
Naruto : The War Hero

Volume-1 Synopsis What would happen if Sasuke had actually killed Sakura instead of putting her in a genjutsu after resealing Kaguya. Watch as Naruto's life is transformed by this one traumatic event NaruSaku & Harem. Mainly a R-18 fic with somewhat of a plot tying everything together. ♪☆\(^0^\) ♪(/^-^)/☆ Volume-2 Synopsis Naruto has successfully returned Sasuke and Orochimaru has fallen, however he has had to make the ultimate sacrifice. The struggle is on as he attempts what no man has before, to change his destiny ... ~(^з^)-♡ Volume-3 Synopsis Naruto is hated by the village. He is sad and leaves. He is not alone. He has Tsunade, Jiraiya, and Shizune with him. Tsunade tries to comfort Naruto. Everyone goes to Iwa. Can an impossible love happen? Tsunade X Naruto (๑♡∀♡๑) Volume-4 Synopsis Naruto starts to build a Harem, Will he be able to control all the women or will they over run him? This is a R-18 story so stay out if you don't like reading naughtiness. As a note. there is little to no plot in this..... ( ◜‿◝ )♡(灬º‿º灬)♡ Volume -5 Synopsis soon.... I'll be uploading Some of Best FanFictions Here Found this on online Posting it here

Uzumaki_Kushina_21 · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 30

(Hokage Tower)

While Naruto was teleporting around the village to prepare for his mission, Kakashi was still in with office with his two teammates and two Uchiha. Currently Obito was sulking in a chair across from Kakashi, while Rin was trying to sooth him.

"I still can't believe that YOU"RE Hokage," Obito said as anime tears fell from his eyes. "Why did Naruto have to bring me back to life."

Kakashi sweatdropped as he watched his friend whining like a child.

"Wow he really changed in a short amount of time. It's like he's back to his old self."

"Obito what happened to you? It seems like you're back to your old self." Kakashi asked causing Obito to perk up.

Obito smiled and pulled Rin onto his lap.

"It's all thanks to this beautiful woman," Obito said as he kissed Rin on the cheek causing her to blush. "Once I was reunited with her I was happy beyond belief, especially when she told me that she loved me."

Rin playfully smacked Obito's arm as her face burned red.

"Obito-kun be quiet you're embarrassing me."

"What I can't brag about my beautiful girlfriend?" Obito said with a grin.

Kakashi watched his two teammates with an eye smile. They reminded him of Naruto and Sakura, but watching them also made Kakashi realize he didn't have a special woman in his life.

"Kami I need to get a girlfriend." Kakashi thought as he sighed and stood up. He walked over to his teammates who were still arguing, but neither of them seemed angry. Again this reminded him Naruto and Sakura. How they always used to argue over stupid little things like an old married couple. But they were never really mad at each other, and they'd make up a few minutes later.

"Obito you know this puts me in a precarious situation." Kakashi said as he stood in front of his teammates.

"Huh, what do you mean?"Obito asked as he let Rin out of his lap.

"Well the other villages aren't exactly going to take you being alive very well." Kakashi said as he pinched the bridge of his nose. He could already hear the Raikage and the Tsuchikage yelling at him. He knew Gaara and the Mizukage would be more understanding, but the other two were stubborn bastards and would be hard to convince.

"So what do you suggest we do, Kakashi-kun" Rin said with a worried look on her face.

"Well I'm sorry to say this, but there's no way we can let you be a shinobi again, Obito. I'll have to seal off your chakra, so you won't be able to use any jutsus or use your sharingan," Kakashi said making Obito's head drop. Then Kakashi turned to face Rin. "Rin if you want to I can re-enlist you into our forces, or I can find you a position in the hospital."

"I don't think I want to be a shinobi anymore. I want to be able to spend time with Obito-kun. So I'll take a job at the hospital," Rin said with a smile.

"Okay I'll inform Tsunade-sama, and have her find you a position. You also may want her to give you a quick refresher, because medical ninjutsu has advanced greatly since you've been umm gone." Kakashi said trying to shy away the subject of Rin dying.

"Arigato Kakashi-kun, but do you think sealing his chakra away will be enough to help Obito?" Rin asked as she shot a glance at Obito. His eyes were on the floor, and it looked as if he were thinking about something.

