
Naruto: Reborn With Useless Skills?

*Ahem* Please read the "tags" before you go about the story, Friend! Also the MC goes through a huge character development. The MC is like an insane dick at the start. But he grows. Now the synopsis: Surname Kaneko meaning Golden and Given name Mitsu meaning Light. Ahhh! Such a fitting name.... FITTING NAME MY ASS... But the name holds weight in the land of fire. Hmmm. Why? Well because, it's the name of the Fucking Fire Daimyo aka Otou-chan, my daddy dearest. Huhuhuhu... Yesh! You have guessed it! I was reborn as the fricking prince of fire. It's great right? RIGHT? WROOOOOOONG!!!!!!! Because the idiotic daimyos, don't let their dumb kids learn ninjutsu.... But worry not, yours truly, was lucky to be born as the third prince. Damn! I didn't know the fat lady had 3 children already, no wonder she was... You know what! I will stop right there. I don't want my fate to be the same as that Tora. *shudder* But the biggest issue here is, after I was run over by Scooty-Chan... Yeah! You heard me, Scooty-Chan. Coz, her elder cousin Truck-Kun, was too busy running over some fat NEET, she had to come and give me a ride... and a ride she gave... *Tears* I even got the worst reincarnating official... more like an assistant... Here, I have read about the awesome powers reincarnators get when they reincarnate. While yours truly was stuck with a pussy who can't even authorize a freakin Sharingan.... Well, you know what! It doesn't matter. Just see how I freaking kick ass with the worst list of skills. https://discord.gg/mtQutXpjky ___________________ Note: The name of the FF is a parody itself. And yes, the skills the MC gets are useless on their own. But using the parody of a certain Novel it became something else! Note: The cover and any images in the future are and will be drawn by me. So these belong to me. ___________________ Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or any of it's characters only my OC's and the change of plot

LuminouShadow · アニメ·コミックス
113 Chs

A Date to remember!


Chapter 104: A Date to remember!

Jutsu of the day:

<Planning a good Date no Jutsu>

Courtesy of Yours Truly.


2nd of August, Year 78

Hyuga Compound



The Chunin Exams just ended yesterday, and all the participants were given a week's time to rest, after the exciting tournament.

But for me, today was much more special than a measly break.

After all.

Mitsu-kun was taking me out on a date!

Just thinking about it made me blush hard.

We go on small dates all the time. But still…

I was looking forward to today's date. After all, I had earned this date fair and square.

A chuckle escaped my mouth as I thought back to what Mitsu-kun said yesterday.

'Trust me, this will be a date you will tell our great grandkids.'

I couldn't help but giggle, as I found it both funny and sweet.

Honestly, I didn't really have any preference in the type of date we go to. I simply want to spend as much time as possible with my boyfriend…

Yeah… My amazing boyfriend…

I started daydreaming like I usually do. But I was taken out of my stupor by Hanabi's voice,

"Onee-sama, you are making your 'I want to kidnap Mitsu-Oniisama' face again." Hanabi said with a pout.

I turned red in embarrassment.

Oh no! I forgot Hanabi was right here with me… She was even doing my hair for me…

"Etto~ Hanabi-chan… What are you saying? I don't have any such face." I smiled awkwardly.

"You sure do! And I think everyone knows about it by now! Hmph! You always go into a daze when you are thinking of Onii-sama." Hanabi retorted.

I could only smile awkwardly…

Because Hanabi-chan wasn't the first to say that to me.

"Ahem, Hanabi-chan, what do you think I should wear for today's date? Mitsu-kun told me to wear something comfortable and fit for travel. He also suggested that I shouldn't wear a skirt."

I did my best to divert the topic.

"Hmm… Why would Onii-sama ask you to wear something like that for a date? But if it's Onii-sama… Then he probably has a big plan for your date. But if he suggested you to wear something comfortable and no skirt… Then I think some cute shorts and a white top would do nicely!"

Hanabi-chan answered after thinking for a bit.

"Really? Hmm… I think I have something similar. I will check after you finish my hair."

"Okay! Just give me a bit more time, Onee-sama."

Hanabi-chan started humming as she fixed my hair.

"Hmm… Hmm… Hmm… La… La..."

It felt wonderful. She has really gotten skilled with arranging my hair.

Since I started letting my hair grow, she was the one who helped me with my hair.

