
Naruto: The curse of Hatred

Lukas wasn't expecting his weird dream to turn into reality, now in a new world where he has an expiration date, he scrambles to gain as much power as he can to break through the curse of hatred and somehow appear on the other side with both his eyes intact. 'You never know with the Uchihas...' !Uchiha SI, 12 years before Canon! With 7 years to live, what could just one more Uchiha do to the timeline!!

Enri007 · アニメ·コミックス
40 Chs

The Hyuga Affair! Part-2

[Story Quest: The Kumo Envoy]

[Objective: As the tension between the border of Land of Fire and Land of Lightning increased, due to the instance of Daimyo of the Land of Lightning, Kumo had sent a peace envoy to Konoha. While the true purpose of the envoy is to kidnap Hinata Hyuga.]

[Quest Clear Condition: find out the true perpetrator behind this attack.]

[Hidden Objective 1: ??]

[Hidden Objective 2: ??]

[Hidden Objective 3: ??]

[Hidden Objective 4: ??]

[Hidden Objective 5: ??]

[Rewards: 5x Levels, 500,000Ryo]

[Hiddem Rewards: ???]

[Penalty: ???]

I stared at the quest once again, it has been 2 months since I had received the quest, and while the rewards were massive, I wanted to achieve one of the hidden rewards, if I could get the Sharingan upgrade condition once again, then it would help save almost a 1000 SP.

I did a cross-shaped seal with my hand and with a puff of smoke, a shadow clone appeared before me, it was a bit weird seeing yourself face-to-face, I mean sure you stare at your face all day but there is nothing like that seeing yourself in person. I looked like a kid which I fucking was, but damn am I small. Standing at just above 4 feet, I still would be a tall kid, for an 8-year-old.

My white Uchiha shirt was visible over the black long sleeves jacket that I wore, a leaf forehead protector tied to my forehead, I nodded to the clone who jumped over the rooftop to setup a precautionary surveillance on the head shinobi of Kumo, from what I remember according to Fukagu, he should be here for at least a week.

I then jumped away, back towards training ground 7, we were supposed to gather after lunch for training like always. I arrived and found both Asano and Kione lounging around, they looked at peace just leaning against the trees.

"What happened, I thought I was late," through the year having constant interaction with my team, I realized that Gamer's mind didn't wipe my emotions away, I figured it only worked for negative emotions, so I had started smiling a little bit occasionally.

"Fujii-kun you're here finally," Asano looked at me with an aggrieved face, "Sensei came by when you were not around, apparently he had to help the village with the security arrangements for the week, so we were given a week off... can you believe it, a whole week of just shopping and eating and shopping... and you wasted an hour of our time... how are you going to pay us back..." she stomped her foot going into drama mode, I turned my gaze to Kione who looked as if nothing has happened, he stood up and started walking out of the training ground, "See you in a week Fujii-san" he left with a nod.

"Hey, Kione what the-" Asano fumed for a second before her eyes were fixed on me, "for wasting my time you are buying me lunch let's go..." she grabbed my hand and started dragging me lightly towards the village. I looked at her bobbing ponytail as we walked back towards the village.

'Why am I stuck with her now...'


It took three days for Aoki to go forward with the plan, maybe he was nervous or maybe that was the plan but on the third day I sensed one, Aoki Sho, move silently towards the Hyuga compound during the dead of the night, I was sensing him from about 200 m away so I was out of his vision, thankfully due to my now increased range of sensing I managed to see him sneak into the room of a kid, and judging by the size of their chakra reserves. They were barely at genin level which helped as that was the lowest I could sense.

Seeing that he was finally making his move, I sneaked into the compound, from the same gap in security that he used, I had theorized what hidden rewards I would get for different ways I try to resolve this, if I used my Sharingan, maybe the rewards will be targeted towards it. I waited for barely 20 seconds before the man sneaked out of the Hyuga courtyard with a sack on his back as he dashed towards me, I sensed another chakra signature close by, maybe it was Hizashi, my clone who sensed the same thing and detonated a paper bomb at the other end of the Hyuga estate before dispelling.

