
Naruto: A new life as Sakura Haruno

Reincarnating as Sakura was certainly a surprise, but I won't let it get me down. I'm going to live this new life to the fullest and become the strongest in this world, as gojo and buddha said. "In heaven and on earth, only I am honored!" ================================================================ Hey author here, this is my first fanfic, english is not my first language, I'm using google translate to help me write this novel, I apologize for any grammar mistakes, this fanfic is a test, I don't know if I will keep it up, so don't have high expectations, thanks for your time. ================================================================ I don't own Naruto, everything except my MC and OCS belong to their respective owners. The image on the cover is not mine, I got it from pinterest, its creator has all the rights to it.

Weester · アニメ·コミックス
3 Chs

Chapter 2: Collapse and Planning.

(Konoha, 6:45 am, House of Haruno)

We see a woman around 35 years old with shoulder-length light blonde hair and dark green eyes, walking down a hallway towards a door with a pink sign saying 'Sakura's Room', with a worried expression on her face.

(Pov: Mebuki Haruno)

Weird, Sakura would already be awake at this time, it seems like yesterday that she hit her head during training at the ninja academy, she tried to hide it, but she's really bad at it, I can't help but worry, especially with her body is more weak because of that stupid diet.


Was that the sound of something falling?… Accelerating my steps, I quickly open the door, and see Sakura lying on the floor next to her bed, shaking and crying with an expression of pain!

"Sakura!" I speak in a worried tone.

Running quickly I get to her side and hold her in my arms, please she's just having a nightmare.

"Sakura, honey wake up!... Sakura! SAKURA!" I speak with desperation, appearing more and more in my voice.

She's not responding, please let my baby be okay, please let her just sleep.

"Argh!" Sakura moans in pain, and blood starts to trickle from her nose.

No no no no no no.

"KIZASHI!" I scream with desperation in my voice.

Quick footsteps echo down the hall until finally Kizashi enters the room.

"What's hap- SAKURA!" Kizashi cries out in concern as he quickly approaches me and Sakura.

"I-I don't know, s-she fell off the bed and started shaking and moaning in pain a-and suddenly her nose started b-bleeding." I stutter in despair as tears start to fall down my face.

Kizashi quickly picks her up and carries her in his arms.

"We have to get her to the hospital!" Kizashi speaks in a serious and worried tone as he quickly starts to leave.

I get up and run after him as we head towards the hospital, I can't help but pray that my baby will be okay.

(Konoha, 6:58 am, Hospital)

(Pov: Kizashi Haruno)

I quickly enter the emergency area with Mebuki following, and head towards a nurse with brown hair.

"Need help!" I speak to the nurse in a quick, concerned tone.

"Follow me!" The nurse speaks in a serious tone as she asks me what happened to my daughter.

I explain what Mebuki told me as we entered a room with several hospital beds, and other nurses.

"I see, we need a medic-nin now!" Says the nurse as she asks me to put Sakura on one of the beds.

Soon a doctor-nin with gray hair and a clean shave arrives.

"Mister and Madam, please step aside, don't worry we'll take care of your daughter." says a nurse with black hair to us.

I move away with Mebuki at a distance where I can still follow everything.

"What is the patient's status?" Asks the doctor-nin, the brown-haired nurse.

"Sakura, around age 12, possible concussion!" The nurse responds to the doctor-nin.

"I see, I'll start examining her!" He tells the medic-nin as he brings his hand with green chakra towards Sakura's head.

"She has a cerebral hemorrhage, I will use the Hemostatic Technique to stop the hemorrhage, hold her." The medic-nin speaks to the nurses as he prepares to perform the medic jutsu.

"H-honey our baby is going to be fine isn't it?" Mebuki asked me desperately with tears on her face.

"She's going to be fine, don't worry honey" I tell her as I hug her to comfort her.

Another medic-nin with brown hair, who looks a little younger than the first, arrives to assist with the procedure.

"I stopped the bleeding, now I need to remove the excess blood in her brain, keep her stable." The older medic-nin speaks to the younger one.

"Understood!" The younger medic-nin replied, while the older one began to open a small incision on Sakura's head with a chakra scalpel.

The gray haired medic-nin quickly begins to extract the clotted blood from Sakura's head, I can't help but shudder with worry seeing this.

"Done! You can start healing her." The older medic-nin speaks to the younger one.

"Understood, performing the mystical palm jutsu." The younger medic-nin speaks with a concentrated expression.

