
My Viewpoint as a Dreamer

We all see dreams, but what are dreams? Our Mc saw dreams about a world. He found his dreams to be too real. One night he went to sleep but when he woke up he was not in his bed, he found himself on an isolated island. Read the journey of a dreamer as he found himself in a world he saw in his dreams. His advantage? He has been dreaming about that world for ten years and he knows about its past, present, and future.

blank2711 · Fantasy
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78 Chs

Vision 19 - Soft side? (2)

At the opened door, a girl was standing wearing a legion blue coat. Her brown hairs were tied in a ponytail with one large bread at her side. Her sleeves folded till above her elbow, and her shoulder strap had no star but a single strip. There was a belt at her waist, followed which a skirt that extended to her knees. 

Underneath her skirt was a strap of white that was visible, which went inside a black boot that started just below her knees, maybe it was a sock or leggings, I wasn't sure. 

Also, her white shirt was buttoned to her neck and its collar was firm and thick. Above her highlighted chest there was a symbol of a cloud forming a crown and she was wearing black gloves to her wrist.

An innocent look that made her look cute, eyes looking inside the carriage had immense happiness and playfulness. It was a girl I recognized immediately.

Charlotte stood by the door, with a beaming welcoming smile. 

Charlotte: "Hello."

Hearing her greetings, I got up from my seat. Holding the side of the door with my right hand, I extended my left leg to the uppermost stair of the carriage. My left hand slid into my pants pocket.

Arthur: "Hello."

I spoke as my feet touched the ground. Standing straight with my left hand inside my pocket, I looked at Charlotte with calm eyes for a second before speaking again.

Arthur: "You are the one from that shed."

I obviously recognized her, but I acted like I didn't know. My words were a statement rather than a question But my narrowed eyes suggested that I was speculating.

Charlotte: "Yes, I am glad you remember me."

Her smile beamed even further, such a smile that made my eyes burn by how dazzling it was.

I looked towards the villa appreciating its beauty, but the voices of soldiers sounding 'Haah' or 'hiya' coupled with the sound of weapons making contact fiercely were very loud.

Arthur: "This place is giving a fierce vibe, everyone is very energetic."

I looked back at Charlotte, who spoke gesturing to the villa, as she talked about the whole place in general.

Charlotte: "This is the main Garrison Castellum of this city. We stationed ourselves here, after coming from the forest. We stopped here for exhausted soldiers, the mission was easy but still very tough. At least it sounded easy but it was tough, physically for some and mentally for others."

Her beaming smile softened immensely, she even looked a little dejected, but then she recovered giving a simple soft smile.

Charlotte: " Then Sir Major Timothy had to go to another town for a mission and we have been stationed here since, practicing."

I nodded in understanding and questioned. Since the carriage was blocking our view, I just leaned my head to our right, where the ground was, as I asked.

Arthur: "Are all these people in the ground under Timothy?"

Charlotte: "Yes, they are very capable."

'So it seems.' I could think like that by what I saw from the carriage window, everyone was diligently trying to practice, one or two were sitting but it looked like they were resting after practicing.

Arthur: "Hmm. Then where is this city's Legion?"

How is it that there is no Legion from this city Legion? This city should also have its own Legion officer, and if it is the main one, where are they? I was puzzled.

Charlotte: "Ahhh... It was like this."


Timothy: "I am Major Timothy Sullivan from Continent Central Casttellium."

Officer Incharge: "Oh yes officer, honor to be in your presence. How can I help? You all look exhausted. Are you going to rest here before your departure? "

Timothy: "Some of the soldiers are exhausted, so yes, we will be staying here. But I will be taking charge of this Castellum for the next two months. Station your men in other Substations, the old main station if need be."

Officer Incharge: "Huh?"


'So he told them to scram and give up the place to him.' I cringed and then shifted the conversation.

Arthur: "I see... Well, anyway, Timothy did tell me that you joined the legion."

