
Naruto : Raijin

Ken is your average 18 year old lost and unsure what to do with his life. He watches a lot of television and one of the show he watched was Naruto. He really thought nothing of it, great show to pass the time. What happens next shocked him to the core.

MorbidCuriosity · アニメ·コミックス
29 Chs

I'm always watching

In the shadows of the Hidden Leaf Village, Danzo's Root operatives observed Tasumi Rai closely, their hidden eyes tracking his every move since his graduation from the Academy. These agents, who operated with autonomy under Danzo's umbrella organization, had been assigned to monitor Rai's actions, seeking to decipher his potential and intentions.

Agent Kuro, clad in the traditional Root attire, stood perched on a rooftop overlooking the training grounds. His eye's glowed softly in the darkness as he observed Rai's intense training regimen. Kuro's orders were clear: assess Rai's combat abilities and gather any information that could be of interest to Danzo.

"His lightning-based techniques are unconventional, yet effective," Kuro mused to himself. "And his use of fuinjutsu adds an element of surprise. This information could be valuable for our organization's objectives."

Meanwhile, Agent Kaori blended seamlessly into the bustling crowd of the Hidden Leaf Village's market. Her eye's allowed her to perceive the chakra network of everyone around her. Her attention was focused on Rai, who was conversing with his teammates. Kaori's orders were straightforward: observe Rai's interactions with his comrades, gauge his teamwork, and report any unusual behavior.

"He maintains a calm exterior even in tense situations," Kaori noted as she watched Rai's interactions. "Aya and Takeshi seem to trust him implicitly. This level of camaraderie could have implications for our future plans."

Agent Ren, lurking in the shadows of the training field's edge, had his eyes trained on Rai's sparring sessions with fellow genin. Ren's proficiency in sensory techniques allowed him to detect even the subtlest shifts in chakra. His orders were to assess Rai's tactical prowess and strategizing abilities.

"He adapts quickly to his opponents' moves," Ren murmured. "His ability to identify openings and capitalize on them is remarkable. Our organization could benefit from having someone with such adaptive skills."

As the days passed, the Root operatives continued to monitor Rai's progress. From training sessions to interactions with other genin, every detail was meticulously recorded and analyzed. Rai's interactions with his team, his display of unique jutsu, and his growth did not go unnoticed by Danzo's agents.

Agent Kuro watched as Rai's lightning-infused attacks left targets smoldering. "His utilization of lightning release is calculated," Kuro noted. "His chakra control suggests years of training."

Agent Kaori observed as Rai's interactions with Aya and Takeshi became increasingly cohesive. "Their bond is strengthening," she observed. "He's gained their loyalty and respect."

Agent Ren's keen senses detected Rai's chakra manipulation during a training spar. "His manipulation of chakra is intricate," Ren mused. "He uses it to enhance his techniques subtly."

Danzo, the enigmatic figure behind the Root organization, maintained a vested interest in Rai's development. He valued information, influence, and calculated power. Rai's journey was not only shaping his destiny but also weaving his fate into the intricate tapestry of the village's hidden politics and Danzo's elusive agenda.

when he went on the mission show them watching mc when he did everthing show them watching

As Tasumi Rai embarked on a mission assigned by the Leaf Village, the watchful eyes of Danzo's Root operatives followed his every move. From the shadows, they observed his actions, assessing his performance, and collecting valuable data. Here's a glimpse into how they watched him during his mission:

Agent Kuro's eye's were focused on Rai as he stealthily maneuvered through the dense forest. Kuro's eyes tracked Rai's movements, analyzing his chakra control and awareness. He took note of how Rai navigated through the terrain, utilizing his lightning release to deftly clear obstacles and maintain a low profile.

"His mastery over lightning jutsu is impressive," Kuro murmured. "He's effectively utilizing it for both offense and utility."

Meanwhile, Agent Kaori maintained her surveillance from a distant vantage point. Through her Byakugan, she followed Rai's progress, monitoring his interactions with the local villagers. Her attention was particularly drawn to his interactions with the village leader.

"He's demonstrating diplomacy and effective communication," Kaori noted. "He adapts his tone and demeanor based on the situation. It's a valuable skill for a shinobi."

Agent Ren's sensory abilities were at their peak as he honed in on Rai's chakra signature. As Rai faced off against hostile bandits, Ren observed the precision of his strikes and the calculated use of his jutsu. Ren could feel the ebb and flow of Rai's chakra, a telltale sign of a well-trained shinobi.

"He's engaging with a tactical approach," Ren analyzed. "His combat decisions are thoughtful and strategic."

As Rai's mission progressed, so did the Root operatives' assessments. They witnessed his quick thinking during unexpected challenges, his resourcefulness in improvising solutions, and his ability to inspire confidence among the local villagers.

Agent Kuro watched as Rai's lightning-infused techniques incapacitated a group of bandits. "His utilization of jutsu mid-battle is seamless," Kuro commented. "He adapts his tactics on the fly."

Agent Kaori observed Rai's interaction with a child who had been caught in the crossfire. "He displays compassion and empathy," she noted. "His ability to connect with people on a personal level is an asset."

Agent Ren sensed the fluctuations in Rai's chakra as he executed his jutsu. "His chakra control is refined," Ren remarked. "He's optimizing his techniques for maximum efficiency."

As the mission neared its conclusion, the Root operatives saw Rai returning to the village with the bandits subdued and the villagers safe. They observed the gratitude in the villagers' eyes and Rai's humble acceptance of their thanks.

Agent Kuro's Sharingan followed Rai's movements. "He's gained the trust of the villagers," Kuro observed. "His actions have solidified his reputation as a reliable protector."

Agent Kaori noted the lingering smiles on the villagers' faces as Rai bid them farewell. "He's leaving a positive impression," she remarked. "His presence will likely have a lasting impact on this community."

Agent Ren detected the nuances in Rai's chakra signature as he departed the village. "He's leaving with a sense of fulfillment," Ren deduced. "His dedication to the mission is evident in his chakra patterns."

As Rai disappeared into the distance, the Root operatives withdrew from their positions, each having gathered a wealth of information about Rai's capabilities, decision-making, and character. Their observations would be analyzed, discussed, and considered in the intricate web of calculations that Danzo's organization engaged in. The young shinobi's journey was being scrutinized not only by the village's leaders but also by those who operated in the shadows, seeking to decipher the true potential and intentions of Tasumi Rai.

"When he gradated we watched"

"when he met his new genin team we watched"

"when he trained we watched"

"when he learns new jutsu we watched"

"when he unlocked yang release we watched"


Im implementing my plot now heheheheheheh this could either be bad or turn this story around and make this a good novel i want to do right by my first novel.

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