

After looking at the faces of these two adulterers, Alexandria staggered backward. She could have never imagined in her worst nightmare that her husband would dare to cheat on her right under her nose, within their bedroom.

Along with disgust, humiliation, and outrage, somewhere she felt a pain in her heart too. Drunk or not, Roman was a General. How could he have this little self-control that he couldn't even distinguish between right and wrong?

He drank only three glasses of wine and could distinguish between the people when they left the Duke's residence. By this time, Roman would have been already sobered up and sensed any threat.

So why did he do such a horrendous deed? Did he do it because she didn't allow him to consummate the marriage or somewhere along the way, after seeing Senmira's devotion and determination, he had fallen for her too?

Alexandria knew that it was not fair to blame Roman without knowing his point of view, but if Alexandria would have been at Roman's place, no one would have listened to her explanation, thrown her out of the residence and labeled her a whore!

Thus Alexandria couldn't control her anger and emotions.

A lot of possibilities came in Alexandria's mind and she felt a sharp pain in her forehead.

She put on an indifferent and cold facade and ordered the maids behind her to bring two buckets of ice cold water.

Meanwhile, William couldn't believe that his perfect elder brother could do such a thing to his own wife, his sister-in-law and was utterly disgusted. He didn't look at the couple anymore and turned his back towards them. He merely waited for Alexandria's orders.

There was no noise of shouting or anything, so the couple was still busy doing the deed with full passion, under the influence of the wine. They didn't notice the people who had rushed in. Within two minutes, buckets of ice-cold water were brought inside the bedroom.

"Throw the water on them with as much force as you can and keep throwing until they come back to their senses" Alexandria ordered the maids in a frigid tone.


With full force, the ice cold water was thrown on the entangled couple!

"Ahhhh! So Cold!!!" Senmira shrieked out. Senmira's cheeks had a blush on them because of the strenuous activities a moment ago. Roman also sat up instantly and looked around himself in confusion.

Because of intense training, Roman had more developed senses, and he at once guessed that something was wrong. A moment ago, he was busy making love to Alexandria and suddenly someone had thrown cold water on him.

Inside his head, a nagging voice told him that this woman is not Alexandria but when he smelt her fragrance and sensed her aloof attitude, he didn't pay attention to anything else and gave into Alexandria's request to complete their marriage with no boundaries left.

And now his intuition told him that everything was wrong here.

In the glow of the lanterns and candles, he saw a figure standing near his bed. When he squinted his eyes to have a proper look at the figure, his soul flew out of his body and he instantly sobered up, with not a trace of drunkenness left in his body.

"Alexandria... What happened here? Why are you standing there?"

But he then remembered that he didn't know who was the woman lying in his embrace. He roughly grabbed the chin of the woman and now all the blood drained from his face. It was Senmira!

Then he saw their naked bodies entangled together, the torn clothes thrown all across the bed and he couldn't believe his eyes! The red blood spots on the sheets were the greatest evidence of his unforgivable mistake and infidelity.

Meaning he was doing it with Senmira this whole time!

Then he again looked at Alexandria's disgusted face, the maids in the room and a man standing with his back against them. It was William! This time Roman has screwed everything up. In front of William, he had lost his respect and Alexandria, he didn't know how he will make everything right between them and mend their relationship.

Not to forget this bitch Senmira who was the cause of this mess!

Roman pushed Senmira out of his embrace and covered himself with the bedsheet. "Alexandria! De.. Dear, please let me explain. It's not what you think. I thought she was you and did it" Roman was already not good with his words and now after speaking he realized how horrible his words sounded.

"Hn! It's not what you think? Do you think that I am blind? or foolish? Do you even realize what shit are you saying? You thought that this bitch was me and without thinking you did it? Let me rephrase it.

Tomorrow night, I will drink three glasses of wine, go out of the residence, select a handsome and rich married noble and have a physical relationship with him thinking that he is my husband!

No, wait, what about the Finance Minister, Alastair Bradford who always opposes to your ideas in the court, in front of the Emperor. He has the same status as you, is young, handsome and unmarried. I think I would have no problem with sleeping with him.

Now how does it sound? Very alluring right?" Alexandria calmly suggested to Roman. She didn't care if she was cursing or saying those things which in normal circumstances, she would never dare to even think of.

But those scenes of infidelity came in front of her eyes continuously. Though she controlled her emotions, her tongue was now unrestrained.

"Clothe yourself and come in the study, this action today is totally unacceptable. Now be ready for the aftermath." Saying this, without giving a glance towards Roman, Alexandria walked out of the sinister room that reeked of disloyalty and forbidden passion, without giving Roman a chance to speak anything.

"And make that bitch wear the clothes that I will give you. Come with me" She instructed her personal maid, Deborah.

"Elder brother, this time I am so disappointed at you. How could you do this to sister-in-law? I left you alone for just half an hour and you were not that much intoxicated. So why?" saying this, William also walked out of the room.

He could not bear to see his dear brother in such a sorry and pitiful state.

