
Naruto: Medusa

Waking up as one of Orochimaru's abandoned experiments Kaya makes her way in this strange world of ninjas.

DragonPriestess · アニメ·コミックス
2 Chs

Powers from the start

Snake hair: Kaya has snakes in the place of hair which can be used as an offensive weapon. She can control the length and each snake individually. Uncontrolled, her tougher-than-steel hair is naturally more than six feet long. She maintains this control even when the hair has been cut from her head. This ability is due to an unforseen reaction with an Animal cursed seal (similar to Mizuki's tiger one) before the seal dissappeared leaving the original owner of Kaya's body in a coma.

Talons: Her hands turn into sharp claws that can tear through flesh, they can grow and retract at high speeds.

Charm speak: The user has an extremely persuasive voice, she is able to put targets into a genjutsu where they follow her orders.

Snake Charmer: A skill acquired during Kaya's transmigration, this makes weaker snakes obey the user.

Cursed seal of vision (Petrification glare): When Kaya looks someone in the eyes, she can turn them to stone. This ability was derived from an unintended fusion of the cursed seal of earth (Kimimaro's seal) and toad senjutsu obtained from Jiraiya in a battle with Orochimaru. The ability is always active when the cursed seal is in use but can be activated at will otherwise.

Snake creation: Kaya can grow snakes from her head that act as clones with flesh and blood bodies. The clones have a hive mind state with the main body as the 'queen'.

Hashirama cells: Grants enhanced regeneration, physical strength and chakra levels. (No wood style).