
Chapter 3: The Return To The Leaf!

**Timeskip: 7 Years Later**

Seven years had passed since Naruto unlocked his chakra and discovered that he had inherited his great-great grandfather's bloodline. Naruto had advanced leaps and bounds in the last seven years. He had as close to perfect chakra control as he could possibly get thanks to his grandmother and big sister putting him through the wringer when it comes to chakra control exercise. Immediately after mastering the walking on water exercise, his mother put him through some more advanced chakra control exercises that are usually taught to does who want to learn medical ninjutsu. As a result of his close to perfect chakra control, his grandmother and big sister trained him in medical ninjutsu.

When his chakra reserve had increased to a sizeable amount, Tsunade decided to teach him the Shadow-Clone Jutsu to help speed up his training a bit. To say that by creating a few clones every day and having them train alongside Naruto sped up his training would be an understatement. Even though Naruto had the chakra necessary for him to create hundreds of shadow clones at any given time, Tsunade limited him to no more than twenty clones at a time. That way they all could train in the compound and not get in each other's way and also avoid Naruto suffering serious backlash from them dispelling. So, every day for the past five years Naruto would make about fifteen clones, five of them read books and scrolls about medical ninjutsu, another five would read a few books on fuinjutsu which Jiraiya would bring for him, and the remaining five would train with the original and Tsunade in either taijutsu or ninjutsu.

Once the clones ran out of reading material Naruto instructed them to train in his chakra nature. It was the first thing Tsunade and Jiraiya checked after he had completed his water walking exercise. As it turns out Naruto had an affinity for three chakra natures, with the wind nature being his main type while water and earth being secondary. Tsunade and Jiraiya had expected the earth and water but the wind was a complete surprise to them. Thanks to his clones Naruto had already done the necessary exercise to better control each of the three chakra natures but he was not pleased with that, he wanted to take it to the next step to better his control over each chakra nature.

Over the past seven years, Naruto found time in between all of his training that his family put him through to practice his Wood Release. Even though he did not have his great-great grandfather's scrolls and techniques with him, he would like to believe that his control over his wood release is fantastic but unfortunately, there is no way for him to truly tell until he sees his great-great grandfather's scrolls. His grandmother would often tell him that he reminded her of her grandfather when she would watch him create trees and all kinds of wooden constructs. Even though he did not have his great-great grandfather's scrolls, it did not stop Naruto's imagination from aiding him in creating a few techniques for him to use.

Now Naruto was twelve years old and he was a competent medic, a seals master that could give Jiraiya a run for his money, and a pretty powerful shinobi that could kick an average jonin's ass. Well, technically he was not a shinobi as yet due to the fact that he has not taken the graduation exam as yet. Currently, Naruto was standing inside of his bedroom looking around at the now empty room. He had packed up all of his things barring the bed to take with him to the Hidden Leaf Village. His grandmother had decided that it was time for him to return to the village so that he can take the graduation exam with people who were his age. Apparently, she had already sent word to the Hokage that he will be returning and the Hokage agreed to let Naruto take the graduation exam even though he has never stepped foot into the academy.

"I sure am going to miss this place," Naruto said to himself with a smile as he looked around the real all the memories he had there. At twelve years old he now stood 5'6 taller than anyone his age. His spikey blonde hair had gotten longer over the years to the point where it was exactly like his father's. He was wearing black shinobi pants with a matching pair of black shinobi sandals. He wore a black uniform jacket with orange buttons going down the middle and on the end of the sleeves. Around his right bicep was a red armband with eh kanji for "9" on it and on the back of the uniform jacket was the Senju clan symbol in orange. He had the top two buttons of his jacket opened revealing his great-great grandfather's necklace which his mother gave to him. [A/N: It basically his outfit from The Last: Naruto the Movie, the only difference is the pants are black and the Senju clan symbol on his back.]

"Are you done yet, brat!?" Came the voice of Tsunade knocking him out his reminiscing.

"I'm coming, I'm coming," Naruto replied with a smile before walked out of his room and closed the door. He then made his way downstairs and to see his big sister and his grandmother waiting for him there.

