
Naruto Senju: A Forested Maelstrom

If you see this on Fanfiction.net just know I am the same guy.. Minato is Tsunade's son. With the Death of her son and daughter-in-law, Tsunade takes Naruto out of the village and raises him herself. Years later Naruto unlocks the Mokuton bloodline of the First Hokage. How will the world react to a Naruto who grew up with Love and wields the power of the First Hokage? Strong/Smart Naruto! NarutoxIno! Mokuton Naruto! Author's Note: HELLO ALL! Welcome to my new story! The idea of this had been invading my mind preventing me from writing a new chapter for my One Piece story. I want to stress that I am not abandoning "The Thunder Demon Straw Hat Luffy," I feel like I won't be able to write a chapter for that story until I write this one. As for this Story, it will be a Naruto having the First Hokage's bloodline: The Wood Release. I have always enjoyed stories where Naruto had the wood release as his bloodline but unfortunately, there are very few stories like this and even fewer good ones so I decided to create my own. Naruto will be incredibly powerful and smart in this story due to him being raised by Tsunade and trained by both her and Jiraiya. he will not be too OP to the point where he completely breaks the story and makes everything less enjoyable. He will be powerful but at the same time believable, he won't start right out the gate being Kage level, that is just ridiculous. Another important this is that Naruto WILL NOT BE A SASUKE FANBOY! I repeat NARUTO WILL NOT BE A SASUKE FANBOY! I always hated that part of the anime and manga where Naruto spent all of his time chasing after Sasuke to bring him back to the village after he betrayed them smh. If you have read any of my other fanfiction you will know that I tend to make the main character slightly OOC. Naruto will be smart and acts like a shinobi. He won't be a happy-go-lucky idiot who is incredibly naive. Another thing, this story is going to be strictly Naruto x Ino! NO HAREM! And before you ask, NO I WILL NOT CHANGE THE GIRL! I like Ino. For those that are familiar with my work, you know exactly the quality of the story you are about to read. For those who are reading one of my stories for the first time please sit back and enjoy some incredibly long Chapters!

AaronTaichou · アニメ·コミックス
9 Chs

Chapter 2: Parents, Chakra, and Bloodline!

**Timeskip: 5 years**

It has been five years since the Nine-Tails attack on the Hidden Leaf Village and five years since Tsunade, Shizune, and Naruto had started living in the capital. Naruto was now five years old and quite the handful. Tsunade did not know where the boy got all that energy from, it was like he was running on an infinite supply of entry that never runs out. Ever since he learned how to crawl you could not leave him alone for a second, or else when you get back you will notice he vanished. It nearly gave his grandmother and his big sister a heart attack the first time it happened. They were changing him on Tsunade's bed when they turned around for a second to grab a new diaper. When they turned back Naruto was no longer on the bed. Instead, he was on the floor trying to make a break for the opened door. That habit of his only got worse when he learned how to walk. At that point, there was no stopping him. The only thing that Naruto would sit still for was ramen. It drove Tsunade crazy how the boy seemed to have inherited his mother's love for Ramen.

The past five years had been incredibly peaceful for the trio, well as peaceful as it could get with Naruto around. Nothing too interesting happened in the last five years. Even though they have been living in the capital for five years they rarely ever left the compound. When they do leave it is always under a disguise, mainly the transformation Jutsu. In the case of Naruto who had yet to unlock his chakra, they would normally have him wear a hat to his spikey blonde hair and some make-up on his face to hide the whisker marks. Naruto did not really care about the makeup; he was simply happy to be able to go outside. Even though there was no incident in the past five years with anyone recognizing them, Tsunade did not want to take any chance when it came to Naruto, so she always made sure they were in disguises. As mischievous as he was, he would always listen to his grandmother and big sister no matter what. So, when they told him to never go outside without them, he listened.

Over the years the Fire Lord's wife, Madam Shijimi would come by the compound to visit regularly, and sometimes Tsunade would even take Naruto to the palace with her when she goes to visit the Fire Lord. Naruto always enjoyed when Madam Shijimi would come to visit because that would mean that he would get to play with her pet cat, Tora. The cat likes to run around and so does Naruto. By the end of her visit, Tora would be so tired that she would just collapse into either Naruto or Madam Shijimi's arms. Currently, Naruto was sitting at the dining room table with a history book in front of him. Tsunade and Shizune started teaching Naruto how to read at the age of three and by the time he turned four he was able to read all on his own. Now that he is five his level of reading only increased to a point where they could give him more advanced reading materials like the history book he was reading. While Naruto to doing his reading, which is something Tsunade made sure he did every day, Tsunade was in the kitchen fixing lunch and Shizune was in the backyard training. Naruto then closed his book before carefully climbing down from the chair which was too high up for him to begin with. He then took his book and ran upstairs to put it in his room before coming back down carrying some of his toys. He was wearing an orange t-shirt with the Senju clan symbol on the front with a pair of short blue pants.

