
My Viewpoint as a Dreamer

We all see dreams, but what are dreams? Our Mc saw dreams about a world. He found his dreams to be too real. One night he went to sleep but when he woke up he was not in his bed, he found himself on an isolated island. Read the journey of a dreamer as he found himself in a world he saw in his dreams. His advantage? He has been dreaming about that world for ten years and he knows about its past, present, and future.

blank2711 · ファンタジー
78 Chs

Vision 19 - Soft side? (1)

The carriage's interior exuded an air of elegance. Despite just being a travel carriage it had plush, velvet upholstery adorned seats, exuding a rich ambiance.

Since it was past dawn in the morning, crystal lanterns were off, still, they added the charm to the interior, going well with the light drape curtains. There were also beautiful intricate patterns on the roof.

The gentle sway of the carriage was cushioned by soft, tufted cushions, while the scent of aged leather and polished wood filled the air.

Inside the carriage, I sat with arms crossed, leg one above another. The cloak I had worn for almost three months was left behind. I wore a simple black shirt with two upper buttons unbuttoned, black trousers with black shoes. All of this was paired with a black light coat that had a collar raising up to my chin and white fur at its wrist. 

To my side sat Persephone, she had her usual black gown, laced with feathers at her shoulder and open neck area, only her ankles and pale arms could be visible. She was looking out of the window with her face resting on her hand. There were windows on each side, divided into three, one square-shaped on the door and two square-shaped with round corners on either side of it.

I was sitting on the right side of the carriage and she was to my left, but since no one could see her, it looked like I was taking the whole seat while scooting at one side. Leaving a whole lot of open space for one to sit, but no one pointed it out, not that there was a need to.

Arthur: "Are you sure about this?"

I spoke to the person sitting on the seat opposite to mine, his face facing me. His blue eyes, turned serious, giving a hard nod, which resulted in letting some strands of white hair fall on his forehead.

Ducas: "Yes, Sir Arthur. You don't have to worry, I am positive in my decision."

He wore black leather armor, dark brown robust pants, and black leather boots. Despite being armor, they were light, almost looking like normal clothes.

Arthur: "Well if you say so."

Persephone: "I saw that from a mile away."

Since the talk with Persephone, slowly she started to interact with me as usual, but her remark irked me a little.

Vexed by her remark, since my arms were crossed, my palms on my waist. I raised my finger in a swift motion, brushing it at Persephone's waist, over her gown. As I messaged her with Chatbox. 

-Shut up.

She flinched at my touch and looked at me with narrowed eyes.


[ A handful of Nubeculas are looking at you. ]


I ignored her and the messages, as I shifted my eyes looking at the person sitting beside Ducas.

Arthur: "And you, Miss Valerie? Have you thought this through?"

The lady with a beautiful face, and fiery red hair, wearing a Sacramento and maroon combination color one-piece long skirt, with a light leather lace all over the upper area and a leather belt. Maroon boots, a cape with a hood attached, held by a thread around her shoulder.

Valerie: "Yes, Sir Arthur."

Past eight in the morning, Inside a carriage, that Timothy had sent, sat Me, Ducas, Persephone, and Valerie. A horse tamer was controlling the Ground Horse from the front.


[ The Nubecula 'Whose Heart Bleeds For Heartbroken' comments "It is good you have company." ]


[ The Nubecula 'Gumiho' comments "Yes.! Travelling alone is so lonely." ]


[ The Nubecula 'Raziel' comments "Having companion while travelling is good." ]


[ The Nubecula 'Who Like Cigars And Candy' is snickering at you. ]


Arthur: "You could have been Miss Lisa's assistant. I would have talked to her, of course, if you wanted."

Ignoring the messages I said that, trying to determine the real reason for her decision to join me.

In the morning, I left in secrecy, without meeting with anyone. I didn't want any student or Professor to come giving me farewell.

I knew, Eldrich, Lisa and maybe even Todd would have some means to perceive my departure, and the same was true for Ducas, the scam existence. 

And when I saw him standing near the carriage, alongside the horse tamer, I thought he came to see me off. I was even more convinced when I saw Valerie also present with him. 

It was already annoying for me, but annoyance wouldn't be the word I would use when they both insisted on coming with me. But you know what? Fine. I don't care. Who am I to tell them anything? Go, visit the most mysterious and full of danger country.

And it wouldn't have to be all bad, one is an existence who has skills to control four basic elements to some extent, and one is just a scam existence, with great fighting abilities. They would be good to have in Ipritus.

