
Naruto: Reborn With Useless Skills?

*Ahem* Please read the "tags" before you go about the story, Friend! Also the MC goes through a huge character development. The MC is like an insane dick at the start. But he grows. Now the synopsis: Surname Kaneko meaning Golden and Given name Mitsu meaning Light. Ahhh! Such a fitting name.... FITTING NAME MY ASS... But the name holds weight in the land of fire. Hmmm. Why? Well because, it's the name of the Fucking Fire Daimyo aka Otou-chan, my daddy dearest. Huhuhuhu... Yesh! You have guessed it! I was reborn as the fricking prince of fire. It's great right? RIGHT? WROOOOOOONG!!!!!!! Because the idiotic daimyos, don't let their dumb kids learn ninjutsu.... But worry not, yours truly, was lucky to be born as the third prince. Damn! I didn't know the fat lady had 3 children already, no wonder she was... You know what! I will stop right there. I don't want my fate to be the same as that Tora. *shudder* But the biggest issue here is, after I was run over by Scooty-Chan... Yeah! You heard me, Scooty-Chan. Coz, her elder cousin Truck-Kun, was too busy running over some fat NEET, she had to come and give me a ride... and a ride she gave... *Tears* I even got the worst reincarnating official... more like an assistant... Here, I have read about the awesome powers reincarnators get when they reincarnate. While yours truly was stuck with a pussy who can't even authorize a freakin Sharingan.... Well, you know what! It doesn't matter. Just see how I freaking kick ass with the worst list of skills. https://discord.gg/mtQutXpjky ___________________ Note: The name of the FF is a parody itself. And yes, the skills the MC gets are useless on their own. But using the parody of a certain Novel it became something else! Note: The cover and any images in the future are and will be drawn by me. So these belong to me. ___________________ Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or any of it's characters only my OC's and the change of plot

LuminouShadow · アニメ·コミックス
113 Chs

End of Doto


Chapter 75: End of Doto

Jutsu of the day:

<Turning winter to spring!>

Courtesy of Yuki-hime.


[Previously on NaRUS?]


"Hahaha, indeed my lady. I can now see why they praise him so much."

I smiled.

I could see it too.

"Let's go everyone! We have a castle to take back!" I shouted.

""YEAHHH!"" The samurais cheered.

Running to catch up with Mitsu-sama, I only had 1 thought. 'Now liberating my country was no longer an impossible dream.'



Time: During the 10 minutes preparation phase

Location: Inside Doto Castle.




"Who does he think he is???! Kaneko Mitsu, you arrogant boy! Think you can do whatever you want, huh? Mizore! Go lead the ninjas and show that arrogant boy, who the real ruler is!" Doto commanded with a haughty tone.

He seemed pissed.

"Huh, you don't need to worry too much, Doto-sama, with our Chakra Armor, no matter who they send, they can only lose." said Kakoyoku Fubuki, not caring at all about Mitsu's declaration.

Doto relaxed after hearing that. Because who knew better about the armors than himself? Those armors could negate most Ninjutsus and Genjutsus. Making them invaluable.

"Indeed. Still we need to capture that brat… We can't kill him. He has way too many connections and is loved by Konoha and Kirigakure." Doto stated with a scowl on his face.

"Hmph, just because he is a prince, he thinks he can do whatever he wants… Isn't he afraid of the council of Daimyos?" Fubuki sneered.

Doto snorted, "Indeed he is not. His father is the Fire Daimyo, while the Wind Daimyo wants him as a Great Grandson-in-law. He is also made a lifelong friendship with the Water Daimyo.

That's why we can't kill him. But after we capture him, we can easily get many benefits from the land of Fire." Doto declared.

Fubuki could only nod. She didn't really care about some spoiled prince.

Doto then looked around and asked, "Where is Nadare?"

"Roga went to check on the Chakra Disruption Devices. We know the prince has some Ninjas under him, so those should come in handy. He said he will get them installed for the battle."

That made Doto pleased. He had no worries about this, so-called invasion. None at all. After all, he was sure that no one could harm him with all the devices he had.

Wearing his own Chakra Armor, he simply felt invincible. So he simply waited for his inevitable victory.

