
My wife is my everything

Huangdi Fei was a man who had everything, so why did he give it up for his wife?!

DaoistWUlCUN · Urban
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6 Chs

still prologue!

However, during their 5 years spent together. There was one thing Huangdi Fei ¨forgot¨ to reveal to Mo Ruien.

You see, Huangdi Fei is from the illustrious cultivator family which took the world by storm in the early 1900s.

The Huangdi family, despite being a family which was produced at least 1 martial emperor every generation since the Xia dynasty, only made their presence known to the public in the early 1900s. They did so as they wanted to stop a large-scale war from breaking out.

They were far too successful, and nearly all the governments around the globe pledged their allegiance to them. 

After all, the martial emperor realm was the highest realm one could achieve while still being a human. This naturally meant it would bring along ridiculous abilities with it. 

Such as communicating with the spirits of the dead, opening portals to the underworld, and upper realms, having the equivalent of 50 nuclear power plants worth of rechargable energy, and lastly being capable of tanking around 90 nukes and coming out unscathed.

It was a no-brainer as to why the governments surrendered to them. 

However, having been a martial family for so long. The Huangdi family was, quite obviously not very adept at many other fields. 

Thus, they enlisted the help of many noble families across the globe, all having sworn their unending fealty to the Huangdi family, and used them to govern the various countries across the globe, along with their respective governments.

This series of events naturally let the Huangdi family obtain unprecedented fame and fortune. But also allowed the rise of martial arts across the globe, and while many strived to be cultivators like the Huangdi family. 

Only the Huangdi family had a cultivation technique, and had gone to great lengths to keep it confidential, even imposing a rule where the family head could only have 1 child. 

This still did not dampen the hearts of many glory-seeking youths who joined the various noble families and martial sects.

Seeing the world so readily accept cultivation and martial arts, many tribes and species thought to be folklore rose up and showed themselves to the world.

From the mystical elves first appearing in germanic folklore, to the qilin appearing in chinese mythology. 

Of course the first thing they did when they appeared was to pay their respects to the Huangdi family, for giving them the chance to openly interact with the world.

Previously, their interactions with the human race was severely limited to the martial sects or noble families as they were afraid of being discriminated against, due to their uniqueness. 

Now they could freely roam and enjoy the world who wouldn´t be happy?

Had Huangdi Fei revealed this to Mo RuiEn from the start, he was afraid that she would flat out ignore him as she had previously revealed her disdain for martial artists. 

Although, Huangdi Fei knew very well that cultivators and martial artists were 2 completely different things, he was still scared of telling her.

The worst part was that now, he could not even tell her. Out of fear that she would think he deceived her completely for 5 years. 

So he did what any pragmatic person would do!

He told her he was an orphan whose parents left him a huge sum of money as inheritance and therefore did not need to work. 

He also used the connections and influence gained from being a Huangdi to fabricate numerous legal documents to consolidate his story.