Charlotte: "Yes officer Timothy was gracious enough to let us be part of it, he gave us the opportunity to work and train."

Arthur: "Gracious enough?'' 

'That jerk would not have let anyone join if they wouldn't have performed exceptionally. It wasn't grace, it is the results for that jerk.' I scowled internally.

Arthur: "Don't put yourself down. It wasn't him, it was your hard work and persistence, that led you to become who you are now."

I spoke the obvious, to which Charlotte spoke with a soft low voice, almost murmuring. 

Charlotte: "You are too kind."

'I am not. You would have become a good historian regardless.' I said that, and maybe she knew as well, and was just being polite. Or maybe the obvious complement made her flustered.

Charlotte: "Still, I did put my all in my training. And I developed a very good skill. My tracking skill will be very useful in this expenditure."

Arthur: "I know." 

I answered as I knew it would be because it was the reason that Timothy and his squad found Beako. But Her expression said, How do I know? I couldn't reply with what I knew, so replied with something that would not sound weird.

Arthur: "Hard work will always be rewarded. And as you said, you gave your all in your training."


[ The Nubecula 'Dionysus' comments "Is that so?" ]


[ The Nubecula 'Raziel' comments "I rather have rest." ]


[ The Nubecula 'Dionysus' comments "Haven't had a vacation, it seems." ]


[ The Nubecula 'Raziel' comments "I would love to get one." ]


After giving a brief glance at the messages, I gave her a genuine smile. I was happy that her situation didn't deviate much and she became a historian. It would help her and her mother in the future, even when the Script starts.

Charlotte: "Thank you."

Arthur: "There is no need to thank me. It was you who worked hard, thank yourself."

She shook her head at my words and spoke with sincerity.

Charlotte: "I want to thank you, for saving me that day."

I was speechless for a minute there. I didn't know if I was worthy of her gratitude because Kafziel and other Nubeculas pestered me to go to the shed that day. And I wasn't planning on saving her that day, I don't know what led me either.

Arthur: "...There is no need to thank me. And you have thanked me that day."

Charlotte: "No, no matter how many times I say it won't be enough. You saved me and my mother's life. If it wasn't for you, we would have been dead, even if Legion with Major Timothy and his squad came. We would have died before that, it would have been too late."

I wanted to say that you would not have died, Kafziel would have saved you regardless. But I couldn't, because it didn't happen, even if it would have, it didn't.


[ The Nubecula 'Gumiho' Is nodding in acknowledgement. ]


Arthur: "I see, then I will take your gratitude." 


[ The Nubecula 'Whose Heart Bleeds For Heartbroken' is smiling looking at you. ]


I accepted it at the end. Her expression turned to something that showed happiness and pride. It was bright. It made me uneasy, and just so I could maintain my normal face, I deflected yet again.

Arthur: "Speaking of, How is your mother?"

Charlotte: "Much better. She has been working hard and seems more determined. She is part of the fighting team on the front line of our squad. She is in the office briefing Major Timothy."

I just smiled, acknowledging that everything was going exactly as it was supposed to and it has changed for the better. For some reason Timothy's words resounded in my mind 'You should be glad.'

Arthur: "I am glad things turned out better for you and your mother. He told me yours and your mother's documents have been nulled and you are Lower citizens now. Keep your optimism, you both will soon be Higher Citizens. I will visit you from time to time."


[ The Nubecula 'Who Like Cigars And Candy' comments "Would you?" ]


[ The Nubecula 'Who Like Cigars And Candy' is snickering. ]


I tried to be polite, while I ignored the message, and her soft smile stretched at my words. Realizing that we had been talking standing here for a while, I decided we should go inside now.

Arthur: "So you are our guide?"

She nodded fiercely at my question. 

Charlotte: "When I heard you were coming, I made sure I would be the one to pick you up."

She spoke with a slight blush. At that moment I felt some curious gazes at us. I looked to the side, inside the carriage where Persephone, Ducas, and Valerie were looking at us. Persephone gave me a smirk, to which I wanted to say something but focused on the other two.