"I don't know, but it most likely won't be. But I believe Naruto will convince the other village leaders. That boy has an amazing way with words sometimes, and he can sway even the most stubborn man to his side." Kakashi said making Rin perk up.

"I'd love to meet this Naruto. Obito has told me so much about him, and he sounds like an amazing person." Rin said wanting to find out who Naruto was.

"Yes he is truly remarkable. He's Minato-sensei's son you know." Kakashi said making Rin's eyes widen.

"Kushina-sama was pregnant!?" Rin exclaimed.

"Yes, Naruto's so much like her it's uncanny. One of his girlfriends is also eerily similar to Kushina-sama." Kakashi replied making Rin's eyes narrow.

"What do you mean 'one' of his girlfriends?" Rin asked her voice a dangerous tone.

"Well you see Naruto is the last Namikaze and the last male Uzumaki. So when Tsunade-sama was Hokage she put Naruto in the Clan Restoration Act. This allows Naruto to take on multiple wives to help restore his family." Kakashi explained causing Rin to relax slightly.

"Okay I guess that's alright, but he better treat those girls right."

"Don't worry Naruto would never dream of upsetting one of his precious people. So you don't have to worry about him mistreating one of his girls." Kakashi said with a smile. Then Kakashi turned his gaze back to Obito.

"Obito are you alright? How are you taking this?" Kakashi asked as he put his hand on his friends shoulder.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine. It just sucks that I can't be shinobi anymore. I have no doubts that Naruto will be able to convince the other leaders. But long as I have Rin by my side I don't care if I'm not a shinobi." Obito said as he smiled at Rin.

"Aw Obito-kun." Rin said as she leaned over and gave Obito a quick kiss.

"You may not be able to be a shinobi, but I think I have an offer that may entice you." Kakashi said as he turned to Itachi and Shisui.

"Itachi and Shisui this offer is for you two as well. I was planning on restarting Konoha's police force, and I was thinking you three could set everything up." Kakashi said getting all three Uchiha's attention.

"That is a very tempting offer Kakashi," Shisui said as he turned to Itachi. "So what do you think?"

"Like you said it's a very tempting offer. The Uchiha used to run the police force until the massacre," Itachi said as he cupped his chin and closed his eyes. "I think it would be very beneficial to restart the police force. It would free up ANBU and shinobi from having to stop crimes."

Hearing this Kakashi turned back to Obito.

"If you do this I may be able to allow you to access a small amount of your chakra after a while. I'd still have to clear it with the other villages, but I believe if you behave yourself and prove your innocence they'll allow you to access some of your chakra after a probationary period." Kakashi said making Obito's eyes widen.

"I think you should do it Obito-kun. It will give something useful to do, and you'll still be an asset to the village." Rin said wanting to cheer Obito up.

"So you three will you do it?" Kakashi asked the three Uchiha.

All three of them looked at each other and nodded.

"I'm in." Itachi said as he stepped forward.

"If he's in then I'm in." Shisui said as he too stepped forward.

Kakashi smiled under his mask then turned to look at Obito.

"Ah what the hell I'm in!" Obito said he stood up from his seat.

"Well then congratulations you three are the first police officers in Konoha's new police force. I'll have the plans for the building drawn up soon. You three will overlook the project every step of the way. Any changes you want to make tell me, and we'll make them," Kakashi said making the three Uchiha smile. "If you three want you can move back into the Uchiha district of the village."

All three Uchiha looked at each other and nodded again.

"Great since that's settled why don't we all go get something to eat, I'll pay." Kakashi said making Obito smirk.

"HA! You pay I'll believe it when I see it." Obito said as he offered Rin his hand.

Rin smiled and took Obito's hand as they walked out of the room and into the hallway. Itachi and Shisui turned to follow Obito and Rin, but Shisui was stopped before he walked out the door. He turned to see Kakashi's hand on his shoulder.

"What can I do for you Kakashi?" Shisui asked in a confused tone.

"I have one mission for you before you join the police force." Kakashi said in his Hokage voice.

"Sure anything Hokage-sama." Shisui said as he closed the door.