Valerie: "I appreciate it, but I do not think she would have accepted. She never accepted anyone as her assistant, obviously except you. But that's because you are you, Sir Arthur."

Valerie spoke pulling me out of my thoughts.


[ The Nubecula 'Whose Heart Bleeds For Heartbroken' is nodding. ]


[ The Nubecula 'Raziel' is nodding. ]


[ The Nubecula 'Hwang Jini' is nodding. ]


[ The Nubecula 'Gumiho' is nodding. ]


[ The Nubecula 'Dionysus' is sipping his wine. ]


[ The Nubecula 'Who Like Cigars And Candy' is scowling. ]


Valerie: "And besides I had to leave anyway."

A confused expression became noticeable as one of my brows rose upwards, and decerning my expression Valerie further elaborated.

Valerie: "Ever since Felicity announced her succession to the Marquis Hanson household. My father has been sending me letters."

Ducas: "I thought nobody in your household knew your whereabouts."

Ducas questioned, which is understandable, as Valerie told us that she is trying to live without getting involved in her household while excelling in magic.

Valerie: "I don't believe that "nobody" knows my whereabouts, maybe only my father knows. Either way, they send messages through magic scrolls. I always carry some with me, just for emergencies."

The magic scroll is a handy item that most of the Royals use. They can be sent to anyone, as long as one can imagine clearly who they are sending them to. You write it, and then it disappears, appearing before the one you send it to, and then that's it. It is a one-time-use item. 

'Beako also used scrolls to communicate with Stelmar Household before she stopped.' I mused for a while and spoke.

Arthur: "So he wants you to come back to the household."

She nodded at my words, indicating that I understood the situation perfectly, and elaborated further.

Valerie: "He wants me to prepare diligently for the next two years, although it is best to say most boring but intense training. He wants me to get ready for my coming ceremony, but it is still so far away."

Their actions were of the complete obvious, as I already assumed that's how her household would have react as soon as Felicity would announce her succession.

Arthur: "I see. And you..."

Valerie: "I ignored it." 

Arthur: "--"

Ducas: "--"

Valerie: "And burned the whole scroll as soon as I read the whole thing."

Arthur: "--"

Ducas: "--"

Valerie: "I would have thrown it to the cattle, but it was from Duke Household, it would have been a problem if someone found them. So I burned them all."


[ Some Nubeculas are baffled. ]


[ The Nubecula 'Who Like Cigars And Candy' is Laughing. ]


[ The Nubecula 'Who Like Cigars And Candy' comments "I like her." ]


[ The Nubecula 'Dionysus' comments "A girl needs to be savage." ]


[ The Nubecula 'Raziel' comments "Such confidence in oneself is good." ]


I stared at her dumfounded 'Isn't that a bit excessive?'. Disregarding mine and Ducas's stupefaction she continued.

Valerie: "But that was not all, that was written in the letter."

Suddenly her tone turned into a sly one, and I once again looked at her with confusion.

Valerie: "Apparently, it is not just because of Felicity that he was sending me so many scrolls. But it was still annoying how many he sent, I am not some Post office. Seriously I had to burn seven scrolls only last night because of him."

Ducas: "So that's what you were burning."

He asked with enlightenment to which she nodded.

Valerie: "hmhm."

Persephone: "What are they talking about?"

-I don't know.

'nor do I want to know.' I completed that inside, as I replied to her using Chatbox.

Valerie: "Ah. Sorry, I got off topic."

She apologized, and I lightly nodded my head, indicating that it was alright, then she continued.

Valerie: "According to what he wrote. Apparently there is going to be a meeting with all households, in fifteen days."

Arthur: "Meeting?"

This new information got my curiosity, there wasn't any meeting originally happening.

Valerie: "Archducke household asked for it."

Arthur: "Ahh."

I nodded in understanding as a realization washed over me. I somewhat understood the reason behind this meeting.

Valerie: "Hart household sent everyone an invitation for an assemblage before Her Highness Nesrine's Coming ceremony. And Archduke would be there."

Her last words using 'Archduke' were suggestive, and that tone was directed at me.

Valerie: "You know right? Professor Lisa Yates is Archduke of Cloud. You know that, right Sir Arthur?"

'This girl's intuition' I smiled inside, as I nodded and spoke with a light sly smile of my own.

Arthur: "So she must really be going back."

Valerie: "So there is no point staying in Trivia for me."

She said as a matter of fact.