Roman looked at Senmira with disgust and anger who had tears of joy in her eyes.

[At last, I got my Roman! That too before that country girl. Father should be here anytime soon. Then my marriage to Roman will be finalized.]

Then Deborah came into the room and dragged Senmira behind the changing screen. Due to lack of energy, Senmira could not oppose and was dragged like a rag doll.

Roman had already freshened up and left for the study.

In the study, Alexandria, William, and Lilian were sitting with different expressions displayed on their faces. Nevertheless, disappointment was one of them. What shocked him was the presence of Duke Kinsley and his eldest son. How did they receive the news this fast?

But he could not drive them out as the one that was involved was his daughter. Roman had fallen deep into their trap. It was rare to see heavy emotions in Roman's eyes but at this time his face was full of fury.

He noticed that Alexandria refused to have eye contact with him and instead of coming to him to sit together, she kept sitting on a chair. His face further darkened and he vowed then and there to make Senmira's life a living hell.

Just then Alexandria's maids dragged Senmira, who was dressed in clothes of a prostitute, made up of thin and transparent cloth. Duke Kinsley was offended and yelled with fury, pointing his finger at Alexandria- "Why is she wearing such clothes? Are you tired of living? How dare you dress my daughter like that?"

Roman and William immediately stood up to teach Duke Kinsley a good lesson but a cold and sharp voice was heard "Duke Kinsley, instead of pointing fingers at others, first see yourself. What kind of teachings did you give your daughter that she turned out to be worse than a prostitute?

She is nothing but a whore and a home-wrecker. Since she wants to behave like one, I will treat her like one. This is my house and she committed a crime here. Naturally, I have the right to punish her, sell her to a brothel and even beat her to death. And you, even as a Duke wouldn't be able to protect her!

Deborah! you know what to do with her! BEGIN!"

Deborah and some other strong maids came forward and starting slapping Senmira and pulled her hair mercilessly. Instead of dirtying her hands and behaving like a banshee, Alexandria gave this task to her maids.

She was not so merciful that she would let Senmira without a punishment. But the thoughts of the future were eating away her mind. If it would have been a girl with common status or less status than Roman, then she would have sold her to a brothel to teach her a lesson but Senmira was the daughter of a duke whose position was even higher than Roman.

That means- Marriage? Tears of hopelessness started blurring Alexandria's vision. She might be aloof but she was a human too and that too a woman, who had high expectations from her husband.

Duke Kinsley was so shocked that he didn't move for a few seconds. When he came back to his senses, he rushed towards Senmira with his eldest son to stop the beating but Roman ordered his bodyguards to stop them.

Thus both the father and son had no choice but to see Senmira getting mercilessly beaten like an animal and that too by some lowly servants.

After some time, Alexandria motioned her maids to stop and put Senmira down on a sofa nearby. Duke Kinsley and his son were also forcefully seated down at their place.

"So, Duke Kinsley, say what is the solution for the problem that your cheap daughter created? No one would believe that this act was done willingly by Roman. He was trapped by your father and daughter pair and now I want compensation."

Alexandria tried to change the course of the future by dumping all the blame on Senmira's head. She knew that it was not fair and Roman was also to be blamed but she need to save her marriage. If Senmira also entered the General's residence, then every day a war zone would be created in the residence!

But Duke Kinsley took too much pain in carrying out this dangerous plan and even sacrificed his daughter's virtue. How can he let this matter go easily?

"Lady Alexandria, you are quite cunning. To cover up your husband's misdeed, you are trying to blame my Senmira. Such things are done with the consent of both individuals and this time even no force was involved.

General Roman had to take care responsibility of Senmira from now on. Otherwise, I will take this matter to the Emperor. And how can you say that this is a trap that we laid? Is there any evidence or witness?

This could have been done by anyone who is Roman's enemy or my enemy. There is no need to make a big issue out of nothing. Let Roman marry Senmira and reputation of both the residence would be saved.

Otherwise, people would say that if General could not control his needs inside his own residence then how could he not be swayed by any beauty in the battlefield?"

Roman was so angry that his face turned red. Marry Senmira? He would never do that even in his nightmare. But Duke Kinsley's words were not false. There was no evidence and no witness.

His bodyguards already checked the bedroom and informed that it was perfectly fine with no traces of drugs or any suspicious item. Before coming to study, Roman already called a physician to check his body and Senmira's.

Besides traces of normal wine, there was nothing else. He knew that it was Duke Kinsley behind this dreadful situation but he needs to carefully investigate everything and get to the bottom of this.

To save the reputation of General Roman, both he and Alexandria took a step that could break their relationship beyond repair.

The next day, it was announced in the whole capital city that General Roman would be taking Senmira as his concubine and would marry her within a week…

Phew! It's over! It took me a lot of time to write this lengthy chapter! :)

This novel doesn't revolve only around Rosella but around her loved ones too like her parents. (though I won't focus excessively on them)

What do you think of this sudden change? Will Roman marry Senmira?

Sapphirechelsea237creators' thoughts