I started thinking about the near future.

Soon I will be promoted to a Chunin, meaning I wouldn't have to stay in the team and can make a team of my own.

But I think I will mainly focus on my training under Tsunade-sama.

As she has accepted me as her student, I think I will properly pursue the medical side of Ninjutsu.

It will help the village, and I will be able to do something I actually prefer.

Not to mention, being the best medic will help me take care of my family too!

But before all of this.

I had a date to go to!


4 PM,



Inside the Hyuga compound, the Clan head was welcoming a special guest.

"Welcome to our home, Mitsu-sama. Hinata will be ready shortly."

Sitting opposite him was Mitsu, wearing a black jacket over a white T-shirt and tanned slacks.

Mitsu grinned, "Thank you for your hospitality, Hiashi-sama. You are too kind… We can be considered close as family, you don't need to be so polite with me."

Hiashi smiled.

"Decorum must be maintained, Mitsu-sama. There is still a while before we become family. So, till then, I will need to be courteous."

"Sheesh! You are boring as ever, old man…" Mitsu chuckled. He didn't mean anything bad by it, as his and Hiashi's relationship was closer than most people knew.

Hiashi had already accepted Mitsu as his future son, and this caused their relationship to be quite close.

"You didn't even last 2 minutes, Mitsu-sama… And back in the day, you were always praised for your decorum." He shook his head, seemingly in disappointment, but there was a smile on his lips.

"Really now… You make me sound like Naruto…" Mitsu rolled his eyes.

Hiashi, finally, couldn't take it and actually laughed.

"Really now? I don't think you are that bad. You are usually the perfect prince in front of everyone. But when you are with the people you are comfortable with, you let yourself loose."

"Well, aren't you happy that I think of you as one of those people who are close to me?" Mitsu wiggled his eyebrows.

Hiashi found it amusing as he replied, "Who knows…"

"Damn. Now you are copying me." Mitsu chuckled.

"Anyway, where are you taking Hinata today? You said you will bring her back after dinner?" Hiashi asked.

"Yep! I will be taking her to a special place, then we will have dinner on the clouds." Mitsu replied casually.

"I see…" Hiashi nodded.

It took a moment, but soon Hiashi's brain rebooted.

"Pardon me, but did you say dinner on the clouds?"

"I sure did." Mitsu grinned widely. He was waiting for this.

"Is that a new restaurant? Peculiar name." Hiashi asked with a raised brow.

Mitsu chuckled, "Yeah... Something like that."

They chatted a bit more till Hinata came out, looking absolutely adorable.

Mitsu smiled softly as he looked at his girlfriend.

She looked cute, with her hair done and wearing shorts.

Hiashi clearly seemed a bit displeased with her choice of clothes, but he didn't say anything to ruin her date.

Mitsu smiled and extended his hand towards Hinata and asked, "Ready to go?"

Taking the hand into her own, she smiled with a small, "Un."

They quickly arrived at the gates of Konoha.

The eternal gatekeepers greeted them and asked Mitsu in a surprised tone, "Mitsu-sama, you don't have your guards with you today?"

"No, not today. Hina and I are going on a date, so I gave them leave." Mitsu replied, and the guards didn't bother them anymore.

It was then Hinata asked, "Where are we going, Mitsu-kun?"

"Hmm… Not too far, just to the Land of Hotwater. There is a nice secret valley there, in the center of it there is an almost circular lake, surrounded by a pine forest.

It's filled with small animals and flowers near the lake. I am sure you will love it!"

Hinata was surprised.

"We are going that far? But won't that take too long?"

Mitsu smiled mysteriously and said,

"Oh, don't worry! Your amazing boyfriend has a special power. With one kiss, you will be up in the sky!"

Hinata found it funny, but she would never say no to a kiss from Mitsu.

So, she readily agreed to see the 'Special Power.'

"Close your eyes, my hime."

Hinata did as she was asked.

Mitsu gently grabbed her waist with one arm and lifted her chin with the other as he gave her a sweet long kiss.

And as he felt Hinata melt into the kiss, he invoked <Earth Release: Ultralight-Weight Rock Jutsu> on both of them.

As they started floating slowly towards the sky.

Their kiss broke after a whole minute, and Hinata was out of breath. Her face was completely red, as this was one of the most intense kisses she ever received from Mitsu.

