
Naruto : Alexithymia

After the genjutsu cast by Sasuke, Sakura felt something break and lost within herself, including her feelings for him, now she will have to deal with the consequences while Sasuke faces the remorse, at the same time they all face a new threat.

Imu_D_Boss · Anime & Comics
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Chapter no.3

"The council believes that you are the right person for this 'mission' because apparently you are the only person from the medical staff that Sasuke allows to approach him, also the rest of the medical staff seems to be afraid of him or is resentful towards him," Kakashi tried to explain. "But if in case it's difficult for you, then..."

"I understand, no problem. I will do it." She interrupted, without changing her posture.

"I understand, no problem. I will do it?"

The three present were surprised by the quick and positive response from the kunoichi, they had expected some kind of complaint from her and almost practiced how to comfort her after giving her that mission with their arguments already prepared and their typical "don't worry".

But while they tried to find a reason for the kunoichi's behavior, she, although she seemed indifferent on the outside, was shaking with fear on the inside, as lately it used to happen when someone spoke about that person or worse, when she had to see him to attend to him.

"Sakura... are you sure you can handle this mission?" Kakashi questioned seriously.

She only nodded her head.

"Would that be everything?"

"Ah... well, I think... you should keep Sasuke away from Naruto, if that guy finds out he's going to cause a big scandal, as for Sasuke, I don't think he'll do anything, he's been very quiet lately and I even think he suspects what awaits him, but in any case nothing has been mentioned to him, everything that has been decided will be explained to him once he has awakened inside the prison."

"You should take him to the surgery room at 4 PM, there you will find a tool to seal his eyes, as well as a straightjacket." Tsunade explained. "Take care of preparing the sedative with the appropriate amount, you know where to ask for it."


"Wait... a straitjacket? Don't you think that's a bit extreme?" Shizune interrupted.

Kakashi pondered it.

"It could be, but it's what the council requested, unfortunately there are very few who believe in Sasuke's change," Kakashi replied. "That's why... I ask you again Sakura. Do you think you can handle this?"

"Yes," she responded neutrally, although her fear intensified inside her as she imagined the things Sasuke Uchiha could do to her if he found out what she planned to do with him.

Kakashi and Tsunade noticed her strange again, not just in appearance, the kunoichi looked tired, but in the post-war point they were in, almost everyone looked the same as her, but it was as if they felt that something was missing in her, not to mention her attitude which had been the most disconcerting of all, it seemed that she didn't care about Sasuke at all.

"Alright, Sakura... we entrust it to you." Tsunade accepted without any more objections.

"Okay, then I'll leave." She turned, ready to go.


Sakura turned back to her master.


"Sakura... how long have you been without sleep?" Tsunade asked seriously.

The kunoichi was taken aback, she didn't believe that someone cared about how she was.

"I ask the same," Kakashi said seriously. "I've heard that you've been working hard and almost without rest."

"The... the... the truth is I don't remember when was the last time I took a break," she admitted hesitantly, seeing within herself as a weak yellow light appeared in the darkness.

"Mmm... Although our medical staff's help is very necessary at this moment, it's also necessary for them to rest. Sakura, when you finish the mission, go home to rest and sleep as much as you need to."

"Oh... really?" She muttered almost unbelieving.

The kunoichi almost wanted to cry thinking that for a few hours she could be free, but of course, it all depended on whether she successfully concluded the mission and didn't die in the process.

While her superiors saw it in good light that the kunoichi had reacted to the "reward" that would be given to her, although it still remained strange that she didn't react in any way to the man she supposedly loved and whom she would help be imprisoned.

"Her problems have to be" Tsunade thought to herself, she certainly thought it was good that her student was no longer giving so much attention to a boy who had only hurt her.

While Kakashi completely differed in thought with the fifth Hokage, he felt that something was happening with his former student, something beyond what his eyes were capable of seeing, but first he wanted to make sure that this attitude was not a problem caused by exhaustion and for that he had to let Sakura rest.

"Well, if there is nothing more to say, then I will retire now," Sakura said with a better demeanor on her face.

"Good luck on the mission," Tsunade wished.

The kunoichi only made a respectful bow to her superiors and retired.

The office was completely silent and the three present still had their eyes fixed on the door where the kunoichi had gone.

"Come on Kakashi, take that face off," Tsunade scolded, sensing seriousness in the new Hokage. "She will be fine, she's clearly tired."

"I know, but I still can't help but worry."

"Why? Why didn't she defend that guy?"

"Well... yes."

"It's strange, I know, that's why we shouldn't take our eyes off it, although personally I wouldn't mind at all if one day he comes and tells me that the Uchiha boy no longer interests her, I think I would even congratulate her, that boy doesn't deserve her."