"Grandma, can I go play in the backyard?" came the voice of a young Naruto as he walked into the kitchen and looked up at his grandma. Tsunade turned and looked at him to see him carrying training kunai and shurikens as well as the orange stuffed Toad that Jiraiya had given him.

"Did you finish your reading?" Tsunade asked sternly while looking at him.

"Yes, I read two full chapters," he said as he held up two of his little fingers forming the peace sign.

"Very well," she said causing him to grin and run out through the back door in the kitchen.

"Thank you, Grandma!" Naruto shouted as he ran out the backdoor. At first, Naruto used to call both Tsunade and Shizune mommy, but when he was three Tsunade told him that she was his grandmother and Shizune was more like his big sister. Since then, he started calling her grandma and Shizune big sis. She did not explain to him that his parents were dead until a year ago when he began asking why his mom and dad do not come to visit. it was a painful conversation, but it was one that they were going to have to have at some point. She also told him who his mother was, but she did not tell him who his father was as yet. She was planning to do that when they tell him about the Nine-tails sealed inside of him. She wanted to tell him sooner rather than later to allow him to grow up with this knowledge so that he could better prepare himself for the life ahead of him. Right now, she was just waiting for her old teammate Jiraiya to show up to be here when she tells him. The old pervert would usually stop by once every couple of months, sometimes even a few times a month when he was not busy. She was also waiting for him to arrive so that they could unlock Naruto's chakra so that she could begin his training. She wanted him present in case the Nine-tails decide to try and break out. Letting out a sigh she just shook her head and watched her grandson in the backyard from through the kitchen window.

The backyard of the compound was rather large and ideal for training. There were two large trees in the backyard, one on either side of the yard. Under the tree to the right was a small koi pond that Naruto loves to play around. When he arrived outside, he saw his big sister training over to the left. She was throwing some rather big needles at the training dummy. There were two training dummies in the backyard, one tied to either tree. With his big sister using the on the left Naruto decided to go to the other one so that he does not disturb her. Naruto sat all of his equipment down beside the koi pond before he picked up the orange stuffed toad and sat it down on one of the rocks around the pond and spoke to it.

"Froggy, you stay here and watch," he said to the stuffed animal as he placed it down on the rock and turned it to face the training dummy that way it gets a good view. Shizune looked over and saw what her little brother was doing and could not help but smile. Naruto then grabbed his training shurikens and stood about ten feet away from the training dummy. He placed five of the ten shurikens down on the ground and held the other five in his hand. Then one at a time he would throw them at the dummy. Of the first five that he threw only two hit the target that was on the dummy, but they were nowhere close to the center. As for the other three they did not hit the dummy at all, two flew past on either side of the dummy because one embedded itself into the tree. Naruto pouted cutely when he saw only two of his shurikens hit the target. When he would watch his big sister and mother train, they would always hit the center every time they threw it, he wanted to be as good as they were.

"Would you like me to help you with your shuriken training, Naruto?" Shizune asked as she walked over to her little brother getting his attention. Naruto looked down at the ground for a bit before he nodded his head shyly causing Shizune to ruffle his hair. She then proceeded to show Naruto how to properly hold a shuriken and how to properly throw it. "There, now you try throwing it again," she said as she stood behind him.

"Okay," Naruto said with a determined look on his face before he held one of the shurikens the way his sister showed him. He then focused on the target painted on the training dummy before he flicked his writs just like Shizune showed him. The shuriken hit the target but once again was not close to the center. Not giving up, Naruto picked up the remaining four shurikens and began throwing them at the dummy. This time they all hit the target but only one managed to hit the bullseye.

"Good job, Naruto," Shizune said as she ruffled his hair once again. "If you keep practicing, you're going to be hitting the center every time," she said causing him to grin up at her.

"Just you wait, I'm going to surpass you and grandma in no time," he said with a wide grin on his face.

