
Naruto: The Medical Shinobi

After being reincarnated into the fictional ninja world known as "The Naruto-verse," a scientist sets out on a mission to become a medical ninja and inventor. Since English is not my first language and I am a novice writer, I sincerely apologise for any errors. No NSFW content will be there. I will give you a heads-up and apologise in advance that the first five chapters are a little tedious and move slowly, but they are crucial to the plot because they set the stage for him to inherit his abilities. You can access the 20 exclusive chapters at patreon. com/PageTurnerPJ (no spacing) If you enjoyed the story, kindly donate the power stones. You can also tip me on Ko-fi. com/pageturnerpj (no spacing) There will be three chapters released every week in addition to a few bonus chapters on hitting goals.

PageTurnerPJ · アニメ·コミックス
74 Chs

Chapter 48: A war fought in shadows

The Third Hokage was deeply affected by the words spoken by Dr. Yuki. The potential cure for Ryu's illness, the political schemes within the medical council, and the unsettling suspicion of sabotage by Danzo gnawed at him. He had summoned his best operative because he needed a covert but extremely competent one to work through this dark territory. A small sigh left his mouth, a tired breath that revealed the weight of the load he was carrying.

A faint rustling sound filled the air, followed by the silent emergence of a figure clad in black sleeveless ANBU attire. The silver hair peeking out from beneath the mask resembles a fox.

The ANBU codenamed Fox said, "You called for me, Lord Hokage?" with the weight of innumerable missions completed in the shadows. His question was hardly audible. The Third Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi, hunched over his desk upon hearing him.

"Fox," he began, "I have a delicate matter that you need to attend to discretely. Totally off the books, including the mission log from ANBU. It is not a village mission, but rather a very personal one from me. Will you do this?"

Fox remained impassive, his single visible eye scrutinising the Hokage. "Totally off the recods? Does it include gathering data or, possibly... removing a threat?"

Hiruzen hesitated. He appreciated Fox's openness, but a more subtle approach was needed for this mission. "It could be both, in a way," he finally admitted. Hiruzen sighed, a gesture that spoke volumes of the burden he carried. He slid a scroll across the desk. "This concerns a young boy, Ryu Hamura. I have collected information about Ryu Hamura, which is contained in this scroll. Keep all the information in the scroll a secret. Keep in mind that this is not even recorded by the ANBU, and I would prefer to keep it that way."

Fox's hand moved with fluid grace as he reached for the scroll. The rustle of paper filled the silence as he unrolled it, his keen eye absorbing every detail.

Hiruzen continued, his voice low and firm. "You are one of the village's most skilled and loyal Shinobi, so I know you can handle this mission. But if you need a team for this, you can seek assistance from your trusted ones, but remember that discretion is paramount."

A surprised scoff escaped his lips as he noticed the age of the boy on the scroll. "Top secret for a five-year-old? This boy must be quite the prodigy," he remarked, a hint of intrigue flickering in his single visible eye.

A bittersweet smile played on Hiruzen's lips. "He is, Fox. He is. His intellect and medical aptitude are far beyond his years, and I believe he has the potential to surpass even Tsunade."

Fox's visible eye widened slightly, the only outward sign of his astonishment. "Surpass Lady Tsunade? That's... unprecedented, Lord Hokage. A child with such potential could change the very fabric of our village."

Hiruzen nodded gravely. "Which is precisely why this mission is of utmost importance. The future of Konoha may well rest on the shoulders of this young boy."

Fox's stoic facade faltered for a brief moment. Tsunade, the legendary Sannin, was a force to be reckoned with. A child being compared to her was a testament to Ryu's exceptional talent.

Fox continued reading the remaining scroll. It contains all the information about Ryu, from his orphan status to his terminal illness and his attempt to cure it, but not his lineage, his connection to the Senju Clan, or anything about his grandfather, Ryu Senju.

As he skimmed the report, a furrow creased his brow. A five-year-old boy, possessing such exceptional intellect and a medical aptitude that it rivalled some of the village's most skilled practitioners? It was indeed intriguing.

Fox said, "The boy developed a new kind of medicine for his terminal illness at just five years old. That's more than just gifted, Hokage-sama. That borders on genius."

Hiruzen nodded. "Indeed. However, there are those within the Leaf Medical Council who are obstructing its evaluation. There might be external factors at play as well."

Fox leaned forward slightly. "External factors? You suspect sabotage?"

