
Naruto Online: The Strongest Shinobi

Michael, living in a dystopian world devastated by nuclear warfare, discovers a new VRMMORPG game called 'Elemental Nations.' Excited by the opportunity to escape his harsh reality, he purchases the Tier 1 headset and prepares to embark on an adventure. In his cramped living space, surrounded by the remnants of his previous life, Michael contemplates the hardships he and his family endure. The scarcity of resources and the confined conditions serve as constant reminders of the post-apocalyptic world they inhabit. As Michael watches the game's trailer, he recognizes familiar elements from the anime series Naruto. His passion for the show in his previous world fuels his excitement to explore this virtual rendition of the Naruto universe. However, in this new world, anime is not as popular, with people favoring slice-of-life stories over war-torn narratives. Equipped with the VR gear, Michael eagerly enters the game, expecting to unleash his knowledge of the Naruto world to become a powerful shinobi. The game's mechanics limit the number of players who can join as shinobi from the five great villages, adding a sense of exclusivity and competition to the experience. With the promise of potentially earning money through the game, Michael sees an opportunity to contribute to his family's welfare. Unemployment and limited opportunities in the real world have left him longing for a chance to make a difference. As the game servers go online, Michael finds himself transported to a new location, ready to embark on an extraordinary journey within the virtual world of Elemental Nations. Little does he know that this adventure will hold secrets, challenges, and the potential for him to become the hero he aspires to be.

Fat_Cultivator · アニメ·コミックス
56 Chs

Chapter 10: Progress

Chapter 10: Progress

I was shocked. With 1000 points, I could instantly master the C-rank Jutsu in my arsenal. But for now I checked something else.

[Ninjutsu: Flying Thunder God


Description: The Jutsu can be considered a space-time ninjutsu, as it allows the user to travel through time and space to instantly arrive at the target location. However, the caster can't exactly teleport to wherever they want, as a necessary prerequisite for the Jutsu to be used is placing a mark on the target location

Requirements: Minimum level of Advanced Fuinjutsu

Proficiency:1/ 5,000 ]

"I will send someone to move all your items inside of your current housing. So for now stay here, I will inform the entire compound of your move." He told.

I also decided to plan a bit more about the future.

I could have Chunin level chakra reserves and physique right now but I decided not to rush my progress. There are some things that cannot be rushed.

1000 points seemed like a lot, but I still didn't know how much it would take to master something like Fuinjutsu. Fuinjutsu at its full potential might even be able to seal the Otsuki clan so 1,000 Exp was probably nothing for it.

So I should use this 1,000 sparingly. Considering I also only get 10 each for D-rank Missions. Missions were only once a week as well.

The AI seems to want us to train as well, sparingly using these mission points.

"Shikaku-San. Is there any way I could learn Fuinjutsu?"

"Fuinjutsu? Sure, I will also send the beginner sections of Fuinjutsu to your new room. But remember, if you want to sell any material you make you need to register as an IntermediateFuinjutsu Expert. Following the Intermediate ranks are the Advanced, Master and Grandmaster ranks. Our village has 2 Grandmasters, the legendary Sanin, Jiraya-Sama and the Hokage."

I decided to go back to the real world as my character slept again.

I had some food to eat and researched more about the game. Everyone seemed to go crazy over me gaining access to the 'Elite-Chat.'

"IT WORKS!" I heard my elder-brother shout.

I just ignored it. He usually shouts like that from time to time.

I then began to search how to make more money through the game but the Federation had not released any information about this to the world yet so I simply had to wait like the rest of the public.

So after having some food I logged back into the game.

Right as I did, I trained for Chakra control, the basic leaf sticking exercise that Shikaku already trained me in. He told me to advance further in the clans jutsu, I needed to have extremely high amounts of Chakra control.

So I did, in hopes to level it up eventually. I did the sticking exercise while walking up trees near the compound.

After that, I also did some basic stretches before meeting our sensei at the same training ground we had our test in.

After training us in basic Taijutsu and chakra control, Sensei would leave. He gave us all conditions to meet before he taught us some better Jutsu.

Following this, I would meet Naruto for dinner sometime. Money wasn't an issue for me anymore since the clan provided funds to young Shinobi, and apparently I was using a fraction of what my 'father' had contributed to the clan.

I also made sure to train late at night, close to where Lee would train. He would see me sometimes and always smile at me while giving me a thumbs up.

I spent a week of my life inside of the game like this, giving me a strength boost.

[Status Panel of Player Michael

Name: Shikomu Nara


Konoha Shinobi

(Training speed in Konoha increases by 100%)

Fuinjutsu Genius

(Training in Fuinjutsu increases by 100%. Stackable)

Ninja Rank: Genin

(Access to Genin level missions)

Physical Stat: Low- Genin (40/100)

Chakra Amount: Average-Genin (51/100)

Chakra Control: Intermediate


S-Flying Thunder God

(1/ 5,000)

D-Clone Jutsu


D-Substitution Jutsu


D-Transformation Jutsu


C-Shadow Possession Jutsu


Genjutsu: -Nil-


C-Konoha Taijutsu




EXP: 1,000]

I also trained in Shuriken-Jutsu and Ninja-wire.

My progress in training was much faster than the other 2, but I didn't let them know about that. Since most of the time, we didn't spend a lot of time together.

Ayumi seemed to log out of the game while Kaito went around the village doing things.

I focused on my strength and was able to develop relatively quickly. At least quickly enough to now move to a new Jutsu.

I spent the week also building ties with Shikaku, Shikamaru, Naruto and talked to Choji. I had yet to meet anyone else.

If I was not wrong I had about 2 weeks to the Land of Waves mission.

After that, I should have about a month before the Chunin exams.

But I also realized my main problem in this world isn't just the Ninja and the end of the world plot. It is the millions of new players which should greatly affect the plot.

Have they already changed something while I was not careful?

"Alright then Shikomu. Just like I had promised, here is a new Jutsu that will help you in terms of speed."

[Ninjutsu: Body Flicker Jutsu


Description: By using the Body Flicker Technique, a ninja can move short to long distances at an almost untraceable speed. To an observer, it appears as if the user has teleported. It is accomplished by using chakra to temporarily vitalise the body and move at extreme speeds. The amount of chakra required depends on the overall distance and elevation between the user and the intended destination. This technique can be level up upon mastery.

Requirements: Genin Body and Chakra reserves with Beginner Chakra control

Proficiency:1/ 200 ]

"Is there anything else you would like to learn?"

"Actually there is Sensei. I was hoping you could teach me how to use Ninja wires."