
Naruto : Pure Blood

This is the story of a boy who gets transmigrated into the body of Naruto when he is on the trip with Jiraiya, the boy gets the chance to meet the god and get some wishes. after meeting the god the boy wishes to be bloodline purification and Gojo's six eyes what to expect -Smart MC -Check -mastering all elements -check -creating flashy jutsus- check -creating kekkei genkai -check -no hiding his true strength -check -lovable characters -check -yandere girlfriend(Hinata)-check -small harem (4-5 members)- check -incest -check -time travel -check -R18 scenes(after 100 chapters) -check - bullying the weak -check -not evil not so good MC -check -killing Danzo in cold blood- check -- -naive mc- not check -trying to help everyone -not check -pushover-not check ----------- the story is slightly slow-paced at the beginning, but after chapter 70 it picks up the pace this will be fun just read it. I know you have read many MLT stories on this site, so just shut off some of your brain cells and read the story, there may be some grammatical mistakes so turn your mind on autocorrect mode and enjoy the story. and no one is allowed to call the romance cringe, I know some of you will find it cringe so bear with it. the story will not be as canon there will be major changes in the story and characters.

Devils_hand · アニメ·コミックス
148 Chs

chapter 7



Chapter 7 -


long chapter enjoy it well


After the red chakra manifested on his body, he was calm, trying to understand the properties of this red chakra.


The small red dot in his eyes had a glow as Naruto focused on the chakra.

It was relatively easy for him. After some focused effort, he could differentiate the chakra. It was a mixture of many properties.


First, he started to focus on the properties that were slowly beginning to corrupt his mind.

This was the most harmful chakra. He slowly and surely started to understand this chakra, and his mind began to clear.


After some time, he started to pull out more chakra from the seal, and slowly one tail started to manifest behind him.

He began to focus more on the chakra, and the red dot started to become slightly larger than before.

His mastery over his six eyes began to increase. After the first tail manifested, his mind remained as clear as water.

He continued to pull out more and more chakra, and soon three tails were manifested.


This time, the potency of the chakra was very high, and the chakra cloak was more saturated.

Naruto was barely visible, and his mind was not as clear as before.

Negative emotions started to fill his mind, and a primal desire to destroy everything began to take root in his heart.

However, after seeing this, he didn't panic, nor was he scared.

He knew that Kurama was not doing this on purpose; it was the nature of his chakra.

So, he put aside all his thoughts and started to focus more on the negative chakra of Kurama.


And soon, he started to feel that his mind was beginning to clear, and the dot in his eyes was glowing more vigorously, indicating that he was using his six eyes to have better control over the chakra.

The eyes were not controlling his chakra; they were just displaying the different properties of Kurama's chakra.

Now, he could clearly differentiate between the negative chakra of Kurama and the other properties of his chakra.

After establishing a clear difference in chakra, he focused on the negative chakra and began to control it more proficiently.

Soon enough, he regained his clear mind. He knew he could not proceed to four tails because if he did, he was sure he would lose his mind and destroy everything in his path.

So, he stopped at three tails and continued to control Kurama's negative chakra more efficiently.


Jiraiya was looking at him and had a paper seal in his hand. He was ready if Naruto lost control; he would put this seal on his head to suppress the Nine-Tails' chakra.

He was dumbfounded when he noticed that Naruto never lost his mind, and he didn't need his help to suppress the Nine-Tails' chakra.

He didn't know how to feel.

"Is it that easy to control the chakra of the Nine-Tails? No, this is not possible. Maybe Naruto is special, but how did he control the hatred of the beast? It was not that easy. Something is missing. The look on Naruto's face was too calm." Jiraiya looked at Naruto.


Inside the cage, Kurama was also looking at this. He was somehow conflicted. "How can he control my chakra that easily? I could feel that my chakra started to affect his mind, but soon he somehow controlled that specific part of my chakra. Does he know how to differentiate my chakra? But how? This is not possible unless you have a vast amount of experience in sensing my chakra. To be able to differentiate my chakra, what about other properties like healing and yang chakra that are mixed in my chakra? Can he also differentiate that? When he comes back, I will ask him," Kurama thought to himself and closed his eyes, not interfering with Naruto, letting him do what he wanted.


With Naruto, he was now familiarizing himself with the negative chakra of Kurama.

After some time, when he knew he could control up to three tails easily, he grinned and looked at the stupefied face of Jiraiya, asking, "What do you think about it, pervy sage?" while looking at his palm, closing, and opening it.

"It's better than what I thought," Jiraiya said, expressing what he was feeling.

He himself didn't know what he was feeling. In his wildest dreams, he didn't think that Naruto would be able to control up to three tails perfectly in his first attempt.

He thought that in these three years, he would teach Naruto how to control the Nine-Tails' chakra up to the fourth tail.

But looking in front of him, the three tails chakra was controlled perfectly, not even a single bit of Naruto's mind was corrupted.