"Do you have everything?" Tsunade asked as she looked at him with one hand on her hip.

"Yes, everything is stored in the storage scrolls and the storage scrolls are stored in the storage seal on my wrist," he said as he pulled up his right sleeve revealing a storage seal tattoo on his wrist.

"Good, Sarutobi-sensei is expecting you," she said causing him to nod his head. Tsunade and Shizune were not going with him to the Leaf Village instead, they are going to be touring around the Fire country for a bit before they make their way to the village. It was mainly due to them being cooped up in the Fire Capital for the past 12 years with seven of those twelve years was spent training Naruto into the ground. If anything, they deserved a short break.

"I'll be there," he replied with a smile.

"The Chunin exams are going to be held in the leaf this year, we will arrive there a few days before the finals," she said causing Naruto to fold his arms across his chest before he spoke.

"Are you going to be coming to Leaf to see me or are you just going cause that's where all the gambling happening?" he asked with a small pout causing Shizune to giggle at her brother's behavior. Tsunade on the other hand had a different reaction, she punched him right in the face sending him flying back into the stairs destroying it in the process.

"Care to repeat that question, brat?" Tsunade asked threateningly.

"You know with me no longer around," Naruto began as he pulled himself from the rubble of the stairs and dust himself off. "I wonder who is going to fix all of your messes," he said before channeling some chakra into his foot and stomping it on the ground. As soon as he did that, wooden beams broke through the floor and formed a new flight of stairs to replace the old one.

"With you gone I won't have a reason to be making any mess," Tsunade retorted with a smirk on her face.

"Oh, you know you are going to miss me," Naruto said as he walked up to his grandmother. She smiled at him before pulling him into a warm hug.

"Be safe," she whispered while hugging him and fighting back tears at the same time.

"I will," Naruto replied as he broke the hug and turned to his big sister who already had tears streaming down her face.

"I'm going to miss you, Naru," she said as latched onto Naruto.

"Big sis, you're acting as though you're not going to see me again," Naruto said as he tried to comfort his sister.

"I know, I know," she said as she let go of him and wiped away her tears.

"Good, now where is Tonton?" he asked as he began looking around for Shizune's pet pig that she got two years ago.

"Oink!" squealed the little pig as she ran out of the itching towards the living room after hearing her name being called.

"Now Tonton, I am leaving both of them in your care. Try to keep them out of trouble," he said as he knelt down petted the pig's head.

"Oink!" the pig replied while pointing her snout up in the girl causing Naruto to smile.

"Good," he said before he stood up and pulled both Shizune and Tsunade in for one final hug. "I should head out now," he said as he let them go.

"Send us a message when you get there and try to stay out of trouble," Tsunade said causing him to grin.

"I always stay out of trouble!" he replied as he made his way to the door causing the two women to sweat drop. They walked up behind him as he exited the door and stood in the doorway as they watched him leave the compound.

"Is he going to be okay?" Shizune asked as she stared at Naruto walking away.

"I think the question you should be asking is if the village is going to be okay," Tsunade said with a chuckle knowing her grandson's tendencies.

Naruto was taking in the scenery of the streets of the capital as he walked by. This was the first time he was walking outside the compound without either his big sister or his grandmother with him. Smiling to himself he placed both of his hands in his pocket continue making his way to the main entrance of the capital. It took about fifteen minutes for him to get to the main entrance considering he was simply walking and taking in the sights. When he reached the gate entrance, he saw that there were two samurai guards standing on either side of the entrance guarding it. When the guards saw him approaching, they stood at attention. They were quite familiar with who Naruto was due to the fact that Tsunade, Shizune, and he would frequently visit the fire lord and his wife at the palace.

"Greetings, Lord Senju," both guards said simultaneously causing Naruto to nod his head and wave at them as he walked out of the entrance. He was quite accustomed to people calling him Lord Senju by now after the guards and palace servants would do it every time he visited there. His grandmother told him to get used to it because it was what people would be calling him back at the Leaf. Naruto took three steps outside of the capital before he stopped and stared at the lush forest ahead of him. It was at that moment he recalled something. He had not the slightest clue how to get to the Leaf Village. Deciding to ask one of the guards, he turned around and spoke to them.

