
Naruto: Infinite Dream

I deleted this for an accident so I'm kinda mad. Imagine a corrupt guy being reincarnated in Naruto as Shikamaru's brother and his only goal is to reach immortality. _____________________________________________________ ROB will give it to him but I don't feel like putting it there so you can imagine how it went well that's if you read this I hope you do. Abilities: Perfect memory: he can remember anything he sees. Shadow manipulation: From the Nara clan Adaptation: His body can adapt to anything Combine: he can combine stuff Multiverse: yes, yes it will be those types he will travel to other anime, tv shows, movies, and novel worlds. _____________________________________________________ Note: I'm using the free type Grammarly so don't expect much and I'm bad myself at grammar, so you do God's work or what you believe in and go to the comment on paragraph and tell me what I did wrong and what I can improve in the pg. It will be evil kinda like reverend insanity and magus world well I hope it can be there but common a new guy compare to those monsters it's like comparing an ant to an elephant it's impossible so don't expect much, you can drop it I will mind, it will hurt me in fact but I can deal with it. ____________________________________________________

Infinite_Depravity · アニメ·コミックス
4 Chs

C2- Goal, Naruto and future trouble?

After the destruction in the village that the nine tail fox caused.

People were mourning the death of the people they loved, and because of that, hospitals were booming with people that got injured in the incident.

But outside the village of Konoha, there were many villages from different sides thinking it was the right time to invade Konoha when it was at its weakest and gain stuff such as the fantastic bloodlines and other hidden jutsus.

--- 3 years later---

A 3-year-old child with narrow brown eyes and black hair ran towards the library with an irritated expression.

" Ughhh, do I have to do this again," Shikamaru said as he was nearing the library.

When Shikamaru reached the door for the library, he thrust his hand forward and pushed the door open.

" Umbra, are you there," Shikamaru asked seriously.

" Yeah, I'm over here." the voice said dryly as it resounded in the clan library.

Shikamaru walked calmly towards the location of the voice.

When Shikamaru finally reached the location, he said, " Why are you in the library again arent you already smart or something." said Shikamaru with an impatient voice.

" hehe, well, it's always better to have more knowledge, right?"

"I guess, but that doesn't matter right now because of you I had to get up and walk to find you because food is ready, and mom doesn't want you to miss it." anger clearly in his voice as if making him move was something you shouldn't do.

"Ok, ok ill go. I already finished the book anyway," Umbra said uncaringly as if angering him or his mom was none of his concern.

" you already finished the book?" Shikamaru said with a surprised face.

"Yeah, I already remember everything in it, so it doesn't matter; we should go to mom before it's too late," Umbra said as he started to walk towards the direction of the dining room.

To Shikamaru, his little brother was a monster sense what type of human remembers everything they see after just seeing it once, but he didn't hate him or any other stuff; it was actually the opposite he wanted this since he won't have to be the clan leader in the future and just watch his brother do all the work.

--- 2 years later ---

" hmm, I already read all the books available to me in the clan. I should start practicing some taijutsu and work on my bloodline power to be a little stronger than some academy students." Umbra said with a thinking expression.

Next year I'm joining the academy, and since I'm the same age as Shikamaru, I'm going to be with the main cast; how should I use them for my advantage and end goal.

Umbra started thinking of plans that would help him.

The best thing to do would be to be a little friendly with Naruto since he is the most helpful of all of them since I never know if I will leave the village one day and be considered rogue to be killed, with Naruto there, he will not allow me to be killed.

I will be safe from the hidden village even if I do get caught.

Umbra started to think as his smirk grew more prominent on his face.

The best thing I can do right now is get more knowledge, and with this fantastic memory, I will be able to do anything perfectly and not forget.

Umbra was starting to think of stuff he could do to reach his goal since his plan would be one of the hardest in the world.

The goal to reach infinite age, be eternal is what he wants and be one of the strongest.

It will be almost impossible to be omnipotent since there already is one, and it's not that easy to reach that level.

Umbra started to think about NULL, and he already started sweating just thinking of the abnormal power he had.

--- sometime later ---

A blonde hair kid was walking to his apartment after eating some ramen with a satisfied expression.

*murmur* People started talking about Naruto when he was heading home.

" Why is that demon still here? Shouldn't we just kick him out" people were whispering in disdain.

Narutos face was gloomy, and he couldn't feel any joy of eating the ramen he just had.

When Naruto finally reached home, he was relieved because he could escape the world's reality here, wishing he could have a friend and stop all the stuff happening to him.

" WHY, WHY," asked Naruto with a pleading look towards the emptiness.

"What did I do to deserve this? Isn't this a misunderstanding or something im, not a demon or anything like that; I'm like them, a human, so WHY? Naruto couldn't control himself anymore and started tearing up uncontrollably.

Why does it matter no one will listen in the end? It's always the same; why do I still expect they will hear me and listen to me.

Naruto later in the night fell asleep from tiredness and hunger, not being able to eat at night and only eating in the morning.

At least he was able to eat something and not starve for a whole day.

In the Hokages office, the Third Hokage Hiruzen was watching all of this with a stoic face.

"I told you, Hiruzen, you should just let Naruto be in the root; if he were here, he wouldn't have to suffer like that," said Danzo with a sincere face as if he wasn't the one that spread the news about Naruto being the nine tail jinchuuricki.

" No, Danzo! I will not repeat myself once again. I already promised kushina and Minato that I will take care of him." Hiruzen said with an authoritative tone as if he could not be questioned about his decision.

*tch*." We will see about that Hiruzen; one day or another, you will see how genuinely naive you are."

Angry, Danzo left the office, started plans for the future, and focused on another child that he would take in the root one day if everything went correctly.

"hehe, it doesn't matter much, but the Umbra kid is very interesting as well able to remember anything just by looking at it once; if he under me, he will become a helpful chesspiece.

Umbra, totally unaware of the dangers that will be coming in the future, is reading a book in his room at night, focusing on a book about chakra.

Umbra fell asleep as well after he finished the book.

He was satisfied with what he had learned.


So I noticed a couple of problems in the story that someone told me: my grammar and my monotone.

I'm sorry for that ill try to fix it as I go along with my story to make you satisfied reading this and not be bored, but I'm new so have some patience if I don't catch up with some things.

I hope you liked the story and that will be all for today.