
My Viewpoint as a Dreamer

We all see dreams, but what are dreams? Our Mc saw dreams about a world. He found his dreams to be too real. One night he went to sleep but when he woke up he was not in his bed, he found himself on an isolated island. Read the journey of a dreamer as he found himself in a world he saw in his dreams. His advantage? He has been dreaming about that world for ten years and he knows about its past, present, and future.

blank2711 · ファンタジー
78 Chs

Vision 9 - Assistant(2)

I sat down on the couch that was in the middle of the room. It was very comfortable, I felt that I got sunk into the sofa.

I could have enjoyed the sensation but someone in the room was very disturbing to me.

A man with silver hair and blue eyes, which looked around of my age was standing in the room looking around with a curious gaze.

Ducas was the person I rescued from the church because of his absurd stats. I thought that he will grow and become strong enough to fight for the world when overload happens in the future.

I was planning on avoiding the variable I created and keep him far away from me. I already had a higher existence beside me, whom I know nothing about from my dreams, since I never saw her in my dreams.

Now there is another person who was supposed to be dead, but he is standing in front of me.

Some might think I should keep people who are variable around me so that I could keep an eye on them. But how am I supposed to manage variables that can get out of my hand any second? It was unnecessary baggage.


I let out an audible sigh. It was not too loud but Ducas heard it. He stiffened up hearing my sigh.

" Ducas. "

" Yes, Sir Arthur. "

I frowned hearing him call me sir. Why does he always call me sir anyway? I don't like some young master treatment.

" Don't call me sir, just Arthur. "

" Ah... Yes. "

" Why are you here? "

" I wanted to talk to you then, you motioned me to follow you and then that dead eye guy lead us here- "

I raised my hand to stop him from speaking, and he stopped talking. God, I wanted to hit him again. He misunderstood my question and started telling me why was he in the room.


[ The Nubecula 'Who Like Cigars And Candy' comments "Haha... He is Hilarious" ]


Seriously I am not sure if he was hilarious or not. I looked back at him. I chose my words carefully this time.

" Why are you trying to follow me? "

" So, you really were trying to avoid me. "

Ducas looked uneasy, he must have realized I was trying to avoid him. I was being pretty open about it. I thought he would stop following if he realized that, but he still followed me all the way here.

" Ducas, I should make some things clear. "

Ducas looked at me. He was pretty dejected when I confirmed that I was trying to avoid him. I raised my index finger to indicate I am speaking my first point.

" First, I did not save you. I just happen to find you inside the church and took you with me. "

I raised my second finger.

" Second, you have no obligation to me. "

I raised my third finger. I looked straight into his eyes before speaking my last point.

" Third, I want you to live your life your own way and grow as a strong person. "

I need him alive and become strong. If he dies or won't become stronger, there was no point in saving him. Ducas looked at me and mumbled something.

" You are just as I thought. "

I couldn't hear him. Anyway I have made my points clear, I said those things because I thought he might have felt indebted to me, but if that is not the case.

" or do you have a problem with me? Are you here to kill me? "

The room become dead silent when I said those words. Persephone who was standing behind me came closer to me. Ducas's eyes started shaking.

" NO! I would never. "

" Then why are you following me? "

It was a gamble. If he really was here to kill me I would have been dead the second I asked that question, but I was sure he was not here to kill me.

" I know you said you did not save me, but I heard what happened. "

What happened? What is he talking about? I messed up the whole church place, What else? I was a little confused.

" I heard that all the people besides me who were inside the facility were able to escape. They were able to escape because of you. "


[ The Nubeculas 'Raziel' is nodding his head. ]


They were able to escape huh? I wanted to laugh. What the hell? They escaped, but it has nothing to do with me. I flew after giving them a speech, I basically left them there.

" I would have died there. I was out because of you, you also did not ask me anything in return, instead, you hoped for me to grow stronger. "

He was right, he would have died there.

Then I realized what is going on. Staying far away from him backfired on me. The fact I let him go made me look like some kind of a savior. A person who rescued him and then disappeared.

What kind of cliche is this? Am I really going through with this? Then he might have formed some kind of loyalty to me. I used prescient description.


[ The Active Skill 'Prescient Description' has been used. ]


[ Name: Wynfor Ducas

Age: 113

Blessing: none

Active Attribute: Very Holy (Hero)

Active skill: Self-Defense Lvl.4, Sword Dance Lvl.4, Spear Handelin Lvl.3, All Weapon Mastery Lvl.4, Camouflage Lvl.4...

Passive skills: Confidence Lvl.3, Battle Knowledge Lvl.5, Rationality Lvl.3, Sense of Balance Lvl.4, Loyalty Lvl.3...

