
Naruto: Different Perks

Awakening his memories on the night of the Nine-Tails Incident, Kazutora lost his parents in the incident. Later, with his parents being friends of Shinku Yuhi, Kurenai, who had also lost her parents, decided to take care of Kazutora. The duo started to live together, and Kazutora, who could see a gift box in his vision, opened it in his room. Kazutora, who decided to live an ordinary life if he didn't have talent, found everything changing when he opened the gift box. Since then, Kazutora's life changed, and he decided to live as he wanted to in the cruel ninja. Kazutora, who knew that strength was needed to live in the world, decided to grind in the present so that he would have a comfortable future. On the journey, Kazutora meets various people, such as Itachi who thinks of the meaning of life, Izumi who could only live in illusion, Anko who suffers in the village because of Orochimaru, and others. With Kazutora as the changing point in the world, a new history of the Ninja world folded and changed the lives and the fate of many people. Read the story to find out how Kazutora changed the lives of many people in the world, and he provided a home to many lonely women in world. . . . Support me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Kaoski

Kaoski · アニメ·コミックス
131 Chs

{Flashback End} Hina Hyuga!

From the ground, several vines grew up and they turned into wooden clones with each clone having lightning sparks around them.

The clones rushed at Hyuga Clan members with Kazutora standing at the back and black lines appeared on his hand.

He used the projection technique to create several wooden swords in the air, and the swords rushed at Hyuga Clan Members.

The main clan and those who knew Kaiten used Kaiten to defend themselves, but it was a pity that they were only attacked by projection.

On the other hand, the wooden spears turned into many water spears when they reached Branch Clan members and they tried to deflect the attack with Gentle Fist and disperse the chakra.

But, the spears turned into water ropes as soon as they arrived in a 2m radius around them and covered their hands, feet and bodies,

"Lightning Release: Paralyzing technique."

The clones took advantage of the moment when Hyuga clan members were held by water ropes and used lighting release to send electric signals to their bodies with the water.

All of them felt current running in their body and they lost control of their movements. Some fell down while others held themselves and looking at the scene, Tsunade shook her head.

"Those who know how to fight don't have techniques and those who don't know how to fight know a lot of techniques," Tsunade muttered while looking at the scene and the ANBU behind her looked at the Hyuga clan members with disdain evident in their eyes.

Many of the ANBU members used to be part of ROOTs and they had received help from Kazutora, who helped them in recovering their emotions and humane personality.

They all also knew about his strength as Kazutora sparred with ANBU ninjas many times and simplified many things that they didn't know before.

The ANBU Ninjas were allowed to access almost all of the techniques below A-rank and for the A-rank technique, they needed to earn merits. Just the fact that they could get B-rank techniques was something many in the village couldn't dream of and this led to the strengthening of ANBU.

Tsunade wasn't an idiot and cheapskate like Third Hokage who would rather weaken his own force by not giving 'precious' techniques and having everything under control than strengthening everyone while creating variables.

Moreover, unlike Third Hokage, Tsunade is quite stronger than him and her influence in the village is far greater than his.

So, she didn't need to worry about the forces under her getting out of control and she could work efficiently without any worries.

The fight between Kazutora and the Hyuga Clan continued, and the onlookers could see that it was a one-sided beating.

Let's not talk about pushing Kazutora from the circle, they couldn't even come in a 10m radius around him, and all of them were suppressed by his techniques.

"Kazu, enough playing around. Now, end the matter as I have several reports to check." Tsunade shouted to Kazutora who looked in her direction and then nodded at her.

"Sage Art: Wood release: True several---"

"Not that!" Tsunade shouted before Kazutora could complete the words and he looked at her with an annoyed look on his face.

"Sage Art: Wood Release Secret Technique: Nativity of a World of Trees"

Kazutora said the words and this time Tsunade didn't say anything and just rubbed her head.

"Back off," she said as she jumped back a few hundred meters away and the ANBU followed her words. From the ground, a lot of trees grew up at high speed and captured the Hyuga Clan Members without giving them any chance.

Even if they used Kaiten, the wooden trees were strong enough to break their defence because of Senjutsu Chakra and they captured every single Hyuga Clan member who attacked him.

Those who didn't participate in the matter looked at the scene with amazed eyes. The reason is not only because of the level of attack but they could see that Kazutora controlled his attack to make sure that outsiders aren't hurt even if the wood grew around their place.

"You all lose," Kazutora said while jumping on the trees and he appeared in front of Hiashi who looked at him with a dull look in his eyes. He understood why Kazutora said all those words and he remembered what his grandfather used to say when he talked about Hashirama Senju, the First Hokage.

"The sheer intensity of the attack can leave you breathless and make you lose all the willpower you have."

"The scene will make you lose all hope and fill you with despair if you are an opponent but if you are being protected, you will feel nothing but a sense of security as if no one can hurt you in the world."

Remembering the words, Hiashi understood what his grandfather meant, and he looked at Kazutora in front of him. The intensity of the attack made him understand why Kazutora didn't care about Hyuga clan, and what Tsunade meant when he asked him to stop playing around.

Moreover, he remembered that Tsunade prevented him from performing the attack and this made him wonder just what kind of technique he was about to use.

"Now, I can do whatever I want, right?" Kazutora said while staring at Hiashi, who could only nod at his words, and this made Kazutora smile.

He first went to the Elder who asked him to watch his words and put his finger on the forehead.

"Aaaa!" The Elder screamed as he felt pain in his head, and everyone heard the scream. They saw caged bird marks appearing on their forehead and the members of Main Clan shivered as they understood what Kazutora was planning to do.

