
Mythological Legacy

Release: Monday and Friday Isiah 14:12: "How you are fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How you are cut down to the ground, You who weakened the nations!"

DiBltzy · アニメ·コミックス
31 Chs

Chapter 5

Walking home from Ruth's place I branch at the grocery to actually buy a week worth's of food, walking home I think about what I had just done. Sighing I open my door and plop the grocery's on the counter.

After having a burger, I decided to surf the web for something to do. During the 30k years, we discovered legacies technology has also advanced from the times of the past, We now had Vr pods in which we can go into virtual reality which was a replica of real-life and in it, u can use common legacies in there and try to experiment with them.

Deciding to splurge a little Mael buys a VR pod. The first day of school was in 4 months so he had plenty of time to train and have some immersive VR experience.

Deciding to go to his local dojo since the VR won't come until a week later.

Pushing the 2-ton door open and walking in like this was his second home he came face to face with his sensei, the person he worked for and the only one in this world that didn't treat him like trash.

"Mael greets sensei" bowing to show my respects his eyes flashed with anticipation

"Brat get up you know I hate formalities" Looking at me with a twinkle in her eyes she kicks my face to joke with me.

Holding my bleeding nose as I get up I grin and say "So what we learning today"Grinning with a creepy smile she says " Nothing just plain sparring "

Mael instantly regrets coming here today

'She's a demon in sparring. Gods of this world when did I meet this demon in human skin

Getting onto the mat we circle each other like tigers looking for an opening. We were the kings of the jungle trying to prove our dominance to the other

Her stance indicates she has no training in martial arts before this but I can't trust that. That's what makes her a demon. She lures her opponent in and plays with them then ending them like the succubus she is

She inherited the Chun Li Legacy. The legacy of a martial woman who could shake the world with beauty and scare the heavens with her strength

Circling each other she makes a move rushing at me then twisting her body last second trying to kick me in my face

Putting my hands up to take to the brunt of the attack she suddenly at the last second twisting her shoulder using her hands to hold my shoulders she twits her hands spinning me.

"Tch you think it'll be that easy," I say.

Using her hands I jump slam her on the floor then immediately kick her in the stomach.

She grabs my leg getting up quickly then attempts to kick me in the balls

I feel a shock in my spine. Concentrating I use the leg she's holding and spin using my other leg to kick her in her face

>Grabbing my leg then slamming me on the ground Broly style I cough spit

'Shit If I don't do something she's gonna cripple me'Getting up Mael slaps himself to concentrate on the pain.

"Teacher you better use your martial spirit its gonna be long before il be able to see it"

Grinning she says " Is that so brat, well you asked for it"

Pressure equal to Mt Tai exudes from her, behind her an avatar of the great Chun li. Her face was on of solemness looking at the world with disgust while showing a challenging smile at the heavens.

Her martial spirit looks at me with a challenging smile as if begging me to beat her up. She needs a challenge someone to put her in a place but she was too strong.

Sensei rushes at me at supersonic speed. Using her martial spirit boots all her physical abilities and lets her use Chun li's techniques to their fullest.

Using the technique kai ken which was available to the public I push my physical strength to its peak. My eyes glow red with a flash of black.

Appearing behind her in a flash I grab her arm slamming her WWE style then holding her head slamming it on the floor.

Eating the blows she grins. 'she's a battle freak'

>{AN: no just a masochist}

>Bitting my head and using her legs to trip me she ends up and the top and throwing me into the air jumping above me then slamming me on the floor

Causing the ground to cave in as I crash I jump um quickly and where I laid 0.2 seconds ago she slams down.

Looking at each other grinning we start flickering then disappearing from the human's eyes as we move so fast a normal human will only see us for a second before she flicker out of existence again

After 5 minutes of exchanging blows, I finally make a mistake and fall for her trick punching the air, Sensei appears behind me body slamming me on the floor before I slap her thigh twice signifying her win and that I give up.

>Getting up dusting my clothes I asked her

"Why did you hold back" Looking at me she grins and says.

"If I didn't you would die." Shivering I wipe the blood from my mouth as we walk outside and get a drink.

The road was brightly lit, with ornaments and decorations everywhere, an almost festive scene, they soon branched at a local cafe.

At the cafe, most men stare at my sensei but she doesn't pay them attention. She's a martial artist addict she doesn't care about men and will only submit to a man that beats her

Ordering a drink we sit down talking about regular things until she askes.

"You got into L.H didn't you" looking down with a guilty expression I say "Yes I did. But I only got into class F"

"Tch, all people care about is legacy's and won't actually look at someone's real potential, you're stronger than most ar your age but they put u in Class F"

"Don't worry sensei il prove to them I'm not useless" After saying bye to her I go home excited to try out the VR pod.