"Is that so?" came the voice of Tsunade from behind the two of them getting their attention.

"Believe it!" he shouted while flashing his grandmother a wide grin. "I'm going to be the strongest ninja that ever lived!" he said while grinning.

"Well until then," Tsunade said as she scooped him up in her arms. "You are still my little Naruto," she said before she started tickling him causing him to giggle. "Okay, time for lunch. You can play with your kunai and shurikens after," she said as she began walking back towards the house.

"Wait!" Naruto yelled surprising the two women. "I can't leave froggy," he said while pointing to his little stuffed toad still sitting on the rock. Shizune smiled and walked over the rock and picked up the small stuffed animal and took it to Naruto.

"Here you go, Naruto," she said as she handed the toad to him.

"Thank you," Naruto said as he hugged the toad tightly causing the two women to smile before they walked inside the house and sat Naruto down at the dining room table before heading to the kitchen to grab the food. "Can I have ramen?" he asked while looking at the two women in the kitchen.

"You already had ramen this week," his grandmother replied causing his head to drop slightly in disappointment. Tsunade would only allow Naruto to eat ramen once a week. On the remaining days, she would ensure he had a healthy balanced diet. Shizune and Tsunade took all the food to the dining room table and set it up while Shizune placed a little bit of everything in front of Naruto so he could reach it easily before sitting down beside him with her sensei sitting down across from her. As they were about to start eating the voice of a man coming from the entrance of the dining room surprised everyone.

"Oh, lunch," the man said getting all of their attention. When they turned to look, they saw Jiraiya standing there with a grin on his face.

"Jiraiya/Pervy Sage!" Tsunade and Naruto said simultaneously.

"How many times have I told you not to call me that, brat," Jiraiya said as he sat down beside Shizune while Naruto just grinned at him. Naruto had started calling him pervy sage after hearing his grandmother call him a pervert and hearing Jiraiya referring to himself as the great toad sage. Combing the two Naruto came up with Pervy Sage much to the amusement of his big sister and grandmother and the annoyance of Jiraiya.

"Did you bring me anything?" Naruto asked with an excited look on his face. Jiraiya just reached into his robe and pulled out a green wallet in the shape of a frog and tossed it at Naruto who caught it and smiled. "Look Froggy, you have a friend," Naruto said as he placed the green wallet next to his stuffed toad. the adults at the table could not help but smile at the boy's antics.

"So, where are you coming from, Jiraiya?" Tsunade asked as he looked over at her old teammate while putting some rice in her bowl.

"I just paid Sarutobi-sensei a visit," he said as he took an empty bowl that was on the table and started taking food. "Reported to him about the happenings around the Elemental Nations," he said before he took a bite of his food.

"Anything interesting happening?" Tsunade asked.

"The Hidden Mist Village is now in a full-blown civil war," Jiraiya replied. Tsunade was not really surprised by this, she had expected it to happen a long time ago. "Orochimaru was in the lightning country doing god knows what," he added causing a scowl to appear on Tsunade's face at the mention of their other teammate.

"Up to no good I'm sure," she said lowly causing Jiraiya to nod in agreement. Naruto was quietly eating while at the same time listening to his grandmother and godfather's conversation. "Any word on the masked Uchiha?" she suddenly asked causing him to shake his head no. For the past five years whenever Jiraiya would come to visit she would ask if he heard anything about him, but he never did hear anything about the man.

"Speaking of the Uchiha," Jiraiya suddenly said. "Some of my spies from inside the Leaf village are telling me that the grand population of the village is starting to suspect the Uchiha clan for the attack," he said surprising Tsunade.

"That's surprising," she replied as she looked at her teammate. "I know for sure that sensei wouldn't go spreading what I told him about that night to the grand public," she said.

"You're right," Jiraiya replied with a nod. "It is likely someone from the shadows spreading rumors to start a conflict," he said causing Tsunade to growl once more.

"I wonder who would do such a thing," she said sarcastically causing Jiraiya to chuckle slightly. "Speaking of which, I think it's time," she said as she looked at Jiraiya.

"Time?" he asked with a confused look on his face. "Time for what?" he asked.

"For us to talk to Naruto about you know what," she said causing his eyes to widen slightly while getting Naruto's attention as well.

"Are you sure?" he asked thinking that it was slightly too soon.

"Yeah, I rather him knowing now so he can properly prepare himself," she said causing him to nod his head understanding her train of thought.

