
Naruto: Gravity

Wakes up in the Naruto world with the Zushi Zushi no Mi *************** Schedule - 16/week No Harem and Sub-plot of Romance I do not own Naruto or any Naruto characters nor do I own the Zushi Zushi No Mi. I only own my OC's

youdusb26 · アニメ·コミックス
13 Chs

Class Begins

On his way to the Ninja Academy, he started to think about flying but that would cause a world of problems for him if he randomly started flying. Eiko would also rather practice that first too to not cause any embarrassing scenes.

While walking to the school he started levitating small pebbles slightly above the ground to test precision and how much he could hold. It was a surprising amount, he could get around 200 pebbles at once before they started to get unstable.

After walking for another 10 minutes he finally got to the ninja school, he walked up to the board and found his classroom. After getting all situated he made his way to the class. Once in the class he took a seat and waited for the teacher and for his classmates to show up.

Around 5 minutes later and everyone trickled in and found seats. Eiko heard people talking about him being an Uchiha and Kakashi who was already known for his outstanding talent sitting together and the rivalry that could occur.

Eiko didn't know what he did to deserve any praise. He just got to this world and had yet to put in any work. All of his fame for just being an Uchiha was completely underserved.

At this moment the teacher walked in and said "Hello, It's nice to meet all of you! I am Akihiro Takahashi your teacher for your time here at the Ninja Academy. I am also a Chunin of Konoha and would prefer to be called Takahashi-Sensei.".

"Now we're going to do introductions, starting with...,"

Eiko just tuned all of them out and was more focused on thinking about buying a sword and some kunai to practice with after school. that was until it was Shizune's turn, what she said intrigued him. "I'm Shizune and I love helping people, I hate those who kill for no reason, and I aspire to be a ninja-like Master Tsunade." Despite the last part which every female ninja in the class wanted to be she was the only one who said she wanted to help people. Even Nohara Rin just giggled at that question.

When It was finally Eiko's turn to go he waited for a second to think and said "I love my family and friends, I hate nothing, and I aspire to Unify the Ninja world!" The last part caused weird gazes and looks his way for the rest of the class.

With class over for the day, Eiko didn't forget about the sword and kunai so he was heading straight for the weapons shop. when Eiko got there he bought 10x kunai and a Chakra receptive sword. The kunai wasn't expensive but what made him spend all of his money was the sword. "It's the best buyable sword in the Village how could I not get it." Eiko tried to back himself up, but it failed. With his equipment, he headed towards a training ground to practice his Kenjusu and shurikenjutsu practice.

Even though he is an Uchiha and could just learn the ordinary way of throwing a kunai or he uses his cheat for the better and practices to the point of shooting 10 kunai at once.

Eiko started out with one kunai floating above him stationed ready to shoot at any time. Eiko gave a wave the kunai flew out fast, way faster than a Genin could react for sure! That made Eiko feel safer that we could already kill a Genin if caught off-guard and if it's a 1v1 they should have no room to go and would be instantly dealt with.

Since one kunai was already that good he wanted to jump ahead a few stages and try five. He found 5 close-ish trees and got the Kunai ready, it only takes a second for the kunai to come out of the ninja bag and hover around Eiko's head. Eiko waved his arm again and saw the five kunai fly out at just as great of speed but the accuracy was slightly off. This might take some time Eiko thought as he had the kunai retract back around his head.