
Naruko Uzumaki's family in the multiverse.

Naruko and her new family venture into the infinite multiverse. A/N First Fanfic written on Webnovel and second fanfic ever written by me. The first is on Wattpad(tarikari_). Please do enjoy the story and make comments on where I could improve. P.S. The cover is not mine.

Tari_Soala · アニメ·コミックス
81 Chs

Naruto 17

With Shinobu and others preparing to fight Yagura

Shinobu POV

"So what's the plan?" Yugao questioned me as she crouched on a large branch not too far from the large clearing where Yagura and his forces were. Heavy rain clouds filled the sky darkening the daylight with a heavy mist saturating the forests around the large clearing.

I gave a small hum in thought earlier. We had passed a large number of Yagura's forces heading back towards the village, meaning that word of the troops that Yugao had sent to the village had already been reported, halving Yagura's forces.

I looked up and saw the number of tents set up still showed a considerable number.

"Here's the plan, Neko and Hebi I want you two to move far enough to not be caught in the blast radius. I'll wait for a few minutes so please move around 500KM away from here. I doubt there would be anyone surviving, but on the off chance, any of the shinobi escape or survive you are to kill them. When everything is done promptly return back here for the fight with Yagura.

"Hai!'' Neko and Hebi saluted immediately retreating away.


I appeared in the clearing just a few feet away from Yagura's main camp with my eyes scanning the camp seeing that the shinobi were getting ready. I readied my body before reaching to my face and taking off my mask.

"It's been a while since I've utilized a bit of my power." I noted, remembering the last time I had even used a fraction of my power was against my former master Kaede. Even then I was suicidal and still holding back to give her a chance to become human once again by killing me due to me turning her into a vampire minion.

I smirked as a surge of excitement went throughout my body, I would be lying to myself to say that I wasn't a bit excited to finally let loose a little bit without the care of harming something important. To be honest, even now I'm not sure of my maximum strength, I could already destroy a planet before my death, but now that I'm stronger and there is no telling how high I can go.

I finally let out a sigh before willing my a little bit of my power. The air around me began to thicken as the ground beneath cracked and gave way under my immense power causing it to crater, I could hear the shouts and protests from those ahead of me as the pressure pushed down on them.

Narrator POV

"Here goes nothing." Shinobu stated.

"Gate Open..." She started her chant, opening the gate to her and her sister's shared dimension.

"True me, show them what true despair is..." The massive shrine Bel-Maanna, resembling Shinobu herself, appeared behind her as star-like golden lights twinkled around the goddess, as well as at her fingertips.

"Return the dust from which you dogs came from. EDIN SHUGURRA QUASAR!"(A Crown Shining in the Primordial Universe) Shinobu exclaimed as the beams of light tore through the entire encampment immediately blowing up and disintegrating the entire encampment and the surrounding areas before changing the direction of the beam so it continues on too deep space probably destroying some planets in its path.

With the area completely destroyed Shinobu dropped back to her feet and looked at the huge scar she made on the planet.

"An unsurprising outcome." She stated with a blank face.

'What the fuck? No really what the serious fuck?! Sure I knew she was holding back a lot but this is fucking ridiculous!' Was Hebi's thought as she watched Shinobu pretty much decimate the entire camp in no less than a few seconds while permanently scarring the Field and everything 200Km away.

'This...this is outrageous I knew she was strong, but this? I-I'm having a hard time comprehending what I'm seeing...' Neko thought looking up at the huge mushroom cloud in the distance.

Shinobu walked through the scorched land, searching for any unlikely survivors from her extinction attack. The ground was littered with dried blood and burn marks. A whistling sound soon alerted her and as she turned back she felt her head being separated from her body.

"That woman almost killed me?" came a voice, who was shocked to see some random woman appear like that, summon a massive version of herself, bigger than any Bijuu he had seen, and then nuke the area and surrounding areas and finally kill all his men.

Yet his shock only intensified as he heard a laugh coming from the woman who had just been killed. It was only then that he noticed that her body was regrowing a head while the severed one turned to dust.

Shinobu POV

"Kakaka, Common courtesy states that a man should offer up his own name before asking for a woman's." I laughed as my head regrew.

"My name is Yagura. So, they finally sent someone worthy to fight a Kage?" the man or boy replied to me "Now tell me your name so I can remember the woman who killed my entire group and almost killed me."

"My name is Shinobu Oshino, but you may refer to me as Kiss-Shot Acerola-Orion Heart-Under-Blade like mine enemies." I replied to him with a grin.