Soon the offered 10 minutes of preparation passed, when,


The whole castle shook.

"Huh? What was that?" Fubuki screeched.

"Hmmm… Let's check it out… Maybe som-" Before Doto could say more, Kazahana Koyuki's speech was heard all over.

Doto turned incensed. He went to the window to check outside as he saw the bright light.

"WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS? And is that the Hexagonal Crystal?" Doto asked as he watched the events outside from the windows. He was surprised by the turn of events.

At first he thought that Mitsu's declaration earlier was a scam. But now... He was sure that his neice was here.

His anger slowly turned into a vicious smile.

'So you have brought my treasure to me, little girl… I should almost thank you.' Thinking so, Doto started laughing in madness.

"Doto-sama, what are your orders? Most of the Samurais outside have surrendered." Fubuki asked trepidatiously.

Doto sneered, "Doesn't matter what those weaklings do. We will be enough to take all of them on. Now lets go. I have a niece to catch." He ordered.


Mizore was on his way out of the castle to lead the guards, when he noticed something bizarre.

The castle almost seemed empty. Usually there are guards in patrol or servants moving about. But right now there was no one.

Thinking it was best to investigate, he started looking for Roga Nadare.

He knew that Nadare was in the room that housed the Chakra Disruption Devices. So he decided to check there first.

But when he arrived, his blood turned cold…

Because lying on the ground was a motionless man with senbons sticking out of his neck. It was none other than Nadare.

'Impossible! Who could have killed Nadare?' Mizore shouted in his head.

His instincts were screaming, telling him to run, but it was too late, as the last thing he remembered was feeling a prick on his neck as darkness took him.


As his body fell, another figure appeared in the room.

This figure was female, with a face that can make adolescent boys go crazy. She gracefully walked towards the downed man.

Softly she said, "Well, you are lucky, I don't like killing. I will let Master deal with you later."

It was Haku. Who was ordered to take care of the ninjas inside.

She then looked at the devices in the room.

Mitsu ordered her to destroy these devices, so that's what she would do. Taking out her Ninjato she started dismantling the devices…

'This really is a nasty device… But I am sure Master will think of these as cool toys.' She giggled, thinking fondly of her Master.

Doto and Fubuki were getting ready to set a trap for the invaders. But when they found the whole castle almost empty, it started ringing warning bells in their heads.

"Why is it so quiet?" He asked with a frown.

"I… I don't know, Doto-sama… But this doesn't feel right." Fubuki was feeling nervous.

"It doesn't matter. I saw many of our ninjas coming inside the castle for another siege. Let's go to the castle entrance. We should find them there."

They made their way towards the castle entrance. Though, the complete emptiness of the castle started unnerving them.

It was then they heard a loud explosion coming from the direction of the audience chamber.

Alarmed, they quickly made their way to see if the enemies had already breached the gates. But once both of them arrived, the view baffled them.

The magnificent doors to the chamber had been blasted open.

A long red carpet has been brought in from somewhere, and many samurai stood on either side of the room, looking at them with… Pity?

And finally, the image that literally made them choke up was the throne part.

Instead of the large stone throne he used. It has been changed with a decorated but simple wooden throne. And behind the throne hung red drapes with golden trimmings.

On top of the throne sat a boy wearing a golden haori.

[A/N: Illustration of Mitsu sitting on the throne with a tea cup. Mobile users can check it on the chapter comment.]

Beside him stood Kazahana Koyuki. Her troubled expression was clear as day. Even she couldn't believe the ridiculousness of the situation.

And a step below the throne stood a Ninja looking impassive, with a tea pot on his hand ready to serve…

That's when Doto realized. The boy was sitting on the throne cross-legged, with a fricking tea cup on his hand. Drinking it nonchalantly, as if that's the most important thing right now.

Doto was raging, but he also felt fear for the first time… Something was telling him whatever was going on here wasn't simple…

He coughed loudly to get attention.

It's then the boy finally noticed them. The boy looked at them with a bored face…

'A power play.' Doto thought in anger.

He asked, "Are you Goto? The tyrant?"


Doto was feeling incredible hatred at the moment. He wanted to rage.

"WHY YO-" But he was interrupted by the girl standing beside the throne.

