
Naruto - Leader of Kusagakure

What if someone were to be reincarnated as the daimyo of the Land of Grass during the era of the Ninja War? Will they be able to survive or transform their village into the strongest force? NOTE - First 3 chapters have been Revised. So, Sorry for the deleted comments --------------------------------------- Hello, its my first time writing a Novel so I do not know how to write a synopsis. Sorry for that and if you want to know the source of this fanfic as this is not my original idea please read the auxiliary Chapter. Support me on - P@treon.com/Kaiszer

Kaiszer · アニメ·コミックス
280 Chs

CH - 128 Battle Begins!

I am grateful to BoredMorsel for becoming a patron on my Patreon. Thank you for your support as they enable me to continue creating and providing valuable content.


"Has it begun?" Uzumaki Yoshinori, temporarily entrusted with the role of commander, let out a deep sigh as he perused the intelligence report in his hands. The current Grass Village was a far cry from what it once was.

While they might not be on par with the Great Ninja Villages in a full-scale war just yet, Grass Village doesn't have much difficulty defending itself in these small-scale conflicts. Underestimating the Grass Village and the Rain Village would come at a price.

Setting the information aside, Uzumaki Yoshinori turned his attention to the group of ninjas assembled before him. They hailed from various clans within the village, including the Uzumaki Clan, Chinoike Clan, Mubuki Clan, Ryuushieki Clan, Yuki Clan, and many others, along with ninja from the Grass and Rain Villages. Even the Rain Village had dispatched some of their own ninja.

These individuals were highly motivated, particularly the Uzumaki Clan, which had been sheltered by the Grass Village's leader after the destruction of Uzushiogakure. They now had an opportunity to repay the kindness shown to them by their leader. Although they had not yet fully restored their former glory, they were determined to demonstrate that the Uzumaki Clan was far from extinct.

"Remember, hold the line! All we have to do is hold the line!" Uzumaki Yoshinori proclaimed confidently. "The Cloud and the Stone Villages won't conquer the Land of Grass."

As Yoshinori spoke, confident smiles spread across the faces of those gathered. The Grass Village had undergone a transformation. Many, who had initially questioned the decision to accept wandering ninja and rebuild the village, now held immense respect for their leader.

The Land of Grass had grown stronger. It had not only established a bloodline successor family but also developed a comprehensive medical system, which, while not on par with Konoha's, could significantly reduce casualties and injuries.

Amidst discussions about the impending war, a shadowy figure entered the room, capturing the attention of all present. It was Kakuzu, the head of the village's finance department. While many were unfamiliar with Kakuzu, they had heard of his reputation for being boastful and exceedingly thrifty. Since taking charge of the finance department, obtaining budget approvals has become a more challenging task. Kakuzu seemed shrouded in mystery, and his presence intrigued everyone.

Yoshinori raised an eyebrow and questioned, "Kakuzu, what brings you here?"

He found Kakuzu's presence rather surprising. Kakuzu was known for his relentless pursuit of money, with little interest in anything else. Since the village leader had granted him significant autonomy, Yoshinori hadn't expected Kakuzu to involve himself in the war. Therefore, his unexpected appearance raised curiosity.

Before anyone could fully process his presence, Kakuzu regarded the group with an impassive expression and remarked, "I'm here to make money."

This unexpected declaration left the room in a state of momentary shock. However, before they could react, Kakuzu continued, "But someone is now interfering with my money-making endeavors."

The collective understanding dawned on them. Their bafflement gave way to amusement as they realized that Kakuzu had concocted a rather absurd pretext for his involvement in the war. Grins appeared on their faces, reflecting their newfound clarity regarding Kakuzu's intentions.

As they were about to respond to Kakuzu's unusual declaration, another messenger burst into the room, panic in his eyes, and delivered alarming news. "The Stone Village has launched a sudden attack, and they demand 10 times compensation as a condition to cease hostilities."

However, Before anyone could formulate a response or strategy, Kakuzu, with his customary cold demeanor, muttered in a low tone, "They won't let me earn money in peace?"

He casually inserted his hands into his pockets, still maintaining his impassive expression, and strode out of the room. "These bastards dare to hinder my pursuit of profit?"

This display left everyone astounded. Was this truly the same Kakuzu they had known? The aura he exuded was unmistakable, and Yoshinori grasped the situation. A subtle smile tugged at his lips, and he rose to his feet, declaring, "Coordinate your actions with Minister Kakuzu!"

