
Naruto The Shadow (temp hiatus)

Born as a shadow and died as a shadow. Reborn into the Narutoverse as our favorite knucklehead, watch as the MC lives through this 2nd life to experience what he missed.

DnBVirus · その他
33 Chs


"Damn I'm late" Naruto was sitting crosslegged on the Hokage monument, he had changed a lot in 2 years, he became taller and looked around 16 years old, he had blond/red spiky hair with a shoulder length ponytail with black spots around his eyes and the word "Fuin" over his pupils, he is wearing a red scarf around his neck that covers half his face with one end hanging close to the ground, he wore a black muscle shirt, black cargo pants taped at the bottom, black shinobi sandals and fingerless black gloves, over that he had a white longsleeved haori with the kanji "Panda Sennin" in red at the back and a Uzumaki symbol under it, he also had a red armband with the Uzumaki swirl on his left arm.

He called his clone over and dispelled it while sealing his blood, he started looking through its memories and found that nothing changed in these 2 years, Hinata and Ino both kept training reaching high Jonin in strength, the clone also taught them how to open their chakra points after they confessed to eachother after a meditation session, they managed to open 5 points, other than that they went for the middle position in the graduation exam yesterday, my clone passed the exam with the lowest score possible and got the headband, he manged to stop Mizuki before he took the scroll and sent him to T&I. Today was the team selection, I expanded my perception and found Hiruzen in the tower, I shunshined directly there through the window, before I even managed to say hi I was attacked by 4 ANBU, I dodged all their strikes and placed a paralysis seal on all 4 while I was doing it, they all went down, it didn't even last a second. I looked up and saw the dumbfounded look on Hiruzens eyes.

"Yo old man, is that how you welcome me after such a long absence, and you really need to upgrade your security, 6 spying seals" I pouted and sat down in the chair ignoring the ANBU frozen in the ground. My eyes glowed before I sent a disturbance seal in the middle of the room to destroy all spying seals if there are any inside. 6 areas glowed around the room before marking appeared and broke.

Hiruzen was surprised and shocked at what he saw, he just saw a blur and next thing he knew he saw his 4 ANBU collapsing and a young man appear infront of him, when he heard that voice he let out a wry smile and took a puff from his pipe to relax his nerves.

"Can't you enter from the door brat, you really startled me, I see the training was effective but you should have been here yesterday and I'll have people look at those broken seals"

"Yeah I can totally kick your ass old man, and sorry I'm late though it wasn't my fault, the elders wanted to celebrate the ending of my training with them."

"hmm, so the markings in around your eyes are from senjutsu? and what happened to your pupils"

"Yeah the panda marking manifests around the eyes and the kanji is the dojutsu given by mastering Fuinjutsu"

"Mastering fuinjutsu? does that mean that you're a level 12 ready?"

My eyes glowed and I sent a seal towards him to link us telephatically and started giving him the information about the classification in Fuinjutsu and Senjutsu. The more he got the bigger his eyes got.

"t-thats incredible"

"I want that Sannin position old man and make it a secret from the public"

"I can't do it without you contributing to the village"

"Fuck the village, full of ungrateful bastards. I'll just upgrade the barrier around the village that should be enough"

Hiruzen let out a sad smile when he heard him say that, he knew Naruto didn't have any loyalty towards the village from the way they treated him, thankfully he has people he cares about here, and as soon he heard his second sentence he was shocked but started nodding fast and agreed.

"Change my records and write down my parents names and my birth certificate, you can also add the moniker Panda Sennin, but keep it a secret until the Chunin exams"

His breath hitched and looked at me with wide eyes "You mean..." I didn't say anything but nodded, he understood what ramifications this will have. He let out a slow breath before agreeing.

"What about the team placements?"

"hmm I don't know why you are going through this but its the same, you and your 2 little wives got seperated into 3 different teams"

"They might be strong but they have no experience outside, not to mention they didn't have their first kill though it shouldn't be a problem from how much they've seen in the hospital, I also don't want them to rely on me"

"Oh I need you to be calm from what about to tell you, your little Hyuuga princess got banished from her clan yesterday after refusing a fight with her sister, I don't even know how stupid they are to let go of her with that strength"

I froze and tried to control my anger from slipping out of my voice. I knew it was because of the rule that I placed on them, they still go under disguise to hide their changed looks from training and their strength, but I didn't think it would result in her banishment yet, it wasn't supposed to happen until later.