"Unno~ Mitsu-sama… His name is actually Doto…" She said in a sweet voice, but her look towards Doto was vicious.

But the prince simply shrugged and took another sip of his tea.

The girl sighed at the prince's antics and looked back at Doto, this time her beautiful face was frigid as the winter snow. and her glare increased in intensity.

"We meet again… Uncle… You have made my people suffer for long enough! It ends now! Surrender yourself, to save your dignity." She declared.

"Che! Like I need to listen to a spoilt little girl! Fubuki, you take care of the girl and the samurais. I will take on the prince's dogs!" He ordered his subordinate. Getting ready for battle.

But there was no response from his subordinate.

Feeling apprehensive he looked back, only to swallow his saliva…

Because Fubuki was no longer beside him. Instead was leaning against the wall unconscious and another Ninja with Konoha forehead protector standing beside her playing with his kunai.

The ninja noticed his gaze and smiled at him. But his eyes were cold.

This finally made Doto understand what kind of a situation he was in…

'This is bad...' He thought.

His Chakra Armor could negate most Ninjutsus and Genjutsus. But he could still be physically hurt… The same went for Fubuki, as she also had her own armor.

And for someone to hurt a Jonin without even alerting them… Only meant one thing…

'That Ninja… Is extremely fast and skillful.' Doto started sweating. His whole body was trembling.

But to add salt to the wound.


With a swishing sound another person appeared in the room with a swirl of snow. It was a young girl. Who didn't even give Doto a glance.

The girl first gave Koyuki a look before she smiled sweetly at the prince to make her report, "Master, the other 2 Ninjas with the useless armors are taken care of. I also managed to dismantle the devices without major damages. And all of our contacts inside the castle have apprehended all hostiles."

"Oh? Where are they, by the way?" The prince asked.

"In the dungeons. You don't have to worry about them, Master."

The prince looked at her with a smile. Seemingly pleased with her work as he said, "Good job Haku. Efficient as always. But I presume, the ninjas I told you about are still alive?"

The girl looked sheepish but nodded with her head lowered.

"It's alright Haku. I told you. You don't have to take lives if you don't want to. Just be careful alright? I don't want to see you hurt."

Haku smiled at the prince's tone, nodding in understanding went to stand beside Koyuki-hime.

Doto was panicking at the moment.

But as a diginified ruler he demanded, "What is the meaning of this, Fire Prince? Why attack us unprovoked? Are you not afraid of the retaliation?"

Mitsu, didn't even dignify him with an answer. He boredly looked at the ninja serving him tea, "Yo, Fuzzy… That gorilla is making my tea taste bad…"

Fuse only bowed before he gave the tea pot to Haku and looked at Doto.

"You are making my Master's tea taste bad. Please surrender. Or I will have to hurt you."

Doto gritted his teeth and started concentrating <Ice Release> in his hands to make a quick attack.

Fuse only sighed at this before dissappearing from everyone's sight.

Doto couldn't react to that speed. And before he could even panic, he saw a fist right in front of his face.


With a nasty crack Doto was sent flying out the room through the destroyed gates. Hitting the wall hard, before falling down unconscious.

One hit KO. Ding Ding!


Everyone in the room, except Mitsu's party was speechless at the sight.

This was an unbelievable sight, after all Doto was actually strong.

Only Mitsu seemed completely unbothered as he said, "Well there you go. That's how you kick a tyrants ass."

All the samurais and Koyuki-hime only gave him a deadpanned stare, while Haku giggled at her master's antics.


Time: 3 days after Liberating the Land of Snow.

Location: Inside Doto's Castle.



After Fuzzy knocked Doto out, things were simple.

As I had already prepared for the takeover way before I contacted Yuki-hime, the country was ready to accept a new ruler.

And having support from 6 other Daimyos and 4 ninja villages made the shit really easy honestly.

The other thing that helped things run along was Yuki-hime herself…

The people of this land, loved Kazahana Sosetsu… Which gave Yuki-hime a huge boost in popularity… Not to mention the addition of her movie fans…

I walked towards the exit, as today was the coronation ceremony.

Yuki-hime, has already thanked me profusely after everything was over.