"Tell me what?" Naruto asked while looking at his grandmother and godfather with a confused look on his face.

"Come with me, Naruto," Tsunade said as she got up from the table and lifted him up before heading over to the living room. Jiraiya and Shizune soon followed behind the two. Tsunade sat down on the couch and placed Naruto on her lap. Shizune then sat down to the right of her sensei while Jiraiya chose to remain standing.

"What is it you want to tell me?" Naruto asked while looking at his grandmother with a slightly worried look on his face.

"I'm going to tell you about your dad and what happened to him," she responded with a soft smile.

"My dad?" Naruto asked with a surprised look on his face. Whenever he had asked about his dad his grandmother always told him that she will tell him when he was older. All he knew about his dad was that he looked like him and the fact that he died the night the giant fox attacked the Leaf Village along with his mom.

"Yes, your dad," Tsunade replied with a smile. "Your dad was a shinobi in the Hidden Leaf Village. In your history books do you remember reading about the Hokages?" she asked causing him to think for a second.

"Yeah," he answered with a nod before continuing. "Grandma's grandpa was the first Hokage, her granduncle was the second Hokage, and her sensei is the third Hokage," he asked while holding up three fingers. "Then there was the Fourth Hokage, he was the coolest of them all. He beat up the giant fox and saved everyone!" Naruto said enthusiastically causing the adults to chuckle.

"Yes, that's right," she said as she ruffled his hair slightly. "Well, you see Naruto, your father's name was Minato Namikaze, and he was the fourth Hokage," she said dropping a bomb on poor little Naruto who had his mouth hung open.

"My dad is the fourth Hokage?" Naruto asked in a startled voice. "That's...so...cool!" Naruto yelled out with a big grin causing Tsunade to shake her head at her grandson's antics. Sometimes he behaves like his father but other times he is like his mother. "But how come his last name is Namikaze and not Senju?" Naruto suddenly asked.

"Well, you see when your father was born grandma changed his last name to protect him," she explained causing him to put his index finger to his chin and started to think. The adults around him found it absolutely cute. "So, what is my last name then?" he asked while looking at his grandma causing her to smile.

"You get to choose if you want to be Namikaze or Senju," she said causing him to ponder upon it for a few seconds before he gave his reply.

"I am going to be Naruto Senju!" he yelled out with a wide smile on his face. "It is the coolest!" he added with a proud grin on his face before he started bouncing up and down on his grandmother's lap excitedly.

"Okay brat, settle down, I still have more to tell you," Tsunade said getting him to calm back down. "Now, as you just said, your father the fourth Hokage defeated the Nine-Tailed Fox and saved the village," she said causing him to nod. "The thing is, that is not exactly true," she said causing his eyes to widen slightly. "The Nine-Tailed Fox is a tailed beast, a creature made up entirely of chakra," she said while looking at her grandson. "There is no way to truly kill a tailed beast. The only way to defeat it is to seal the beast into a human baby," she said before pausing at looked at Naruto.

"Seal it inside of a baby?" he asked causing her to nod her head.

"That's right," Tsunade replied with a nod. "People with Tailed Beast sealed inside of them are called Jinchurikis. Your mother was the previous jinchuriki of the Nine-Tails and my grandmother before that," she said surprising Naruto once more.

"My mom had the Nine-Tails inside of her?" he asked in an astonished voice. "Then who has the fox in them now?" he asked while tilting his head to the side.

"I'm getting to that," Tsunade said trying to ease him into it as much as she can. "In order to defeat the giant fox and save the village your father had to use a very powerful jutsu to seal the fox away in a newborn baby, however, the price for him using that jutsu was him dying after using it," she said making Naruto slightly sad and proud at the same time. "Your dad was an exceedingly kind person; he could never bring himself to ask someone else to give up their child to have the fox sealed into. It was something he could only do to his own child," she said causing Naruto's eyes to widen in shock.

"Y-you...mean...I have...the...giant fox sealed inside of me?" he asked sounding slightly scared. He then lifted up his shirt and started poking his belly. "Are you sure he is in there?" he asked causing the adults to chuckle at his antics.

"Yes, it is in there," Tsunade replied with a smile. "Now I want you to understand something, Naruto," she said seriously getting his attention. "You are a jinchuriki and some people are going to treat you differently because of it," she said confusing Naruto. "There are people out there who believe that jinchurikis are the tailed beasts themselves in human form and they are typically afraid of them. So jinchurikis are usually met with a lot of hate and hostilities," she said causing him to look down slightly.

