
Naruto : Alexithymia

After the genjutsu cast by Sasuke, Sakura felt something break and lost within herself, including her feelings for him, now she will have to deal with the consequences while Sasuke faces the remorse, at the same time they all face a new threat.

Imu_D_Boss · アニメ·コミックス
5 Chs

Chapter no.2 Lights that come and go.

A few days had passed since the Infinite Tsukuyomi was dissolved thanks to Naruto Uzumaki and Sasuke Uchiha, the same day that the end of the war was declared, but not the end of the problems.

The damage assessment was the next step on the list for all those who were able to work, meaning anyone who was not seriously injured; Sakura Haruno fit into this category and of course as a medical ninja she was even more essential for the jobs that came later, so rest was a luxury she did not have access to for the time being despite her best efforts during the war or "fighting/interfering" during her companions' fight with the goddess Kaguya.

"It's like picking up the scraps," thought the exhausted kunoichi, as while the "heroes" rested, she barely managed to sleep a couple of hours.

Her work had started as soon as her "companions" fell exhausted and were given priority in their treatment, despite the discomfort of some who were not very happy with a certain person being admitted to the hospital, and even more so that they were being treated as the "hero of Konoha".

This annoyance caused her master, Lady Tsunade, to entrust her with the care of her friend and the "other"; however, as that work was not very demanding, she had to support extra work, which mostly consisted of checking almost everyone who returned from the battlefield wounded and who had amputated or required amputation of some limb.

The number of wounded was so huge that they almost took up all the spaces in the hospital, to the point where they had to accommodate them in waiting rooms or even on the floor. To make matters worse, supplies and medications began to run short, as well as chakra, such was the exhaustion not only of her but of the medical staff that some procedures had to be done the old way.

For the medical ninja, it was a torture to have to listen to the cries of pain from her patients when she had to manually suture a wound or perform some healing, and especially to have to listen to complaints and others.

"Can't you do it more delicately?"

"It hurts, be careful!"

"Can't you do it with chakra?"

"Give me something for the pain, I can't take it anymore!"

These and other phrases were the most recurrent, yet incredibly she did not fall into provocations for those who in their pain even told her she was going to die.

It wasn't anyone's fault, that's what she wanted to believe. At certain points in the working hours, the opinions of others ceased to matter, even those complaints from family members who had lost a loved one and held her accountable for not doing more for them.

What did they expect her to do?

She kept asking herself this question over and over again when she heard the complaints, and for a few moments, she felt sorry for those people. Within her, she could see a faint light that turned into a sad blue, but as the complaints increased, that light faded into the darkness and it was at that moment that she stopped feeling.

Maybe it was for the best, she was a doctor after all, she wasn't obliged to get emotionally involved with every relative or patient, although being completely cold didn't give her satisfaction. The truth is that she was so confused about what she shouldn't or should feel, all she wanted was to get out of there and forget everything and everyone, even if it was for a brief moment.


The kunoichi blinked as she heard a soft voice by her side, she was so absorbed in her thoughts that she didn't even remember how she had ended up in one of the many hospital halls, but to not let them see such distraction in her, she turned to the person who had spoken to her.

"Oh, Shizune... what's going on?" she replied with a fake smile, after all, she was better at that than Sai.

"Lady Tsunade is looking for you. She's waiting for you in the hospital office."

"Well, let's not keep her waiting."

Moving ahead, the doctor walked towards her destination accompanied by Shizune.

Once they both arrived in the office and entered, Sakura noticed that her teacher wasn't the only one in the room, her former sensei and new Hokage, Kakashi, was there too, and by the serious look on both of their faces, she could imagine what the topic was about: that person.

"We need to talk to you about something, it's about Sasuke," Kakashi mentioned, going straight to the point.

"Of course, it had to be," she thought, feeling a certain tension in her body just by hearing that name.

"It has been decided that for the moment he will be imprisoned for the crimes he committed, where he will have to wait for his trial and sentence or, in the case of forgiveness."

"And what does that have to do with me?"

Sakura remained indifferent to the news, a fact that was immediately noticed by her two teachers who were a little taken aback by her attitude.

"I see," muttered the kunoichi, just to avoid her teachers from seeing her that way.

Kakashi cleared his throat inside his mask and despite noticing something strange in his former student, he continued with the topic he had presented.

"He will be transferred today in the afternoon, a team of our jounins will escort him to our maximum security prison; however, for security reasons, they need someone to help seal his eyes and sedate him before he is taken out of the hospital, this more than anything by request of our council."

"And since you are in charge of his treatment, Sakura..." Tsunade continued. "We ask you to support us with this mission."