'She must have made up her mind and sent the letter to Nesrine, stating that she will be coming back.' I speculated. 'Since she has been apart for a long time, Nesrine is actively engaging with other households, which is raising the reflection of power. And having a meeting to show that Archduke is once again taking charge, that should suppress those men from Virtous faction, till her coming ceremony at least.' I supposed.

Ducas: "This academy has many weird situations and people."

Duca's words pulled me back from my thoughts. His words were indisputable, to which Valerie just smiled at him and turned to me again.

Valerie: "So I want to accompany you."

Arthur: "But How did you know I was leaving today in the morning? I just decided it yesterday."

Valerie: "Ducas informed me that he will be leaving."

I looked at him, who was thinking something on his own. Feeling my gaze, he looked at me.

Ducas: "Aa-"

Realizing what just Valerie said, he spoke giving me details of how it transpired, which honestly seemed like he was trying to slip past the situation, trying not to get scolded.

Ducas: " Sir Arthur, When I was going back to my room after our Dinner. I ran into Miss Valerie. Um, At the time, she was burning something near the dust collection bin, just now I realized that it was the scrolls she mentioned before."

Valerie: "The poor guy here, looked so serious and confused. When I asked, what was bothering him, he told me his conversation with you Sir Arthur."

Ducas: "I was confused with what you told me, Sir Arthur. I couldn't decide that, if I decided to come with you, whether I would be a help to you, or would only be a burden. Miss Valerie help with that predicament."

Valerie: "You can hardly call it a help."

She smiled softly at him and then turned to me. The smile on her lips brightened and sincerity in her was practically oozing.

Valerie: "But seriously Sir Arthur. You saved those slaves and left them with a Legion officer, without anything in return? You are a good person Sir Arthur."


[ The Nubecula 'Dionysus' comments "Good as one can be." ]


[ The Nubecula 'Who Like Cigars And Candy' comments "Tch. Its such a cliche." ]


[ The Nubecula 'Whose Heart Bleeds For Heartbroken' comments "Goodness in his heart is one of his qualities." ]


[ The Nubecula 'Raziel' comments "Indeed." ]


[ The Nubecula 'Hwang Jini' comments "His heart seems to be, but it seems he try to act indifferent, which is good from tactics perspective. It creates confusion." ]


[ The Nubecula 'Gumiho' comments "Both makes him attractive.!" ]


I am really not. If I hadn't done it, the only thing that Timothy would have given me were cuffs on my wrist. I grumbled inside and her honest eyes gave me a weird feeling.

Ducas: "He did the same with me and others he saved from the church."

'I didn't save anyone. It was just bad luck and coincidence.' I grumbled again and tried hard to maintain my tight smile.

-Hey, what is this fuzzy feeling?

I messaged to Persephone. The reason that I had a smile on my face was because for some reason there was a fuzzy feeling inside me that tugged my lips into a smile, even when I didn't want to. I was annoyed after all, all of those were the incidents that just happened.

Persephone: "You must be feeling happy."

-Don't lie to me. Didn't I tell you I can differentiate between our feelings?

She didn't reply and kept looking outside. Then Valerie spoke once again.

Valerie: "So, When Ducas told me that now you were going to save Beako, I wanted to come as well."

Arthur: "Is that so?"

For some reason, I doubted that reason for her joining me. 'She wanted to save Beako? Well, they don't have that bad of a relation. Although they occasionally like to taunt each other, maybe she is really concerned about her.' I thought.

Valerie: "Going to Ipritus, would be a good adventure. And it is so long that I have met with Beako. It would be hilarious to see her when she would be rescued by us."

'That must be the real reason. She must just want to see how pissed Beako will be when Valerie showed up to save her.' I conceded.

As Valerie laughed slyly, Ducas looked at her like she was a lunatic alien.


I sighed, finally conceding and accepting the fact that they both would be accompanying me. I wondered how Timothy would react when he will see that I brought two extra people. 

'It would be amazing if he gets pissed.' SI smiled slyly as well while imagining his pissed face.

Soon I calmed down and spoke to both of them.

Arthur: "Well, since we would be traveling together. You both get comfortable, it would take us fifteen days, from what our driver said."

Ducas: "Fifteen days?"


[ The Nubecula 'Raziel' comments "A long journey it seems." ]


[ The Nubecula 'Dionysus' comments "Buy some alcohol. It would be enjoyable then." ]


'Drinking while traveling? That's never good.' I focused on our conversation, providing them with necessary information.