She hid her face in Mitsu's chest as she said softly, "Just that kiss made this date worth it… Thank you Mitsu-kun."

Mitsu couldn't help but chuckle.

"Is that so? But the date has barely begun?"

"Really?" Hinata asked with curiosity.

"Really. Hey Hina. Have you ever imagined how it was like for birds, when they fly in the sky?"

"Of course! When I was younger, I always liked watching birds fly, and wanted to be like them. Why do you ask?"

"Why don't you look around?" Mitsu said with a smile.

She did and her eyes widened.

They were not very high in the air yet. Just above tree level. Mitsu didn't want to scare her after all.

"Mi-mi-Mitsu-kun! W-we are in the air? H-how?" Hinata asked with surprise.

"Told you, your boyfriend has a special power!" Mitsu gave her a wink, which made her smile.

"Thank you…"

"Don't worry, you won't fall. I am still holding you to let you get used to the air. Let's fly around for a bit to get you used to this feeling, yeah?"

Hinata nodded, and they started to fly around above the tree line.

It didn't take long for Hinata to get used to the feeling of flying. And she absolutely loved it. She soared high and started moving all around.

Mitsu only chuckled and let her be. He knew how much she liked being free.

After getting used to and enjoying flying for a bit, Mitsu took Hinata by her hand and led her to the secret valley he discovered during his time at the Land of Hot Springs.

It took them only an hour to reach the place.

The valley was surrounded by a mountain range, making the small valley look as if someone poked a hole through the range.

And because of the treacherous mountains, it wasn't habituated. No ninja, and certainly no ordinary people would ever come here.

It was still a bit till dusk, but the sun was already going down, making the scenery mystical.

Mitsu and Hinata flew in holding hands, and the moment they flew above the valley, Hinata gasped.


"Wow indeed." Mitsu smiled.

Even he found this sight mesmerizing. As a modern person, he had rarely seen such beautiful scenery in his old world.

So, to him, this was truly mystical.

"Mitsu-kun! This is beautiful! Is that a deer?" Hinata asked out.

Indeed, there was a deer grazing near the lake.

[An image to set the scenery.]

It apparently heard them as it looked up towards the couple before running away.

"Aww, he ran away…"

Mitsu said with a chuckle, "Don't worry, there are many small animals here. They will come out during dusk for a drink."

Hinata nodded with a smile.

The two of them then landed near the lake, and Hinata squeaked happily when she saw the array of beautiful wild flowers near the forest line.

She quickly moved towards the flowers and started observing them intently.

Mitsu didn't stop her either. He brought her here to make her happy anyway.

"Mitsu-kun! There are some rare herbs and flowers here! So amazing. Can I take some?" She asked hesitantly.

Mitsu smiled, "I basically own this place to be honest. So go ahead. But at least leave 2 of each so that they can grow again."

Hinata nodded happily as she started categorizing and collecting the herbs and flowers for her studies.

Mitsu helped her, and they enjoyed each other's company.

Hinata would explain about the herbs from time to time, and show Mitsu how to properly collect the flowers.

On the other hand, Mitsu simply enjoyed the company. He especially enjoyed watching Hinata, who was usually meek, looking so spirited and happy.

It took them about 45 minutes to collect everything that Hinata wanted.

"Fhaa! This place sure is amazing! Thank you for taking me here, Mitsu-kun." Hinata said before giving a peck on Mitsu's cheek.

Mitsu raised a brow, before grinning as he leaned in towards Hinata's face. Seemingly wanting to kiss Hinata.

Flushing red, Hinata closed her eyes for the kiss. But it never came.

Instead, she felt hot breath on her ear as she heard her boyfriend whisper, "Wait till you see all this place has to offer."

Hinata was surprised as she opened her eyes and looked at Mitsu. Confusion clear in her eyes.

"What do you mean Mitsu-kun?" She asked.

"Well, my dear Hina-bunny, why don't you turn around and see for yourself?" Mitsu hinted mysteriously.

Hinata was facing Mitsu, and her back was towards the lake.

She turned around and saw that there was indeed still light and realized that it was the moon.

Looking towards the lake, Hinata saw something amazing. The lake had this pink/red color with the reflection of the moon on it. Hinata looked up towards the sky where she saw the full moon sitting there in the sky that had no clouds in it.

[An image to set the scenery.]