"An Anbu from Konoha it would seem. You're the one who came to the assistance of the Kekkai Genkai users?" He asked me as I gave him a brief nod.

"Yagura, this is the end." I told him as I summoned the demon sword kokorowatari into my hands "This war, it ends today, here and now." I could see Yagura narrowing his dull pink eyes at the me who in less than a year usurped dominance over this War and ruined everything. "You have two options surrender or die, but I hope you pick the second. I have some stress to take out on you." I said happily.

"I'm the Mizukage of Kirigakure!" Kagura roared towards me. "Those people you have allied yourself with are nothing but abominations!" He continued to shout. "This will not end here!" I watched as his body began to morph and my eyes narrowed as the Jinchuriki's power output increased before it was let out in an uncontrolled burst. I narrowed my eyes before smiling. I soon after jumped down to his level cratering the floor below me.

I watched as Yagura's body began to change. His body was eventually covered in a dark chakra hiding the completion of the transformation process. I watched as a purple orb was shot towards me at high speeds.

As it approached me I raised my hand out and caught it before kicking it out of the atmosphere as it exploded causing a firework in the sky. I look towards the creature that resembles that of a large turtle, but with a crab-like shell, and three shrimp-like tails. Under its shell, it has red, muscle-like tissue, and no hind legs. Its lower jaw is rather big and has teeth-like horns, together with its big forehead, which also has horns, it somewhat resembles a mouth with big teeth, making it look like the rest of the face is inside the mouth. Its eyes are dark and have red pupils.

I teleported right in front of it and punted it into the sky. As it flew into the air I was already above waiting patiently before smashing into its shell with a double-axe handle sending it back to the ground.

Narrator POV:

"Oh, my Kami...'' Neko uttered as she came to witness the sight of the bijuu swinging one of its massive arms down only for Shinobu to grab hold of Korokowatari and twisting it so to the blunt end met the arm and with shocking monstrous force the ground beneath Shinobu cratered, but with a show of unreal strength, she batted the bijuu's arm and swung pushing it away from her with no effort.

'What monstrous strength!' Hebi and Neko thought in unison.

Shinobu materialized another sword and began dual wielding. She began running towards the tailed beast before spin-dashing and turning herself into a living bey-blade. Launching herself forward, heading for the tailed beast. Passing its large jaw-like protrusion on its face, she sliced into the Sanbi's right eye. Before stopping in mid-air and growing a pair of bat-like wings, and firing off a few sword beams that penetrated its defenses.

A blood-curdling scream came from the transformed Yagura making everyone present to cover their ears as Shinobu's gaze hardened as the beast rose both its hands to its face, before dematerializing the swords. While thrashing about. Another loud roar came from the tailed beast as its head reared back.

"We've got to get out of here!" Yugao shouted as she and the troupes that Mei brought backed off as Shinobu faced off against Yagura.

"You guys should head on out of here." Shinobu said. "This Godzilla look alike is pretty pissed, and unfortunately for it. So am I." They all blinked in bewilderment as one thought crossed their minds.

'What the hell is a Godzilla?'

"Anyway, you guys should get moving." Shinobu hadn't taken his eyes off of the raging-tailed beast as it continued to roar in pain from having its body damaged. Everyone lowered their heads, frowns on their faces. "Don't worry, you are not cowards neither are you abandoning me." She said making their heads shoot up. "I'm giving you an order. Now shut up and retreat to a safe distance. You're in the splash zone" she ordered.

"Yes" everyone answered moving away.

"Hey." Shinobu grinned. The Sanbi swiped out at her which she easily dodged by pushing its arm out of her way before flying in. She immediately threw a hard punch to its stomach getting a groan from the tailed beast. She followed up with more punches to its body lifting it off from the ground and creating shockwaves and sending it flying.

The Tailed-beast soon regained its balance at landed on the ground before it went back to attacking. Shinobu dodged the first few attacks and countered with numerous punches to the gut.

Finally reaching its tipping point once more, Yagura shouted and released another torrent of energy. Its body was slowly cracking as it grew smaller in size. In its place was an older Yagura, but covered in red and blue patterns over his body.

"Oh my, how interesting. You gained a new form from me beating you so badly. Fufufu." Shinobu laughed out as she resumed her attack. His armor was broken off and managed to negate one of Shinobu's punches. He then held her in place to deck her across the face, causing Shinobu to fly off and land in a canyon.

Upon getting out of the canyon, she proceeded to release a little bit of her power and proceeded to hand Yagura his ass.

She effortlessly dodged the blasts Yagura sent her way and kicked a few back at him.