"I just assigned Naruto and his girls a mission to travel to each of the shinobi villages. All of the girls are pregnant, and I want you and a few other shinobi to go along just to be safe. The mission should at most take 4 months, so their pregnancies shouldn't really affect their shinobi abilities. But I want to be extra careful." Kakashi said as he handed Shisui a manila envelope with the mission details in it.

Shisui looked over the mission details and nodded.

"Okay Hokage-sama I agree." Shisui said making Kakashi smile.

"Good now let's go get something to eat. You can tell Itachi after lunch." Kakashi said as he opened the door letting Shisui walk past him.

Just before Kakashi started walking to catch up with everyone else, he was stopped when he heard someone speak to him.

"Hello Kakashi-kun."

Kakashi turned around to see Shizune standing behind him.

"Oh hello Shizune what can I do for you?" Kakashi asked as he smiled at Shizune.

"O-Oh nothing I was just wondering if you wanted to do something with me?" Shizune asked as her face turned red.

"I'm sorry I can't right now. I'm going out to lunch with a couple friends," Kakashi said making Shizune's head drop. "But you're welcome to join us. Then maybe later on tonight you and me can go out to dinner."

Shizune's head shot up and a happy smile spread across her face.


"Yeah come on." Kakashi said as he started walking down the hall. Shizune quickly ran after Kakashi, when she caught up to him she held onto his arm as they walked to the restaurant.

(4 Hours Later)

The sun was starting to set as sat Naruto in his apartment. All his girls were getting in some last minute training, to prepare for their mission, before they all went out to dinner together.

As Naruto sat on his couch he closed his eyes and concentrated. A moment later he was inside his mind standing in front of a sleeping Kurama.

"Oi! Get the hell up you lazy fox!" Naruto yelled as he nudged Kurama's paw with his foot.

"What do you want gaki?" Kurama asked without opening his eyes.

"I want you to contact the other bijuu, except for Gyuuki. I need to speak with them about something."

"Fine, whatever." Kurama said with a grunt as he contacted the other bijuu.

Suddenly the other seven bijuu appeared in a circle around Naruto.

"You called us here Naruto-kun?" Matatabi purred out.

"Yeah gaki why did you summon us?" Shukaku asked as he crossed his arms.

"Well I have something important I need to tell you guys," Naruto said as he made sure all the bijuu were paying attention. "I brought all your previous jinchuriki back to live."

All the bijuu, except for Kurama, went wide eyed when they heard this.

"And I wanted know if you guys possibly wanted to be sealed back inside you're jinchuriki?"

Several of the bijuu, mainly Isobu, Son Goku, and Kokuo narrowed their eyes when they heard this.

"Why would we want to do that?" Isobu said in slightly angered tone.

"I thought that maybe you guys could have a relationship with your jinchuriki like me and Kurama have. I mean Kurama and I used to hate each other, but now were friends." Naruto said as he grinned at Kurama.

The massive nine-tailed fox just turned his head away in embarrassment.

"I've show you all that people can change. If you all give your jinchuriki a chance I'm sure you can be friends with them. They'll have your back and you'll have theirs. Please just think about it, I know that humans and bijuu can live together if we just make an effort to get to know each other," Naruto said passionately.

All the bijuu glanced at each other waiting to see who would speak up first. But all the bijuu were surprised at who spoke up first.

"Sure I'll give it a chance."

All the bijuu went wide eyed when they heard Shukaku speak up first.

"I got to know Garaa better during the war. I want to try and make up for how I treated him as a child."

"Thank you Shukaku," Naruto said as he bowed his head to the one-tails. "So what about the rest of you."

"Why not, Yugito and I had a stable relationship. It would be nice to see if we could be friends." Matatabi said with a smile.

"Same here, me and Fuu pretty much stayed out of each other's hair. So I'd like to try and be friends with her." Chomei said with a buzz of his wings.

One by one the other bijuu started to agree, some of them took some extra convincing. But eventually Naruto got all of the bijuu to agree to be sealed back inside their jinchuriki.

"I thank you all for your cooperation. I'm sure that you'll all be able to work with jinchuriki and become friends, right buddy?" Naruto said as he turned to Kurama.

"Yeah whatever the gaki says, now would you all kindly leave I wanna get some sleep." Kurama said as he laid his head onto his arms.