Right after we took Goto down, she managed to turn on the Spring generator. Turning the Land of Snow into the Land of Spring…

How it worked? I have no fricking clue…

She declared that day, "From today on, there shall be no land of Snow. We are the Land of Spring!" Which was really emotional for all the people here. This even made me smile.

But it's not that easy to change a country's name. But with my help, the name of the country was officially changed to the land of Spring, without any objections. No one wants to experience permanent vacations after all.

I even got a tight hug and a kiss on my cheek out of it.

Which… Made things a bit hard… I have started my puberty, after all… My hormones are raging… And Yuki-hime wasn't helping being beautiful and all...

But thankfully I managed to control myself, as I watched Haku giving Yuki-hime death glares and a lecture on proper behavior of a country's Daimyo…

Though, Yuki-hime, easily got out of it by saying that she thinks of me as her younger brother.

Which was both a relief and a disappointment.

Relief because… It helped me with my raging puberty.

Also... I might actually be in love with Hinata… Not that I really know what love is…

[A/N: Reminder, MC in his past life didn't know love. He only slept around.]

I have started missing her more and more lately… Those beautiful eyes… Sigh... If in my past life anyone would say that I would become infatuated with someone's eyes. They would've been laughed at.

But now... I miss them.

On the other hand… My body and hormones were raging… Making things... hard… My maids. Yuki-hime and Yukina weren't helping.

Not to mention, my experiences of sleeping around in my past life was also conflicting with my mentality.

Don't get me wrong… I am not a pussy who will be a sage when a girl throw herself at me. I will definitely not reject that.

But, I am not a horny dog, who will just jump any girl. I always maintained standards before. And now... As I had a new life with new opportunities... I actually want to catch feelings...

I also can't dream of making Hinata cry… Even the thought of it is a nightmare... This feeling is so new to me. DAMN IT! Is this actually love? GAHHH!

Sigh. I will think more about it later… I just hope I can sort all this out. Sissy forbid, I don't want to become a Japanese Harem Protag, with only visuals and no action! I don't even know if I want a harem...

With all the things happening in my life lately... I am more... Tamed?

"What have you done to me Hinata?" I muttered as I looked out towards the horizon. And no that cloud definitely doesn't look like her!

Speaking of Hinata.

Her birthday was coming up. Not to mention she was soon going to graduate.

That thought brought a smile to my face.

Hinata and I write to each other every other week. And I know that she has been working really hard. She also gained a lot of self confidence.

She even managed to keep up with Neji in her last spar. She was particularly happy about that one.

Though she still doesn't want to hurt anyone. Which is cool in my book. She doesn't need to hurt people...

She has me for that.

Oh yeah, she was also the number 1 Kunoichi in the academy right now.

So if everything goes according to plan… Then Hinata, Naruto and Sasugay should be made the new team 7… Unless that red eyed, prettier Sakura, decides to intervene…

Don't get me wrong… Kurenai was... Okay? But she was the most useless Sensei in my books.

She completely wasted Hinata's potential in the cannon. Kakashi will also be useless I guess… But at least she will have more experience with him and Naruto around.

Not to mention I was helping her improve as well.

So, if everything goes according to plan. Then I will meet my Hinna-bunny during my stay at Wave.

Heh, Gato… You are in for a rude awakening…

After the coronation ceremony~


The coronation ceremony for Yuki-hime went without a hitch.

After she became the Daimyo, we signed an alliance, and a co-operation agreement. She also agreed on opening a company in the other villages to sell their technology.

We also came up with an agreement for Rail roads between the allied nations. Which was going to be a great undertaking but, most of the Daimyos agreed and were happy with the development.

But for now, only a few nations were going to get the rail system as a test run. After all, a large train network will require a lot of Ninjas to keep track of and guard.

After that I decided to stay in the land of Spring for a few months to fix all the damage Goto had done.

But after I am done here, it will be time to liberate the Land of Waves and after that finally return home…



[A/N: Hey there beautiful people!

If you want to join the discord! The link is on the synopsis!]

3k word chapter.

We recieved 559 stones last week. So extra chapter this week. Which will be on tuesday. Enjoy!

LuminouShadowcreators' thoughts