I gestured to Charlotte while speaking to them. 

Arthur: "This is Charlotte. Her mother's name is Dianne. You remember right? Come out both of you."

An understanding expression formed as I spoke her and Dianne's names. They knew I saved a mother-daughter pair the day I met Timothy.

As they made their way down the carriage I turned to Charlotte.

Arthur: "These people will be traveling with me. When Timothy visited me I told them a little about how I met him."

Ducas was the first who came out since he sat closer to the door. He extended his hand and spoke

Duacs: "My name is Ducas Wynfor. I was also saved by Sir Arthur. I am happy to meet you."

'That wasn't necessary to tell her.' I grumbled. Charlotte made a startled expression but then shook his hand in earnest. Valerie came out next and extended her hand to her as well.

Valerie: "You call me Valerie. It hasn't been much since I have been acquainted with Sir Arthur. But he has helped a lot as well. I hope we get along well."

'Again that is not necessary.' I grumbled again. Persephone was snickering as she went her way, standing beside me. Charlotte shook hands with her with a happy smile and took a step back.

Charlotte: "My name is Charlotte Fedora, you can call me Charlotte."

'That is a good introduction. Plain and simple.' I approved. And then she turned to me with a soft smile.

Charlotte: "I'll led you inside. Lets first meet with Major Timothy."

Arthur: "Um. I would like to rest first."


[ The Nubecula 'Who Like Cigars And Candy' comments "Avoiding. Are we?" ]


[ The Nubecula 'Hwang Jini' comments "Yeah. He is." ]


One would have given me a weird expression, just like them, even I thought it was an abrupt selfish request. But Charlotte didn't show any weird expression and spoke immediately.

Charlotte: "Certainly, as you want. I will show you to your room and then I will let Major Timothy know about your arrival."

'Yes. I don't want to see that jerk's face first thing coming here.' I scowled inside.

She turned to the horse tamer, who was sitting in the front seat.

Charlotte: "Thank you for your service. You can take horses to the stable further side to the ground. "

The old man, with a thick mustache, took off his halved top hat, holding it in the air, slightly above his head while looking at us, and then put it back, giving us a farewell, and went away.


[ The Nubecula 'Gumiho' comments "I like her.!" ]


[ The Nubecula 'Whose Heart Bleeds For Heartbroken' comments "She seems very polite." ]


Charlotte stepped towards the front stairs and we followed behind. The front door was already open, and the inside of the villa had a brown marble floor beneath our feet which was pristine.

To the left of the hallway that we walked were doors at some intervals, with large distance, maybe four, no, five doors. The right side had the same-looking two doors.

In the middle of the doors are adorned with intricate wooden carvings and framed portraits of ancestors, connecting the present to the past on the left side of the hall. To right lay Plush, velvet sofas in deep crimson and gold hues encircled a low, mahogany coffee table, upon which a vase of freshly cut lilies sat.

And at the end on the right side, there was a structure that looked like the back of a staircase.

Charlotte: "Did you like the city?"

As we walked into the hallway Charlotte looked over her shoulder to look at us, to which Valerie responded.

Valerie: "It seemed very flashy."

Charlotte: "Yes it is. Isn't it? This is how it is in this city, particularly this time of the year."

Ducas: "Particularly this time of the year? Why?"

Ducas caught an obvious detail from her speech, as we reached the end of the Hall. Charlotte took a turn to the right, as expected it was stairs, and we ascended.

Charlotte: "People of this city call it, The Market."

Arthur: "Market?"


[ The Nubecula 'Hwang Jini' comments "Oh yeah. It was that time of the year for them." ]


[ The Nubecula 'Gumiho' comments "Yeah.! Yeah.! The market festival.!" ]


'But Isn't it too simple?' that's what I thought. For something to sound important, it had a rather normal name.