"Well I'll see you guys soon. Once I find your jinchuriki and convince them, I'll contact you and we'll have you sealed back inside your jinchuriki," Naruto said causing all the bijuu to nod. He then turned to Shukaku. "I'll be heading to Suna first. I'm sure Garaa will have no problem with this, so I'll be contacting you soon."

"I'll be looking forward to it gaki." Shukaku said before he disappeared.

One by one each of the bijuu said their goodbyes. Eventually it was just Naruto and Kurama.

"Well that went well," Naruto said to himself. "I'll talk to you soon buddy."

Naruto walked up to Kurama and started to scratch behind his ear. This caused Kurama to let out a soft purr. Naruto stopped dead when he heard this.

"Did you just purr?" Naruto asked as he tried to hold in his laughter.

"N-No you're hearing things." Kurama said extremely embarrassed.

"You totally did!" Naruto exclaimed before he started rolling on the floor laughing.

"GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE GAKI!" Kurama roared making Naruto stand up, but he was still laughing slightly.

"Sure thing you big softy." Naruto said before he exited his mind.

Kurama laid his head back down still flushed with embarrassment.

"Stupid gaki, why'd he have to stop that felt really good." Kurama grumbled to himself as he tried to fall asleep.

(The Next Day 7 A.M.)

Naruto stood at the village gates as he waited for his girls to show up.

Sakura was the first to show up. She let out a yawn as she approached Naruto.

"Morning Sakura-chan!" Naruto exclaimed as he waved at Sakura.

Sakura winced at the volume of Naruto's voice.

"Baka quiet down or you'll wake the whole damn village." Sakura said as punched Naruto's arm.

"Sorry Sakura-chan." Naruto said with his usual foxy grin as he rubbed his arm.

Naruto and Sakura stood quietly next to each other as they waited for everyone else to show up. After a few minutes Naruto started to get fidget out of boredom.

"Ugh what's taking them so long to get here." Naruto whined like a bored child.

"I don't know Naruto just find something to take your mind of waiting." Sakura said as she pulled out her medical pouch and started to arrange its contents.

Naruto had a perverted grin on his face as he wrapped his arms around Sakura's waist and started kissing her neck. Sakura let out a soft moan when Naruto started to nibble on her ear.

"N-Naruto what are you doing?" Sakura asked as she started to get turned on.

"I'm finding something to do." Naruto replied as he reached hand inside Sakura's shirt and started to massage her breasts.

"B-Baka...ooo...someone will s-see us." Sakura weakly replied as she tried to suppress her moans.

"I see an alleyway over there. Come one Sakura it's been a while since we've done anything intimate. We both need this and you know it." Naruto said as he started to massage Sakura's pussy through her biker shorts.

"F-Fine, but real quick I don't want anyone to see us." Sakura as she turned around to face Naruto.

Naruto leaned down and captured her lips with his own. The kiss intensified as their tongues battled for dominance. Suddenly Sakura jumped up and wrapped her strong legs around Naruto's waist as he cupped her ass. Naruto quickly carried them into the alley and pinned Sakura's back against the wall. He quickly pulled down his pants and boxers, while she pulled down her shorts and pushed her panties to the side.

Naruto quickly thrust his entire length into Sakura causing them to both moan out in pleasure. After a moment Naruto start to quickly pound into Sakura's wet pussy. Her back scrapped against the wall as she grabbed fistfuls of Naruto's hair.

"Ooo Naruto you're amazing." Sakura moaned out as she started to meet Naruto's thrusts with her own.

Naruto just grunted and continued to rapidly thrust into Sakura. After a few more moments he reached his limit. With one more particularly hard thrust Naruto shot his load into Sakura.

The feeling of Naruto's cum shooting into her sent Sakura over the edge. She bit into his shoulder to suppress her scream as she orgasmed.

Naruto rested his forehead against Sakura's as they both panted lightly. Then Naruto kissed the purple diamond on Sakura's forehead and smiled at her.

"I love you Sakura-chan." Naruto said making Sakura's eyes water.

"I love you too Naruto." Sakura said as she leaned in a kissed Naruto.

But their sweet moment was ended when they heard someone speak behind them.

"Room for one more in there?"

Naruto and Sakura broke their kiss and snapped their heads to the voice. They saw Anko grinning at them at the alley's entrance. Naruto quickly pulled up his pants and boxers, and Sakura fixed her panties and pulled up her shorts.

