
Naruto: Reborn With Useless Skills?

*Ahem* Please read the "tags" before you go about the story, Friend! Also the MC goes through a huge character development. The MC is like an insane dick at the start. But he grows. Now the synopsis: Surname Kaneko meaning Golden and Given name Mitsu meaning Light. Ahhh! Such a fitting name.... FITTING NAME MY ASS... But the name holds weight in the land of fire. Hmmm. Why? Well because, it's the name of the Fucking Fire Daimyo aka Otou-chan, my daddy dearest. Huhuhuhu... Yesh! You have guessed it! I was reborn as the fricking prince of fire. It's great right? RIGHT? WROOOOOOONG!!!!!!! Because the idiotic daimyos, don't let their dumb kids learn ninjutsu.... But worry not, yours truly, was lucky to be born as the third prince. Damn! I didn't know the fat lady had 3 children already, no wonder she was... You know what! I will stop right there. I don't want my fate to be the same as that Tora. *shudder* But the biggest issue here is, after I was run over by Scooty-Chan... Yeah! You heard me, Scooty-Chan. Coz, her elder cousin Truck-Kun, was too busy running over some fat NEET, she had to come and give me a ride... and a ride she gave... *Tears* I even got the worst reincarnating official... more like an assistant... Here, I have read about the awesome powers reincarnators get when they reincarnate. While yours truly was stuck with a pussy who can't even authorize a freakin Sharingan.... Well, you know what! It doesn't matter. Just see how I freaking kick ass with the worst list of skills. https://discord.gg/mtQutXpjky ___________________ Note: The name of the FF is a parody itself. And yes, the skills the MC gets are useless on their own. But using the parody of a certain Novel it became something else! Note: The cover and any images in the future are and will be drawn by me. So these belong to me. ___________________ Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or any of it's characters only my OC's and the change of plot

LuminouShadow · Anime & Comics
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113 Chs

Break the Gate! Rally the People!


Chapter 74: Break the Gate! Rally the People!

Jutsu of the day:

<Fire Release: Massive Great Fire Ball Jutsu>

Courtesy of Ichi.


[Previously on NaRUS?]


He had told me many times how the people were waiting for me to come back.

I knew all about the tyranny of Doto. And how the people were suffering.

And if the Golden Prince can help with that. Then I would owe everything to the Land of Fire. I don't care about some measly title!

But what the prince said next made me sputter.

"Well, hope you know how to be a Daimyo, Yuki-hime. You will need it! Hehe~"



Time: Continuing from chapter 73

Location: Hanayuki Village, Land of Snow

[Kazahana Koyuki]


"Well, hope you know how to be a Daimyo, Yuki-hime. You will need it! Hehe~" he said.

I was surprised, but confused, at his declaration.

"Y-you are going to j-just let me be the Daimyo?" I asked cautiously.

I had a feeling that he was going to choose some sort of puppet to be the Daimyo.

Unless… he wants me to be his puppet… NO! I won't be anyone's puppet.

But then he started explaining.

"Bingo~ And before you start overthinking things. The main reason I am choosing you is because you have the biggest claim.

Not to mention I have actually talked to the people of this Land… I wanted to know how they feel about their current rule and what they hope things to be.

Most believe you are dead. But they all had hoped to serve under you if you were alive. As they did under your father."

He smiled gently as he continued, "Your people believe you would have been a great leader. So Yuki-hime, let's see if you can prove your people right, 'kay?"

My respect for this boy, no Mitsu-sama raised at that point…

I thought he just wanted power. But he was going by the wish of my people…

"D-do you t-think I can do this?" I asked him. Insecurity grasping my heart.

"You will never know until you try, Hime. But I can tell you this. You will have many people supporting you, including Asama and myself. Believe in yourself, you can do this." He encouraged me.

Asama nodded from the side, with an encouraging smile.

'If they believe that I can do this, then… I will give it my all.' I thought in my head. My mind made up.

"Then please, Mitsu-sama, help me liberate my land." I requested earnestly with a bow.

He only answered with his bright sunny smile.



3 days later~


We were a distance away from the royal castle. Now known as Doto's castle.

There I spied many guards making rounds around the place.

But the once lively castle, surrounded by the castle-town, filled with hustle and bustle of the people, was no more.

The whole place simply seemed gloomy and depressing. And the rising winter only added to that miserable scene.

Beside me stood Mitsu-sama. Looking as confident as ever. While behind us stood Asama and his 50 samurai guards and Mitsu-sama's 3 subordinates.

It was then I asked him, "Mitsu-sama... Didn't you call for reinforcements? Where are they?" I was a bit worried.

