Naruto is kidnapped by Orochimaru at a young age. He is rescued by The Raikage and Killer Bee and decides to go with them. My first fan fic so any criticism is welcome. Officially cancelled. Read the final chapter for more details.
It was finally the day of the first part of the chunin exams and Naruto was beyond excited. Not only was he convinced he was going to dominate the exams but he was sure he was going to get the chance to see Hinata again. He was practically bouncing off the walls with excitement until his sister Yugito came in and gave him a firm smack on the head.
Her yelling woke up the still sleeping Omoi and he and Naruto quickly got ready and left the room to find a fully prepared Karui waiting for them.
"You two lazy asses need to shape up. I've been ready for almost half an hour." Karui had a vein throbbing on her forehead as she said that.
"We have a little over an hour and a half to get there. Don't get your panties in a bunch." Naruto said in a slightly playful tone.
"What was that about my panties?" Karui shot Naruto an evil eye while grasping her sword in one hand.
"Uh... Nothing." Naruto responded visibly shaken.
All of a sudden Yugito came out of her room and gave all three of them firm slaps on the head. "Hurry up and get out of here you morons! If you aren't out of the hotel in five seconds I will personally drag you three there with my bare hands." Yugito wasn't kidding around today and the three genin knew it.
The three genin didn't want to incur the wrath of their sensei so they ran out of the hotel at top speed. Once they were out the door Omoi spoke up.
"So how do we get to the first testing site anyway?"
"Sis said the first testing site was a room over at the academy. I know where it is so follow me."
With that the three genin took off and were on their way to taking the chunin exams. Back in the hotel, Yugito was waiting patiently on her bed staring at the clock. She perked up when she heard a knock at her window and opened it. Iruka jumped in and smiled at her with a faint blush on his face.
"Are the kids gone already?" He asked while stroking Yugito's equally blush face.
"They just left. We have until the exam gets out to do this."
"I gave Naruto a gift card for ichiraku yesterday. He's going to take his team out afterward. That should buy us another hour at least. Maybe two if Naruto decides to pig out like he usually does."
"I love a man who thinks ahead." Yugito then pushed Iruka on to the bed with force. She started straddling his waist and lightly nibbling on his neck and ear, a technique that she learned he loved on their first night together. He returned the favor by squeezing and rubbing her butt. Yugito started purring like a cat and stared deeply into Iruka's eyes. He recognized the cat like irises that replaced her normal ones whenever she got excited.
"Be gentle with me." He said as Yugito began undressing him.
"I can't promise you that." She mockingly stuck her tongue out at him then pulled his pants down.
Naruto and his team were nearing the academy when Naruto suddenly stopped and started giggling.
"Whats up Naruto?" Omoi asked.
"I know why sis wanted us gone so badly."
"Oh god." Karui already knew where this was going.
Naruto just started walking again, ignoring the confused look from Omoi and the annoyed look from Karui.
Naruto and his squad weren't the only chunin hopefuls on their way to the test. Hinata and her team were making their way to the testing site as well. Kiba was holding a sleeping Akamaru in his arms while Shino just walked with his hands in his pockets like he always does. Kiba was trying to make small talk with Shino while Hinata was stuck in a contemplative silence. She had a lot to think about recently with the revelation of her clans troubled past with the cloud village. Hinata was a mature girl for her age so she understood a lot of things that other girls may not have, such as her clan's choice to hide the truth from her when it was apparent that she didn't remember the event. What she couldn't understand was why her father, a man who prided himself on his level head could do something so rash as murder her kidnapper when it was well within his power to incapacitate him with the gentle fist.
"A shinobi must always keep his emotions under control." Hinata repeated that quote over and over in her head. It was the first thing her father said to her when she began her gentle fist training. He drilled that into her mind constantly and the overwhelming hypocrisy of it drove Hinata mad on the inside. She wanted to confront her father and tell him that she knew that her uncle died because of him but she couldn't muster up the strength. She locked herself up in her room when not training and was beginning to worry the clan.
That was only the first of her problems though. She also had to deal with the problem of her childhood crush being a member of the village who tried to kidnap her. She didn't want to believe that Naruto was the kind of person to do such a thing, but she had no idea what the cloud village could have done to him in the years since he was there. Brainwashing children was a practice that occurred often in the more immoral hidden villages and from what she could gather the cloud had a reputation for being ruthless in their search for rare bloodline abilities.
"Bark bark."
Hinata was alerted at the sound of the now wide awake Akamaru's bark. The dog was happily licking it's masters face before it stopped and jumped at Hinata. She caught the dog and let it lick her a few times before it jumped over and did the same thing to Shino. Hinata may have been a wreck mentally but seeing her teammates filled her with strength as she vowed to not let them down during the exams.
Naruto and his team made it to the academy with plenty of time to spare. They were making their way up the stairs when Kurama started talking to Naruto.
"Hey Naruto, there's a weak genjutsu over the area. The other two already dispelled it and I made sure it didn't affect you."
"Thanks Kurama. I was never very good at countering genjutsu."
The group made it to the door and walked in. There were a couple of teams already sitting around but none that looked like any sort of threat. Naruto made sure to give them all a good once over with his sensory powers and memorized their chakra signatures. He did this for everyone who walked in after them as well. His team sat down at a table near the front of the class room.