"Can either one of you tell me how to get to the Leaf Village?" he asked as he looked at them. The guards looked at each other for a second before the one on the right spoke up.

"It is directly south of the capital," he said while looking at Naruto. "It is about a two to three days journey from here depending on your speed," he said causing Naruto to nod his head before he spoke.

"Thank you!" Naruto said before he turned and started walking South. This was the first time he was outside of the capital; he was going to take his time and truly soak in the scenery around him. He walked through the forest for about five hours before his stomach started grumbling. "Guess it's time for lunch," he said as he stopped and began looking around to find a place for him to eat. Soon the sound of running water invaded his ear causing him to turn his attention to the left and began walking in the direction of the sound. He walked for about five minutes before coming to the edge of a riverbank. "This is a nice place to eat," he said before he plopped himself down on the grass at the edge of the bank and flicked his wrist activating the storage seal. One second later, with a puff of smoke Naruto was revealed holding a small storage scroll in his hand. He opened the scroll and placed it down in front of him before he sent some chakra into the seal creating another puff of smoke the only difference was when the smoke disappeared this time two large bowls of ramen were in front of Naruto still piping hot.

'Got to love storage seals,' he thought to himself as he picked up a pair of chopsticks and one of the bowls before digging in. It took him five minutes to finish both bowls of ramen and by Naruto standards that was him taking his time. After he finished, he resealed the empty bowls into the storage seals and then stood up, turned around, and began making his way back from where he came from. He walked for a couple of minutes before he stopped and looked to the right, then the left, then in front of him, and then behind him.

"I have no idea which direction I came from and which direction I'm supposed to be going in," Naruto said to himself as he looked around him. Everything looked the same to him and he was fairly sure he was not where he started before making his way to the riverbank. "Well, this suck," he said with a sigh as he ran his hand through his hair. "I'm pretty sure I came from over there," he said while pointing to the right. "And I am supposed to be heading south, which is in that direction...I think," he said while pointing to the left. "Oh well, life is just one big adventure I guess," he said with a shrug before he started heading to the left. He walked for about two hours before he exited the forest and joined a dirt road that seems to cut through the forest.

**Two Days Later**

It was currently nightfall, and Naruto was standing in the forest in the middle of a forest still yet to reach the Hidden Leaf Village, and he was starting to get frustrated. The dirt road that he was previously on lead him to Tanzaku Quarters. He was so caught up in admiring the scenery around him that he did not notice the road he was on twisted and turned and all directions leading off the course he was supposed to be on. After spending a night in Tanzaku Quarters he set out at full speed this time for the Leaf Village after getting some direction from the lady at the inn that he stayed the night in. However, even at full speed, she told him it would still take him two days. It had been three days since he left the capital, and he knew the Hokage was expecting him in the village. If he did not arrive there soon, he was sure the man would send out a search party for him thinking the worse had happened. Naruto could not all that to happen, it would be too embarrassing.

"I am starting to believe that they don't call these villages Hidden Villages for no reason," he said as he sighed and resumed walking through the forest. He took about five steps before coming to a halt and narrowing his eyes. He can sense two people's chakra signature fluctuating some distance to the right of him and could hear the faint sounds of metal hitting against metal. It was clear to him that someone was fighting over in that direction. Letting curiosity get the better of him, Naruto placed both of his hands in his pocket and took on a serious look on his face before calmly walking in the directing of the two chakra signatures. He knew he would mind his own business but giving the fact that he knew he was somewhat pretty close to the Leaf village, he decided to check to see if it is a leaf shinobi engaging some enemy shinobi. Judging from their chakra he can tell that it was two chunins, so he was not worried about himself being in any kind of danger. When he carried to the location where he had sensed the fighting taking place, he saw chunins from the Leaf Village fighting each other and by the looks of it, they were not sparring. Looking on from behind one of the trees, it was quite clear that one of the two was clearly outmatched judging by the number of wounds present on his body while the other had some but still far fewer injuries. The thing however that Naruto took note of was the fact that the one with the least number of injuries was carrying a scroll that Naruto thought was oddly familiar.