As I got a new series of memories, I looked at the Jounin that was coming towards me, he paused suddenly as he spoke, "Interesting, I never thought that out of everyone in this stupid village a kid would stand before me..." he had a smug smile on his face as with his free right hand he took out three kunai that he threw towards me. I dodged to my right but my speed was not enough as one of them embedded in my thigh, there was a second kunai hidden beneath the 1st one, and trying to dodge that resulted in the 3rd kunai lodging itself deep into my leg.

I grunted, and as Aoki was about to dash toward me, his vision faded. Outside of the genjutsu, I looked at the fallen form of the Jounin, maybe the power scaling was a little off in my mind because he didn't seem like the head shinobi of a major village.

'More like a pawn being used in a shogi game.'

[Aoki Sho Lvl- 71]

The Orange letters had now turned green as I removed the sack carefully, a pair of pure white eyes met mine with silent tears running down her face, she looked a little cute, with her princess kimono, I patted her head before making a shadow clone, her eyes darted between the two of me before my clone offered her a hand, my attention, on the other hand, was focused on the sorry excuse of a Jounin lying on the ground, I flipped him over and placed a seal at the back of his head.

'Fuin: Dreemless sleep'

A seal formed at the back of his head, I then searched him for any poisons he might be hiding, if he died like this the blame would come to me in the end, I removed a false tooth from his mouth that contained a package with some kind of powder in it. I did another search before bringing my right hand to my mouth and blowing a great fireball into the air. It took a few seconds before I felt multiple chakra signatures coming from all around me, the patrols being strict during this week they immediately gathered around me.

[Hatake Kakashi Lv- ?]

Multiple names greeted me and a familiar name stood out to me, his silver-white hair made it pretty easy to spot him anyway, there was a couple of minutes of silence before Kakashi stepped forward, "Genin, report"

"I sensed the head shinobi from Kumo sneaking around before he breached into the Hyuga compound, earlier this week, our team was given a free week of holiday because Suzaku Sensei was busy with security arrangements, I used a shadow clone who shadowed this guy to try and improve my sneaking around a high ranking shinobi from a foreign village. My shadow clone alerted me about this and since I was training in Training ground 7 it took me a moment to get here, by the time I got here, he was running away with Heiress Hinata in that sack." I pointed at the sack while I felt another couple dozen chakra signatures arrive. While Haishi hugged his daughter my clone dispelled, as I sorted through the memories of my clone trying to distract Hinata, Kakashi walked over and inspected the seal at the back of Aoki's head.

"Fuin: Dreamless Sleep?" he asked and I nodded, he nodded to another member of his team who jumped and gathered the knocked-out shinobi before he vanished in a shunshin.

"He should be knocked out for another 3 hours or so..." I supplied trying to be helpful, Kakashi was staring at me, his head possibly full of questions. Whatever he was about to say was halted because Hinata and Haishi walk up to me and I felt a small hand cupping mine and tugging it. I gave the kid a curious look, she bowed lightly, "Thank you... saving me... from.... the bad man..." I gave her a small smile and patted her head again, her face scrunched and her eyes closed down as I patted her.

My eyes turned towards the Hyuga clan head, his face almost stoic but his eyes betraying his relief, "Thank you, Uchiha-san" he nodded. The enmity between our clans was old, so in that nod, he tried to express as much gratitude as possible.

'Why isn't the quest completion notification coming...'

"Fujii Uchiha, there would be an investigation regarding this matter, right now a high-priority lockdown is initiated across the village and soon Konoha borders, so I advise you to go home, and wait for a call..."

I nodded to Kakashi, before waving at Hinata and then vanishing in a Shunshin.

'Well, that was easier than I expected...'


AN: P.S. Let's play a game! I'll tell you what it is tomorrow! ;D

P.S- P.atreon Plug -Patreon.com/Enri007, 4 wonderful chapters ahead.

Latest Chapter 26: The Root of all Problems! Part-1