Were we going to take Doto down with 50 samurai and 3 ninjas? That simply sounded impossible.

He only looked at me and chuckled lightly.

"Nope~ There are no reinforcements. You worry too much Yuki-hime, we aren't even going to use your 50 samurai dudes… Hmmm… Haku and Ichi should be enough for this."

I stared at him incredulously. As did my samurai guards…

Was he joking? He was joking, right?

Taking out a full castle of samurais with 2 Ninjas?

Not to mention there were many ninjas from Yukigakure, other rogue ninjas that Doto employed, mechanical traps and devices which were the specialty of Land of Snow and who knows else he had come up with.

And he wanted to fight all that with 2 people? I am now sure he is INSANE!… I was having second thought right about now... But my knowledge of his reputation stopped me. But I still felt that he was insane.

And to simply prove my point further, he smiled and said, "Well, we need to declare before we attack, or we will be treated as criminals."

He was going to let the enemy know of our arrival…

I could only watch with my mouth agape as he stood in front of everyone and enhanced his voice with Chakra as he shouted.

"People of the Land of Snow! I, the Prince of the Land of Fire, am here to liberate you on the request of your TRUE princess, Kazahana Koyuki, from the evil clutches of the tyrant, Kazahana Doto.

This is an official declaration of war to put the rightful ruler on the throne!

Fear no longer! Because soon, you shall taste the sweet air of freedom!


And you Goto or whatever your name is, prepare, because we are commencing our attack in 10 minutes."

I almost choked as I heard his declaration…

Not only did he use my name to start a 'Legal' war, by claiming it was for 'ME' he simply turned an invasion into a legitimate overtaking of a Tyrant… This brat was terrifying…

He looked at me and winked… As if what he did was normal for children.

The cheeky bastard! I seriously had the urge to punch his stupid face, but I endured as I saw him turning serious.

"Yuki-hime, it's not always about having more soldiers than your enemy or having stronger weapons.

The reason I declared the war as such was to make this attack have a righteous reasoning. While also declaring to the still loyal faction that you have returned.

Don't worry. The time I spent here, I wasn't wasting by lazying around. I took the liberty to meet with several loyal nobles, the civilians and leaders of small resistance groups. At first, they didn't believe me that you were alive. But I told them that I will give them proof on the day I declare the attack.

I made sure almost 70% of the castle will follow you once you prove yourself. So don't worry. There won't be a massacre of your people." He finished seriously.

And all I could think is… I felt ashamed.

He planned all this… For a long time… He was confident about finding me… He is confident the people will follow me. I don't know how he can be so confident…

How can someone so young have that kind of mindset? He gleams like a veteran war general, while having the confidence of a king…

I didn't have any words after that, as I heard him giving orders.

"Haku, you will be infiltrating the Castle now and meet with the contacts. Keep an eye on the stupid machines they have. If possible steal them, if not then destroy them. Try to assassinate the 3 Rogue Ninjas Tobi reported on. But don't fight them head on. Finally, don't attack Doto. He needs to answer for his crimes."

The sweet smiling girl bowed, before giving me a look as she disappeared into the snowy haze…

After that, he looked at me and said, "After we smash the gate, you will declare yourself. And let people know that it is you."

I was surprised, so I asked, "And how will I do that? They haven't seen me in 10 years."

He chuckled and pointed at my necklace.

I instantly understood. I was again surprised by his insight.

We waited for the 10 minute preparation time as we watched many Ninjas and Samurais prepare themselves on the walls with many counter siege machines and Kunai throwers.

But Mitsu-sama and his subordinates didn't seem bothered by it.

As the time limit was up, he simply looked at the Uchiha boy. Pointing towards the castle gates, he ordered, "Ichi, SMASH."

The command was so ridiculous that I found myself gaping…

Was this boy really, the Golden Prince? The one who brought prosperity to his Land? Ordering 1 teenager to smash the gates while there are so many people defending from the walls? Did he want to kill the boy?

Even Asama and his samurais were baffled at the behavior of the prince. I could see that Asama wanted to say something, but decided against it.

I turned to Fuse-san (who seemed like the sanest person among the prince's subordinates), for some clarity.

He noticed my glance and sighed as he said, "Don't bother Kazahana-himesama… You can't judge my master with common sense… So simply watch."

I was speechless. But having no other choice, I decided to follow his advice.

Uchiha-san, simply chuckled at the order as he bowed. Then disappeared from his spot.

He stopped a good 10 meters from the walls, as I could hear all the samurais shouting from the walls, and the ninjas started throwing Kunais.

He didn't even bother with them, as his hands turned into blurs.