'If I am not mistaken, that is great-great grandfather's scroll of sealing or otherwise known as the forbidden scroll,' he noted as he stared at the scroll. 'It would appear as though one if not both of them stole the scroll,' he hypothesized as he observed the two chunins. Deciding that it was time to make himself known and have some fun, he walked out from behind the trees whistling with a carefree expression on his face as he strolled up to the two chunins getting their attention.

"My, my, what do we have here?" Naruto asked in a carefree manner causing the two chunins to be on guard. "Two chunins from the Leaf Village trying to kill each other," he noted with a disappointed shake of his head. "Very unbecoming of comrades," he mocked before turning his attention to the scroll. "And would you look at this, the forbidden scroll as well," he said in a fake shocked voice. "I guess there is a traitor or maybe even traitors in our midst," he said as he looked between the two of them. "What to do, what to do?" he asked in a carefree tone putting the two men on edge.

"Who the hell are you, kid!?" yelled the one carrying the scroll getting Naruto's attention.

"Me?" Naruto asked while pointing to himself. "I'm just a passer-by who got lost on his way to Leaf Village," he said with a shake of his head before his face brightened up a bit. "You two wouldn't mind escorting me to the village, would you?" he asked as he looked at them with a fake hopeful look on his face. Naruto's carefree attitude about the whole situation was really putting the two men on edge.

"What are you doing!?" shouted the one who was more injured. "Run before he kills you!" he yelled. In Iruka's mind, that was just a boy in front of them, a boy who was about to get himself killed. Hearing Iruka warning the boy, Mizuki gained some confidence seeing Iruka worried about the boy's safety. It made him believe that Iruka thought that he could easily kill the boy.

"Too late for that, boy!" Mizuki said with a murderous look in his eye. "I'm going to kill you, then kill Iruka and make my escape to Lord Orochimaru!" he yelled out with a crazy look on his face as though he had gone mad. "Soon! Very soon I all have all the power in the world! Hahahaha!" he said before finishing with a maniacal laugh.

"I'm sorry, but I am afraid that I am still going to need you to escort me to the village," Naruto said before the grin on his face disappeared and was replaced with a dangerous look on his face. "And you are going to by force if necessary," he added as he flared his chakra causing his body to be surrounded by a green outline and the pressure in the surrounding area to increase. Mizuki and Iruka's eyes widen in shock at the amount of chakra that was being released by the by in front of them.

"Just who the hell are you?!" Mizuki asked/shouted with fear ever so present in his voice. Naruto stared at him be made a single hand seal and spoke.

"Wood Style: Wood Binding Jutsu!" he said in a low voice while holding the snake hand seal. As he said that a large tree branch with leaves on it burst out from the ground under Mizuki's feet and coiled its way around the chunin binding him in place. It happened so fast that the chunin could not react fast enough to escape. Naruto then narrowed his eyes before he added a bit more chakra causing the tree branch to tighten its grip on Mizuki.

"AHHHHH!" Mizuki yelled out in pain as he felt the coil get tighter. "Please, let me go and I promise I won't cause you any trouble, I swear," Mizuki begged with tears streaming down his face causing Naruto to chuckle darkly at him.

"No, I don't think so," Naruto replied as he let go of the hand seal and began walking towards the duo. "I've heard wonders of the Hidden Leaf's torture and interrogation division headed by a man called Ibiki," Naruto said causing the color to drain from the traitorous chunin's face. "I think I will let him deal with you," he said with a smirk before walking over to Iruka causing the injured chunin to break out from his shock of seeing the first Hokage's bloodline. "Do not panic, I am just going to heal your wounds," Naruto said as he knelt down beside Iruka and began healing the shinobi with medical ninjutsu.