"Did they brand her with their disgusting thing?"

"They tried but backed off when I told them that the Kurai Kage is her backer and that I can't stop you from destroying their compound"

"BASTARDS, THEY DARE!, I'll DESTROY THEM" I couldn't hold it any longer when I heard that, I released my killing intent knocking out the ANBU with my the pressure.

"Y-you need to calm down Naruto, whats important is you go and see her, you can deal with the Hyuuga later"

It took me 5 minutes before I could calm down enough, he's right Hinata can tell me what she wants me to do to them, my face turned gloomy before I asked where she was.

"She's staying at Kurenais apartment, she took her in, she'll become her Jonin sensei, you have 3 hours before you go to the academy"

I got up and sent out my perception, I found her north of the village, I sent out shadow clones towards the barrier team to inspect the seals and some to my compound to upgrade the seals there. I removed the seals on the ANBU before I left with a shunshin towards Hinatas direction. I came up to the door and knocked.

Kurenai wasn't having a good week, she found out her boyfriend was cheating on her and a student she chose personally was kicked out of her clan, she was furious at them for treating such a gentle girl like that. She had tried to comfort her throughout the day but she stayed depressed and refused to go out. She was on her way to heat some milk for her to relax when the door started getting knocked hard.

"Coming Coming, WHY DON'T YOU BREAK THE DO-"

I froze when I opened the door , I saw the most handsome young man I've ever seen standing at the door, he had an exotic look with his hair and eyes, sharp features and fair skin that made even her jealous, his shirt barely kept anything for the imagination and showed off his Adonis looking body. She looked at him for a while before recovering quickly with a blush.

"Yes, what can I do for you handsome" he started looking at me weirdly, damn did I do something wrong.

"Can you tell Hinata th-"

Before he finished a black blur blew past her and into the young mans chest, she was shocked to see it was a young lady, she couldn't see her face since it was buried in the young mans chest, but she could see her fair skin with a hime cut hairstyle that reached her lower back. She didn't know where she came from, she heard her start crying and heard the young mam murmur comforting words while drawing circles on her back with his hand. When she heard him call her Hinata she was dumbfounded.

"WHAT? H-Hinata is that you"

The young lady turned around and she was dumbfounded, she looked like an older Hinata, she had bangs framing her forehead and large pupilless lavender eyes with soft features, she had a konoha protector hanging losesly around her neck. She was wearing a light lavender, sleeveless kimono-style blouse with vertical lines, tied with a dark purple obi around her waist, with a pair of short dark navy shorts with thigh-high stockings and black high-heeled boots. Overall, her attire was noticeably form-fitting showing off her budding shape, if it really was Hinata then she was really less conservative than what she had seen.

Hinata looked perfect after not seeing her personally for so long, her body matured faster when she opened her chakra points and her impurities gone.

"Lets go inside and talk"

She kept clinging to my side and not letting go, Kurenai took us into her living room and sat down, we started explaining to her about the training and my rules as well as her strength, she kept looking at us like monsters, then she started giggling hard and toppled on the sofa holding her stomache with tears coming out of her eyes, I wonder what's funny.

"I was imagining the Hyuuga clans reaction when they find out about your abilities"

I found it amusing but my face soon turned gloomy, they both felt the change and started looking at me.

"What's wrong Naruto-kun?"

"The bastards really dared to do that to my fiancee, even wanting to brand you, I should destroy the compound and brand all of them, lets see how they feel about it"

Hinata buried her head into my neck with a blush, my neck started tickling from her breath, She's too damn beautiful. "Ne Naruto, leave them b-"

"IMPOSSIBLE, I can't let them get away with what they did"

She looked up at me and tilted her head, "Even for my sake?"


"Ugh, fine, but if they try anything later I'll not let them go" I pouted and turned away from her. She kissed my cheek making me dazed.

"T-thank you"


I ignored Kurenai and took Hinata into an embrace.

"You're coming and staying with me then at the compound, I sold the apartment and staying there permanently"


I turned to Kurenai, "You're welcome to come and visit, I only told you about Hinata because I can see you both care about eachother and you'll be her Jonin sensei, but hurt her and it won't be pretty" I released a bit of killing intent at the end making her break out in cold sweat and shiver.