"That's it! She's out of danger now." She spoke to the younger medic-nin with relief in her tone.

Everyone sighed in relief when he said that, thank god Sakura was out of danger now.

"Thank God!" Mebuki said relieved at the news, I can't help but agree with her.

"Take her to a private room." She spoke the gray haired medic-nin to the nurses as she approached us.

"Mr. and Mrs?" asked the gray haired medic-nin.

"Kizashi Haruno" I answer in a serious tone.

"Mebuki Haruno" My wife replied while wiping the tears from her face.

"Nice to meet you, my name is Akira Hedetaka" Said the gray-haired doctor-nin with a small smile.

"Will Sakura be okay?" Mebuki asked Dr. Akira.

"Yes, she is out of danger and stable now, but it is possible for some complications to arise" said Dr. Akira with a calm voice.

"Complications?" I asked with a worried tone.

"Well, the brain is a delicate organ, very hard blows can cause serious and even permanent damage, and we don't know when the bleeding started and how long she was in that state, she could end up suffering from temporary or even permanent amnesia, until a change in personality could happen, we won't know for sure until she wakes up in a few hours." Explained Dr. Akira in a serious tone.

"I see, thank you very much Dr. Akira." I thank him as I try to digest this news.

"Fine, I'm just doing my job, you can follow that nurse, she'll take you to the room where Sakura will be resting." Said Dr. Akira while pointing at the brown haired nurse.

"Thank you Dr. Akira." He thanked Mebuki as we headed towards Sakura's room.

(Konoha, 9:34 am, Hospital, Sakura's room)

(Pov: Alex/Sakura)

'That hurt, A LOT! To think that merging souls would be so painful.'

[Yes, but our personalities haven't fully merged.]

'I know, we share memories, feelings and experiences, but our consciences will remain separate, but they still don't understand, why did this happen?'

[I don't exactly know why, but I believe Senbonzakura had something to do with it.]

'Senbonzakura? Why would he do that?'

[I think he didn't want our souls to merge, but since he couldn't stop it, he preferred not to let our personalities do that.]

'I see, but now we have other questions, like, why do I have full control of body while you're like this Sakura?'

[That's why you Alex, became Sakura, I'm not going to lie, I'm really upset about that, I was Sakura but now I'm nobody and I can't do anything to change that.]

'I-I, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do that.'

[It wasn't your fault, it was that raffle entity that did it.]

'I understand, but I'm still sorry about that.'


'So does that mean you don't have a name anymore?'

[Yes, I think so.]

'What do you think about me giving you a new name?'

[Would you do it?]

'Yes, don't you?'

[I-I, I want to! Please give me a new name.]

'Let me think… How about Sakuya.'

[Sakuya, Sakuya… Like is a beautiful name!]

'I'm glad, this name comes from the legend of the origin of the Japanese cherry tree, legend has it that when a princess fell from the sky near Mount Fuji, she turned into the cherry blossoms, her name was Konohana Sakuya Hime, which means "the princess of the open flower trees", the ancient Japanese believed that she was a goddess who protected Mount Fuji, and lived on top of the clouds that hovered above the mountain.'

[So I'm your goddess heh~]

'Wh-what, no, that's not it!'

[Ptfff… ha… hahaha~]

'That's not funny.'

[S-sorry, sorry~ Ah~ I couldn't take it, thank you so much for the name Sakura!]

'Sakura?… Well, I guess that's my name now.'

[Yes, you better get used to being called that from now on.]

'Well, I think it's time to wake up now, your parents, no, our parents must be worried.'

[I agree.]

(Pov: Sakura)

Waking up slowly, I open my eyes and see a white ceiling, looking around I see a small room.

'It looks like we're in the hospital.'

[Yes, the fusion must have placed a great burden on our body.] Sakuya says inside my mind.

"Sakura!" Suddenly I am embraced by a blonde woman.


"Yes, it's me honey, don't you remember me?" she asked in a worried tone.

"Hmm? Of course I remember you, why wouldn't I?" I answer confused by the question.

"Thank god you didn't lose your memory." My new mother spoke with relief.

Suddenly I feel another person hug me, it was a middle-aged man with pink almost white hair.

"Glad you're okay Sakura." Now spoke my new father with relief.

"You are suffocating me." I speak uncomfortable between the arms of the two.

"Sorry dear." My mother spoke in an amused tone.

"Y-yes sorry." My father spoke a little embarrassed.

After they release me, I take a moment to breathe and ask.

