
Naruto - Light Ninja

In an AU, Naruto doesn't have his fate sealed as a Jinchuuriki of the nine-tails fox; instead, his sisters receive the halves of the Bijuu, and something else emerges in him. He receives powers and memories from another world, a world where there were pirates, sailors, organizations trying to dominate or maintain their power at sea. Naruto ends up being born without any chakra, as the only being in the world without this energy, however, he received something else in return. Naruto has the Pika Pika no Mi. Minato and Kushina are alive.

RaccoonLeague · アニメ·コミックス
80 Chs

Chapter 22 - Fight with Lee 01.

[Chapter Size: 1800 Words.]

Third Person POV

Somewhere in the land of fire.



Naruto walked alongside Akame as they entered the village. He saw something interesting and stopped to buy something at a stall. "Give me one of those," Naruto said.

"Of course, honorable son of the Hokage," the woman selling said as Naruto rolled his eyes at these titles, even though many citizens still spoke ill of him behind his back, even if it seems it was an old traitor who had done this in recent years.

But Naruto knew that even with this stopping to a large extent, there were people who had ingrained this in their minds, and he still felt some disdainful looks. Naruto picked up what he bought and opened the package, starting to eat as Akame looked on without saying anything, until she couldn't contain her curiosity.

"I didn't know you liked eating rice crackers..." She murmured.

"I learned it from an old friend..." Naruto said, making Akame even more curious, but she didn't ask further knowing Naruto wouldn't answer while eating the cracker.

This reference didn't belong to this world; in his memories, his other-worldly self had befriended a vice admiral named Monkey D. Garp. He ended up joining the man, and sometime later picked up his habit of eating rice crackers, especially while annoying Sengoku.

Naruto and Akame continued to walk through the village side by side, as Naruto kept eating his cracker walking and chewing.

On the opposite side, Jiraiya was strolling through the village peacefully. His investigation against the light user turned out to be a failure; nobody knew who this ninja could be that fought nearly 2 years ago and there was no clue about him. What made it even more mysterious.

'Who is this ninja, why does he keep hidden? There's no one with that ability in the bingo book, why did he protect the Uchihas and kill Danzou's ninjas?' These were recurring questions in Jiraiya's mind, even debating it with his most talented student, Minato, neither of them could find any clue.

He was still pondering when he saw a familiar hair in the middle of the street and saw his student's son, Naruto. The boy was born with a quite special condition, thinking how someone could be alive without chakra in their body, but Naruto was proof of it.

The boy was also strangely mature, never cried as a child should with his situation, he shrugged off most mockery situations, unless it was a member of his family, because Jiraiya knew Naruto got upset when his sisters or parents felt sorry for him.

But Jiraiya had a good opinion of the boy, always calm and not letting his life plunge into darkness despite distancing himself from the ninja world and not following his talented family's path. Jiraiya also had to admit that he himself didn't pay much attention to the boy, because he couldn't do much and it made him feel awkward. His sisters were the jinchuurikis, if it wasn't his father the student of the prophecy, it would be one of them, for sure. So Jiraiya hoped they would become powerful kunoichi and that they would master their halves of the Kyuubi.

'What is this?' Jiraiya finally stopped looking at Naruto eating that package and saw a girl walking by his side. 'It seems it's the girl from last year's party.' He remembered.

'This kid... he may not have gotten his father's talents, but he certainly knows how to use his charm like him.' Jiraiya thought, satisfied, seeing that Naruto might have an Uchiha wife in the future.

Naruto continued to walk, despite seeing Jiraiya with his haki, he didn't even turn to the man with white hair, they weren't close, so he wouldn't pretend they were.

After passing by Jiraiya, Naruto and Akume continued their way to their favorite ramen restaurant, Ramen Ichiraku.

"Good evening!" Naruto said in a neutral but loud tone, Ayame at the counter looked up and smiled.

"Dad, Naruto's here with someone," Ayame said, since it wasn't the first time Naruto brought Akame.

"Naruto! Welcome!" Teuchi greeted him coming out of the kitchen.

"Hello, Teuchi, Ayame," he greeted both and sat down with Akame.

After ordering a dish, Akame did the same, and they spent the rest of the night eating quietly. Akame, being an Uchiha, even though she was more expressive than usual, still maintained silence eating with Naruto, after all, Naruto wasn't much of a talker either.

After they ate, Naruto paid for both of their meals, and they walked out onto the streets of Konoha while it was already night. "Naruto..." Akame spoke as they approached the Uchiha complex.

"Hm?" Naruto looked at the girl.

"What do you plan to do? You don't want to be a ninja?" Akame asked, suddenly thinking about the future. Naruto didn't seem interested in the village and becoming a ninja of Konoha, this was clear to Akame, even though he was the Hokage's son.