"Thank you," Iruka said with a grateful smile on his face. Naruto nodded his head and just continued to heal him. While healing Iruka, Naruto created two shadow clones without using a single hand seal. One clone went over and picked up the forbidden scroll and brought it over to Naruto while the other went over and severed the bottom on the tree branch that was binding Mizuki so that they could transport him. Upon severing the branch Mizuki fell over while still bounded hitting his head pretty hard against the ground knocking him out. After he finished healing Iruka Naruto stood up and picked up the forbidden scroll. Iruka was about to say something to him about the scroll, but before he could a tree branch similar to the one binding Mizuki burst up from the ground and wrapped itself around him as well.

"What is the meaning of this!?" Iruka yelled/asked.

"It's nothing personal, it's just a precaution," Naruto said with a shrug. "For all I know, the two of you are in on this together and he betrayed you," he said while creating two more shadow clones to carry Iruka while the two from earlier would carry Mizuki. "When we get to the village the Hokage will decide if you are innocent or not," he added before signaling the clone to pick them up. "Which direction is the village in?" he then asked while looking at Iruka.

"Straight ahead," Iruka replied causing Naruto to nod his head before he began walking in the direction of the village with his four clones carrying the two chunins behind him. He walked in silence for about fifteen minutes before the village walls came into view. Naruto could not help but smile at the fact that he had finally arrived at the village.

"So, this is the Hidden Leaf Village," he said as they approached the entrance. As they were approaching the entrance, about six shinobis all ranging from chunin to jonin appeared in front of the gate ready to confront Naruto. Naruto was not really all that worried about the six of them, he continued walking towards the gate without a care in the world.

"Halt and identify yourself!" A jonin wearing dark sunglasses ordered.

"Who the hell wears sunglasses at night?" Naruto asked in a confused tone as he continued to walk towards them. The sunglass-wearing jonin was named Ebisu and he was slightly ticked off that the kid carrying the forbidden scroll just ignored his order.

"I said halt and identify yourself!" Ebisu repeated a bit louder this time.

"Oh right, I'm Naruto!" Naruto said with a carefree smile on his face as he stopped in front of the group. "Can all of you move out of the way, I got an appointment with the Hokage that I am a few days late for. It would be incredibly impolite to keep him waiting for any longer," he said with a smile. The six shinobi all looked at each other unsure what to do.

"And what business do you have with the Hokage, brat?" one of the chunin asked.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't aware that the Hokage's business was any of your business," Naruto replied with the carefree smile still on his face. The chunin who had asked the question growled when he heard Naruto's reply.

'Just who the hell does this little brat think he is?' he thought to himself in anger.

"Now all of you have two options here, you can either escort me to the Hokage," he said with a smile before wiping the smile from his face and replacing it with a serious look as he narrowed his eyes and flared his chakra slightly. "Or get the hell out of my way," he said lowly causing some of the chunins to take a step back including the one who spoke up earlier.

"We will escort you to Lord Hokage," another jonin said getting everyone's attention. Naruto looked over at him and saw that he had a senbon needle in his mouth. Naruto smiled at him and suppressed his chakra once more. The group of shinobi then escorted Naruto to a large red building with 'Fire' written on the front. In front of the building were even more chunins and jonins and standing behind them all was an old man wearing a white robe.

"Lord Hokage! This boy approached the southern gate with the forbidden scroll in hand along with Mizuki and Iruka as his captives," Ebisu yelled out getting everyone's attention. "He claims to have an appointment with you," he added causing the Hokage to raise an eyebrow and walked to the front of the group of shinobi to see who had an appointment with him. When he got to the front of the group, he gasped in shock at the boy standing before him. It was as though he was staring at a younger version of the fourth Hokage. It was not until he saw the whisker marks on each cheek did, he realize just who it was.

"Naruto?" the Hokage called out in a slightly surprised voice.

"Hello, Lord Hokage," Naruto said respectfully with a smile. "Sorry I'm a bit late, I kind of got lost on the way here," he said with an embarrassing chuckle.

"Well, you are here now," the third Hokage said before he looked behind Naruto at a bounded Mizuki and Iruka. "Can you explain what happened with them?" he asked completely not noticing the fact that they were bounded by trees.