"The possibility exists," Hiruzen confirmed. "Your mission will be twofold. Your primary objective is to safeguard Ryu. You will ensure Ryu's safety as well as Dr. Yuki Sarutobi's and his team's safety. You will operate alongside the mouse, who is already assigned to watch him."

"And the second part?" Fox enquired, his voice devoid of any judgement.

Hiruzen said with a serious tone, "You will operate in the shadows, watching for any suspicious activity. If anyone attempts to impede Ryu's treatment or exploit the situation, you will neutralise them."

Fox's posture stiffened imperceptibly. "Neutralise, Lord Hokage? Are we anticipating violence?"

Hiruzen's eyes hardened. "I pray it doesn't come to that, Fox. But we must be prepared for all eventualities. The stakes are too high to leave anything to chance."

Fox's sole visible eye narrowed slightly. He rarely questioned orders, but this mission felt different. It reeked of political intrigue and hidden agendas. "Who are we most likely to face, Lord Hokage?"

Hiruzen hesitated, a flicker of worry crossing his features. "There's a possibility that members of the Council might try to obstruct the trials, citing a lack of data or potential side effects. I can handle them directly through official channels. However, I fear there might be a more insidious threat as well."

Fox raised an eyebrow, silently urging Hiruzen to elaborate.

"Root's ANBU," Hiruzen said, his voice dropping to a barely audible whisper. "I suspect they are trying to sabotage Dr. Yuki's experiments to keep their dominance over her orphanage. If she is successful, then the orphanage will be financially well off. They wouldn't want that, as the orphanage is their main source for filling their ranks. I do not think they know about Ryu's potential, but if they do, they could see it as a threat to their power and try to coerce him into joining the Root's ANBU or, worse, eleminate him."

A tense silence fell over the room. The mention of Root's ANBU sent a chill down Fox's spine. His past experiences with the Root Ninjas had not been good. He had heard rumours of their brutal tactics and how they train small kids to be mindless weapons.

"Root," Fox breathed, his voice barely audible. "They operate outside the law, outside our control. If they're involved, this mission just became infinitely more dangerous."

Hiruzen's face was grim. "Which is why I've chosen you for this task, Fox. Your skills are unmatched, and your loyalty is beyond question. You may be my only hope of keeping Ryu safe from their clutches."

The orphanages of Leaf Village under Danzo's control were a well-known secret, and their methods for recuitment were often brutal.

Old Hokage looked at the Fox with a serious face and said, "I do not want Root's influence on the boy, so if you find any root Ninja tailing him or trying to sabotage the experiments, you may neutralise them to send a message."

Fox remained silent, his gaze unwavering. He knew the Hokage was referring to the ever-present struggle for power within Konohagakure. The head of the covert Root Anbu, Danzo Shimura, and the Council of Elders, with their traditional methods, were a continual source of opposition to Hiruzen's beliefs.

With a sombre nod, Fox asked, "Lord Hokage, do you have any leads on their possible actions?"

Hiruzen shook his head. "Not yet. But I have a feeling they'll make their move soon. Be vigilant, Fox. Report anything out of the ordinary through Mouse, no matter how small it seems. And on your way, please tell my secretary to call the chairman of the medical council for a meeting."

"Yes, Lord Hokage," Fox replied, his voice laced with steely resolve. He understood the gravity of the situation. This wasn't just about protecting a young boy; it was about safeguarding a potential future and preventing powerful forces from manipulating it for their own ends. As he turned to leave the Hokage's office, Fox knew he was about to step into the heart of a silent war—a war fought in shadows and whispers.

Fox paused at the threshold, his hand resting on the doorframe. He turned back to Hiruzen, his voice low and determined. "I won't fail you, Lord Hokage. Ryu will be safe under my watch."

He nodded to Hiruzen, who softened his gaze for a moment and showed a flicker of gratitude across his worn features.

With a silent bow, Fox vanished into the night, leaving Hiruzen alone with his anxieties as he waited for the chairman of the medical council at his office.

As the door closed behind Fox, Hiruzen turned to gaze out the window at the sleeping village. The lights of Konoha twinkled like stars, each one representing a life he had sworn to protect. He closed his eyes, offering a silent prayer to the spirits of the past Hokages.

[## Author's Note: 

25+ more chapters, including 5 free chapters, are available to read on P@treon at p@treon.com/PageTurnerPJ.


Latest Chapter on P@treon :- Chapter 80: The Academy Entrance Exam

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