
Naruto The Shadow (temp hiatus)

Born as a shadow and died as a shadow. Reborn into the Narutoverse as our favorite knucklehead, watch as the MC lives through this 2nd life to experience what he missed.

DnBVirus · Others
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33 Chs

Registrations and Team Placement

"Should we really have left him like that, he didn't even respond when I waved" I said with mock worry in my voice.

"AND WHO'S FAULT IS THAT BAKA!" Dodging a punch from Ino I kept walking nonchalantly.

"But he wanted my full introduction, I didn't mean to break him, hopefully he can recover after we finish our registration."

Hearing Hinata giggle, Ino just sulked on the side, after I introduced myself to Inoichi he stopped responding and froze in place for a good 5 minutes before we had to leave him there or we'll be late for the academy. We were currently walking to the academy with our disguises on. I suddenly paused midstep.

"Whats wrong?" Hinata instantly noticed.

Shaking my head "Its nothing, just the deal I had with the old man, my clones just gave me information about the barrier, will take a good 2 months to finish all the work. Troublesome"

"Hmph you don't have anything else to do anyway, its your fault for choosing such a task"

Feeling helpless I just kept walking, "You can stop acting today, just keep your disguises on" They both stopped moving and I could feel their joy and disbelief.

"W-wait baka!! Do you really mean it!!!" Ino was infront of me so fast someone might've thought she teleported. Seeing me nod she started to jump with excitement, Hinata just let out a happy smile.

"I can finally stop fussing over that bastard Sasuke, I've built up resentment you know, I would've beaten him to a inch of his life if I had to do it more. I don't know why you made me do it for so long"

I snorted "It's your fault to begin with, you were being an annoying fangirl when you started with the training for a good while so you had to continue being one."

She just stuck out her tongue and ran towards the academy gate, we entered and walked to the classroom.

"Alright everybody settle down, its time to go and register as an official Genin,"

I ignored the voice and we entered, everyone turned towards us. I saw Iruka wave us in, we kept quiet and sat at the back together, it was fine for me and Hinata but everyone was surprised when Ino didn't start fangirling over Sasuke or go sit next to him. Iruka continued his announcement, I ignored it since it was just general information about how and where to register as well as the team placements tommorow. I haven't bonded with this Iruka, he started off biased towards me like all the teachers at the beginning before he mellowed out and we had a tactic agreement to just ignore each other. We soon got out and went towards the registration section of the Hokage tower, it wasn't far, the academy was placed right next to the Hokage tower as it was the most secure place in the whole village.

I waved both girls goodbye and went up to Hiruzens office since he'll do my registration personally.

I kicked the door open and entered while dropping my transformation.

"Hey old man, Its time!"

I saw the ANBU flinch and could feel their wariness and fear, seems like they didn't forget, hehe good.

"Oh, alright lets start it then"

It didn't take long to finish, one of the ANBU managed to read a bit and I could feel waves of shock coming off him, He couldn't stay still and came out of his hiding spot before kneeling infront of Hiruzen, It was Boar. The other 3 were confused on what he's doing, I'm watching it from the sidelines.

With a trembling voice he said. "H-Hokage-sama I'm sorry for being presumptuous but is what's written true"

I could see Hiruzens eyebrow twitch before letting out a sigh and nodding. "You are forbidden to discuss this information with anyone else until after the Chunin exams, do I make myself clear?"

"Hai Hokage-sama, Lord Namikaze forgive our attack from before, we weren't aware" He turned around and bowed towards me before returning to his spot, I could see that he started signing to the other 3 about it and soon felt their disbelief.

He finished the registration and stamped it before putting it in the desk drawer. I could feel 2 signatures outside the door, 1 weak and 1 around Jonin. Before I could say anything the door slammed open and Konohamaru ran in carrying a shuriken,

"Be prepared to make me the 5th Hokage, kore!!"

Before he could do anything else he tripped on his scarf and fell down.

"Damn, who set up a trap"

"Honorable grandson! are you alright? there aren't any traps around here." Konohamarus tutor Ebisu came in after and helped him up.

Konohamaru looked towards me "You! you're the one wh-" Before he could finish I came up to him and hit him lightly. He fell down and started rubbing his head.

"HONORABLE GRANDSON, How dare you do-"

"Annoying, Shut up!" I released killing intent towards Ebisu freezing him in place before he could continue rambling. I bent down towards Konohamaru and flicked his forehead "Maru-chan, how many times did I tell you not to annoy the old geezer before you're strong"

"Eh-eh, Kitsune-niichan?"

I smiled and nodded, I got really fond of Konohamaru when I stayed by Hiruzens side, I would usually play with him sometimes when we train at the Sarutobi compound, I had some babysitting missions too, he grew on me really quick with his personality.

