
Naruto of the kumo

Naruto is kidnapped by Orochimaru at a young age. He is rescued by The Raikage and Killer Bee and decides to go with them. My first fan fic so any criticism is welcome. Officially cancelled. Read the final chapter for more details.

frandley_mesidor · ファンタジー
11 Chs

chapter 6 chunin exams part 5

It was already dark when Naruto dropped off Konohamaru at the Sarutobi clan compound. Naruto left him with a promise to teach him the sexy jutsu whenever he had some free time. A sudden rumbling in Naruto's stomach sent him to Ichiraku ramen where he saw Teuchi's daughter Ayame.

"Hey Ayame! Do you remember me!"

She looked at him for a few seconds until she realized. "Naruto!"

She grabbed him in a bone crunching hug and lifted him off the ground. "AH AYAME! YOU'RE GONNA CRUSH ME AND I WON'T BE ABLE TO TAKE THE CHUNIN EXAMS!"

She placed the boy back down with a happy look on her face. "I missed you Naruto. Me and dad were really worried about you."

"Yeah I know. I already met your dad yesterday. He didn't tell you I was back in town?"

"He told me to expect a visit from a VIP sometime in the next few days. He probably expected you to come in and surprise me sometime."

"Like I just did?" Naruto said with a chuckle.

"Well yeah. Anyway sit down and I'll make you my new specialty ramen."

Naruto did as instructed and he started conversing with Ayame as she cooked. "So how have things been Ayame?"

"Things have been good. A little boring without you here though."

"People keep telling me that."

"How are things in the cloud village?"

"The cloud village isn't so bad. I've got good friends and a big sister to take care of me."

"Oh, you should bring her here sometime so I can meet her."

"I'll try but tomorrow I'm gonna start doing some hard last minute training for the chunin exams. I won't have a lot of free time."

"Chunin exams huh? Are you gonna kick some butt?"

"You bet! I'm gonna demolish all the competition and prove I'm the best!"

Ayame had a chuckle at Naruto's boisterous attitude. "So Naruto do you have a special girl back at the cloud village?"

"None of the girls my age back at the cloud village really catch my eye. There is one girl I saw here in this village that caught my attention though." Naruto said with a big blush visible on his cheeks.

"What's she like? Maybe I've seen her around."

"She's got really pretty blue hair and white eyes. I saw her and some other girls at an ice cream shop the other day. At first she just sort of blended into the background and I didn't notice her but once I took a closer look I realized she was really pretty and that she kind of liked me. I'm thinking of asking her out sometime."

"White eyes? You mean a hyuga?"

"Yeah. Hinata was her name."

"Hinata? I think I know that girl. My friend who works at the local bakery talks about a hyuga girl named Hinata who buys cinnamon buns from her."

"Really!? What does she say about her?" Naruto was excited at the prospect of learning more about the girl he was so interested in.

"She's apparently a really timid girl. Hyuga women have a reputation for being spoiled and rude but my friend told me that she's really kind and considerate. One day when they were short staffed at my friends bakery Hinata offered to help and spent the whole day in the kitchen."

"Yeah, she seemed like the nicest one of the girls I met yesterday. The other two were really pretty but they didn't have the same kind of inner beauty that Hinata had."

Ayame couldn't help herself from bursting into laughter. "Huh, whats so funny Ayame?"

"I'm sorry!" Ayame said as she suppressed her laughter. "It's just the way you described her as having an inner beauty was just so adorable."

Naruto got a huge blush on his face yet again and sat in silence until his food was done. He devoured it in an instant and paid Ayame.

"It was good to see you again Naruto. I hope things work out between you and that girl. Just tell her about her inner beauty and I bet she'll fall in love with you on the spot."

"S-see you later Ayame."

Naruto ran off embarrassed and found himself on some rooftops somewhere. He took out a pocket watch and looked at the time.

"It's still not that late. What else can I do tonight?"

"Naruto, I have a favor to ask."

"Kurama? You've been pretty quiet the past couple of days. Whats up?"

"Ever since we've been in the village I've been sensing something really weird. I think that there might be another jinchuriki besides you and Yugito."

"How is that possible? I was the only jinchuriki in this village."

"This one might be a genin here to take the chunin exams like you. Focus for a second and you should be able to sense him not too far from here."