Yagura tried to shoot more tailed beast bombs at her but she created a portal that swallowed the bomb before another portal opened behind him firing it back, staggering him before getting kicked in the jaw by Shinobu.

Yagura was screaming and shot a torrent of tailed beast bombs from his mouth as Shinobu ran toward him, arms extended with energy. He let out a desperate attack against Shinobu, who gracefully dodged it by jumping over the attack and behind him. She threw her attacks that collided with Yagura, stopping his own and exploding on impact. She then began to assault him with countless energy blasts.

Yagura recovered just enough to power up a little more as the air around him rippled with his power causing Shinobu's hair to fly freely.

He let out a scream of fury as he charged Shinobu once again, who jumped upwards and slammed back down with her feet hitting him as he barely brought his arms up to block. She followed up with a side kick sending Yagura flying back a few meters. As Yagura regained his balance he fired out more tailed beast blasts in which Shinobu flew past it and closely touched it before laughing and approaching him. She hits him with a right hook that sends him back and stops his barrage.

He stopped his descent halfway and angrily fired more tailed beast bombs, that Shinobu dodged, with the bombs further ruining the landscape. She finally reached him and hit him with a punch to the gut, followed by a knee to his jaw and a kick to his sides that sent him flying back uncontrollably. Shinobu sped up and in an instant landed more punches to his gut and followed up with 3 punches to his face. Finally, she ended it with a mighty blow to his sternum, using his body as a platform, and backflips away from him.

The Jinchuuriki saw Shinobu and tried to punch her, only for their fists to connect and the ground to erupt once more. This time it was he that was sent flying away with smoke and debris blocking the view.

The smoke vanished to reveal the Yagura crouched low with a massive build-up of chakra in his mouth. The effects of the massive build-up of condensed chakra that was emitting out of Yagura's mouth were immediate with the area with the air distorting around it.

"Hmm, it looks like we are reaching the end of our fight, Mistress Naruko allow me to use of one your own moves to end this beast." Shinobu states as she began to charge up her red energy between her cupped hands facing Yagura.

Both combatants fired out their respective attacks with both attacks meeting in the middle as if to fight for dominance. However, a second later Shinobu's Kamehameha erupted into a giant beam before it expanded easily becoming 10 times bigger than it was before. It easily engulfed the final tailed-beast bomb without resistance on its part before it continued swallowing up Yagura's body like an ant compared to a massive tidal wave. His roars of pain erupted before they were overcome by Shinobu's attack. The Kamehameha continued barreling through the empty wastelands swallowing up the mountains in the distance until it finally disappeared when it hit the ocean resulting in a giant blue sphere exploding in the very far distance.

Shinobu started to float back down to the ground all the while keeping her eyes firmly on where the Yagura was. She looked upon the result of her final attack influenced by the upgrade in power she got. The trench stretched on for miles until it finally ended at the ocean with a width of about 10 miles.

'And what's funny is I was only using about 2 percent of my current power I have access to while sealed' she thought with a grim smile.

Laying in the dirt not far from where Shinobu had first caused the crater laid Yagura. She walked forward where she could see Yagura trying to grip onto anything. Her attack having ripped straight threw him, his lower body completely disintegrated and his upper body barely even recognizable. Yagura looked up into Shinobu's face before he coughed up blood and looked up to the sky.

"…the man...the man with the red eyes...Uchiha..." That was all Yagura got out before he succumbed to death. Shinobu frowned at the man's last dying words keeping those words to herself to relay to her master. Crouching down next to Yagura she brought her hand to his forehead before running it down his face closing his eyes for the last time. She let out a soft sigh before sending Yagura's soul to the afterlife.

She sensed various people behind her who had shocked faces.

"It's over." Shinobu said softly standing up as she turned to find Mei with Ao, Yugao, and Anko who were wide-eyed, having witnessed the second half of the battle with the others. "You're the Mizukage now." They watched as Shinobu simply retracted her wings allowing them to sink back into her ripped bodysuit. She walked towards them.

"Well...let's go." She told them making their jaws drop as she just spoke completely nonchalantly acting as if he hadn't just obliterated Bijuu with a single attack or of the fact he just left a giant scar on the planet.

"You expect us not to go over what the hell just happened!" Ao shouted. "What the hell was that last technique you used?! Do you not see the GIANT FUCKING SCAR OVER HERE?! You've possibly left a very noticeable scar on our entire COUNTRY!" He roared only to get his face slammed into the ground.

"Please, don't scream when I am near you. I have sensitive ears." Shinobu answered as she tossed the unconscious Ao to Mei.