He jumped into my chest and hugged me while crying. "uwaaah Oyabun I missed you to death, ne ne why didn't you come visit me more?, why do you look like that?, did you lose your mask?, is that your real hair colour?, why are your eyes weird?, did you not sleep well?, ne ne I already started the Academy a long time ago, can you teach me cool jutsu now"

He started bombarding me with questions while Hiruzen was amused and Ebisu was shocked, I had met him once before leaving when he got assigned as a tutor.

"Calm down Konohamaru, this is just how I look normally and no the marks are because of a jutsu, I went outside the village to train thats why I couldn't see you and if you show me good grades at the academy I'll teach you a jutsu that can knock any man unconcious unless he has special tastes"

"Really really?, You promise oyabun? is there really such a great jutsu"

I nodded "Let me show you"

I made the hansigns for a altered henge to show him before shouting out "Oiroke No Jutsu"

With a puff of smoke, a naked girl appeared barely covering her assets with clouds. "Can we play Ho-ka-ge sa-ma *wink*" Hiruzen and Ebisu both fell down with a nosebleed followed by 3 ANBU. I transformed back and looked at Konohamaru, he had stars in his eyes.

"So cool Oyabun!!, teach me teach me"

"*Cough Cough* you shouldn't do that Naruto" Hiruzen had recovered fast while wiping his nose.

"You're the pervert, it's not my fault you fell for it, show me your results in the next test and I'll teach you Konohamaru"

"Alright Oyabun, I'll study and train hard, lets go train Ebisu sensei!" he ran out without waiting.

"I'm leaving, see you later old man" I shunshined out and went towards the compound.

I spent the rest of the day moving Hinatas stuff and setting up a room for her to stay, while just enjoying casual talk, I asked her if she wanted to join the Uzumaki clan since she was banished and can't use the Hyuuga name, that way the Hyuuga and village won't have a political leverage over her because she'll be under my protection. She said yes and cried hugging me. I sent a shadow clone to Hiruzen to arrange it before going to sleep.

I woke up the next day and sent a clone to make breakfast while I took a bath and changed, I walked to Hinatas door before knocking.

"Hinata are you awake, we have to go soon" the door opened to show Hinata in white pyjamas, she had bed hair and dropped eyes from just waking up, when she stretched and rubbed her eyes she looked just like a lazy cat, I wanted to take her and pet her all day. She walked up and gave me a hug.

"*yawn* Good morning Naruto-kun, I'll be ready in a bit"

She went back inside while I went down to wait for her. We ate breakfast before jumping the roofs to get to the academy. We got inside the classroom, before we could go and sit, Kiba blocked my path and started shouting "Dobe! why are you following Hinata, Stay away from her, she doe-"

I got annoyed, it's morning and I really don't want to deal with him so with a "Scram" and a backhanded hit to the face I sent him hurling toward the wall before he crashed into it and slid down. Hinata tugged my sleeve before leading me to sit at the back with Ino already there.

The whole class turned silent when they saw that, most of them had shock and disbelief written on their faces. That was the first time they heard Naruto speak and he just sent Kiba flying who was 2nd in taijutsu with 1 hit.

"NARUTO, YOU CAN TALK?! AND WHY DID YOU DO THAT TO KIBA BAKA" I looked up to see who was screeching like a gliding tyre, it was Sakura walking towards me screeching and raised her fist. Before she could do anything or continue talking a strong killing intent was released over the whole class from Hinata making everyone freeze, I could see Sakura breaking out in cold sweat. "Shut up and leave us alone, you're annoying, and try to hit Naruto one more time I'll show you why they call Hyuugas the best in Taijutsu."

I looked towarda Hinata with surprise, it was funny seeing her that protective, might be because of what had happened with her clan, the class couldn't dwell on what happened before Iruka walked in.

"troublesome blondes" came out from Shikamaru

"Alright settle down, Sakura, Kiba go take your seats, today you'll become official Shinobi of the Leaf, but you're still Genin and you have a long journey ahead of you, we'll be creating 3 man cells that you'll join with a Jonin sensei to lead you to complete missions for the village.

Team 1.....

Team 7 Sasuke Uchiha, Sakura Haruno "Yeah true love wins!" and Naruto Uzumaki, your Jonin sensei will be Kakashi Hatake.

Team 8 Shino Aburame, Hinata U-Uzumaki and Kiba Inuzuka, your Jonin sensei will be Kurenai Yuhi.


Team 10 Shikamaru Nara "troublesome", Choji Akamichi and Ino Yamanka, your Jonin sensei is Asuma Sarutobi.

These are all the teams created by the Hokage himself. I'll be leaving, you'll stay to wait for your Jonin sensei to come and get you."

-Hokages Office Same Time

Meanwhile in the Hokages office all the Jonins were assembled looking through the crystal ball for the reactions on the team selections.

"Hooh, that brat managed to send the 2nd place flying, wasn't he supposed to be dead last with the worst passing score since ever" A middle aged man with a cigarette in his mouth said.

