
Naruto: Omnipotent Deity

What would happen if someone from Earth was reincarnated into the world of Naruto... But is already at the top of the world? What if... They were the strongest being to exist? What if... They were Omnipotent? This is one of my first novels... please leave any comments on what I can improve on and any ideas you may have... enjoy!

SYNAX · アニメ·コミックス
18 Chs


Word Count: 1240

[A:N]: Sorry for late chapters again, i am having issues irl right now, so I wont promise chapters on specific days anymore, but I will be doing the power stone goal still. Thanks for reading and enjoy the chapter!


-Konoha, ROOT-

"It would be a shame if you died like this... ah I have an idea, lets do this." Says Yasu, as he does uses his Authority. '[Authority • Create Deity - Hades]

[SUCCESS! Created the Deity, [Hades, The God of The Underworld]!]

After he issues that command, a figure appears beside him and kneels down.

"Greeting's, My Lord." Says Hades. "Thank you for creating me."

"No problem, you are to run the new underworld I will be making... and your first task, take this man and torture him." Says Yasu, as he throws Danzo to Hades.

"Yes, My Lord." Says Hades, as he stands up and grabs Danzo, and looks at Yasu so he can create the underworld.

'[Authority • Create Domain]' Thinks Yasu.

[SUCCESS! Created the Domain 'Underworld'!]

After Yasu issues the command, he creates a portal and says. "Follow me, Hades."

"Yes, My Lord." Says Hades, as he follows closely behind Yasu.

After they enter the Underworld, they look around and see all black with a long river, and a castle in the distance.

"Hades, you can change the Underworld however you want, design it how you wish... but I trust that you will give this man the worst pain imaginable." Says Yasu, as he throws Danzo on the ground.

"Yes, My Lord." Says Hades, as he gives another bow.

'[Authority • Permission]' Thinks Yasu.

[SUCCESS! Changed 'Hades' Permission level in the Domain 'Underworld' to Administrator!]

'Lets view Hades information.' Thinks Yasu. '[Authority • Status - 'Hades']

[Name: Hades]

[Gender: Male]

[Race: Deity]

[Title: God of the Underworld]

[Permission Level: Administrator]

HP: ∞/∞

Cha: nil

Strength: 1500

Dexterity: 1500

Stamina: ∞

Speed: 1500

Chakra: nil

'Not bad, he is the strongest being other than me in this universe... although sense he will be handling the Underworld he should at least have this strength.' Thinks Yasu, as he moves on.

"Alright Hades, I will be going back to the overworld and deal with the rest of those pests." Says Yasu, as he walks back towards the portal.

"Yes Sir!" Says Hades, as he grabs Danzo and starts heading to the castle.

'Lets see how you like it, Danzo.' Thinks Yasu, as he goes through the portal and closes it.

"Now what should I do with the rest of you..." Mutters Yasu, as he uses his Omnipresence to sense every ROOT member.

After a few moments, he thinks to himself. 'Well, its not their fault that Danzo did this to them, but I dont want to leave any trace of Danzo in this world... I will kill everyone.'

After Yasu comes to that conclusion, he issues his command.


After Yasu says that, every ROOT member simply gets erased from the world, and he sends all of their souls to the Underworld.

'Well that is done... ill go and warn Hiruzen, I guess I can just issue a command on him to never harm Kenji.' Thinks Yasu, as he teleports away.


-Konoha, Hokage' Office-

As Hiruzen was reading a report, he gets a annoyed look on his face.

'I told him to ask Kenji if he was willing, not force him...' Thinks Hiruzen. 'It seems I will need to show him who is the Hokage...'

As Hiruzen was thinking about that, he senses multiple ninjas around him simply disappear.

'Huh..? Where did they go?' Thinks Hiruzen, as he spreads his senses and realizes something.

'All the ones who disappeared were from ROOT... was Danzo spying on me?' Thinks Hiruzen, as he gets extremally annoyed and was about to get up to head to ROOT.

Before Hiruzen could get up, Yasu teleports right in the middle of the room looking at Hiruzen.

"Hiruzen Sarutobi" Says Yasu.

As Yasu says that, He spreads a barrier around the Hokage office so no-one could interfere.

As Hiruzen sees the barrier surrounding his office, he can see that it would be almost impossible to break.

"Who are you..?" Asks Hiruzen, as he gets in a battle ready position, ready to fight for his life.

"You may call me Yasu." Says Yasu, as he glares at Hiruzen. "Sit back down, now."

After Yasu says that, Hiruzen immediately sits back down with a surprised and fearful expression and thinks. 'Why did I sit back down...?'

"Now, Lets begin our little chat." Says Yasu, as he sits in his own chair, and looks at Hiruzen. "Why did you let Danzo take the boy Kenji to the ROOT?"

'Kenji? This is about him?' Thinks Hiruzen.

"...I did not allow that to be exact, I told Danzo to ask the boy if he was willing, I just received the report that Danzo forced the boy to the ROOT and I was about to go there to retrieve him." Says Hiruzen.

"Is that so? But why would you even give him a chance, you should have predicted that Danzo would not just 'ask' someone to join, you can look at his track record and see that point clearly, tell me, are you an idiot?" Says Yasu, as he looks at Hiruzen annoyed.

Hiruzen sighs and says. "Maybe your right, I have been a bit passive towards his affairs, but again, what does this have to do with you? You are not from Konoha."

"Oh? Do you know who I am?" Asks Yasu.

"You pretty much told me who you were when you told me you name, Elder Yasu." Says Hiruzen. "I have been getting reports about the new Elder of Kirigakure."

"I see, well, that boy Kenji is under my protection, so when I sensed what Danzo was about to do... I had to step in personally." Says Yasu, as he starts getting annoyed again.

"Under your protection?" Asks Hiruzen. "Kenji is from Konoha, if anything he is under my protection."

"You know, Danzo said something similar while I was dealing with him." Says Yasu.

"You met Danzo? Well if you took Kenji from him that makes sense, so is he okay?" Asks Hiruzen, as he gets a serious look on his face, as he looks at Yasu preparing to battle.

"If you count being dead as okay, I killed Danzo as well as all ROOT members, i am sure you sensed when they vanished." Says Yasu, as he gives Hiruzen a little smile.

Once Hiruzen heard that, his mind went blank and he stood still for a few moments before he comes back to his senses and thinks with a sad expression. 'He killed Danzo..? I see... It seems you finally hit an iron wall, Danzo.' 

"So, what are you going to do now, Elder Yasu?" Asks Hiruzen.

"I just came here to give you a warning, if you touch Kenji I will wipe Konoha off the map." Says Yasu, as he releases his aura to intimidate Hiruzen.

As Yasu releases his aura, Hiruzen immediately feels like he is as small as a ant and he can clearly see the difference in power between them.

'No wonder Danzo died... but how is he so strong? And why have we not heard of a genius of this level before he became an elder..?' Thinks Hiruzen.

"Alright, I will assign Kenji to a normal Jonin team and I will not touch him." Says Hiruzen, as he looks down.

"Good, I will know if you are lying or not... and I dont recommend pissing me off." Says Yasu, as he stands up and gives Hiruzen one final look, and then teleports away.

'Just what have we angered...' Thinks Hiruzen.


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