
Holy and Deadly

Reading the diary alerted Asana that she may involve unexpected events, people, or everything else that might be very far away from what she had believed before. Her eyes rolled down on the next comings:

"I was as gloomy as dead people in the graves, only for my current situation and I felt that I was hovering in a bubble, in a very pure absurdity, didn't know who really I am, just a girl who's lost her mother in a very young age and then about to lose her father for nothing. Why would that stick worth more than a precious life? What more I needed to know to bring my father back was scaring me!

As I was pining for myself uncle Shareeq brought me back to presence and said, "We must let king Sheed knows about this case, they are dangerous most of them are notorious assassins. They don't have the slightest mercy, they kill no matter old or young and you can't face them all alone".

He was crystal clear right and surely I had no intention to go through it alone. I was completely aware of how cruel they are, at that moment it wasn't the thing that I wanted to know.

I peered into his eyes and articulately asked him, "I know it very well, but tell me who they really are! what is that stick?"

He made a short pause and then went on, "they are Nickbones ancestry, a hidden empire and of course powerful. They have an ancient prophecy which called themselves fellowships of the great stick and believes that they are the greatest race on the ground. Others must be under their orders, those who stand across them will be murdered, and they are fanatic ordinances.

Many years ago the stick got broken by a holy man of heaven court, which brought justice in that era. He had hidden each part in different regions. Nikbones founded one piece of it which had a shining crystal on its head. The stone came from heaven to burn demons and bring justice.

Your mother was commissioned to find the other part. She was an intelligent and elegant option and knew the rope. Her father knew it clearly so that was the cause of giving her such a hard mission. As he considered his daughter got succeed and found the other piece, but during getting back from the cave she arrived in an amazing gnostic temple between the mountains. Cold had pushed her to stop there then the great anchoret in that strange place invited her to participate in their ritual without knowing who she is.

While she was sat in front of candles and praying to the heavens, suddenly she had fallen slept and when opened her eyes there was nothing around her, but white vacancy.

A softly and nice voice noted, "this weapon of yours can save lives, but also take them away… however also can be used in the way of justice also can make the world close to a deadly precipice and edges of naught!" then a scene of an outmost future and people who were dying appeared across her. Men who became slaved by demons, tears fell from the eyes of Nickbones princess she couldn't carry on and be a part of that.

She woke up with teary eyes and found herself in an obsolete temple in which the citizens were only cold and snow. She hidden the piece there and returned to her father and said that she had searched all around and followed the signs, but found nothing.

In the middle of the night, she has stolen the other piece of stick from her father and ran away. Three days later we met her in a central Sham bazaar." He stopped walking hesitated to hear my response. I remained mute and he added,

"So that's the whole story and you know the rest, now tell me is Shouka alive?" His voice shivered, waiting to hear the bad news. I couldn't keep my head up. I didn't want them to see my teary eyes and to comfort them I responded, "Yes, she is fine I'm going back to her now, by tomorrow I will meet the king".

"I will come with you, please don't worry we will bring him back, these were all details that I knew, but truth or not I'm not aware of that", he said

Zia and her twin sisters were still in shock as well as me and remained speechless. They needed time to process and submit all they heard. I left there and got back home. Shouka slept I didn't make noises. The maids and valets were free off the work for feast night the reason they had chosen this night and kidnapped my father.

The next day we visited the king he had sat on his throne which was engraved with a sign of griffin and sun. No crowd was there as the previous night. He kept being quiet and after listening to our story fell into his thought. A few minutes later got up and came down the throne. My head still was down and couldn't keep it up.

The king grabbed my chin gently and slightly rolled my head up, smiled kindly, and said, "for me, there is no difference between you and my young daughter Anahid, when you cry we will cry then you laugh we will laugh, we are living our life to see our children's happiness so now bringing peace back to you is my duty and I'll do my best. This case is not as simple as others, very complicated and dangerous so it must be solved occultly, making loud noises will push many lives into danger. I will send you with a group of brave men, but never let the people outdoors learn about your identities."

Gladly I appreciated that favor by bowing.

I left my uncle and the king together. The third minister Ilia took me to my companions. With their fellowship, many things changed in my life."

Asana turned for the next paper and whispered, "This is my favorite king, but my instinct is warning that he is the one who is in danger, and how come do I feel this?"

Creation is hard, cheer me up! Please vote with your power stone to boost my energy! Love,


Naz_Mzfcreators' thoughts