Charlotte: "Yes a famous one. Since the spring just went by, it is the best time for it. Spring is the perfect season to explore the forest. New plants emerge at that season, new flowers bloom, and animals roam around the green most, even those who went to hibernation come out. People hunt for all spring and then they spend the start of the summer preparing this city and at the heart of the summer is when the market starts."

In the middle of her explanation, we reached the first floor, and a similar-looking hall from the ground floor came into view. She led us further ahead.

Arthur: "It is certainly like a festival."

Charlotte: "Yes. You should visit, if you want I can show you around."

There was a suggestive tone as she looked at me with a soft smile. Then we reached the end of the hall, or maybe it should be called at the front because judging from the front door we were relatively just above that.

Charlotte: "You can take these three adjacent rooms."

She gestured to the room to the right, Similar to the ground floor, this room had five rooms to the right and two to the left.

Arthur: "I will take this one."

I went and opened the middle room door but didn't go inside. Valerie and Ducas who followed me went inside first to look around. Then Charlotte approached closer to me and spoke loud enough so that her voice could be heard inside.

Charlotte: "All of the rooms have a similar design. You can choose anyone."

Valarie: "Not bad."

Ducas: "Seems very comfortable."

They both moved around the room, looking out the window, and sitting on the couch inside the room. Persephone also went inside laying on the bed, stretching her body.

Arthur: "When we will be leaving?"

I turned to Charlotte, and that question of leaving was an important one to me.

Charlotte: "Major Timothy told us we will be leaving next week. He came back four days ago, on 5-E, which was the first day of the week. So today is 9-E, with that in mind."

She did some mental calculations, but what the hell? He arrived four days ago? Well, four days isn't that much of a difference but still, we didn't stop for any crude things, and he departed a day before, no, technically some hours ago than us. 

Once Charlotte was done she spoke.

Charlotte: "We should be able to leave in three days."

I nodded my head, indicating that I understood and had no problem, then spoke to her.

Arthur: "Alright. You should go back, you should have some work to tend to."

Charlotte: "I will. You can look for me if you need anything."

She left giving me a soft smile, stepping toward the stairs, and I went inside the room, closing the door behind me.

Room walls were sheathed in dark, polished wood. These wood look felt smooth and sturdy. It was like the marble on the floor and the wood were of the same material. 

Valerie: "These must be from a special wood, with high durability, cut from the forest in Ipritus."

She spoke as she put her boots on the side and rubbed her feet on the carpet to get its feel. There was carpet in the center of the room.

But a large intricately carved canopy bed with crimson and gold tapestries dominated the room, while crystal wrought-iron sconces cast low lights. A wooden writing desk displayed a quill and parchment, there was another table at the center with soft couches around it.

Valerie: "This carpet feels so fluffy, it must be made from high leveled beast. This place is really good for buying stuff. The Market should have a tone of things like these."

Her eyes lit up but what caught my eye was a wine shelf in one corner of the room. It showcased an impressive collection of vintage bottles, their labels adorned with eldritch-like symbols.

Valerie went to sit on one of the couches in the middle and Ducas put a basket over the table, infront of them. 

'From Where did he bring this out?' I mused like I have done many times before. He started taking out, fruits and glasses, placing them skillfully.

I went towards the corner of the room, towards the shelf with wine in them. As I opened its shelf door, I spotted one door beside the shelf, that was hidden because of the shelf before. It must have led to the bathroom, I concluded.

Valerie: "Was that the girl you saved, Sir Arthur?"

Her words pulled me back, I took a bottle with a green glass body labeled with symbols, the liquid inside appeared dark, filled till its neck. Grabbing the bottle I turned.


[ The Nubecula 'Dionysus' comments "That is fine looking wine." ]


[ The Nubecula 'Raziel' comments "Don't you have better one." ]


[ The Nubecula 'Dionysus' comments "You can't compare High realm stuff with lower ones." ]


'Looks like the only common sense he has left is for Alcohols.' Keeping that thought inside, I replied.

Arthur: "Yes."

Valerie: "She seems nice. What a positive girl."