"Sure," Naruto replied with a smile. "While I was heading here, I came upon these two trying to kill each other in the woods. The unconscious one was in possession of the scroll while the other one was getting the living hell beat out of him," he said causing Iruka to look away in embarrassment. "Long story short I capture both of them and took the scroll because I didn't know if one of them stole it or both of them stole it and one betrayed the other," Naruto said with a nonchalant shrug. "Oh, here," he said before handing the scroll over to the Hokage.

"Mizuki was the only one who stole the scroll," the Hokage said while looking at the still unconscious chunin. "Iruka was part of the search party that I sent out to retrieve the scroll," he added as he turned to the academy instructor. Nodding to the Hokage, Naruto signaled the clone to set Iruka free. "Take the thief to Ibiki!" the Hokage ordered the shinobi around before turning back to Naruto. "Let us go to my office, Naruto," he said before turning and walking towards the giant red building while holding onto the forbidden scroll. Naruto dispelled his clones before following the Hokage to his office leaving the shinobi behind to deal with the scroll thief.

"Just who is that boy?" one of the shinobi asked as he stared at Naruto walking away.

"How the hell did he bind Mizuki with a tree?" another asked drawing attention to the fact the traitor had a tree branch wrapped around him.

"Um, guys," a random chunin stuttered out. "Is that symbol on the back of his shirt what I think it is?" he asked while pointing to Naruto's back. Everyone looked over to Naruto and saw the Senju clan's crest on his back causing their eyes to widen.

"The Senju Clan," one of them whispered out in shock. It was at that moment a few of the smarter ones began looking between Naruto and the tree branch that was binding Mizuki.

"Impossible..." one said in a whisper.

"The first Hokage's Wood Release," another said before he turned and looked at Iruka as if to asked if it was true.

"Yes, you are correct," Iruka replied getting everyone to look at him. "He possesses the bloodline of the First Hokage," he said causing everyone's jaws to drop.

**Hokage's Office**

As they entered the office the Hokage went to sit behind his desk but then he remembered that the chair which is usually on the opposite side of his desk had been sent out to be replaced that afternoon and a new one would not arrive until the next day.

"I'm sorry but the chair which usually there was sent out to be replaced," he said as he looked at Naruto with an apologetic look on his face.

"It is fine," Naruto said with a wave of his hand before he stomped his foot on the ground causing a few small beams of wood to sprout up. In a manner of seconds, a new chair made out of wood was there for him to sit on.

"Wonderful," the Hokage said as both he and Naruto sat down. The Hokage sat down and blinked for a few seconds as he stared at Naruto who was grinning at him. His eyes then widen to the size of dinner plates before he sprung up back to his feet and pointed at Naruto. "Y-you just!" he stuttered out in a shocked voice causing Naruto to burst out laughing.

"Grandma was right, people's reaction to my bloodline is hilarious!" Naruto said while laughing. The Hokage plopped himself back down on his chair before he let out a sigh.

"I'm getting too old for this," he said causing Naruto to only grin at him. "When did you unlock it?" he asked.

"When I was five," Naruto replied surprising the old man. "It happened the same time I unlocked my chakra," he said causing the old Hokage to nod.

"It does bring back a lot of memories seeing you use it," he said with a fond smile. "It reminds me of Hashirama-sensei," he said causing Naruto to grin after being compared to his great-great-grandfather.

"Grandma said the same thing," he said with a smile.

"I was expecting you two days ago, Naruto," the Hokage said as he stared at Naruto. "You missed the graduation exam," he added causing Naruto's eyes to widen.

"What!?" Naruto yelled/asked. "Does that mean I have to wait till next year?" he asked in a slight panic. "Oh man, grandma is going to kill me," he said as he sunk into the chair.

"No nothing like that," the Hokage said with a chuckle. "I can give you the test tomorrow," he said causing Naruto to breathe out a sigh of relief. "However, a lot of the teams have already been decided so we are going to have to come up with something to do about you," he said causing Naruto to nod his head. "I would love to hear about how life was for you with Tsunade, but it is pretty late now, and I am sure you must be tired," the Hokage said causing Naruto to smile and nod his head. He was indeed tired, and he needed a bath as soon as possible. "Tell you what, why don't you come by the Sarutobi Compound tomorrow morning for breakfast and you can tell me everything," he added with a grandfatherly smile.