Overall Stats: Strength Lvl 170, Stamina Lvl 176, Agility Lvl 177, Magic Power Lvl 178

Description: A person with a great foundation, but no one to associate with. He is a person with high loyalty, He feels high admiration for you. ]


It said admiration instead of loyalty, he might not have gone too far. His stats were still impressive. He is way stronger than Lisa, and I think his stats had increased by one more than the last time I read them. Such a scam character.

" I was going to come to you and thank you, but then I came across some people. I took care of them. I was going to tell you about them, but I got late and you flew away. "

" What people? "

" They were people from church, Sir Arthur. They were following you. I captured them and asked why were they following you. "

I was surprised to know that people from the church were following me. They found me sooner than I thought. I was not expecting that I could completely go without anyone noticing me, but it was still fast.

" They were followers of one of the church officials. They told me that they were stationed there in secret if something happens just in case. They saw you came out flying from the church that night. "

Those people must have been followers of that church kid, The Sixth, he was the only one who knew about it. But did he originally put any people like this? He was more cautious than I thought.

" You said you took care of them? "

" Yes. They were the only ones stationed there, so the church would not get any information. "

I nodded my head. It was good. Since they were the only ones and Ducas took care of them. Church will have a difficult time tracking me. Looks like I owed him now.

" So what do you want now? "

" I don't know. It's been so long, and I have no one I could return to as well. "

He looked sad. It was understandable, he is already over a hundred years old, and If I remember correctly his subject number was ninety. So considering most of the People in the church facility were above a thousand, He must be there for a long time.

This might not be a good idea, but I guess he could be useful. I got up from the couch.

" You take the couch for tonight. "

Saying so I headed toward the bed. Ducas looked surprised but he thanked me. I just waved my hand in response. Dealing with all this was very tiring.

First Todd, then Lisa's interview, and Ducas, it was a lot of people for one evening.

I laid down on the bed, and it was very comfortable. The facility of 'Trivia' could not be compared to any hotel on earth. I felt like I was laying on feathers.

I could sleep on this forever. I pulled over the blanket on me and I immediately fall asleep.


The next morning, I opened my eyes, and The beautiful sight of Persephone greeted me. As usual, she was running her finger through my hair.

" Get up~. You have to go for your new job. "

Hearing her melodical words, I laughed a little. I often fantasized about a situation like this where a beautiful woman wakes me up, even though she was just teasing me, it was a really good feeling.

" Mmm... What time is it? "

" It is around six in the morning, Sir Arthur. "

Instead of a charming voice, this time a deep voice answered my question. I turned my head above the pillow. Ducas was standing beside my bed.

'THIS' is not what I used to fantasize about.

I reluctantly got up from the bed and sat at the edge of it. I looked around and everything was the same as yesterday night. Ducas was standing neatly dressed, it looks like he was ready for anything.

I got up from the bed, pulled a bundle of cash from inside the storage ring, and gave it to Ducas.

" Take this. Go outside, eat something and come back after thirty minutes. Bring me something to eat as well. "

" Okay. "

" No need to save it. Use as much as you need. "

I didn't know why but Ducas looked at me with gratification. I wanted to eat a good breakfast and since I had too much money. I don't need to worry about spending it.

Ducas went out and closed the door behind him. I stretched my body a little. I also took another item from my storage ring.

" I guess I should take a bath. "

" Would you want me to wash you? "

Persephone spoke still sitting on the bed. The scene of her sitting on the bed was quite tempting but I activated the item without saying anything.


[ item: Total Isolation.]

[ You have used Total Isolation. You are now isolated from the outside world. ]

[ Effect of the item will be for one hour for a day. The duration of the effect has started. ]


[ The Nubecula 'Gumiho' comments " Oh Cmon! " ]


[ The Nubecula 'Who Like Cigars And Candy' comments "Nobody wanted to see you bathe anyway." ]


[ The Nubecula 'Whose Heart Bleeds For Heartbroken' is a bit dejected. ]


[ The Nubecula 'Hwang Jin' is curious. ]


[ Some Nubecula wants the barrier to be removed. ]


" Will you really help bathe a lower existence? "

" I don't mind. "

I guess she was feeling normal now. Women really do have their mood change very often. I didn't push too much since she was feeling playful, who knows how far she will go?

" I think I can at least bathe myself. "

Persephone smiled mischievously, I calmly turned towards the bathroom door with a smile.

After thirty minutes I was in my all-black dress with a black cloak, but instead of a black T-shirt. I wore a fancy maroon shirt which went really well with the cloak.

Then correctly after 30 minutes. Ducas came, he brought many kinds of fruits, tea, and food. I ate breakfast with the tea at the end, in the meantime, Ducas put a variety of fruits he brought in the fruit basket.

After having my breakfast, I was ready to go and meet Lisa.

It was my first day as her assistant.

Hi readers.

A Normal chapter. I am trying to make a good pace with the story. Struggle and action are obviously exciting but I think sometimes a standard chapter like this is also good.

I hope you all like it.

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