He could tell just by looking in his eyes; they were not the eyes of a naive and innocent child.

They were brimming with confidence and something more hidden beneath them that he could not understand.

"How could someone change in a single day?" "I don't know if this is for the better or worse," Jiraiya thought to himself.


After hearing what Naruto said, he took a stance ready to fight him. Upon seeing Jiraiya's fighting stance, Naruto prepared himself.

Naruto leaped at his maximum speed, and in the blink of an eye, he was in front of Jiraiya.

He threw a punch at Jiraiya's chest, but due to the height difference, Jiraiya didn't panic at this high speed.

He sidestepped and aimed a punch at Naruto's guts.

To his surprise, Naruto caught his punch in front of his abdomen.

With the force behind the punch, Naruto slightly jumped, and when the punch hit his hand, he shot backward like a cannon and flipped into the mid-air, landing safely on the ground.

Seeing this, Jiraiya was shocked. He knew that Naruto would have blocked his punch, but not in this style.

Naruto had used the force behind Jiraiya's punch to distance himself safely, which was a good tactic in Jiraiya's book. Jiraiya also grinned and jumped toward Naruto.


Seeing the speed of Jiraiya, Naruto focused himself.

Jiraiya kicked directly toward his head, but Naruto ducked and jumped away from him.

However, Jiraiya didn't earn the title of "Sannin" for nothing.

He had expected this from Naruto and was already in front of him, punching directly at his chest.

Naruto didn't have time to dodge, so he crossed his arms in front of his chest, protecting himself from the punch.

After their punches connected, the shockwaves destroyed the ground beneath them.

Naruto was sent flying and hit the ground with his body. He quickly got up, ready to continue the fight at any moment.


When Jiraiya looked at his hand, he saw that it was burnt. "The Kyubi's chakra is really harmful," Jiraiya thought, but he ignored it and leaped towards Naruto.

They started to exchange punches and kicks one after another, and with each collision, the ground beneath them cracked.

They were moving very fast, and if an ordinary human saw them, all they would see were blurs—one red and the other white.


Slowly, Naruto started to have a firm grasp over Kurama's chakra, predicting Jiraiya's moves better than before.

His mind was clear, and he also started to have fun.

This was his first battle, and it was at a very high level.

He could feel that he was enjoying every second of this fight and had a smile on his face.

With each move, he was getting better and better. He could feel that his body was made for fighting, and he was truly enjoying it.

Seeing this, Jiraiya had a complicated feeling in his heart.

He could sense that Naruto was improving with every move. He knew that he was not using his full power, but slowly, Naruto was catching up with him.


On the other hand, Naruto had opened all of his mind in this fight, and he could see this from his memories.

Previously, Naruto didn't use his brain; he relied on his instincts and didn't improve much.

He had one mindset: defeating his enemies by using shadow clones to outnumber them and defeat them. He didn't have the mindset of improving himself; his sole focus was defeating his enemy, and that's where he lacked.

After reviewing all his fighting memories, Naruto could see his shortcomings.

Previously, Naruto didn't try to learn new moves; he shut off his mind and used just his shadow clones, relying on body instincts.

That's where he made mistakes, but now Naruto was improving with each and every move.


Seeing that Naruto was about to gain the upper hand, Jiraiya suddenly changed his tactics.

When Naruto came near him, he twisted his body and caught Naruto's wrist.

He knew his hand was going to be slightly burned by the Kyubi's chakra, but he didn't care.

With his other hand, Jiraiya manifested a 'Rasengan' and directly slammed it into Naruto's chest.


With a loud bang, Naruto hit the ground and formed a large crater. He lay in the middle of it.

The chakra cloak dispersed, and he lay on the ground with a wound on his chest.

Blood came out from his mouth, but he didn't seem to react to the pain or the wound.

He had a bloody smile on his face. "This was awesome, and the last move was even more awesome," Naruto thought to himself.


After realizing that he had gotten carried away in the fight, Jiraiya cursed himself.

He came near Naruto, picked him up, and asked, "Are you okay?"

Naruto looked at him with an expression that said, "Do I look okay to you?" After realizing this, Jiraiya didn't say anything and carried him to the inn, saying, "Rest well, Naruto. You fought great today. After you've healed, we will continue our training."

Naruto didn't say anything, just nodded, and lay on the bed, staring at the ceiling.


A|N ~This was the rewritten chapter, I hope you like it, I am trying to rewrite the early chapters and I know some of them you may consider cringe but just past 20 chapters, and I can guarantee you will enjoy them.


This was the first fight of the novel, how do you like the fight, If you have some ideas about my fight scenes, tell me in the comments,

and if you like the chapter, give me some power stones or Jiraya will slam a Rasengan into your chest,,, hehe, just kidding, comment on the chapter about how you feel about Naruto and Jiraiya's fight,

------------your dear author san]