Arthur: "The Legion officer who visited me went yesterday just after requesting for this carriage, and would stop directly at the base that he last set up."

Valerie: "Why didn't he wait to go with you?"

A valid, a very very valid point, pointed out by Valerie. And the answer to that question is because he is an annoying jerk.

Arthur: "Because that is how he is. He would describe it as a waste of his precious time."

Ducas: " hmm..."

Ducas's eyes seemed to darken a bit, a slight nonexistent sinister aura was also visible behind Valerie.


[ The Nubecula 'Gumiho' comments "I am beginning to hate that guy.!" ]


[ The Nubecula 'Hwang Jini' comments "Simmer down." ]


[ The Nubecula 'Hwang Jini' is sighing. ]


Arthur: "It would take us fifteen days with this carriage. If he is traveling with one as well, he would reach one or two days earlier than us. And since he is incharge of finding Viscount's Daughter, we wait till we meet him. So make yourselves comfortable, and tell me if you need anything. We would stop the carriage and I will get it for you."

Valerie: "You are too kind."

Valerie and Ducas smiled at me, which irked me a little. I wasn't being kind, isn't it obvious to tend to people accompanying you on your journey? Also if they start becoming uncomfortable it would bother me.

Ignoring the look in their eyes, I looked outside, as our ground horse carriage, was now passing through the heart of the Plaza streets.

Lamps crafted from enchanted crystals, suspended on wrought-iron lampposts, still glowed softly, their soft light mingling with the pale light of dawn.

In the Plaza Square, vendors began to set up their stalls, filling the air with the tantalizing scent of fresh pastries, exotic spices, and fragrant flowers, the morning mist clung to them. A potions merchant carefully arranged vials of sparkling Ampoules, while a jeweler displayed intricate amulets and rings that glowed with an inner light.

The people of Brimos went about their day, embracing the enchantment that surrounded them. I took in the feel of it all one last time, as it was time to say 'Goodbye' to this city, for now.


The route we took was not through Brigians or any of the paths I have traveled before. The Carriage moved in the direction of approximately one-fifty degrees if I drew a straight line from Brimos to Brigians.

Within the comfort of the carriage and with the fortune of having an experienced horse tamer as a driver, fifteen days went by in a blink of an eye.

We sometimes stopped to eat food or rest, although the carriage was comfortable, sitting inside a box was still not as refreshing. 

After traveling for fifteen days, The month 'E' was upon us, so the summer began to take its peak. When I frist awoke in this world Persephone told me it was 11-A-1247. It was the beginning of the 'A' month, the start of the Spring season, and it went beautifully, now it was time for summer.

As per our driver, the city we were in, is supposed to be our destination city. Under the blazing summer sun, the streets of the city past the carriage window seemed alive with a vibrant energy that matched the warmth of the season. 

The streets shimmered with a hint of radiance, as the sun's golden rays beat down, and the buildings that lined the avenues revealed their whimsical architecture. Towers, unlike Brimos with spires, here were like townhouses, that seemed to touch the sky and curved rooftops adorned with colorful tiles created a skyline that resembled a dream.

At the bottom of those towers, Merchants and vendors had set up their stalls along the main boulevard, a thoroughfare lined with arched doorways and walkways. The scent of spices, the savory aroma of grilled skewers, and flowers filled the air. Market-goers browsed an array of fantastical wares, from intricately carved wooden masks that could reveal one's inner emotions, to crystals that glittered with an ethereal, otherworldly glow.

Children ran through the streets, their laughter echoing as they chased after each other under the warm breezes. With a touch of their tiny hands, they could conjure colorful and whimsical fireflies that left trails of light behind them.

There was a mixture of many different types of demi-humans that were under the different Royal households with their subtle differences visible. Such as Lions with Yellow hair, with feline ears, fur on cheeks, and a tail behind. Tigers with Orange hair, feline ears, and slight fur tails. Similarly, Bears with huge build with brown tan skin, the condition of their clothes made their standing as High or Low citizens palpable.

Only High Royals with direct family bloodlines could maintain complete human form.

There were also other Normal demihumans such as Rabbit-human, Lizard-man, and wolf-humans as such, in fact, humans here seemed way less in number.

We seemed to passing from the heart of the city, a grand fountain stood, and its waters created intricate water sculptures.

From balconies adorned with cascading vines. Minstrels played lutes and sang songs of ancient heroes and forgotten legends, their voices carrying through the streets like a soothing breeze. 