Then, to my astonishment, awe and horror. He took a deep breath, only to spout out a massive fireball from his mouth.

<Fire Release: Massive Great Fire Ball jutsu>

The samurais who were on the wall, started to take cover, as did the Ninjas.

Most seemed to get away, as the fire was concentrated mainly at the gates, but some were still unlucky as they got caught on the fire, turning into ash.


I felt my stomach churn. I wanted to vomit, but someone gabbed my arm.

I turned to see that it was Mitsu-sama.

He looked at me sternly and said,

"We are here to liberate your people… Many of your people are there defending the castle.

Most have no other choice.

Many of them will die today. But their deaths won't be in vain. We will not let them be in vain.

So if you act weak now. When your people need you the most.

You will only be disrespecting all these brave men and women. So look strong!

Look strong for your people." He said with his rare regal tone.

I gulped hard, forcing everything down and nodded. He was right, I needed to be strong for my people.

I didn't like seeing them die. But I understand that things like this cannot be avoided during a war.

He noticed that I pulled myself together, so he gave me a cone shaped device.

When I looked at him in askance, he explained,

"This is a 'Megaphone', it will amplify your voice. Let your people know that their princess is back. Show them the proof, and give them hope."

I watched the guards on the wall as many of them were looking terrified. Others were shouting orders to regroup, while the Ninjas started throwing Kunais with explosive tags and ice crystals at Uchiha-san.

I noticed that, Uchiha-san wasn't fighting back and simply dodging… As if he was waiting for something… He was waiting for me.

Looking at the megaphone, I knew what I needed to do.

I needed to declare myself, and I needed to give my people hope.

And that's what I did.

"People of the Land of Snow. My name is Kazahana Koyuki, daughter of late Daimyo Kazahana Sosetsu. I know I am late. Many of you might never forgive me for that.

But now I am here, and have the Prince of Land of Fire to help me! I promise you all. We will protect you!

We will lead you to a new future! We will lead you to a new Spring! And to prove it to you."

I held my crystal necklace as I pushed all my emotions into it, as my father had once shown me.


A bright light started shining from the crystal, as it drove the gloomy darkness and could be seen from far away.

[A/N: This part isn't cannon, at least I don't think it is. I watched the movie so long ago. But well some dramatics are not usually bad.]

I was surprised to see the shine of the hexagonal crystal. It shouldn't be this bright.

I heard sounds of awe from the samurai behind us, but when I turned to Mitsu-sama, I saw him grinning…

'He definitely has something to do with this…'

But I was glad. As I could see, many samurais and ninjas were looking at our direction and started standing down.

Many Samurai directly kneeled, and some were crying and saying something. But I couldn't tell from so far away.

Soon as if someone gave them order, they went into action.

I took down the megaphone and watched many samurai start apprehending the ones that were still hostile. While Uchiha-san started taking the ninjas down.

The ninjas couldn't stop. They were basically tools for their village.

Only Konohagakure treated their ninjas a bit differently. But most ninjas can't defy their orders.

So I was glad to see Uchiha-san simply putting them to sleep or knocking them out as the other Samurai tied them up.

Soon, all the hostile guards were apprehended. Some locked themselves in the castle waiting another siege.

Asama, the Samurais and I watched in awe, as the prince with his plan, ended a war in minutes...

My daze was broken from the prince calling me, "Well, Yuki-hime? Let's go meet your uncle, shall we? We still have a Country to save."

Saying so, he started walking towards the castle.

I stared at the young prince's back in awe as he walked towards the blown up gate in confident strides.

"How long must he have planned... to finish this in mere minutes?" I asked no one in particular.

"I don't know my lady… But it seems like he did talk to the samurais and people of the land…

Did you see a single civilian out there in the castle town?" Asama pointed out.

And I was surprised yet again…

"He already had them evacuated, so that no civilians would get hurt!" I exclaimed.

"Hahaha, indeed my lady. I can now see why they praise him so much."

I smiled.

I could see it too.

"Let's go everyone! We have a castle to take back!" I shouted.

""YEAHHH!"" The samurais cheered.

Running to catch up with Mitsu-sama, I only had 1 thought. 'Now liberating my country was no longer an impossible dream.'



[A/N: Hey there beautiful people!

If you want to join the discord! The link is on the synopsis!]

428 when I am uploading this. We might really reach 500power stones this week! And if we do then there will be a chapter on Tuesday!

Again reminding of the schedule. Timezone +2GMT,

Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.

Sat and Tues days are off, but if there are any extra chapters they will be posted on Tuesday.

LuminouShadowcreators' thoughts