"Aww come on I was enjoying the show." Anko whined as Naruto and Sakura both madly blushed.

"There will time for 'that' later, Anko-chan." Naruto said as he grabbed Sakura's hand and lead them out of the alley.

"You promise?" Anko said as grabbed Naruto's free arm.

"Of course Anko, and I never break my promises." Naruto said with a grin.

"Okay I'm gonna hold you to that." Anko said with a smile.

When the three of them exited the alley they spotted the rest of the girls along with Kakashi, Jiraiya, and Tsunade waiting at the gates. But to Naruto's surprise Shisui, Choji, and Sai were also standing amongst the group.

"Hey everyone!" Naruto yelled making everyone turn to face him.

Naruto gave each of his girls a kiss. He then hugged Tsunade and greeted Jiraiya and Kakashi. After greeting Kakashi, Naruto gave his former sensei a confused look.

"Ugh sensei why are Shisui, Choji, and Sai here? Also why do you look so tired sensei?"

"Oh they'll be going with you on your mission. I wanted to give you just a little extra backup to be safe." Kakashi said with and eye smile. "Oh and I'm tired, because I was out late last night with Shizune."

Hearing this made everyone, especially Tsunade, go wide eyed.

"What we just went out to dinner, and we were up late talking!" Kakashi explained feeling everyone's eyes on him.

"Good job Kakashi I knew you had it in you." Jiraiya said as he slapped Kakashi on the back.

"Kakashi I swear you better not hurt her." Tsunade warned in a dangerous tone.

As Tsunade was warning Kakashi, Naruto turned to the newest members of his team.

"Okay well then welcome to the team guys." Naruto said as he smiled at the three new members to his team.

"I'm happy to help." Shisui said with a smile.

"I'm a member of Team 7, so I'm always happy to help you and Sakura." Sai said as rested a hand on Naruto's shoulder.

"It'll be fun, plus I'll get to try a lot of awesome food." Choji said as he offered Naruto some chips.

Naruto then turned to his girls.

"So are you all ready?"

They all nodded and picked up their bags.

"Okay everyone we'll be back soon." Naruto said as he gave Tsunade another hug.

"Be safe gaki," Tsunade said before she leaned in and whispered into Naruto's ear. "And please keep them safe too."

"Of course baachan." Naruto said as he tightened the hug.

Then Naruto turned to Jiraiya and gave his master a manly hug.

"I'll see you soon Naruto, and when you get back you'll have to show me all your new skills." Jiraiya said with a smirk.

"Of course ero-sennin!" Naruto exclaimed enthusiastically.

But before Naruto could turn around Jiraiya quickly grabbed his shoulder. He leaned and whispered in Naruto's ear.

"One more thing. Why do you have all these girls with you?"

"Oh they're all my girlfriends. Baachan put me in the CRA, so they'll eventually be my wives." Naruto said with a grin as he watched Jiraiya's face.

"Even Konan?"

"Yes, even Konan." Naruto said with a smirk.

"Y-You're living the dream kid." Jiraiya said as he passed out with blood running out his nose.

"Ugh damn pervert." Tsunade sighed as she hefted Jiraiya over her shoulder.

"Did something happen between you two?" Naruto asked making Tsunade turn red.

"W-What are you talking about?" Tsunade stammered out.

"Well you'd usually beat the shit out of ero-sennin, or at least yell at him."

Tsunade stumbled over her words as she tried to come up with and excuse. Naruto just smiled as he watched her.

"Don't worry baachan I'll keep it a secret."

Naruto then turned around and started to walk towards the gate leaving a flustered Tsunade behind him.

"Well girls and boys lets get going!" Naruto yelled out as he started to sprint down the road.

Sakura just sighed as she started to run after him with everyone else in tow.

"I swear he has too much damn energy." Sakura said with a small smile on her face. "But's another thing I love about him. He's like a damn child sometimes, but at others he most mature person in the room."

"So which village are we headed to first?" Tenten asked as she caught up to Naruto.

"We're headed to Suna first. Man I can't wait to see Garaa." Naruto said with a smile as he continued running.

Tenten hid the smirk that spread across her face.

"Temari I'm coming for you, and I'm bringing some serious payback."