Random Jonin A "Doesn't seem like it and oh, the Hyuuga ojousan is scary"

Random Jonin B "hmm why does she have the Uzumaki surname, isn't she the Hyuuga heir"

Hiruzen "She got banished 2 days ago and replaced by her sister, she was taken under the protection of the Uzumaki clan"

Everyone was shocked, banishment doesn't usually happen unless they did something really wrong, not to mention she was their heiress. A white haired Jonin asked "But Hokage-sama, how can she be taken under the protection of the Uzumaki if they don't have a leader not to mention the only Uzumaki left that we know off is Naruto and he's too young "

Hiruzen "They do have a leader, you might know him as The KuraiKage, that's why the Hyuuga didn't dare to brand Hinata when she left"

Everyone was shocked when they heard that, Kurai was famous in ANBU and Jonin ranks for being the most efficient operative before he was taken to the guards position. Nobody dared to go against him since he killed without batting an eye.

Random Jonin D started shivering while asking "Then does that mean the dem- brat Uzumaki is also under his protection?" When the other Jonin heard that they sarted trembling and praying for the poor souls that annoy him if its true.

Hiruzen answered with amusement "Not sure, he hadn't clarified, disperse to pick up your teams, and Kakashi, advice as an old man and not a superior, you'll regret it if you go late"

With a chorused "Hai" They all disappeared.

Back in the classroom everyone started waiting for their team leader. It didn't take long for them to come in and call out their team number to leave.

"Team 8 I'm Kurenai Yuhi your Jonin sensei, follow me,"

"Team 10 I'm Asuma Sarutobi, follow me"

Kurenai came in with Asuma behind her. Both Hinata and Ino stood up and followed. Everyone left until only Sasuke, Sakura and me left. Sakura kept pestering Sasuke while I was thinking of plans on how to torment Kakashi if he's late but I didn't have to since he came in 5 minutes later.

"Yo, I'm your sensei, meet me at the rooftop"

He came in with slouched shoulders and a relaxed posture and waved before dissappearing, I opened the window and started leisurely walking up the wall when Sakura and Sasuke left. Reaching the roof I sat on the fence and waited while hiding my presence from Kakashi who had his back to me. Sakura and Sasuke soon came and looked towards Kakashi, I jumped and landed behind him before motioning for Sasuke and Sakura to be quiet with a finger.

"Where is your last teammate"

"Eh he's right there behind you Kakashi sensei" Before he could turn around I placed my hand on his shoulder.

Kakashi was petrified when he felt a hand on his shoulders, he almost attacked out of instinct but managed to hold it back when he heard what Sakura said. His heart started tumbling with waves of shock, he didn't sense him at all, he broke out in sweat thinking about it, who the hell said he was dead last, he started cursing the information he gained and its ancestor. He heard him whisper "Good thing you didn't come late or else we wouldn't be on good terms, I don't like people wasting my time" He felt a strong killing intent hit him making his pupils shrink. 'Dangerous' thats all his brain registered before he saw Naruto let go and walk back to his teammates, he knew it was his way of showing off his strength discretely and a warning for him, he didn't know why he hid his strength but he had to report it to the Hokage and see. He calmed down and saw that the other 2 were oblivious to what happened making him breathe a sigh of relief.

"Anyway, now that all 3 of you are here, introduce yourselves, your likes, dislikes, hobby, dreams, things like that you know, why dont we start with you Blondie"

Letting out a amused smile "My name is Naruto Uzumaki, I like a few things and dislike alot of stuff, I got many hobbies and my dream is none of your business"

"WHAT KIND OF ANSWER IS THAT BAKA, and since when could you speak, we all thought you couldn't"

"too troublesome dealing with you guys and stop screeching you're annoying"

"Ma ma settle down, why don't you have a go moody"

"My name is Sasuke Uchiha, I dislike this and dont have anything I like, I have no hobbies and I have a dream, or more like an ambition to kill a certain man and ressurect my clan"

"Thank you Sasuke, now pinky its your turn"

"Alright, My name is Sakura Haruno, I like, I mean t-the person I like... *looks to Sasuke*, my dream is to...*looks to Sasuke*. I dislike anyone that goes against my dream"

Kakashi "Ok thats good, my name is Kakashi Hatake, I have no desire to tell you my likes and dislikes, hobby and dream, meet me tomorrow 7 am in training ground 3, I recommend not having breakfast, ja ne"

I saw him disappear with shunshin leaving me alone with the other 2, before Sakura starts fussing for a date from Sasuke I say.

"Tommorow is a Genin survival test, if we fail it we go back to the academy for another year, make sure you eat before you come or else you won't have strength to fight. Bye" Before they could ask me anything I jumped over the fence and left towards home. I already gave them a hint, if they listen I'll work with them, if not I'll just watch them until they're tired and figure it out.

Timline: 22nd of January Year 63 ME - Team Placement Day

Long chapter FeelsTiredMan

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