
Naruto: My Harem Academia

This fanfic takes place in My Hero Academia world where Naruto is Transmigrated into and he finds there are two types of people Hero and Villain. But every system is corrupted and this was no different, since any person with powers wanted to be a Hero, not for being the right thing, but for fame, money, recognition, a true hero never expected anything in return, he only did what he believed correct, everything was wrong, children from a young age only want to be like the heroes they admire, only to change in the future and see for their own goals. So what will Naruto do here, will he change the society itself but to do that he has to choose his path and that leads him to two choices.... Villain or hero or will he create a path of his own ? Warning:- Those who are light hearted person please do not read this as there will be dark scenes in the fanfic so please better be prepared before reading the work. UPDATE TIME will be half an hour after server reset. Update schedule will be 1 day per Chapter and there will be bonus chapter as well but they will be according to the Goal. #Goal 300 PS( POWER STONE): 1 BONUS CHAPTER 600 PS : 2 BONUS CHAPTER 1000 PS : 4 BONUS CHAPTER ALSO Advance Chapters will be uploaded on PATREON account so if you want to read them then support me on Patreon. PATREON:- https://www.patreon.com/Skythe Disclaimer:- This is a TL work done by me.

Skythe · アニメ·コミックス
125 Chs


In the dim concrete hallways, the echoing screams of the prisoners filled the air as they witnessed the arrival of a new inmate. Naruto, wrapped in bandages, was escorted by two armed guards. He donned an orange jumpsuit, its back adorned with engraved numbers. His hands were ensnared in large handcuffs, and a sturdy steel collar enveloped a substantial portion of his neck.

"Fresh meat, guys! We've got ourselves a blonde!" one of the many prisoners against the bars exclaimed upon spotting the newcomer. He was a burly, tattooed man with a shaved head, wearing the same necklace as the other inmates. He extended his arm through the bars, attempting to grab Naruto's arm. "Welcome to hell, boy..." He squeezed the teenager's arm, expecting to elicit a reaction, but all he received was a swift kick that bent the steel bars and sent him flying backward into the concrete walls of his cell.

"Down, #889!" One of the guards escorting the teenager brandished a control device and administered an electric shock to him. Naruto resisted screaming despite the tormenting jolts coursing through his body. He staggered under the intense pain but refused to fall. Observing this, the other guard prevented his companion from striking the boy with his baton. "He's just a kid. I still can't believe they sent him to this hellhole," he remarked to his partner, shaking his head in disbelief.

Ignoring his colleague, the more compassionate guard continued leading the shinobi through the prison's labyrinthine passages. As seconds turned into minutes, they reached the furthest, darkest corner of the prison. Opening a gate, the less aggressive guard watched as the boy, who seemed no older than his own son awaiting him at home, walked slowly into his cell. "I'll make sure you're separated from the most dangerous inmates. Don't draw attention to yourself, and keep a low profile if you want to survive," he advised, unlocking the heavy handcuffs from the blonde's wrists. After closing the gate, he observed as the boy entered his cell and settled on the floor.

Without uttering a word, the shinobi listened as the guards departed. He gazed at the concrete wall before him, exhaling a sigh. Lowering his gaze, he noticed that the bandages on his right arm were stained red, indicating that the stitches had been torn, reopening his wounds. It had been only a few hours since he had arrived in this place. Closing his eyes, he began to meditate.


He felt sore and exhausted, longing to depart, mend his wounds, and attempt to heal. Given the extent of his injuries, he doubted he would be fully recovered in just over four weeks. While he was an Uzumaki, anyone else would take several months to recuperate from such injuries. He possessed the ability to hasten his healing through methods other than mere waiting, yet he declined the aid of the Biju within him. The Kyubi would only heal him in cases of life or death, as her own existence was tied to his. With a slight limp from his injured left leg, Naruto departed the rescue center, passing by his classmates and the pro heroes.

In moments like these, he regretted his lack of caution and overconfidence when facing these villains. He had underestimated their abilities, believing that the greatest threat lay within the group. Moving at a slow pace, he heard approaching footsteps. As he looked ahead, he encountered dozens of agents donning heavy gear, resembling a SWAT team.

"Stop! Raise your hands where I can see them!" one of the agents shouted, pointing his gun at the shinobi, who stood still. The agent reached for his radio, hand poised over it. Surveying the shinobi's condition, he noticed the blood covering him and the absence of a superhero costume with a cape. Their assumptions led them to believe he was a villain.

"We have a Code #45B," the agent spoke in a hushed tone, yet Naruto heard him clearly. "A villain is escaping from the scene. We await further orders."

Frowning, he continued walking, having no patience for this ordeal. He was already fed up, gritting his teeth while ignoring the sounds of weapons being loaded. However, he was forced to halt when a looming shadow came to a stop behind him, causing the shinobi to cease his steps. He turned to find a solemn All Might.

"You need to calm down and come with me; we need to have a conversation," the symbol of peace spoke with gravity, placing his hand on the teenager's shoulder. Naruto shot him a gloomy look. "We must resolve this, and I hope you'll cooperate. Please, young Uzumaki," he added before releasing his grip on the boy's shoulder and turning away to assess the condition of the other students. Naruto clenched his hands in frustration.

Was he now the villain in all of this? Would they suspect him for what had just transpired? Would he be apprehended for eliminating that creature? Was it all worth it?

"Kid, turn around." An officer approached with handcuffs, attempting to place them on the teenager, but received a swift kick that sent him sprawling. The immediate sound of weapons being readied filled the air. In the distance, All Might halted, looking surprised at Naruto's actions.

"I'm not going anywhere! I'm tired of this senseless charade! I've adhered to your senseless rules for far too long, and I'm leaving," Naruto declared angrily. Fuming, he turned to depart. He had tried to abide by their regulations, but he couldn't continue like this. Perhaps being at this academy was a mistake. However, before he could make any more progress, he felt a blow to the back of his neck, and everything went dark.

~End of Flashback~

[ Reader's I have made a Patreon account and you can read Advance Chapters there. This is a first for me, and I'm really hoping for your support. It means the world to me, and it's going to be a huge motivation to keep this work going strong.So, if you enjoy what I'm doing, please consider supporting me on Patreon.

Pat reon link :- https://www.patreon.com/Skythe ]