Naruto complied with Kurama's wishes by sitting in a meditative position and activating his sensory powers. He was soon able to sense every person in the entire village. He could feel everything they were feeling and could even pinpoint their exact location.

"Okay, what exactly am I looking for?"

"Imagine if I was bat shit insane and a lot weaker. If I'm right then this jinchuriki is paired with Shukaku, the one tail."

"Okay I think I found him. He's in a hotel in the rich part of town... Good god, you weren't kidding about this guy. He'd give Tayuya a run for her money with how screwed up his head is.

"Then it's as I feared. Shukaku has gotten to him."

"What's up with Shukaku? Is he really that bad?"

"It's partly his fault that the jinchuriki tradition exists. He hates humanity. Unlike the rest of us who either learned to coexist with humans or ignore them, Shukaku actively sought conflict with them. To be honest I've been wanting to beat some sense into him for a long time."

"Before we do that I want to try talking it out. Maybe I can help them like Bee did for you and me."

"Fine. Be warned that I will intervene if you end up fighting him. I don't care if you refuse my power when fighting the other genin but I will not stay my hand against another jinchuriki."

"I got it. Don't worry I would have asked for your help anyway."

"Good. Now whats the plan Naruto? Are you going to tell Yugito about this?"

"I'll tell her tomorrow. I don't want to get in the way of her date tonight. It seems to be going pretty well from what I can tell."

Pretty well was an understatement. Yugito and Iruka were having a great time swapping stories about their careers and their friends.

"So let me get this straight, They had an actual dick measuring contest?"

"Yes and they kept begging me to be the one to measure. It was kind of creepy actually."

"I had a pair of girlfriends who made me measure their chest size once, so I can relate."

"It's hard being the only sane one in a group sometimes isn't it?"

"You can say that again. Can you excuse me for a second while I go to the bathroom?"

"Of course."

Yugito got up and walked over to the bathroom. Iruka was a gentleman but even the most noble of man has to peek when a woman with a behind shaped like Yugito's is walking away. Of course being the gentleman that he was, his peek was brief. He turned away, his face flushed. Little did he know that Yugito's face was equally flushed.

"Shit! I've got to think of an excuse to get out of here before I do something stupid."

"Or you could mate with him like I've been telling you to this whole time."

"God damn it Matatabi!"

"Just do it!"

"I can't!"

"Do it!"


"You want it and he wants it, so just do it! Do it!"

"You don't understand... I can't do it because I forgot my birth control at home like a dumbass! I remembered when you mentioned birth control earlier."

"Then make him wear a god damn condom!"

"What if he doesn't have any? I don't want to get his hopes up for nothing."

"For fucks sake Yugito, there's a convenience store right around the corner. He can go buy some."

"Yeah but what if he get's really embarrassed and can't buy them?"

"I swear to god I'll supercharge your hormones if you don't have a dick in you within ten minutes. You think your horny now? This is nothing compared to what I can make you experience."

"Fine! I'm going!"

Iruka jumped when his bathroom door swung open and a scarlet Yugito walked out.

"Do you have any condoms here or do we need to buy some?" She asked bluntly.

"... Naruto dropped some off while we were out earlier."

"Hold on a sec... Both their chakra signatures just got way hotter. I think they're about to... OOOOOOOOHHHHHHH! WE HAVE PENETRATION!"

"YES! My man Iruka closing the deal!"

"Good thing we dropped off those rubbers earlier. It was a little awkward with Konohamaru with us, but it was worth it."

"I'm so glad this happened. Now I don't need to listen to sis complaining about how she can't get laid."

"Speaking of getting laid, I sense a cute little white eyed honey not too far from here. Want to test our luck?"

"You are one perverted fox you know that?"

"That's why we make such a good team."

"You got that right! Okay lets go get her!"

Hinata was very conflicted right now. All she could think about the past two days was how her childhood crush just appeared out of nowhere and just happened to be a ninja from the most hated village in the hyuga clan. She didn't even know why the hyuga hated the cloud so much and she was afraid to ask. It was driving her crazy thinking about it all. She finally decided to get her mind off of everything by going out and buying some cinnamon buns. She was just leaving the bakery when she ran into the very source of her current stress.

"Hey beautiful!" Naruto blurted out as he jumped off the roof in front of a shocked Hinata.


"Did he just call me beautiful?"

"I was just walking around the village and saw you so I decided to see how you were doing."

