
Narrator: Keen

#WFP#17 THIRD PLACE WINNER Attention: *Book One completed* thank you for supporting Narrator: Keen. let's go through this journey together. ****Warning: Contains mature content.**** No Rape or Erotic. "Where am I?" Asaya of the other world asked "In my ship", he said. "Pirates!" *** Asana Keen reincarnated to an angel shape to save another world. Meanwhile, she meets her other homologous version in that world. She will realize much truth about herself... Would The Keen angel be able to bring changes and gain love instead? what are the consequences if disobey? Turning to Ash like never existed or becomes a normal person and gains the taste of love whether knows it is bitter. But bitter medicine can heal a body so love does the same! A bitter cure to heal her soul. To fill the deep gap within her. ===> please join my discord server if you have questions: https://discord.gg/vtGqMgYb9K cover art by me

Naz_Mzf · 歴史
83 Chs

Bitter truth

She paused and released her breath already explaining very hardly and slowly that I really needed to process what she aimed to tell me. I was yet confused when she started again.

"She got killed by engaging a dagger into her heart"… she stopped again and my ears whistled. My body flared and I felt something bit my heart. Even if I wanted I couldn't stop her.

"Nerssi returned at night and observed the huge crowd in front of the door then pushed them away and saw his dead loving wife while had you between her arms. That year because of illness I lost my husband and 4 months baby, but after taking you between my arms things changed and I accepted to be your wet-nurse then your father and my brother disappeared for a year. I never learned where they went or what they had done and what is that stick, but Shareeq can help you that way, he is unaware of what had happened tonight so you must go and let him know because I'm still too weak".

She finished and started weeping. I looked at her incredulously. My hands shivered, that time the cold weft through my soul and spine not because of the weather, but only fear, fury, and unutterable emotions caused that. Even burning woods into the fireplace couldn't bring warmth to my body and I was well-known about its source, many things already had taken from me.

Without a delay, I changed my clothes. My eyes had caught the dagger on the floor. I knew it belonged to my mother, but never knew the story behind it, I put it inside the sheath around my leg, braided my hair, and hide it under the hood to not bother me.

That day listening to Shouka was like putting one's finger in another's sore. I had been suffering for not seeing my mother ever. Since that moment I turned over other pages of my life, but not the nice ones I didn't know where to go or what's coming up. However I only noticed one sense, someone is chasing me. I feel it might be death, sitting in the middle of the road, or maybe following me in the shadows whatever it is can't scare me.

Two years lasted from that night many things changed and I'm not able to turn the fire of revenge off after his death. My thirst even got worse and I became slaved like a confounded passenger in Egyptian deserts. A strong hot storm blowing and taking me around like weightless sand.

That night I came out of the house. Folk was like dark blurry lines while voices had locked in the throat and I couldn't hear clearly. To be rescued from that situation I went to an empty street. I climbed up over the casks and jumped on the roof from there. I could run faster without being seen. I flew over the roofs when I arrived at uncle Shareeq's house. The rain already stopped and clouds opened a way for the moonlight. I felt it on my skin, closed my eyes, and jumped down exactly across my uncle's house.

As I knocked on the door Zia opened the door quickly because I was kicking the door roughly after realizing my anger by her face said, "Hello Asaya, why are so pale? Get in".

The poor boy always used to make jokes around to gain some attention, but that moment had read my thoughts and realized that I'm not in a good mood as always. Said no other words just slowly walked behind me.

Uncle Shareeq was sat on his seat, checked over the Silk Road map. Meanwhile, looked up and saw my condition. He quickly got up and came toward, grabbed my cold hand, and stated, "Oh my beautiful girl your hands are as cold as snow". I already dropped the teeth the much that I couldn't easily bring up all I wanted to say.

Deeply looked into my eyes and again said, "This soulless look of yours scares me, tell me what happened my precious ruby? What have brought fury into these eyes, I can see its flare which is burning you from inside".

Oria came out of her room she heard her father, hugged me from the back, "My dear Asaya is here", everyone waited for me to speak out, but I couldn't say even a word.

With no extra preface gave him the parchment alert, "they took my sire with them, I'm here for your help".

He pinched it from me, looked at it, and tried to hide his worries to keep me calm, but I could see sadness and dread in his eyes which were like a stormy night. Strong waves used to break him down, but he was still resisting to survive. One of the wisest men who I've ever known in my whole life and have never seen like him before. I waited for him till he came out of his deep thoughts. The notice dropped down between his fingers.

Zia and Oria picked the alert up on the desk and instantly at the same time like other twins cried, "What?" then Zia continued, "They kidnapped uncle Nerssi for a broken stick so, what is that?"

Uncle pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose and meaningfully peered at him and dissuaded him for the rest of his questions."


"You didn't know your mother got killed, I'm really sorry", she could feel her pain. Now crystal clear why she is so sad.

"I must realize how to help you, heaven court brought me here for some reasons, and maybe it is a condition to bring me back to my previous life like a win-win contract". She doubted, but these were signs why would she write down her life story or Asana would appear right there concurrently when she was writing and felt needful. This could be also related to heaven court that involved her this way.