"I'll travel in a few years," Naruto simply said. He wouldn't wait until he was an adult; he wanted to see the world beyond the Fire Country's limits, perhaps help some land facing a great injustice, maybe he'd create his own navy in this world, he still didn't know.

"You're leaving?" Akame said with a bit of fear in her heart.

"Yes. I wouldn't stay here forever," he said in the end.

"Can I come with you?" She asked.

"No," Naruto was blunt.

"..." Akame, despite hearing this, didn't get sad, after all, she had received that response when she asked him to train her, and look where they are today, so she held hope of traveling the world with Naruto. "I understand," she said in the end.

Naruto didn't stop looking at her, but remained silent. As they were arriving at the clan's entrance, there was a group of Uchiha boys near the wall.

"Akame!" One boy called out; she was popular among the younger ones.

"..." She didn't say anything, just staring at them.

Seeing that Akame didn't respond, the boys looked at Naruto with disdain, typical of Uchiha. "Why do you hang out with this guy, Akame?" The boy asked and continued. "If you were like the traitor's brother, that Sasuke who just trains, I could understand, but hanging out with a chakra-less boy? You are still from the Uchiha clan!" This boy, one of the survivors, wanted to become the clan's head and raise the clan, so he couldn't stand seeing one of the most talented, though not in the highest class like Sasuke, walking with a chakra-less boy outside the clan.

Akame, hearing this, immediately took a step to shut that boy's mouth, since she couldn't stand people talking badly about Naruto, and she even wanted to say that their lives were only saved by this boy they disdain, but Naruto held her hand.

She looked at him and saw him shaking his head not to act, despite her indignant look. Naruto didn't say anything besides releasing his Haki, the boys looking with disdain felt the wave and their eyes turned white, while they fainted foaming at the mouth.

"See, everything can be so easily resolved," Naruto commented calmly.

"Even so... They deserved a beating," Akame still growled.

"Let's go, they'll wake up in a while," Naruto said, ignoring the girl's last words and continued forward, passing by 5 fainted Uchiha children.

After Naruto took her to the gate, she nodded her head, and both went in opposite directions, with Naruto returning home.

When he arrived home, his mother greeted him at the kitchen entrance. "Naruto! Where have you been, my son, dinner is already served," she said.

"Sorry, mom... I ended up eating out, I'm going to my room to sleep," he said and started climbing the stairs while his mother sighed but accepted her son's explanation.

The next day, he found himself amid boredom while his sisters and parents were away, Akame had also gone to the academy, so Naruto escaped again from a purple-haired Anbu in one of the trees and walked through the training fields just wandering, until he found someone familiar.

There was a boy he hadn't seen in a year, even forgetting about him during that time. Lee was training in the forest as always, he skipped the academy to strengthen his body, he also grew a lot in the last year, no longer the frail boy but doing large sets of exercises starting with some weights.

As he kicked a trunk, Naruto approached and just watched him doing his exercises. Lee didn't notice him until he finally stopped and saw him standing there with a small smile.

"Hm? Naruto, is it you?!" Lee said in surprise.

"Hello, Lee. I see you not only haven't lost your determination but have even become more determined," he said with some appreciation, after all, Naruto liked those who worked hard.

Hearing this, Lee had a sparkle in his eyes, recognizing the compliment. "Thank you!! Of course, the flame of youth burns within me!" He said, pointing his fist upwards while his eyes lit up with flames.

'No need to exaggerate...' Naruto murmured internally.

"It's been a while since I've seen you; you've improved a lot," Naruto continued to compliment him.

"Yes, Guy sensei has been teaching me since that time, I owe a lot to him. I will prove that effort can beat talent!" He said, and Naruto nodded again.

"That's good, how about we do some training?" Naruto asked.

"Training? That would be great, Naruto! Let's start with a run around the entire village!" Lee exclaimed.

"I'm not talking about exercises; let's have a sparring match," Naruto suggested.

"A sparring match?" Lee was surprised, even for him, he knew Naruto had no chakra and never heard about him training, even though Naruto had done some days of training with him, he never noticed Naruto's training, otherwise, he wouldn't be thinking about this.

"Are you sure, Naruto?" Lee still doubted Naruto's words, but he just nodded.

"Of course, I think a friendly fight doesn't hurt anyone," Naruto said, moving towards the training field now.

Lee, scratching his head, still not believing that Naruto would be very strong in a Taijutsu fight, agreed nonetheless. "Alright, Naruto, let's fight!" He said, after all, if he said that Naruto was no match for him, it would be quite hypocritical of him.

"That's good." Naruto stopped in front of Lee while just making some stance with his feet to indicate he was entering a combat posture.

Lee nodded, while not expecting much from this fight, but he would be shocked in the next minutes as he would get beaten a lot.


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