"Mou Naruto don't do that!"

I put on a helpess expression before kissing her on the forehead "Anything for my wife" making her blush and Kurnai giggle.

"We have 1 hour before school starts, should we go get Ino?"

"Un lets, I'll see you later Kurenai sensei, thank you for helping me out"

She went and hugged her before we changed back to our disguises, I took her hand and we started walking to the Yamanaka compound instead of going there directly, a comfortable silence settled in between us as we went around the village, the walk was to short for my liking, we came to the Yamanaka compound and asked one of the guards to call Ino for us, we gave our names to the guards and one them went inside, we soon saw Ino come out and without saying anything dragged us all the way into her room.

Both Hinata and Ino removed their disguise. Ino changed alot, she had the same attire from before with studs in her ears, but she was a lot taller, almost the same height as me, she had a slim figure and fair skin, her platinum blonde hair was tied in a ponytail that reached her waist and bangs framing the whole right side of her face.

"Are you the real?"

Grinning I removed my disguise, her eyes lit up and she started circling around me checking me out and poking me all around, before I could say anything she jumped into my chest and hugged me.

"I missed you Naruto-baka"

I hugged her back before we sat on the carpet with Ino sitting on my lap. I started explaining all that happened in the panda realm and they started to talk about their own happenings, we then came up with the Hyuuga issue and Ino was furious and wanted them to pay, but Hinata managed to stop her and she started sulking

"Aww is my wife starting to sulk" I started tickling her making her laugh.

"Hmph who's your wife, you have to talk to daddy about that"

"Talk to me about what"

Before I could say anything I heard a voice come from outside before the door opened and a man walked in, he had long ash blond hair reaching into his lower back, which was spiky on top and ending in a long ponytail, blue-green eyes and strong facial features, which included a well defined jaw line. He is wearing the standard flak jacket over a black outfit, complete with hand-guards, a forehead protector and a sleeveless red haori.

We stood there frozen while he was looking at us with a baffled expression, I broke the silence.

"We could remove his memory", he was startled before tensing and looking at me, before we could do anything I got hit in the head hard.

"Idiot, lets just tell daddy, you said after graduation and even if we keep our disguises it will come out soon, I don't want to keep it a secret anymore"

I looked at her before she got up and stood infront of her dad, he had a blank expression but I could feel that he's confused.

"Daddy I want to tell you something", he nodded and sat down to listen quietly. She started telling him how she met us and what she agreed to when she started training with us, she told him about our training, what she learned and about her strength, she also told him about our relationship.

Inochi sat there looking at his babygirl explaining everything with complex emotions, he couldn't believe his babygirl had hid so much from him, looking at how she's grown up and what she learned made him really proud, but it also gave him a bitter feeling that she didn't tell him about all this, but he couldn't blame her if it was that brats plan, he really made her hide it well. When she finished he didn't speak but instead turned to look at the young man infront of him, he couldn't see most of his face but he could still say he was really handsome, he couldn't feel anything about him, not even his chakra or presence, it was like he was one with the surrounding, he looked like a harmless civilian, if its true on what he taught his daughter and her strength then he's not a simple character atleast he felt like he couldn't beat him, even though he was just sitting there, his instict from war was telling him that if he made any sudden hostile movements he would die. His daughter avoided mentioning anything about him which made him see her feelings, he felt agonized that someone he didn't know stole his daughter away from him.

"Brat who are you really, I won't accept someone like you if you don't introduce yourself, it's impossible for you to be someone I haven't heard about with strength like yours." Naruto stood up and looked towards him with a thoughful expression, Inoichi suddenly felt a majestic presence that exploded out of him, it felt like he was standing infront a king.

"Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze, son of The Yodaime Hokage Namikaze Minato and The Red Death Uzumaki Kushina, The Last Royal Heir of the Uzumaki and The Last Heir of The Namikaze clan, Jinchuuruki of The Nine Tailed Fox, The Panda Sage, Apprentice of The Third Hokage Hiruzen Sarutobi, A Sannin code named The Kurai Kage and a SS rank Shinobi at your service Father-in-law"

Timeline: 21st January Year 63 ME - Genin Registration Day

Imma go sleep and dream about the details for the next chapter, its 11 am and I am still writing

DnBViruscreators' thoughts