[ The Nubecula 'Whose Heart Bleeds For Heartbroken' is nodding her head. ]


I nodded as well while I made my way to the couch, sitting beside Valerie, leaning on its handrest. Ducas pulled out some plates and started placing food, some fruits infront of me, a delicious-looking cake in front of Valerie, and ice cream for himself.

I picked up a glass, it wasn't a wine glass but something similar to pint glass. I poured some wine into it, Valerie glanced at it, but nobody said anything. Instead, the conversation turns to something relatively important.

Valerie: "So since we are finally here, we should talk about what we know about Beako's, I mean Viscount's daughter's situation."


[ Several Nubeculas are paying attention. ]


Arthur: "Let's just call her Beako. It is easier than keep mentioning her title, and if someone hears us, using her name would be a good precaution."

I said while taking a sip of the wine and looking at Valerie. The first sip didn't taste that different, the difference in glass does make a difference but it wasn't that much for the first or second sip.

Valerie's eyes that made eye contact with mine, went up as she mused on my suggestion, and then nodded.

Valerie: "Let's do that."

Ducas: "Based on how you talk about her, and, um, your position. It seems you are closely acquainted with her."

A good observation that Ducas pointed out, as he took the sit on the couch infront of us. Valerie sighed before speaking.

Valerie: "She is not that much older than me or Felicity. Of course, I tried to become fri- acquaintances with her."

'She almost used friends there.' I pointed, and Ducas noticed that as well, but we didn't comment on it, and Valerie continued.

Valerie: "But her personality is, how should I put it, too aggressive for me."

Ducas raised a brow at her words, intrigued by it, as he scooped a little ice cream from his plate. I didn't show any reactions, just took another sip from my glass, it tasted a little warmer but still rich in flavor.

Valerie: "She is always loud, and speaks bluntly. That always got her into troubles whenever there was a gathering of Households."

She picked a fork from the table and moved it around like a teacher using a stick as she spoke.

Valerie: "One time she challenged Count Aleton, the bear clan's head, to a fight. When everyone laughed it off. She bluntly told him not to be a coward."


[ The Nubecula 'Who Like Cigars And Candy' comments "I already like her." ]


[ The Nubecula 'Dionysus' comments "A fierce girl, it seems." ]


[ The Nubecula 'Raziel' comments "With few screws loose." ]


Ducas took a gulp of his ice cream and made a baffled expression, even I raised a brow at this. 'I didn't know that.' Valerie used her fork to cut the cake and continued.

Valerie: "Count didn't mind, instead he laughed even madly at her words. She has always been prone to fight strong people. But obviously, not everyone entertained this idea, and that is when I found out that she often sneaked out to travel to dangerous places. Honestly, she is too much."

'She sounds like a fed up Big sister.' I mused

Arthur: "It looks like you care about her."

Valerie: "I don't"

She said firmly, she took a bite of her cake, but I didn't buy that.

Arthur: "Sure."

My tone was suggestive and so was my smirk, to which Valerie flustered.

Valerie: "I-I really don't."

Ducas and I smiled softly, then his expression turned serious, as he turned to me.

Ducas: "So Vis- Miss Beako has a tendency to go to dangerous places secretly, this time it was Ipritus, and since then she is been missing."

I nodded as I took another sip, and spoke.

Arthur: "She usually keeps in touch using the same magic scroll that Miss Valerie carries. But that stopped weeks ago."

Valerie: "How long has it been she is been missing? Do you have an exact idea, Sir Arthur?"

She tried to sound indifferent but how her brow kept flinching and light shake for her hand as she cut another slice from the cake, said otherwise. At this Ducas also looked at me with expectant eyes.

Arthur: "Hmm... When I met Timothy, it was already almost three weeks that she was missing and two weeks since she stopped sending messages through Scrolls, and that was almost three months ago."

I was looking at the wine inside the pint glass, and then I looked at Valerie, from the corner of my eyes, as I said.

Arthur: "So it should be close to four months."

