
Naruto: Medusa

Waking up as one of Orochimaru's abandoned experiments Kaya makes her way in this strange world of ninjas.

DragonPriestess · Anime & Comics
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Snakey time

First time writing so this probably won't be the best but please bear with me.




Kaya regretted watching Naruto.

For the past month she had been having recurring nightmares of being eaten by a massive white snake.

It had even gotten to the point that she was having hallucinations of Orochimaru's creepy laugh in her waking hours.

Damn snake.

She knew she was probably going crazy. Hell, normal people didn't hear voices or see snakes growing out of everything around them.

But she'd had enough.

She always ran away in her nightmares, never fighting back, never standing up for herself.

She was sick and tired of it.

She swore to herself that she'd beat that snake up into a squishy little noodle when she came upon it next.

"Ugh, I'm seriously this worked up over a nightmare. What am I, a child?" She complained to herself, not entirely believing her situation.

"You know what? Screw it, figment of my imagination or not, that snakes gonna get ripped apart." She said to herself with a smile as she laid down on her bed and prepared to sleep.




Appearing inside the all too familiar forest she'd recently come to know Kaya looked for the mossy tree bark that was surrounded by some sharp stones, her first weapon.

Firmly grasping the stone in her hand she made her way through the forest whilst keeping an eye on her surroundings.

The eerily silent nature of the forest couldn't affect Kaya's mental state anymore, no longer would she cry like a little child at any sudden noise, or lack thereof.

As she came upon a clearing she saw it sleeping.

It was just lying there, menacingly.

A large white snake, its body thicker than any tree trunk, scales seemingly sharper than any blade making the stone in her hands look more like a toy than a weapon.

But no matter, for Kaya knew the beast wouldn't begin its hunt until 10 minutes had passed.

She sauntered up to the sleeping monstrosity, not bothering to be sneaky.

Barely holding in her rage at her tormentor she stood Infront of its gargantuan maw, riddled with fangs and the flesh of lesser foes.

Kaya couldn't think of a way to harm the thing, it was like a long slippery tank.

But she noticed something.

With each snore its nose opened up to be larger than Kaya's entire body.

And so in her oh so clear mind not at all swayed by anger she had a great idea.

A stupendous plan if she might say so herself.

She took a deep breath to center herself

She dived into the snakes nasal cavity headfirst and spun in circles, wildly lashing at the beasts innards with her faux blade of stone.

And as she did the snake had awoken with a loud hiss of pain, it whipped its head back and forth to try to get the little pest out of its head.

Smacking its head on anything in sight, the ground, the trees, even its own body.

Though each movement only served to exacerbate its own injuries, aiding the unseen assailant in gouging out its innards.

After a while of this the beast began to slow before growing limp.

For a few moments it's movement halted, before a spark crossed it's eyes and it began to move around again.

Only this time the snake wasn't in control.




[A/N: I dont know if this was any good but I'll try to improve.]