"I-I'm al-alright." Hinata was blushing blood red already.

"Teehee, you're really cute when you're blushing."

"Y-You think i-i'm cute!?"

"Well yeah! I couldn't stop thinking about you yesterday! In fact I was wondering if maybe you wanted to spend some time together?"

"YES! I-I m-mean I w-would like that very mu-much."

"Okay then let's go!"

Naruto grabbed Hinata by the hand and took her away. Hinata was so stunned by the recent turn of events that she wasn't thinking straight. She regained her composure after a few minutes and started talking to Naruto.

"N-Naruto... wh-where are we go-going?"

"I'm going to take you to my favorite place in this whole village. Well second favorite place to be honest. I'll take you to my favorite place on our next date."

"D-Date?!" Hinata lost herself in a daydream as she began fantasizing about what she wanted to happen tonight. Though her fantasy was tame by most standards it was enough by her standards to paint her face with a crimson blush.

"Okay we're here." Hinata snapped out of her daydreams when she realized she was on the observation deck in front of the hokage monument.

"This is my second favorite place in the village. I love looking at the faces of the kage because it inspires me to surpass them."

They stood in an uncomfortable silence for a little while as Hinata was too embarrassed to say anything and Naruto couldn't think of anything else to say. Naruto thought back to when he would spy on other people on dates and thought of what to say next.

"So tell me more about yourself Hinata. I bet you have all sorts of kick ass stories about your life as a ninja."

"W-Well..." Hinata steeled her resolve and made a mental vow to stop stuttering.

"I don't have many stories about being a ninja but I can tell you that my hobbies are gardening and that I love cinnamon buns." Hinata was beyond proud of herself. She actually got through a sentence talking to Naruto without a stutter.

"Gardening huh? I always kind of liked flowers but the lightning country sucks for growing stuff. Fertilizer is expensive and there are so many clouds around it's hard to grow plants that need a lot of sunlight."

"I'm sorry to hear that. Maybe you can go to the Yamanaka clans flower shop and find some flowers that will grow in that regions climate." Hinata was cheering in her head at yet another sentence without a stutter.

"That's a great idea. You're really smart Hinata."

Naruto started staring into Hinata's eyes making her regain the blush she had successfully suppressed earlier.

"You're also really pretty and you have nice chakra."

"I-I have ni-nice chakra?" The stutter was back and Hinata was mentally berating herself for slipping back into that habit so easily.

"Yeah. You see, I'm a sensory ninja so I can feel people's chakra. You have a really warm chakra. It's the chakra of someone with a kind heart. It reminds me a lot of my mother. My mother told me once that I should find a girl who is like her. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I kind of like you and I was wondering if you would be my"

Suddenly Naruto found himself on the ground with a very angry kunoichi pinning him down by his arm. Normally Naruto would have been happy having a woman that looked like this on top of him, but in this situation he was obviously not.

"Hinata! are you alright? Did this cloud ninja hurt you or try to make you do something you didn't want?"


"I WASN'T DOING ANYTHING BAD I SWEAR!" Naruto had tears developing in his eyes from the pain of having Kurenai twist his arm. It hurt almost as bad as when his sister twists his ear.

"Listen cloud ninja as I'll only say this once. Stay away from my student or I'll make you regret it."


Kurenai whipped her around and stared at Hinata.

"This boy is Naruto?" Kurenai had heard the stories of the jinchuriki who left the village as a child but she had no idea that the boy she was manhandling was that same jinchuriki.

"P-please Kurenai sensei. Naruto and I were just talking."

Kurenai finally let go of Naruto and let him stand up.

"First my ear and now my arm. Why do grown women like beating me up so much?"

"I think you should go now cloud ninja. I don't want to see you hanging around my student anymore. Do I make myself clear?"

"That's not your decision to make now is it? Hinata seemed to enjoy my company."

Kurenai started slowly walking toward Naruto.

"You have five seconds to get out of my sight. Five."

"Ah man, I'm sorry Hinata."


"It's okay Naruto. Please don't blame yourself."


"OKAY I GET IT! I'm gone."

Naruto jumped away and left the two kunoichi alone. As soon as he was out of ear shot Kurenai turned to Hinata.

"K-Kurenai sensei, why did you do that?"

"Hinata... It's time you learned the truth about why your clan hates the cloud."