"What happened?"

They begin to explain to me what happened to me while I was unconscious.

"I understand, but I'm fine, you don't have to worry" I say trying to comfort them.

"I'll call a nurse to check on you." My father spoke as he left the room.

"Don't hide your injuries anymore, that's too dangerous." says my mother in a scolding tone.

"Don't worry, I won't do that anymore"

"You better be, young lady." she says with a smile that sends chills down my spine.

"I go!" I speak with fear.

'Mothers are scary!'


After a while the nurse arrives with my father and begins to examine me.

"She's fine, but I recommend that you don't push yourself too hard for today." Says the nurse.

"I see, can we take her home?" asked my father.

"Yes, you can take her home now." Answer the nurse.

"Thank you very much" He thanked the nurse.

Arriving home, I go straight to the bedroom while I tell my parents that I need to rest a little, lying on my new bed, I start to organize my thoughts.

'I need to organize my memories and better see the advantages I received.'

[Let me help you with that.]

[From what I understand your advantages are, Senbonzakura and Byakuya Kuchiki's techniques, you received all his techniques like shunpo, zanjutsu and Kidos, it seems that everything was changed to work with chakra instead of spiritual energy, I'm still surprised by the world of Bleach, there are so many interesting things in your memories.]

'It's a lot to learn and so little time, I'm going to have to start with zanjutsu and shunpo for the first two months while I review what we already know about the academy jutsus, in the last month I'm going to learn the beginning of kidos mainly the defensive ones, and please don't stare at my memories too much.'

[Hehe~ don't worry, I've already seen all of your embarrassing memories.]

'I also saw all your embarrassing memories, so we're even.'

[W-well, changing the subject, Kido's seals are very similar to the seals we have here.]

'This is interesting information, has it been altered to suit this world?'

[I don't know, but you better learn them, I saw how broken they are in your memories.]

'I will, and speaking of which, don't you feel uncomfortable that it was just fiction in my world?'

[Hmm, not particularly, after all this world really exists and maybe Kishimoto can see this world somehow and writes as entertainment in his world, maybe he doesn't even know that this world exists.]

'That's true, wait so it's quite possible that almost all fictional worlds actually exist?'

[I think so.]

'What a crazy thing, well getting back to the advantages.'

[Ah yes, the second perk you received was soul and body refinement, by the looks of it this is a technique that uses chakra to refine your body or soul, making them stronger and removing imperfections.]

'So a cultivation technique, really? So I guess that makes me a cultivator now?'

[I don't know? From the looks of it, I can use this too, well just the soul part.]

'Hmm? Won't that let you have your own soul again?

[Perhaps? I actually think I still have my soul, maybe our souls are linked instead of fused, honestly I don't know, this is so confusing.]

'What a mess, I guess we'll have to figure that out later.'

[Yes, back to the perks, the third one you received was fortitude of soul and mind, by the looks of it it strengthens your soul and mind, and allows you and I to create a mental fortress to protect ourselves from illusions and mind control abilities with more easily, it also allows us to store information efficiently and speeds up the processing of new information.]

'Basically it strengthens our souls and mind, improves our learning and allows us to better protect ourselves from mental attacks, this is a great skill.'

[Yes, it will be very useful against genjutsu.]

'I agree, now let's make our plans for these three months, I'm going to start training the cademy jutsus while training zanjutsu and shunpo for hand-to-hand combat in the first two months, then in the last month I'm going to start learning kido and seals, too I'm going to meditate using the refining technique to improve my body, how good it would be if I could learn the shadow clone jutsu, it would help a lot in learning all this.'

[Yes, it's a great plan, I also agree that the shadow clone jutsu would be of great help, but our chakra reserves are too low to use it, it would be too dangerous.]

'Yes, there's still that, I'll have to do chakra training too, I'm glad I already have some ideas for that.'

[Good! In the meantime, I'm going to improve our mental defenses and organize things in here, it's kind of messy.]

'Did you just call my mind a mess?'

[Yes, you have a lot of garbage here, seriously how many fanfics have you read?]

'T-this is not rubbish, there's a lot of useful information in there!'

[I know, pervert.]



I finally finished writing, man my back is killing me and I still had to revise the chapter to correct some mistakes, I was going to finish writing and post this chapter yesterday but I had to go to the farm so I didn't have time to do that, I hope hope you enjoyed the chapter, thanks for your time.

I turned off your automatic breathing, Muhahahahaha

2k of words.