"That sounds wonderful," Naruto replied with a smile before he remembered something. "Before I forget," he said as he flicked his wrist and unsealed a small scroll and handed it to the Hokage. "This is a letter from my grandmother appointing me the acting head of the Senju Clan until she returns to the village," he said in a serious voice.

"When will she be returning?" the Hokage asked.

"She said we will arrive here a few days before the finals of the chunin exams," Naruto replied.

"Well then, I should let you go get settled in," the Hokage said as he stood up.

"You wouldn't by chance have a map of the village, do you?" Naruto asked not wanting to get lost again. The third Hokage pulled open one of the grass to his desk and pulled out a map. He then opened it for Naruto.

"We are here right now," he said pointing to the map. "Senju compound is located over here in the clan district," he said while pointing where Naruto needed to go. Naruto looked at it and began plotting his path to take.

"Thank you, Lord Hokage," Naruto said with a thankful smile on his face as he folded up the map.

"I will see you in the morning," the Hokage said causing Naruto to nod.

"Good night, Lord Hokage," Naruto said before he held up a half ram seal and Shunshin away. Naruto appeared down at the entrance where he left the group of shinobi with Mizuki. There was no one there when he appeared there with the body flicker technique, the streets were completely empty. Naruto looked around at his surroundings for a bit before he opened the map and began making his way to the clan district where the Senju compound was located. It took him five minutes to arrive in front of the gates to Senju Compound from the Hokage's office. When he arrived there, he could see that there were people still on the streets. Most of them were staring at him, he chalked it up to the fact that he was staring at the gates to the compound. Naruto then walked up to the gate getting the attention of everyone on the street. Even those who were not looking at him previously now had their eyes on him. He bit his thumb drawing some blood before swiping it across the seal on the gate. He then pressed his palm over the seal and pulsed his chakra in a specific pattern that his grandmother taught him. Everyone on the street watched in amazement as the sealing array glowed before gates pushed themselves open.

Naruto walked through the gates and into the compound ignoring the people that were on the street trying to get a look inside the famous Senju clan compound. After he entered, he locked the gates behind him and reactivated the seals before making his way to the main house of the compound. The clan Compound was rather large, there were enough houses there for a few hundred clan members. When Naruto arrived at the main house, he created about fifty shadow clones and unsealed the storage scrolls with all of his stuff in them and give it to them to put away while he orders a few of them to go explore the house. While all the clones were doing that Naruto made his way down a hallway that his grandmother told him about and stood in front of a wall. He then bit his finger once more drawing some more blood and repeated what he did at the gate. After doing that a large sealing array appeared on the wall and a door became visible. He opened the door which leads to a flight of stairs going down. He walked down the stairs and came upon another door which he did the same thing he did to the previous one unlocking the security seal which was placed on it. Once it did that, he opened the door and stepped into what his grandmother described as the Senju clan's vault. As he stepped into the room the lights automatically came on and Naruto could only marvel at the number of weapons, books, and scrolls that were in the room.

"Whoa," he said in amazement. It was inside this room that all of his great-great grandfather's jutsus were locked away in, along with a lot of books, weapons, and scrolls that were spoils of war. As Naruto was looking around his eye caught a rather large scroll in the corner of the room just next to the door. It was a white scroll with a black and silver lining. He walked up to it and picked it up.

'Wonder what this is?' he asked himself before he opened the scroll and could not help but smirk when he saw what it was.

"A summoning contract," he said with a smile before a puzzled expression appeared on his face. "Why are there no names written on it?" he asked as he saw that there was not a single name written on the contract signifying that there had never been a summoner for this contract. "I wonder what kind of creature this is for?" he asked himself before he caught a glimpse at a picture of the animal at the bottom corner of the contract. "Interesting," he said with a smirk.

**Chapter End!**

Hope you enjoy this chapter! I feel so so about it, I think I could have done better. I apologize for that!

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