
Naruto : Raijin

Ken is your average 18 year old lost and unsure what to do with his life. He watches a lot of television and one of the show he watched was Naruto. He really thought nothing of it, great show to pass the time. What happens next shocked him to the core.

MorbidCuriosity · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs


I had two weeks ahead of me, and I was determined to make the most of them. I pondered over what approach to take, considering a plan that would serve a dual purpose. There was something I had been wanting to test for a while, and this seemed like the perfect opportunity to accomplish two goals at once.

My decision was made – "I would set out to learn the Chidori. I was well aware that, given my situation, mastering this technique might seem somewhat impractical". "However, there was a method to my madness". My desire to learn the Chidori wasn't solely about gaining a new jutsu; it was also about testing my own talents and capabilities." I feel like I did get a cheat coming into the Naruto world and that is talent, I have noticed that it doesnt take me long to master things". "I have been mastering thing even faster ever since I got used to being in this dangerous world". "I remember I had to retrain my my taijutsu with my academy sensei because it was all wrong and it took me basically no time to unlearn those moves". "Then I still caught up to my class in terms of taijutsu. I don't think this is a coincidence".

In the weeks leading up to the final matches of the Chunin Exams, my determination burned brighter than ever. The secluded training area became my sanctuary, where chakra crackled in the air as I relentlessly pursued mastery over the Chidori. It was a technique that required the Sharingan to be wielded effectively, but I was determined to find my own path.

Days turned into nights as I pushed myself, seeking the elusive balance of power and control. I could feel the raw energy of the Chidori coursing through me, just out of my grasp. Frustration and exhaustion gnawed at me, but I refused to yield.

Then, on the fourth day, it happened—an epiphany. A surge of chakra coursed through me, and it was as if the answers I had been seeking suddenly became clear. The Chidori was a concentrated form of lightning chakra, a blade of pure energy. But what if I didn't need to replicate the Chidori exactly? What if I could harness the essence of its power in a different form?

I closed my eyes, allowing the chakra to flow through me, to mold and shape it according to my intuition. In that moment of clarity, I felt a surge of energy coalesce into a blade in my hand—a blade crackling with lightning, ready to be unleashed.

"It's like a burst of lightning, a concentrated strike," I murmured, eyes shining with newfound determination. The Lightning Knife Point was born—an extension of my chakra, a short burst of lightning that could puncture and electrocute opponents. Kind of like the body flicker.

The following days were a whirlwind of intense training. I engaged in physical exercises, honed my chakra control, and relentlessly practiced the Lightning Knife Point. It was as if my body and mind were in perfect sync, each movement executed with precision. The progress was astonishing, a testament to the untapped potential I had discovered within myself.

As the weeks turned into days, I marveled at my own growth. Grasping the Chidori's essence and creating the Lightning Knife Point in just eleven days—it was a testament to my determination and latent talent. I couldn't help but feel surprised by my own abilities, a sense of pride mingling with disbelief.

"Who would have thought I could accomplish so much in such a short time?" I mused to myself, a mixture of awe and satisfaction in my voice. "Four days to grasp the Chidori's essence, and seven days to refine it into the Lightning Knife Point. Maybe my talent isn't as hidden as I thought."

Yet, amidst the exhilaration, a lingering sensation tugged at my senses. It was as if someone was watching me, a subtle prickling at the back of my mind. I scanned the training area, but there was nothing out of the ordinary—just the serene forest and the rustling of leaves in the breeze.

As I prepared for the final matches, that feeling of being observed persisted, a presence I couldn't quite pinpoint. I would often pause during training, my senses on high alert, searching for any sign of an intruder. But the area remained undisturbed, and the sensation slipped through my fingers like smoke.

And so, as the eve of the finals approached, I stood at the precipice of the arena, the weight of my accomplishments and the mysteries that lingered intertwining in my mind. The spotlight beckoned, and with every step I took, I was stepping closer to my destiny—unaware that hidden eyes watched from the shadows, their intentions veiled in secrecy, their interest piqued by the unexpected journey of a determined Genin.