I noticed some Hidden doorways in the ancient walls opened into pocket gardens, pathways, and some dark alleyways.


[ The Nubecula 'Gumiho' comments "New City.!" ]


[ The Nubecula 'Dionysus' comments "Those drinks looks tasty." ]


[ The Nubecula 'Who Like Cigars And Candy' comments "Looks like a festival." ]


[ The Nubecula 'Whose Heart Bleeds For Heartbroken' comments "Its very beautiful." ]


[ The Nubecula 'Raziel' comments "Items here aren't bad for a lower realm." ]


[ The Nubecula 'Hwang Jini' comments "Certainly." ]


[ The Nubecula 'Gumiho' comments "Those food look delicious.!" ]


Ducas: "This place seems way lively."

Ducas spoke looking at a rabbit-human child, who was running between us and another carriage, with a basket covered with a woven sack on his head. 

Valerie: "Yes, this place is full of life. I can hardly see a human as an owner in the shops, most humans seem to be visiting in pairs and buying things."

She marveled while looking out from her side of the window. Persephone also looked affluently at the streets.

The street bustled with life, and we passed all of them, reaching a rather open space. 

The carriage reached a metallic iron door with intricate patterns, big enough for our carriage to go inside. The door was attached to thick iron railings for walls. Our carriage stopped and a deep distant voice was heard.

?: "Entry past this gate is not allowed."

To which our driver, the horse tamer, his voice was heard next.

Horse tamer: "This carriage's destination is Castellum of the Lascade City."

?: "On whose orders?"

Horse tamer: "On the orders of Major Sullivan. I am from the Central Garrison Castellum, asked to come on the request of Sir Major's orders."

There was a hush after that, maybe they were exchanging some kind of confirmation document or some seal. 

My gaze went past the Iron fences, and I could see a large field-like grassy ground. At one corner some people, men and women, wearing loose white shirts, that had some dirt on them, were standing in pairs, sparring with swords in their hands for a practice weapon.

There was another group, similar to the previous one. Men and women wearing loose white shirts with some dirt, tugged inside their pants. They were sparring using spears. 

Soon the carriage moved with a light jerk, which none of us felt. A series of long iron went past the window, shifting the same scene from before, but now it was clear and unblocked with fences.

There were multiple groups of people practicing. Some were running, sparring with swords, spears, arrows, and hands alike. Some even were using their skills to hit the dummy target, lift huge boulders, and such.

Ducas: "Fascinating."

Ducas and Valerie, went closer to the window on my side to look at it all, while Persephone just turned her head to glance at the whole thing.

Soon the carriage slowed, and then made a circle, turning, and then view from my window changed from the field to a two-floor resident Italian Villa, with an additional terrace. There were front stairs leading to the front door.


A click sound resonated from the door, as the lever inside moved down on its own, and the door of the carriage was gently opened up.

At the opened door, there was a girl standing. An innocent look which made her look cute, eyes looking inside had immense happiness and playfulness.

Arthur: "Ah-"

Persephone: "What is it?"

Persephone sensing my emotion, hunched over to look after my shoulder with curiosity.

Persephone: "Isn't she the girl you saved before?"

True to her words, Charlotte stood by the door, with a beaming welcoming smile.



[ The Nubecula 'Raziel' comments "She is the girl he saved before. When he met that military man." ]


[ The Nubecula 'Dionysus' comments "New Girl.!" ]


[ The Nubecula 'Who Like Cigars And Candy' comments "Hold your horses. You haven't seen her mother yet." ]


[ The Nubecula 'Whose Heart Bleeds For Heartbroken' comments "Shut it.!" ]


[ The Nubecula 'Gumiho' comments "Men are disgusting." ]


[ The Nubecula 'Hwang Jini' comments "Really. Disappointing." ]


Hello readers,

How are you all? I hope healthy. It is getting colder still, I wonder how cold it would be during late December. Nights have gone so cold, I can't sleep without a blanket. ⋆͛*͛ ͙͛ ⁑͛⋆͛*͛ ͙͛(๑•﹏•)⋆͛*͛ ͙͛ ⁑͛⋆͛*͛ ͙͛

Anyway, a new chapter is here. Finally, we left Brimos and reached a new city. Sadly for Arthur, Vaelrie and Ducas decided to accompany him.

But yeah who didn't see that coming?

Also, Charlotte is here.! So long has it been for her? Too long man, too long.

Anyway, I hope you all like the chapter. The next chapter will be on Saturday. I will see you all then.


blank2711creators' thoughts