Hinata and her group reached the academy not long after Naruto. Hinata's team had also noticed the genjutsu and dispelled it instinctively. Being the students of one of the best genjutsu users in the village had it's benefits.
"Hey guys! wait up."
The three kids plus dog turned to see the Ino-Shika-Cho trio walking up to them. The two teams walked into the room together and found an unnoccupied corner to talk in.
Naruto of course instantly recognized Hinata's chakra and wanted to talk to her but was held down when he tried to stand up, by Omoi and Karui.
"Naruto, it's in our best interest not to attract attention to ourselves right now. If we pull attention to ourselves then everyone here might decide to target us and we'll have to fight them all at once."
"The idiots right. Just sit and be quiet for once in your life."
Naruto knew that his team was right but he still wanted to talk to Hinata. He decided to wait and surprise her after the first part of the exam. More and more people started to come in including the other Jinchuriki Naruto felt earlier. His murderous intent was disgusting to Naruto but he was able to keep his calm around him.
The jinchuriki himself didn't seem threatening at first glance. He was about Naruto's size except a little scrawnier. Naruto could tell he wasn't primarily a hand to hand fighter. The boys team consisted of some weirdo with a huge thing on his back and an attractive girl with a big fan.
"She's kinda hot. I can tell by her chakra she's got a pissy personality though. Not like Hinata."
"If you like that Hinata girl so much then why don't you marry her?"
"Slow down Kurama. I haven't even kissed her yet."
Naruto's thoughts were broken as another team entered through the door. This team consisted of the pink haired girl Sakura and two black haired boys.
"SAI!" Ino yelled as she jumped on the pale boy with a hug from behind.
"Ino, as much as I love the feel of your breasts on my back can you please let go of me?" Sai said with a fake smile on his face.
"You're such a bad boy Sai. Why don't you let me take you out on a date after this exam is over?"
"As much as I love your company I'm going to have to decline. I'm sorry." Sai kept his fake smile up the whole time.
"Hey, you rookies should probably keep it down." Said a white-haired boy with glasses as he walked up to the group of first timers.
Naruto wanted to keep listening to the conversation but Kurama interrupted his thoughts.
"Naruto, the black-haired boy with the blue shirt is an Uchiha."
"Uchiha? That's the guy who Orochimaru is after then."
"We should keep an eye on him. Even if he's young, he's still an Uchiha."
"I'm not too worried. Take away their eyes and the Uchiha are just like any other ninja."
"Don't be arrogant boy! The sharingan is second only to the rinnegan. You will lose if you take it lightly."
"Do me a favor and stop underestimating me. I did research on all the clans of this village before we came here. I know what the sharingan can do. Trust me, I got a plan."
"For your sake I hope you're right. By the way that group of leaf genin is getting some negative attention. I'd perk up my ears if I were you."
Taking Kurama's advice Naruto started listening intently to the room around him when his attention shifted to a group of sound genin whispering among themselves. Apparently the white-haired boy made a comment about the sound ninja that they didn't like and they were planning a surprise attack. While the white-haired boy was talking to the Uchiha the sound genin made their move and made a beeline toward him. The leader of the group revealed a large metal glove on his arm and was preparing to strike at the boy. Before he was able to complete his attack however his arm was strung up by a golden chain. All of a sudden the attention of everyone in the room was on the person who had summoned the chain. None other than everyone's favorite knucklehead.
"Hey dickhead, lighten up. You don't have to get all pissy and start attacking people over nothing." Naruto recalled the chakra chain and stared at the group of sound genin who stared back. Neither side was backing down and the onlookers were stunned at how fast things were escalating.
"Who is this guy? Whoever he is I'm going to have to watch out for him. That chain wasn't just a normal chain. It came from his body somehow." Were Sasuke's thoughts as he intently watched the scene in front of him.
"Naruto... You're still the same boy who would selflessly put himself in harms way to protect another." Hinata watched the scene and felt a wave of relief wash over her. Naruto wouldn't have bothered doing that if he wasn't the same boy he was back then.
"So that's the boy who got away from lord Orochimaru. It seems he's gained some skill in the past few years. I'm going to have to keep an eye on this one." The white-haired boy Kabuto thought as he watched the scene unfold with a smile on his face.
The staring contest was brought to an abrupt halt when the test examiners arrived in a cloud of smoke. Among the group of chunin was one jonin who stood at the center. He introduced himself as Ibiki Morino and gave the sound ninja a quick chewing out. He then went on to explain the first part of the test.
"This first test will be a written examination. You have ninety minutes to complete a ten question test. The tenth question will be given separately from the first nine in the last fifteen minutes of the exam. Anyone caught cheating will be given a two point deduction. If caught cheating five times you will automatically fail the test. If any member of a team fails the test then the entire squad fails."
"NNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Everyone in the rooms attention turned to Naruto.
"WHY DID IT HAVE TO BE A WRITTEN TEST!" Naruto buried his face in his arms on the table and sat quietly.
"Well that boy is certainly a funny one." The proctor thought before instructing his helpers to assign the seats for the test. After a few minutes of shifting around everyone was seated and to Naruto's delight he was lucky enough to be sitting next to the girl of his dreams. Hinata was delighted as well but she was also very nervous and didn't know what to say.
"Hey Hinata, you shouldn't be so nervous. I bet a smart girl like you will pass no problem."
"Th-Thank you Naruto."
The tests were passed out and the chunin exams officially started.