
My way !!!

Fulfilling his last mission in the magical world, he received a system as a reward with three wish, but what's that think that glow. All the characters of the stories and the world-building belong to their personal auteurs, I only own my Oc and any other new thing or change I made. English isn't my first language. All constructive critics are welcomed.

uzu_king · アニメ·コミックス
3 Chs

Chapter 1.

The great world, a place filled with countless wonders from the highest multiverse till the little universes that composed it, different worlds exists with different laws and beings, from greatest form of life till the like of gods, from the strongest mortals till tiny microscopic organism.

Inside of all of this exists a special dimension where souls are judged, emprisoned, travel, or reincarnate, all depending on the situations of the soul.

Some souls are brought there by the will of the planet they live in, some others are brought there by the will of the world, souls may also just find themselves there where others may end up there because of the interference of a higher being.

*In the limbo*

I look around me trying to see what's happening here and understand what exactly did do wrong to find myself in this situation.

Right now I'm in the limbo world, a station to the lost souls while a prison to others. I say that cause on my left I'm seeing a huge trail of souls ending in the direction of a... Demon? Oni? I don't know, it's a man looking with a bighorn. On my right, I see and hear souls screaming, probably because of the chains that they have on them and I honestly don't want to experience that.

And finely I see myself with another bunch of souls that are just sleeping while some of them appear and disappear.

Now then the question is why am I here? The answer for you would be something like: "Because you died ".

Well, unfortunately, I am in the obligation to inform you that your answer is wrong. For the simple reason that this isn't my first time dying.

Yes, yes I remember everything clearly and even the reason for my first death, but before we go into such details how about a little flashback to my first life.

I... Don't remember my name, but I remember who I was. I am just your normal 18 years old, I wasn't smart neither was I Sportif, I wasn't lucky neither unlucky. I was at an average of life.

Then it happened!

A bunch of freaking coincidence reclaimed my poor, Virgen, and lonely life.

I was going to the cafeteria to eat my lunch like always, and then asked for a code as a drink, everything was going okay till I bumped with another lady. She was having a bottle of makeup in her hand and it was powder, so when we bumped a minuscule amount of powder found itself in my coffee, however, I didn't pay any attention to that.

After I eat my lunch normally I didn't feel anything wrong. When the school ended I walked back home but it starts raining, so I end up socked, and like usually to not catch a cold I took a hot bath. Till now everything is okay, I felt that my head is a little hot so took medicine for the head and ramen for diner. I slept never to wake up again, how did I die?

Well if I believe what that God has told me, I was attained with an extremely rare sickness, so rare that the only way to die from it is to have a hot drink plus chemic product plus cold plus hot plus chemic product.

Yep It was a ridiculous way to die, but then I was entrusted with a deal.

A great deal if you ask me because, with it, I can have everything I want without any other complication or problem.

The deal was to do some work for him, as a mortal, From my own understanding he was an extremely high god and ruled over a multiverse and wanted to deal with something that invaded his domain but couldn't because of the laws forbed him as the introdure was supported by another existence in the same rank as him so he picked a bunch of people and send them to different world me included.

Now that i am going to different world we were given a cheat depending on the talent that we will have, the problem is my talent was considered heavenly even he was chocked that shuck a talent exist.

My talent was one that appear in a hundred thousand billion of year, it was so broken that it brocke my heart, my mind, my body, and my soul.

My talent was the heavenly talentless. Yep your heard or read right, it was the heavenly talentless, i didn't have any talent and to try to develop on is extremely difficult, so difficult that an ant from the moderne world have more chance to blew up the world than me developing any kind of talent.

That's one of the reason he chose me to make a deal with him.

the deal was...

Hi guys this is my first fan-fic so I have no experience whatsoever. I hope that you can help me by giving me some constructive criticism.

English isn't my first language so inform me if there is any mistake in my writing.

I'm serious a little about this fic so post any question that you have on it and inform me if you have found any plot holes It will be helpful.

Have some ideas about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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uzu_kingcreators' thoughts