Valerie's body flinched visibly at my words, and she swiftly took a bite of the cake slice she cut.

Ducas: "More than three months. Why has nobody done anything before?"

He looked down as he mumbled softly. His grip on the spoon in his hand tightened, at this I took a light sip before speaking.

Arthur: "Because it is nothing unusual for Beako. She sometimes went adventuring for six months. The only thing that is different now is that she has stopped sending messages through scrolls three months ago."

He raised his head making eye contact with me.

Arthur: "That is when Her mother sent notice to Central Castellum to investigate, they didn't want others to know. Anyway, Timothy was asked specifically due to his great result of no failed mission."

'No matter how that jerk is, he is highly competent.' I admitted and then frowned as spoke further.

Arthur: " I gave him the information that Beako was in Ipritus. Then following that lead, he did find the location of her. But from what he told me, he didn't find her, but a location with signs of a fierce fight, with blood all around, and one of the blood matches Beako's mother. And She has issued an official notice for her search."

I concluded, after which a silence descended. I put forward the pint glass, still half filled with wine, towards Valerie. She was silent with her head down, throughout the time me and Ducas discussed.

She traced my hand making eye contact with me, I gave the glass a tug toward her as I spoke.

Arthur: "It got a little warm but it is still very good... Don't worry, we will find her."

Her eye shook once, as she looked back at the glass, and took it, before gulping it entirely in one go. Even without messages, It was so easy to read her.

Ducas looked at her with soft eyes, as she put down the glass over the table, and again turned serious.

Ducas: "So we should discuss. What should we do and how we should approach to find her whereabouts. Ipritus is a mysterious place, Sir Arthur do you have more information that would help us pinpoint her location."

His serious eyes turned to me, and Valerie looked at me seriously as well. I looked at them once, and then picked up an apple slice, as I spoke.

Arthur: "I don't know her exact location, but I would be able to help. And that girl from before, Charlotte, would be important."

Ducas: "So we would need her help."

He held her chin as he mused, Valerie was also thinking, now relatively calm expression was on her face.

Arthur: "No need to think so hard. There is no use discussing this now, in so depth."

I picked up another slice of apple and ate it as I said that. Both of them raised their heads at me.

Arthur: "I need to discuss it with Timothy first. He is formally assigned with this mission of finding Beako. He is in charge of this operation. So ease up."

I got off the couch and picked another slice of apple while looking at both of them.

Arthur: "In the meantime pick your rooms."

'Make sure you aren't here when I get back.' I said that internally and stepped towards the door.

Ducas: "Where you going Sir arthur?"

I turned with an apple slice placed between my teeth, I pushed it inside my mouth with my finger and ate it before saying.

Arthur: "There is a Festive Market in the city. I am going to visit. And No."

I calmly point to Ducas.

Arthur: "I will be going alone. Settle yourselves in the meantime."



[ The Nubecula 'Dionysus' comments "That 'No' was hilarious.!" ]


[ The Nubecula 'Raziel' comments "You get know your comrades. By this point." ]


[ The Nubecula 'Hwang Jini' comments "You have to be perceptive enough. Which he is." ]


[ The Nubecula 'Gumiho' comments "That's friendship.!" ]


[ The Nubecula 'Whose Heart Bleeds For Heartbroken' comments "It is good he got friends now." ]


[ The Nubecula 'Who Like Cigars And Candy' comments "Friends, my ass." ]


[ Some Nubeculas are looking at your direction. ]


Hello readers,

How are you all? I hope healthy and good. I couldn't upload last chapters, because of my exam. So I apologize for that.

I will upload those due chapters though. So two chapter for today.

Now to discuss about the chapter, we reached a new city. It is a festival time, so lets get in the mood with them.

I am really glad I got to write with Charlotte and Dianne. I wrote about these characters almost a year ago. So it feel good, it makes me realize, how much I have progressed in the story. Still it is just a beginning.

Next chapter would be in few hours.

And Please do write your thoughts in the comment.


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