"So, people are going to hate me?" he asked as tears began to well up in his eyes. "Does that mean Grandma, Big Sister, and Pervy Sage are going to hate me too?" he asked with tears streaming down his face causing their eyes to widen.

"Of course not, sweetie," Tsunade said as she wrapped him in a hug. "We will never hate you no matter what you do," she added.

"You are my cute little brother, it is impossible for me to hate you," Shizune said as he ruffled his hair.

"We will never hate you, squirt," Jiraiya said while also ruffling his hair.

"Then I don't care who hates me!" Naruto said as he wiped the tears from his eyes. "As long as you guys don't hate him, I don't care about anyone else," he added between sniffs. "One day I'm going to be super strong like dad and grandpa Hashi and then everyone will have to like me!" he declared boldly.

"That's the spirit kid!" Jiraiya said with a smile.

"Well then, how about we start your shinobi training then?" Tsunade asked with a smirk causing Naruto's eyes to widen in excitement.

"You mean that it is time for me to unlock my chakra?!" he asked in an overly excited tone as he started bouncing up and down on his grandmother's lap. He had wanted to unlock his chakra a year ago when he saw his big sister walking up the side of one of the trees in the backyard, he thought it was so cool.

"That's right, squirt," Jiraiya said with a grin on his face. "But before that, I have something for you," he said confusing Naruto. He had already received a gift from the old pervert, so he was wondering what else the man had for him. Jiraiya reached into his robe and pulled out a small storage scroll. He then channeled some chakra into the scroll causing a puff of smoke to appear. When the smoke disappeared Jiraiya was holding a small picture frame. "Here," he said as he handed it to Naruto. Looking at the picture his godfather handed him Naruto saw that there were five people in the picture. It was a picture of his grandmother, big sister, and godfather standing next to a man with spikey blond hair and a pregnant red-haired woman.

"This is your dad," Jiraiya said while pointing to the blonde-haired man. "This is your mom," he said as he moved his finger over to the red-haired woman. "And that you in there," he said while pointing at the woman's pregnant belly.

"These are my parents?" he asked as he stared at the picture causing everyone to nod their heads. "Can I keep this?" he asked as he turned around to look at Jiraiya who nodded his head. Naruto smile before he hugged the picture frame tightly into his chest.

"Why don't you go put that in your room and let's go to the backyard to unlock your chakra," his grandmother said causing him to nod his head eagerly before he climbed down from her lap and ran upstairs to his room. He placed the picture down on the nightstand next to his bed and looked at it for a few moments and smiled.

"I'm going to make you guys proud!" he said to the picture of his parents before he ran back out the room and down the stairs. When he got downstairs, he saw that his family was already in the backyard waiting for him. Not wanting to wait any longer he dashed out the backdoor to the backyard where his grandmother and big sister were standing. They were in the exact center of the backyard waiting for Naruto. Jiraiya was standing there with a small square paper with a seal drawn onto it in his hands, it was a chakra suppressing seal. He had it mainly as a precaution in case the Nine-Tails decided to try and break free. He doubted whether the fox could break out of the seal but wanted to be prepared just in case.

"Okay, Naruto," Tsunade said as she saw her grandson join them in the backyard. "Sit down on the ground as though you are meditating," she said while pointing to the ground in front of her. Naruto nodded his head did his grandmother instructed. "Now close your eyes and meditate," she said causing him to close his eyes and take a few deep breaths. "Look deep inside yourself for your chakra. It should give off a warm welcoming feeling," she added.

"I feel it," Naruto replied after a few minutes of searching.

"Good, now reach out and grab it and pull it towards you," she said remembering her sensei told her to do the exact same time. The three adults watched as Naruto suddenly stretched out his arms before he started grabbing at the air. This action by the little boy caused Shizune to giggle while the two other adults sweat dropped.

"I can't hold it," Naruto replied after grabbing the air for a while.

"We didn't mean try grabbing it with your hand, dummy!" Jiraiya yelled out causing Naruto to open his eyes and look at the man.

"Then how am I supposed to grab it if not with my arms you pervy sage!?" Naruto yelled back before pouting cutely.

"Naruto, try to pull it towards you with your mind," Shizune said with an amused smile on her face.

