
Naruto: A new life as Sakura Haruno

Reincarnating as Sakura was certainly a surprise, but I won't let it get me down. I'm going to live this new life to the fullest and become the strongest in this world, as gojo and buddha said. "In heaven and on earth, only I am honored!" ================================================================ Hey author here, this is my first fanfic, english is not my first language, I'm using google translate to help me write this novel, I apologize for any grammar mistakes, this fanfic is a test, I don't know if I will keep it up, so don't have high expectations, thanks for your time. ================================================================ I don't own Naruto, everything except my MC and OCS belong to their respective owners. The image on the cover is not mine, I got it from pinterest, its creator has all the rights to it.

Weester · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Chapter 1: Death and Lottery?

My situation couldn't be more strange, I was sure I was sleeping in my bed and now I find myself in the middle of a void like a ball of multicolored energy, don't tell me I'm dead and I see myself in the typical cliché of reincarnation.

"But am I really dead?" *Sigh*

It's amazing how calm I am right now, maybe this place forces me to be calm somehow? It's the only thing I can think of that makes sense in this situation, I have no idea how I died, was it an accident? Or did someone break into my house while I was sleeping and kill me? This doesn't make sense *sigh* I don't think it's any use thinking about it, I'm not going to get anywhere like this, I don't think I have any choice but to accept that I'm dead and I'll never see my family and friends again, the weird thing is that almost am I not feeling sadness about it, as if my feelings are extremely reduced? This place is definitely repressing my feelings.

Suddenly, a huge roulette wheel with several words written on it appeared in front of me.

"What the fuck?"

Seriously what the fuck is this? Where did this thing come from? And, why are a lot of series, anime and manga written in it?

No, no, don't tell me this roulette wheel will decide where I'm going to be reincarnated, please don't be that!… I was suddenly calm, this place forced me to calm down again, I feel very strange now.

[Ding! Welcome to the great roulette wheel of reincarnation, lost soul, to start just say 'spin', luck be with you!]

"I don't believe that my fate will be decided by a roulette wheel"

"Can't you just send me to the afterlife or something? Do I really have to be reincarnated?" I'm sure at least I wouldn't be sent to something like hell or something, I was never the best person, but I sure as hell wasn't bad.

[This is currently impossible, your soul fell into the void before it could pass on to the afterlife, and because this happened to several souls, it was decided that those who managed to survive without being devoured by the void would undergo reincarnation, because one once that happens, they can no longer go to the afterlife, so please spin the roulette wheel]

Wait, does that mean I could have been devoured by the void?... I guess I got really lucky.

"I see, but it had to be decided by a roulette wheel? Couldn't I choose?"

[This has already been done in the past, but due to some gods granting very powerful requests, causing a lot of trouble across the multiverse, it has been decided that the entire process will be done by lot, don't worry, measures have been taken into account so that at least you have some chance of survival]

"For some reason that's not very comforting"

[Now, please start and spin the wheel]

"*Sigh*, it's okay! Spin the wheel"

[Ding! May the luck be with you!]

The roulette wheel started to spin at a frightening speed, please leave a good world, after a while the roulette wheel started to gradually slow down, my feelings may be reduced, but I can still feel a little anxiety and fear, the roulette wheel slows down until finally she stops.


Being honest it could be worse, the world of naruto is dangerous, yes, but even better than many worlds out there, I don't even want to think about what I would do if I fell into 40k or a similar world.

[Ding! The 'Naruto' world was drawn, starting the reincarnation method draw]

"Hmm? Is that also decided by lot?" Don't tell me that the whole process will be decided like this?

The roulette wheel started to spin again, I couldn't even see what changed in it, as far as I know there are only two ways to go there, being reincarnated as someone new or as one of the existing characters, that doesn't mean that if you fall for this option it will be done another draw to decide which character I will become? Wait, does that mean you have a good chance of landing a female character?

As I was pondering this possibility, the roulette wheel ended its turn.

[Ding! The method was drawn, 'Reincarnation into a character' was selected, starting the character draw]

As the roulette wheel started to turn again, I could only weigh in on the possibility of becoming a girl, not that it would be a bad thing, I've always been curious what it would be like to be a woman, but I still get nervous thinking about what I would have to deal with as a woman, menstruation sure freaks me out, but on the other hand, I could experience what it would be like to have sex as a woman, let alone with another woman, hehehehe… yuri the ultimate form of love.

As I fell further into the abyss of perversion that is Yurism, who I would become in the world of Naruto was decided.

[Ding! The character was drawn, 'Sakura Haruno' was selected]

Eh? W-wait, am I really going to turn into a woman? But seriously Sakura? Well, I think it's good, Sakura has a lot of potential and I'll be in Konoha, even with all the problems that appear in the anime, of all the villages it's still the most peaceful, yes, it's definitely not bad, I'll need to try a lot, but I have a good chance of surviving, no, just surviving is not what I want, I will live right, I will have fun in this life, I will become strong, the strongest!

[Attention! From now on, 3 advantages will be drawn to help you survive in this new world]

"Oh! Will I gain skills? I thought I won't gain anything" That's good, great!

I know I won't gain broken skills, but at least I want some useful ones that help me.

[Ding! Initiating the draw of the first advantage!]

[Ding! First advantage drawn!]

[Ding! Initiating the second advantage draw!]

[Ding! Second advantage drawn!]

[Ding! Initiating the third advantage draw!]

"Eh? Wait, why is the process suddenly accelerated?" Did they have to make budget cuts?

[Ding! Third advantage drawn!]

[Attention! Showing the advantages gained!]

[Zanpakuto and techniques of Byakuya Kuchiki]

[Refinement of soul and body]

[Fortitude of soul and mind]

"Eh? Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

[Ding! Deciding the reincarnation timeline!]

[Ding! Decided timeline, 3 months before the start of the plot]

"H-hey wai-"

[I wish you a great new life, Alex Winter, no, Sakura Haruno!]


So what do you think? don't have too many expectations for this fic, english is not my first language i'm still learning it and i'm using google translate to help me write this novel, thank you very much for your time.

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