruto.

"Why do you want to know where my sister is?" Gaara said in a dangerous tone.

"I just wanted to speak with her about a few things," Naruto said nervously. "That's all I swear."

"Fine, she's likely on the roof." Gaara said as he stood to look out the window.

"Thanks Gaara, I'll see you soon." Naruto said as he walked to the door.

But right before he stepped out Gaara's voice stopped him.

"Temari has taken her recent break up with Shikamaru very hard," Gaara said as he turned his head to look at Naruto. "So I want you to remember that we're surrounded by a vast desert. Plenty of places to hide the bodies of those who hurt my family. Do you understand?"

"O-Of course, Gaara." Naruto said before he practically sprinted out of the room.

(5 Minutes Later Roof of the Kazekage Tower)

Temari was staring out into the night sky as she leaned against the roof's railing. She was thinking about many things. But one thing that kept appearing in her mind was what Sakura had said to her. She knew Naruto was going to be in the village soon, but she didn't know if she could handle seeing him so soon. The Suna kunoichi was so confused on her feelings for the blonde knucklehead. She struggled to find any reason to not give him a chance. But her break up with Shikamaru had hurt her bad, and she didn't know if she was ready to let anybody have a chance at her heart yet.

As Temari stared into the sky she felt another chakra signature land on the roof. Believing it was just Gaara or Kankurō coming to check up on her, she didn't bother turning around. But when the newcomer leaned on the railing next to her she snuck a glance at who it was. She nearly gasped when she the man she had just been thinking standing right next to her.

"It's a beautiful night isn't it?" Naruto said as he stared into the clear starlit sky.

"Y-Yeah." Temari stuttered out as turned her gaze away from Naruto.

They stood in silence for a while and Temari was starting to feel a little uncomfortable.

"Why are you here Naruto?" Temari asked as she turned her head to look at Naruto.

"I came to talk with you obviously." Naruto said as he flashed a grin at her making her heart flutter at little.

"But why do want to talk with me?"

"I uh...heard about your breakup with Shikamaru, and I wanted to talk with you about it. You know make sure you were holding up okay."

Temari tore her gaze from Naruto and bit her bottom lip. She didn't really want to discuss her breakup right now, but Naruto had come to comfort her and it might be good to get some things off her chest.

"I'm alright now, but it really hurt at first," Temari said after a few moments of silence. "I did love Shika, and I still care for him, but I guess we just weren't compatible."

Naruto watched Temari's eyes sadden. Wanting to cheer her up, Naruto did something daring. He stepped closer and wrapped his arm around Temari's waist. Pulling her close he let her rest her head against his shoulder as they stared into the night sky.

Temari was surprised at Naruto's sudden action. But she quickly found herself melting into his embrace, he just felt so warm and comforting. She unconsciously drew herself closer to Naruto.

"Temari-chan I'm truly sorry about what happened between you and Shikamaru," Naruto said making Temari blush at the added suffix. "But I'm sure you'll find the right guy out their somewhere."

Temari turned her head to see Naruto giving her a beaming smile.

"Sakura is right, I should at least give him a chance." Temari thought as she slowly pushed away from Naruto's embrace.

"N-Naruto how would you like to hang out with me tomorrow?" Temari asked as her cheeks tinged pink.

"What like a date?"

"Yeah a date."

"Sure thing Temari-chan that sounds like fun," Naruto said with a smile as he turned to leave. "Goodnight, Temari-chan"

"Goodnight, Naruto." Temari said with a smile.

But before Naruto hopped off the roof he flashed through a few hand signs. Temari watched as a small cloud of smoke appeared in Naruto's hand. When the smoke cleared Temari saw a beautiful flower.

"Your beauty rivals this desert rose, Temari-chan." Naruto said as he handed Temari the beautiful flower.

Temari took the flower and clasped it over her rapidly beating heart. Feeling daring again, Naruto leaned forward and kissed Temari's cheek before he quickly jumped off the roof. The Suna kunoichi reached a hand up and touched the cheek Naruto had kissed. A blush spread across her face as she remembered Naruto's lips on her face.

Temari turned to look back at the sky as new thoughts raced through her mind. While she was staring into the sky, Temari failed to notice a figure standing on a nearby rooftop.

Tenten quickly hopped of the building's roof with a smirk on her face.

"You are not laying a finger on my man until I've had my payback." Tenten said to herself as she thought of ways to get her revenge.

(Same Time in Konoha)

Karin was walking back to her apartment after a grueling day of training under Tsunade and Shizune. It was a particularly cold night as she walked the empty village streets, she hugged herself as a chilly wind made shivers shoot through her body.

"Dammit I hate this time of year." Karin muttered as she rounded a corner.

But Karin stopped in her tracks when she heard a voice behind her.

"What's a pretty little thing like you doing out this late alone?"

Karin turned around to see a sleazy looking man dressed in chunnin attire leering at her.

"What the hell do you want?" Karin spat out as she took a step back.

"Ooo you're a feisty one, I like that," The man said as he took a step forward. "Now why don't you come with me, and we can have some fun."

Karin turned to run, but the man reached out and grabbed her red hair.

"Where do you think you're going?" The man said as he yanked Karin close.

"Someone HELP!" Karin tried to scream more, but the man clasped a hand over her mouth.

"Hey no need to wake everyone up," he said with a sleazy grin. "Now why don't you stop fighting."

Karin chose this moment to sink her teeth into the man's hand, tearing out a chunk of flesh.