"Okay, I'll try," Naruto replied before he closed his eyes and tried again. When he found the warm welcoming feeling deep inside himself, he began focusing on it, trying to pull it closer to him with his mind. Soon, he could feel the energy getting closer and closer to him. Then suddenly heard some inside of him break causing all the warm energy to rush throughout his body. He felt a warm sensation spread throughout his entire body. Tsunade, Jiraiya, and Shizune were looking at Naruto as all three of them sensed chakra spreading throughout his body. Soon Naruto was surrounded by light green chakra outlining his body.

"He has as much chakra as an average genin," Tsunade commented in surprise seeing a five-year-old with that much chakra.

"Well, that is likely due to him being both a jinchuriki and an Uzumaki," Jiraiya replied. Tsunade was about to say something else but before she could speak, they all felt the ground tremble beneath their feet causing them to put up their guard. What happened next took everyone by surprise. Bursting out from the ground behind Naruto was a decent size tree about a foot wide. The tree grew about six feet before branches with leaves started to grow out of the rather small trunk. Naruto then opened his eyes feeling super powerful due to him experiencing chakra for the first time. He looked down at his hand and made a fist, fully enjoying the feeling of power.

"Man, I feel so powerful!" he said in a happy tone as he began to stand up. "I feel like I could-OWIE!" he cried out as he banged his head against one of the branches of the tree as he stood up. "Who put a tree there!" he shouted as he turned and looked at his family who were all staring at him as though he grew a second head. "What?" he asked as he was kind of creeped out by the way they were all looking at him.

"Jiraiya, that's..." Tsunade said with her eyes wide as dinner plates and her mouth hung open.

"Yeah..." Jiraiya replied with an equally astonished look on his face.

"Grandfathers'..." Tsunade said.

"Sure is," Jiraiya replied with a nod.

"Amazing," Shizune whispered out staring at the tree.

"Are you guys okay?" Naruto asked knocking them out of their stupor.

"Do you have any idea what you just did, brat?" Jiraiya asked as he walked forward and began examining the small tree.

"I just unlocked my chakra," Naruto replied wondering why the old man was fussing over a tree. "And what's up with that tree, it wasn't there before?" he asked as he turned and looked at his grandmother.

"Naruto, sweetie," Tsunade began as she walked over and knelt down in front of Naruto. "It would appear as though when you unlocked your chakra you unlocked your bloodline as well," she said causing him to tilt his head to the side cutely.

"What's a bloodline?" he asked making Tsunade recall the fact that they had not gotten to that part of his studies as yet.

"Bloodlines are special abilities passed down genetically within specific clans," she explained as best she could to a five-year-old. "It is like the Uchiha clan's Sharingan or your great-great grandfather's wood release," she said causing his eyes to light up in excitement.

"You mean I have some kind of special powers!?" he asked with a large, excited grin on his face causing his grandmother to smile slightly.

"Yes, it would appear as though you have somehow inherited your great-great grandfather's Wood release," she said with a sigh.

"Hehehe! I told you I'm going to be as cool as grandpa Hashi," Naruto said with a wide grin as he turned to look at the tree.

"Lady Tsunade," Shizune called out getting her teacher's attention. "How come Naruto has the first Hokage's bloodline when no one else in the Senju clan has ever awakened it?" she asked the question that was actually in both Jiraiya and Tsunade's minds.

"I haven't the slightest clue, Shizune," she replied before turning her attention back to Naruto. "And I don't have any of our medical equipment here for us to study a sample of his DNA to see just what is different between his and mine," she stated.

"For now, let just focus on his training and worry about all that later," Jiraiya said as he stopped studying the tree and turned to Tsunade. As he said that, a thought suddenly struck Tsunade causing her eyes to widen.

"We don't have any of grandfather's wood jutsus here," she said as she stared at Jiraiya. "They are all locked away in the Senju Clan compound," she stated causing her old teammate to sigh.

"Can't I just go get them?" he asked with a puzzled look on his face to which she shook her head no.

"No, the compound is currently locked behind some pretty complex security seals that Grandma Mito brought with her from the Uzumaki clan. Only those with Senju blood and chakra can unlock it," she stated.

"What if you give me some of your blood and store some of your chakras in a special seal," Jiraiya suggested causing Tsunade to shake her head no once more.

"No, Grandma Mito had planned for someone attempting that in advance. In addition to Senju blood and chakra, you need to plus the chakra in a specific pattern to unlock the seals," she said with a sigh amazing Jiraiya.