With confidence radiating from his aged countenance, Yoshinori continued, "This victory will belong to our Grass Village!"

With a newfound sense of determination and unity, the crowd responded with fervor, chanting, "Victory belongs to our Grass Village!"

On the Other Side, Hanzo, amidst the chaotic battlefield in the Land of Rain, stood firm against the Sand Village's relentless assault.

"Hanzo," Chiyō, a reluctant advisor from the Sand Village, looked at the aging warrior and said, "This battle has nothing to do with the Rain Village. Move aside, Our sole objective is the Grass Village!"

Hanzo let out a hearty laugh and replied, "Hahaha, I made a promise to Leader Akihiko that I'd stop you. So, I suggest you stay right where you are."

Chiyō's aged face wrinkled with displeasure as she sneered at Hanzo. "I didn't expect the demigod of the ninja world to yield to a younger man. Step aside!"

The Sand Village was determined to resolve this battle quickly and return to the more critical Kokyo Pass battlefield. They believed that the Grass Village, having been rebuilt only a few years ago, wouldn't be able to hold out for much longer. Their strategy was to handle the matter with the Grass Village and then refocus on the Kokyo battle.

However, the unexpected alliance with the Rain Village had caught them off guard. Unlike the Grass Village, they dare not underestimate the Rain Village, knowing that it had significantly disrupted their plans during the Second Great Ninja War.

"Once this war is over, I'm willing to engage in talks with the Rain Village on behalf of the Sand Village." Chiyō proposed, hoping to end the standoff with Hanzo amicably. "However, don't expect us to be lenient if you decline."

"Hahaha, do you think I'm that gullible?" Hanzo responded with a mocking sneer. Negotiations now? He found the idea laughable. Did she really think that he would genuinely believe that the Five Great Ninja Villages would readily agree to negotiations? He had long ceased to care about the attitudes of the major villages after making contact with Akihiko.

At that moment, a Rain Village ninja approached and respectfully delivered some intelligence. Hanzo glanced at the information and quietly pondered, "Has it already commenced?"

He then turned his gaze toward the Sand Village ninjas, and beneath his mask, a confident grin appeared. "If that's the case, it's time for our battle, Chiyō."

"You...Arrogant!" Chiyō's expression turned serious upon hearing Hanzo's words. She gestured dismissively and remarked, "A mere Rain Village. This time, you'll experience defeat once more!"

The war between the Rain Village and the Sand Village ignited. In response to the assaults from the major ninja villages, the Grass and Rain Villages acted swiftly. Contrary to expectations, the four major ninja villages did not easily penetrate the defenses of the Grass Village. Instead, the Grass and Rain Villages united to repel the attacks from the major ninja villages.

Meanwhile, it appeared that Konoha and the Mist Village had reached some form of compromise, announcing the end of their conflict. Furthermore, the Fire Country permitted the Mist Village to use its territory as a shortcut. They were led by the Kaguya clan and the three remaining members of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, who were preparing for a covert assault on the Grass Village. Unbeknownst to them, this intelligence had already been intercepted by White Zetsu.

"If there's nothing else, I'll take my leave," White Zetsu had no desire to linger in this individual's presence. He felt an inexplicable unease around him.

Is he plotting against me? Could it be that even a hundred thousand other White Zetsus aren't enough for him, so he's attempting to deceive himself?

It was also peculiar that Madara-sama had sent him personally, rather than one of the others. After all, in a sense, he was Madara-sama's most invaluable asset.

As he spoke, Akihiko continued to prepare explosive tags, all the while expressing his satisfaction. "Impressive, you are indeed a valuable asset within the organization. You possess great talent. So, why not join forces with me?"

White Zetsu's mouth twitched as he observed Akihiko openly attempting to recruit him. He offered a sarcastic smile. "Well, if there's nothing else, may I be excused?"

"Don't be in such a hurry!" Akihiko spoke with a serious tone. "We are like a family within the organization, are we not? As an organization member, I, Akihiko, have encountered a bit of a problem. It is now time for the organization's members to come to my aid."

Internally, White Zetsu rolled his eyes, thinking, 'This guy is a real con artist.' He glanced at the scattered explosive tags surrounding them and blinked. "...Can I Refuse?"

"No, you can not," Akihiko said with cheerfulness.





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1470 words (Excluding A/N), Don't Forget to drop a stone if you like it.

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