"Haha, that's not all, my hime… Look over there."

Mitsu put his arm around her waist from behind, before pointing towards the opposite end of the lake.

There, Hinata noticed a few small lights.

They were moving in the air, and flashing from time to time.

At first, she didn't understand what it was. Until the whole lake was filled with these lights.

Her eyes widened at the mystical scene.


"Fireflies." Mitsu nodded with a smile.

They stayed like that, watching the scene for a while.

"Sigh! This is wonderful…" Hinata was feeling really emotional.

Mitsu chuckled and said, "Maybe we can make it better?"

"How?" She was really surprised to hear that.

Mitsu let her go and started searching for something in his body.


With a puff of smoke, a device appeared on his hand.

It was an audio player!

Mitsu set the player up, and a soothing classical music started to play.

He then made a perfect bow as he extended his hand towards Hinata, "Would you care for a dance, my hime?"

Hinata was flabbergasted.

But she soon smiled happily and accepted his hand, "Of course, my prince!"

"Then shall we dance on the surface of the lake?"


And the two teens started dancing on the lake surface.

The music played on the background, under the illumination of the moon and the fireflies, the young couple had their first dance.

Hinata was held in Mitsu's arms as he carried her towards Konoha.

She had a beautiful smile on her face as she snuggled closer to Mitsu.

"So, I hope I kept my promise to you, my hime." Mitsu said with a smile.

"You did."

"Anything for you." Mitsu said softly, which earned him a kiss.

"I love you, Mitsu-kun." Hinata didn't blush this time.

"I love you too, Hina."

They both smiled at each other before falling into a comfortable silence.

Soon they arrived at the gates of Konoha.

Mitsu let Hinata down and went to register their entry at the gate, when Fuse flickered in front of him and kneeled.

"Mitsu-sama, Hokage-sama has requested your presence at her office at your earliest convenience."

But Mitsu noticed the look on Fuse and the Gatekeeper's faces, and directly understood what happened.

"So, they know?" He asked amused.

"Yes. Couriers of the 4 nations had arrived almost at the same time an hour ago."

"I see, has anyone pointed fingers at Konoha yet?" Mitsu asked.

"Yes, but they were shut down by sheer facts."

"I see." Mitsu didn't continue this conversation and instead looked at Hinata, who was standing beside him.

"What happened Mitsu-kun?" She asked worriedly.

"I am not sure, but something big must have happened. But don't worry about it. I will first escort you home." Mitsu said with a smile.

"Can't I come with you?" She pleaded.

Mitsu looked at the pros and cons about bringing her. And decided it was best not to bring her.

He promised her to tell her what happens tomorrow morning.

Hinata had to reluctantly agree.

Soon they arrived in front of the Hyuga compound.

"Well here we are." Mitsu said, looking at the Hyuga compound.

Hinata looked a bit sad, as she knew it was time to part.

But she then had a determined look.

She approached Mitsu, tiptoed while pulling Mitsu down by his jacket.

Mitsu wasn't surprised and let her do it.

And their lips locked.

The kiss lasted for half a minute, before Hinata broke it with a smile.

"You will see me tomorrow, right?" She asked, hopefully.

Mitsu answered with a smile, "Wouldn't miss it for the world."

"I will hold you to that!"

"See you tomorrow, my hime."

"See you tomorrow, my prince."

Saying so, Hinata walked inside the compound as Mitsu watched her back disappear.

When he felt Hinata's chakra meeting Hanabi's he flicked away.

He arrived in front of the Hokage tower, and in front of it a few people were waiting.

"It's time, Mitsu-sama." Itachi said with a smile.

"It indeed is. Let's go." Mitsu ordered.

He and his entourage then walked in. It was time to declare war against the menace and find the opportunity to unify the Nations!



[A/N: Hey there, beautiful people!

Welp! I have finally settled in somewhat… It's taking way longer than I thought to be honest… In the house in this country, I only have a bed and a desk right now xDDDD Even the thing I am using as a chair, should be burned in hell fire…

And then there was the Eid Holidays… So, I am really late… Sigh… Sorry friends…

But hopefully there will be updates now! Huzzah!

If you want to join the discord! The link is on the synopsis!]


Anyway, hope you enjoyed the light-hearted chapter... Writing after a month is hard.

LuminouShadowcreators' thoughts