
My wife is my everything

Huangdi Fei was a man who had everything, so why did he give it up for his wife?!

DaoistWUlCUN · 都市
6 Chs


Huangdi Fei was a man who wielded immense power. 

Not just in terms of his cultivation, even his background, wealth, and looks were incomparable to the average person. He was truly a man who had it all, that is until he met Mo RuiEn.

Huangdi Fei´s life was like a room devoid of any and all light. The cause of that was due to the fact that he had spent his entire life cultivating to live up to his family´s expectations of him. Fortunately, the heavens bestowed upon him the heavenly martial body, a body so powerful that it rivaled the bodies of the highest ranking immortals, allowing him to cultivate to the martial emperor realm at the young age of 18. He and Mo RuiEn met in the summer of the year they both turned 18. 

Her appearance was like a resplendent beam of light, it instantly lit up his unilluminated room, which was his life, he knew from the moment that they first locked eyes that she was his other half. Even he did not know why he was so captivated by her, could it have been her ethereal beauty which seemed to be the epitome of gorgeous? Or was it her charming personality which exuded confidence? Or was it just the fact that it was her? 

Huangdi Fei honestly had no clue, and he didn´t care that he had no clue. He simply enjoyed the fact that they both lived on the same planet.

However, to her, he was but another acquaintance at best. She initially showed no interest in him whatsoever.  However, after his repeated, relentless attempts of pursuing her she gave in and went on a date with him.(harizzment)

 After a couple of dates, she gradually found out that Huangdi Fei was a great guy, who was albeit a little naive and gullible, and was incredibly pleasant to be around. So when he popped the big question of whether she would be his girlfriend it was no wonder Mo RuiEn agreed keenly.