Some members of the Branch clan, who had immense hatred for the main clan, started to laugh as they looked at the scene and this made Hiashi ashamed. He didn't expect the family members would laugh at others' misfortune and he understood that he had failed as Clan Head.

"Hahahaha! Main Clan Bastard! Hahaha! Now you are also a member of the branch clan, Hahaha!"

A Branch clan member laughed and said the words with strong hatred and resentment in his voice and Hizazhi looked at the man.

He knew who he was and remembering how polite the man used to be when he interacted with Main clan members, he understood that everything was nothing but an act because of the curse seal.

Kazutora continued marking the others with caged bird seals, but he only chose who had fought him. Not only that, but he also made Shadow Clones that went to all the branch clan members and tinkered with their cage bird seals.

"Kazutora-Kun~" Hina appeared beside Kazutora and she whispered in his ear. Hearing her, Kazutora looked at her for a moment and asked, "Are you sure about this?"

Hina nodded with a determined look on her face, and Kazutora accepted her words. He took back the Wooden trees that held the Hyuga clan members and looking at them trying to stand, he said, "Now, there is no Main Clan or Branch Clan in the Hyuga Clan."

"I have changed the cage bird seal of the past so that it will only seal Byakugan. The Main Clan can't use the seal to attack the branch clan, so it means there is no difference between you all."

"Also, my girlfriend here has something to say to Hyuga Clan Head."

The people of the Hyuga clan were stunned by his words, and people who used to be members of the branch clan rejoiced at his words.

They looked at each other's foreheads and looking at clean foreheads with no seal or mark on them, they burst into tears as if they weren't caged birds anymore.

Hina walked to Hiashi and looking at him for a moment, she said, "I, Hina Hyuga challenge Clan Head Hiashi Hyuga for the status of Young Clan Head and the next clan head."

The whole place became silent at her words, and Hiashi looked at Hina with a serious look on his face.

"Are you sure about this?" He asked with his Byakugan open and Hina nodded at his words.

"Kazutora-kun~ Please recover Clan Head's chakra so we can fight with our whole strength," Hina said while looking at Kazutora who nodded at her words. He appeared beside Hiashi and as he put his hand on his shoulder, Hiashi felt the chakra in his body recovering.

An amazed look appeared on his face as he looked at the highly proficient chakra control and chakra manipulation done by Kazutora. He looked at Hina for a moment and then made some distance between her and him.

Hina went into a different stance from Gentle Fist and Hiashi used the stance of Gentle Fist.

The fight between them started but Hiashi stood at his place with a serious look in his eyes. Looking at him, Hina narrowed her eyes and black lines spread from the seal in her hand and reached her face.

A light blue color appeared in her eyes which was noticed by Kazutora and he understood that she would soon awaken Tenseigan with his help.

Hiashi felt some pressure from Hina, and his expression changed when he noticed that it came from her eyes.

He saw Hina rushing at him while making seals he hadn't seen before and she said, "Demonic Illusion: Multiple Body Technique."

Hiashi saw many Hina appearing in his vision with his Byakugan open but what made him feel strange was that he didn't notice his chakra getting controlled. He attacked several Hina's with gentle fists, but his hands passed through them.

'I am in an illusion?' Hiashi thought while flaring his chakra, but the Hina's didn't disappear. Then he remembered that Kazutora used a similar technique, and they weren't illusions but clones or projections.

"Kaiten," Hiashi muttered as he used Kaiten when he saw chakra in the ground and from the ground, two pillars of spike rushed at him. They collided with Kaiten and were destroyed.

Looking at the scene, Hina grinned and chakra gathered around her hand. She used Wind Release: Chakra Needles and attacked Hiashi who was ending his Kaiten.

Hiashi used Kaiten again, and Hina stopped her attack. She created a Shadow clone who rushed at the Hiashi and used Kaiten against his Kaiten.

The two Kaiten struck each other, creating an explosion, and Hina who had backed away received the memories of her clone.

"Sage Art: Wind Release: Killing Needles!"

A lot of wind needles appeared around her, and she threw them at Hiashi who was impacted by the explosion by the collision of two Kaiten. A wooden wall appeared around Hiashi and prevented the needles from striking him.

Looking at the wooden wall, Hiashi sighed as he knew that even if he hadn't been 'defeated', if it was a real fight, he would have been killed by Senjutsu Wind needles which pierced the walls.

The needles made him feel a lot of danger and Hiashi won't deny that he didn't have any method to defend against the attack.

"I won, Kazutora-Kun~," Hina said as she appeared beside Kazutora, not caring about Hiashi whom she nearly killed, and Kazutora rubbed her head.

"Yep, you did. But next time, don't use attack like the last one."

"Ehehe~ He was like a turtle that needed a fierce attack to come out of its shell," Hina said, causing an eye twitch in those who heard her. After all, she was likening their 'best' defence technique to a turtle shell, and Kazutora couldn't help but laugh at her comparison.

He rubbed her eyes and Hina hummed in response as she could feel some pain in them. When she was fighting, she noticed the clearance in her vision and the fact that she could see far away and minute things that she couldn't see before.

Kazutora placed a seal on her eyes that would slowly absorb his Six Paths chakra instead of absorbing in bulk, and in two to three years, she would awaken Tenseigan.

With the matter ending in the Hyuga clan, Tsunade left with her ANBU, and she gave Kazutora to Hina for today. Kazutora took back all the wooden trees that were left around and he transferred the information about Seal he planted on Hyuga clan members to Hina.

"Kazutora-Kun~ Let's go on a date now~," she said while ignoring the information she received, and a wry smile appeared on Kazutora's face. He rubbed her head with a chuckle escaping his lips as he found her actions adorable, and they disappeared from the place under everyone's stunned gazes.

{Flashback End}


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