
Naruto: Mihawk Template

Transmigrated into the Naruto world with nothing but Mihawk's Template, follow Ryujiro as he forges his path to power in the world of shinobi. If you want to support me and read advance chapters, please visit: patreon.com/plotplanner

plotplanner · アニメ·コミックス
73 Chs

Chapter 22: Baptism of Blood

Five months had passed, and Ryujiro had become a frequent visitor to the Hyuga house.

Hiashi already regarded Ryujiro as his son-in-law.

A son-in-law whose strength rivaled that of the Kage, what more could Hiashi desire?

The members of the Hyuga clan were also full of awe for Ryujiro. Neji looked unwillingly at Ryujiro and Hinata.

Was this the fate of the branch family?

His fate was to never resist the separation of the branch family. There was a hint of despair in Neji's heart.

While accompanying Hinata in training, Ryujiro noticed Neji's gaze. Looking at Neji's desolate eyes, Ryujiro couldn't help but wonder what he was thinking.


"Brother Neji?"

Hinata also noticed that Neji's mood seemed off, and his lonely demeanor looked somewhat pitiful.

"Continue training according to my method, Hinata. I'll go find your father."

Ryujiro responded.

At this time, Hiashi had just finished the main family meeting. Several elders greeted Ryujiro politely when they saw him.


Ryujiro responded lightly.

Hiashi wasn't too surprised to see Ryujiro. He instructed the servants to bring two more cups of tea.

"Ryujiro is here."

"Take a seat."

Ryujiro naturally sat down, looking at Hiashi without saying a word.

Hiashi seemed to guess that Ryujiro had something to discuss, so he said, "If you have anything to do, just tell me."

"Hiashi-sama, are you really not going to let Neji know the truth?"

Hiashi's body trembled, staring at Ryujiro with widened eyes.

"How do you know about this?"

Ryujiro didn't give a direct answer.

Did Hiashi expect him to reveal every detail of the history of this world and everything that happened to each one of them?

Give me a break.

Hiashi sighed.

"I am most aware of Neji's hatred for the main family."

"But only by preserving that hatred in Neji's heart can we use his talent to grow rapidly."

"I'm not telling him because the time is not right yet."

Hatred, huh?

Neji wasn't Sasuke. His inner hatred wasn't enough. 

When a more dazzling genius appeared by Hinata's side, the brilliance of a genius would also dim.

"You're wrong."

"That hatred precisely limits Neji's potential."

"Hizashi-sama died to protect you. He didn't want Neji to hold onto hatred against the main family, but to strive to protect the members of the main family."

Ryujiro said lightly.

Geniuses are often burdened with too much baggage, which limits their potential.

Hiashi's heart trembled.

It seemed he had been wrong all along. He forgot Hizashi's words.

"Please tell Neji that I didn't die to protect the main family, but to protect my brother and the village."

Hizashi's words seemed to echo in his ears at this moment.

Hiashi looked at Ryujiro with a complex expression.

"I really can't understand you more, as the time passes."

"Hiashi-sama, just know that I have no ill intentions toward the Hyuga clan. After all, this is also Hinata's home."

Ryujiro smiled, finished his tea, and then left.

A few days later, Hiashi finally handed the scroll left by Hizashi to Neji.

From that day on, Neji gradually let go of his hatred for the main family and became more respectful towards Hinata and Ryujiro.

And his hatred shifted to the Kumogakure village.


At the border of the Land of Fire, Guy and Ryujiro were scouting the area for other ninja.

The news of the destruction of the Uchiha clan had spread throughout the ninja world, causing other countries' ninja to stir, wanting to take advantage of Konoha's weakness.

"Sensei, I can search this area alone."

"You go to the other side."

Guy understood Ryujiro's strength and had no objections. After instructing him, he went to search another area.

After Guy left, Ryujiro's gentle gaze became sharp.

His Observation Haki had already locked onto the ninja hiding in the shadows.

Although Ryujiro's strength was formidable now, his hands had never been stained with blood.

This time, Ryujiro came out of the village to give himself a baptism of blood.

The Iwagakure ninja hiding in the shadows saw Ryujiro, a mere genin, wandering on the border and immediately showed a cruel smile.

"Has Konoha reached the point where they have no one else to send?"

"To send a brat like this to the border."

"Don't waste time. Kill this brat quickly."

Just as the Iwagakure ninja were about to attack Ryujiro, the young ninja they had been watching suddenly disappeared.

"First one."


A dazzling flash of the blade shot out from its sheath, and the Iwagakure ninja's widened eyes revealed fear.

Looking at Ryujiro's indifferent face, he realized that Ryujiro was not an ordinary genin, but a monster!

In the blink of an eye, the flash of the blade had declared the fate of the Iwagakure ninja.

A large amount of blood gushed out like a fountain, and the severed head rolled to the ground, leaving behind a trail of blood.

The grass instantly turned bright red.

Ryujiro's brow, only slightly furrowed, feeling a little discomfort.

But there was no feeling of nausea at all.

The remaining two Iwagakure ninja were filled with fear and immediately felt the threat of death.

"You damn brat!"

Earth Release: Earth Flow Spears!

The ground beneath Ryujiro's feet suddenly trembled, and sharp rocks emerged from the ground in an instant.

However, these tricks had no effect on Ryujiro.

"Where's that brat!"

"Damn it! He's just a genin. What happened just now?"

"That boy is not simple. Let's retreat for now."

At this moment, a cold voice came from behind the two Iwagakure ninja.

"Wanna run? It's too late."

"Both of you will stay here!"

With a swift movement, two slashes cut through the bodies of the two Iwagakure ninja without any extra motion.


Blood gushed out from their bodies, and they were split in half by Ryujiro's blade.

In this area alone, besides these few ninja hiding, there were at least dozens of others with a presence not inferior to these two Iwagakure ninja.

A cold figure shuttled through the border, accompanied by the flicker of blades, leaving behind one incomplete corpse after another.

Apart from the sound of wind, there was no sound at the silent border, except for the invisible addition of corpses one after another.

Guy also caught a few Sunagakure ninja on the other side, but when he came to Ryujiro's side, he was stunned.

"What happened here?"


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