"AHH! YOU BITCH!" The man yelled as he clutched his bleeding hand. "I was just gonna have some fun with you. But now it looks like I'm gonna have to rough you up a little." The man then pulled out a kunai and charged Karin.

Karin spit out the chunk of flesh, and took a defensive stance, as she prepared for the charging man. But when the man was just a few feet away he grunted and fell over unconscious. Karin's eyes widened when she saw a new figure standing over her wannabe rapist. The new figure's chakra was cool, collected, and very soothing, and it instantly relaxed her. The man had dark hair, and was wearing a jonin vest but it was blue instead of green. He also had a Konoha headband around his head, and sword strapped to his back.

"Are you alright?" The dark haired man asked.

"Y-Yeah I'm fine, but w-who are you?" Karin asked slightly shaken.

"I'm Itachi Uchiha, and I'm a Konoha police officer." The newly named Itachi said with a small smile.

"Wait you're Itachi, I thought Sasuke killed you!" Karin said as she pointed at Itachi.

"You knew Sasuke?"

"Yeah I was apart of his team when he was hunting you down, and when he wanted to destroy this village," Karin said the last part softly as she looked towards the ground. "But answer my question, how are you alive?"

"Oh that's simple, Naruto-kun brought me back to life." Itachi said making Karin's red eyes widen.

"Naruto brought you back," Karin said as she turned her gaze back to Itachi. "Well if he brought you back then he must have had a good reason, I trust him completely."

Itachi nodded and turned to look down the road.

"Obito hurry up will you!" Itachi yelled just as Obito rounded the corner panting.

"Man Itachi you need to slow down," Obito panted out as he rested his hands on his knees. "You gotta remember I don't have access to my chakra, so I can't use it to enhance my speed."

"I'll try to remember that next time, but right now I need you to take this man to Hokage-sama," Itachi said as he picked the criminal up and handed him to Obito who slung the man over his shoulder. "I'll be at the tower momentarily."

"Yeah whatever." Obito grumbled out as he carried the criminal towards the tower.

Itachi turned around to see Karin staring at him with her mouth agape.

"W-Was that who I thought it was?" Karin stuttered out as she watched Obito round the corner.

"Uh I'll explain it later, but he's on our side."

"It was Naruto again wasn't it?" Karin asked earning a nod from Itachi, which made her pinch the bridge of her nose. "Kami he can be such a baka sometimes, but he must have his reasons." Karin said as she wrapped her arms around herself.

Itachi frowned when he saw Karin shiver.

"Uh I could escort you home if you'd like."

Karin looked at Itachi for a moment before she nodded. As they walked Karin found Itachi's chakra very enticing, and she found herself walking closer and closer to him. After ten minutes they had arrived outside her apartment.

"Thank you for walking me home." Karin said with a small blush across her face.

"It was my pleasure miss...uh...I'm sorry I didn't catch your name." Itachi said with an embarrassed smile.

"Oh! My name is Karin," The red head replied in a cheery tone. "Karin Uzumaki."

"So you're an Uzumaki as well?"

"Yep!" Karin said in a happy tone.

"Well it was nice meeting you Karin, but I must get to the tower."

But before Itachi could jump off Karin stopped him.

"WAIT!" Karin exclaimed causing Itachi to turn around.

"Is there something else I can do for you?"

"W-Well I was wondering if you uh maybe w-wanted to get something to e-eat sometime?" Karin stuttered out with a massive blush across her face.

Itachi thought for a moment before he smiled.

"I'd like that."

With that Itachi jumped off into the night. Leaving a madly blushing Karin to squeal in happiness as she quickly entered her apartment.

(The Next Night Suna)

Naruto walked the streets of Suna on his way to the Kazekage mansion to meet Temari. As he walked, Naruto thought about what he and his girls had been doing all the day. The group tried to make themselves useful while they were in the village, so they helped where they could.

Sakura and Ino went to the hospital to offer their assistance. Shisui, Konan, and Hinata went to the local academy to help the teachers. Sai had run into Kankurō, and the both of them had went off towards Suna's ANBU headquarters. Anko and Choji dragged Ryuuzetsu along as they scoured the village looking for new foods to try out. Strangely Tenten just took off on her own with a strange look on her face. Naruto spent most of the day filling out a report to send to Kakashi. After finishing his report, he managed to convince Gaara to sneak out of his office and get in a quick spar. Gaara had put up a decent fight, but in the end he was literally blown away by Naruto's new abilities.

After scorching and rearranging a large portion of the desert, Naruto helped a battered and bruised Gaara walk back to the village. Baki and the other gate guards nearly passed out when they saw Gaara limp past them. But a quick explanation from Gaara calmed the guards down.

Since Gaara had lost the spar, he made the mistake of offering to buy Naruto lunch. Gaara sat wide eyed as he watched Naruto inhale all the food that was brought to him.

"So besides kicking the crap out of me, what else do you have planned today?" Gaara asked snapping out his stupor.

Naruto stopped mid-bite when he heard Gaara speak.

"I'm a terrible liar, he'll be able to see right through any lies I come up with. I might as well just tell him." Naruto thought as he gulped down his food.

"Well you know I'm," Naruto muttered the last part so Gaara couldn't hear.

"What was that Naruto?" Gaara asked he took a bite of his meal.

"I-I said I'm going on a date with Temari." Naruto said causing Gaara to nearly choke on his food.

After forcing down the food in his throat Gaara narrowed his eyes at Naruto.