"Well, for now, let us just teach him what we can," Jiraiya said as he folded his arms. "Whenever either you or he decide to go back to Leaf, he can learn his wood release then," he added causing her to nod her head. she was not ready to return right now because Naruto was not able to defend himself as yet.

'Maybe when he can properly defend himself, he can go back,' She thought to herself.

"Oii!" Naruto shouted getting their attention. "Are you guys going to train me now?" he asked getting tired of waiting.

"Sure, thing squirt," Jiraiya replied before reaching up and plucking two of the leaves off the tree and handed one to Naruto. "The first thing you need to learn how to do is to make this leaf stick to your forehead using chakra," he said as he placed his leaf on his forehead and channeled some chakra to the spot where the leaf is making it stick in place. Naruto saw what his godfather did and tried to duplicate it but much to his annoyance it would not stay on his forehead. Knowing that will take him a while to get it to stick especially with his level of chakra, the three adults decided to go sit down on some of the chairs that they had in the backyard and watch him.

**1 Week Later**

It took Naruto two days to figure out how to get the leaf to stick to his forehead and stay there. For the remaining five days his grandmother had him focusing on sticking multiple leaves all over his body at the same time as a better way to increase his control. Jiraiya had stayed for a few days before leaving to tell the Hokage about Naruto unlocking his chakra. Both Tsunade and Jiraiya had agreed that they should keep Naruto's bloodline a secret from the Hokage for now mainly due to the fact that they did not want to risk someone overhearing that kind of information. Seeing as how Naruto had mastered the Leaf balancing exercise Tsunade thinks it is time she thought him the tree-climbing exercise. Naruto, who was currently sitting under the tree next to the koi pond with three leaves stuck to his forehead, one on either cheek and one in the center of his chest, saw his grandmother walking towards him. His big sister was sitting under the other tree reading book on medical ninjutsu.

"Naruto it is time for you to learn the next exercise," Tsunade said getting Naruto excited. "I'm going to teach you how to walk up the side of a tree," she said before she moved him out of the way. She then placed on foot on the trunk of the tree and began walking up the tree as though she was walking on the ground.

"Wow!" Naruto said as he started bouncing up and down. "That's so cool!" he added with stars in his eyes. Tsunade chuckled at her grandson's behavior before hopping down from the tree.

"All you have to do is channel some chakra to the bottom of your feet and walk-up," she said as she moved out of the way for him to try. Naruto did as his grandma said before placing one foot onto the tree trunk. As he tried to place the other foot on the tree, he fell down flat on his behind causing his grandmother and big sister to laugh at him. "Keep trying," Tsunade said before she left to check on Shizune's studies.

**Two Weeks Later**

It had taken Naruto about four days to complete the tree walking exercise and similarly to when he completed the leaf balancing exercise, his grandmother made him spend the remaining of the week running up and down the tree to build up his reserve and better his control. Once that week had passed, Tsunade made him spend an extra week running up and down the tree while balancing leaves and pebbles on his forehead and body to better his control. For the boy who was always filled with energy, at the end of every day, he would be completely tired. Currently, everyone was inside the house, Tsunade had decided to give Naruto a day to relax before she really kicks his training into gear. Tsunade was in the kitchen doing the dishes while Shizune was standing behind her staring at Naruto with her mouth open.

"Lady Tsunade," Shizune said getting their sensei's attention. "Do you think it was a good idea teaching Naruto how-to walk-up trees?" she asked confusing her sensei.

"What do you mean if it was a good idea?" Tsunade asked as she continued to wash the dishes. "It is a necessary skill to learn for every shinobi," she added.

"I know that, I'm just wondering if you are regretting teaching him it?" she asked causing Tsunade to scrunch up her forehead in confusion.

"Why would I re..." she began as she turned around to question Shizune. As she turned around, she saw Naruto running up and down the walls and all over the ceiling with a wide smile on his face as he left a trail of shoe prints behind him. Tsunade's eyebrows started to twitch violently before she shouted out. "NARUTOOOO!" She yelled!

**Chapter End!**

That's another chapter in the books! Hope you guys enjoyed it!

A/N: I was going to do another time skip in this chapter and have naruto unlock his bloodline one year later but someone said I should just do it when he unlocks his chakra and I decided to do that and just get it over with.

Next Chapter Naruto Returns to the Leaf

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