
My Viewpoint as a Dreamer

We all see dreams, but what are dreams? Our Mc saw dreams about a world. He found his dreams to be too real. One night he went to sleep but when he woke up he was not in his bed, he found himself on an isolated island. Read the journey of a dreamer as he found himself in a world he saw in his dreams. His advantage? He has been dreaming about that world for ten years and he knows about its past, present, and future.

blank2711 · ファンタジー
78 Chs

Vision 12 - Silvery-what? (1)


This whole plaza spot became an eyesore, there were broken carriages and their debris - covering the ground among various other places.

Fortunately, there were no more citizens that could be seen anywhere on the street. Parts of the broken building were there in large chunks, and among them were bodies of assassins - everyone in yellow dresses - some had fainted but most were dead.

" Tell me. " his voice resounded and paused, then " Is this worth it? "

Arthur's voice pulled me from the wrecked scene in front of me to him, but I couldn't focus, my stats were depleting as I maintained the wind's flow flowing upwards, holding the spherical explosive projectiles.

I could feel it as the power of cosmos was leaving me. My eyes shifted to the sky through some tall fancy hut-like tips of some restaurants that were still intact, and behind them in the sky hovered several dozen of bombs.

I had my hands stretched out, as I tried to imagine an invisible shield where the bombs were settled in the sky through my manipulation of wind, a very convenient skill I gained.

" Who is your target? You can tell me that much right? "

Again Arthur's voice pulled me, and this time I am sure it was a little softer. I looked through the side of my peripherical vision and Arthur and one of the spies standing facing each other came into view.

Arthur, His coat-like cloak that has firm shoulders - cut from the side was hanging to the back. His shirt had multiple paper cuts; some even had blood stained, but he stood firm.

The spy in front of him was tall, he had a yellow furred long coat that had a hood attached to it that was hiding his head inside its shade, only revealing a faded white mask and his eyes through its holes.

His eyes were focused on Arthur's which took a shape of a mocking gaze, which seems to be saying 'why he was asking such an obvious question?'

" You. " still he answered, his voice stretching the 'u', emphasizing his tone, which suddenly confused me, but didn't shock me either.

Arthur was someone about whom no one knew anything. He is a very mysterious person. He tends to show that he is unreliable and that he will definitely make some mistakes if he was to be expected, at least whenever I am around.

But he is completely opposite with Professor Yates though. It made me change my opinion a little, we don't know his past or anything, I always reminded myself of that. And as he always deflects talking about it, I expected that it might follow some problem along the way, but the situation still confused me, because I thought they were actually after me.

I did see one spying on us earlier, from the massive window inside the Palms where we eat earlier, and I thought they were the regular spies sent by some jealous competitor again.

I didn't know why even they were trying to compete with me. I am not competing with anyone. I am only a hard-working student, trying to research about the magic attribute and to know about its existence.

" Why? " Again Arthur's voice snapped me from my thoughts.

My focus shifted and I saw some bombs tumbling in the air up and down. I focus on the wind around me and used more stats to stabilize them all. My body became colder and colder as the cosmos depleted my stats.

Then, the spy's eyes turned crescent at Arthur's words and suddenly a breeze came picking up the hood above the spy's head, and then it was down. His dirty blond hair - tied in a ponytail - became visible but it had some hair strands that fell over his mask, which had some ritualic markings on them. His voice reached my ears, a giggle present in them.

" You should have paid more attention. "

I noticed his eyes shifting from Arthur to me and my eyes widened. M vision burred as a half-transparent spy that appeared infront of me, blurring the scene with every inch of his body. A knife became clear on his hand, as he thrust that knife towards my stomach.

A sudden panic resonated deep inside my heart as everything shifted and my sight became black. I could only see a blank dark world infront of me, nothing could be seen in it. My eye tried to focus to see something in the darkness then a muffled voice reached my ear.

" Well, our target was you, so it is all good. " My heart thumped loudly, but I could only feel that and no pain.

Realizing that it was not that the world became dark but it was Arthur back that was infront of me. I only recovered from his sudden appearance when I heard him say.

" Damn it. " his voice deep and stressed like it was trying to contain something from escaping, and then suddenly a view of the spy thrusting his knife at me came into my mind. I hurriedly tried to look over his shoulders and an image of Arthur with a knife in his gut instead of me came into my mind.

:: Arthur Xanders

I forgot about the spy with Light bending skill, and he was just about attack Valerie when I used all my agility stats and in an instant, I was in front of her.

But disregarding any barriers, the half-transparent spy thrust his knife into Valerie's stomach, but the fool that I am, rushed without thinking and stood infront of her.

Spy's face became chicken-like as he was surprised to see me, but soon he smiled maniacally under his mask and looked into my eyes.

" Ah. Look at that gaze, trying to contain the pain inside. "

He didn't think much of it after, about how I appeared in front of him, and started chanting maniac banter. Since I was their target, it was better for them if I got hurt.

" Sir Arthur! "

Valerie shouted my name from behind me and the words just came out of my mouth on their own, despite my efforts.

" Damn it. "

Again, I held another curse escaping from my mouth like before, and Why is shouting so close to my ear? She shouted my name so loud, that I felt a jerk of headache.

I already noticed that Ducas took care of all the hidden spies over the plaza, but still, my vision went past the spy who had thrust a knife into my abdomen and I saw Ducas - with no blood to see on him anywhere - running toward us. He looked towards us and he stiffened up. Why did he stop mid-way? I thought.

" S-Sir Arthur?.. " his voice stammered which didn't match his serious look. He looked at me, and just like Valerie he also shouted my name "Sir Arthur!" as he rushed at us - in a normal way without using any stats.

I felt a headache building up at this point. I ignored him and looked over my shoulder to speak with Valerie.

" Miss Valerie blow up the bombs. "

Valerie didn't reply, she was still looking at where the spy had thrust his knife into me. Annoyed I also looked down to see the knife gutted in my stomach, but I didn't want to see it, even the thought of a knife stabbed into me made me horrified.

Still, the knife that at least should have pierced my stomach didn't hurt me that much. I didn't feel any pain.

That is also one of the reasons why Valerie's and Ducas's reactions felt so annoying to me because I felt fine.

Confused, I looked at my stomach, as expected the knife hadn't pierced my stomach but-

" what? "

The half-transparent spy who was fully visible now, also surprised, traced my gaze toward the area between us.

There was a white feather -a small little silver white feather- it looked so fragile that it couldn't even budge a whiff of breath but there it was, blocking the knife.

A small normal size silvery-white feather was over my stomach where the knife should have pierced it, and a voice echoed in my mind.

-My king.

Zoe? I responded back.

Zoe's sweet voice echoed in my head. It has been so long since I heard her voice.

Connecting the sudden appearance of a mysteriously strong feather over my stomach and Zoe's voice in my mind. I realized that she acted on her own and protected me, I didn't know that this skill would act like this.

Originally, no one acquired this Character type skill, and I didn't know much about it. I might have to read about it in the "Text" file thoroughly later.

I didn't know much about the "Zoe Heart" skill. I only knew that Dinosyus said it was supposed to be good. It was a Passive skill and also a character skill, it had its own consciousness which made it even more reliable.

Realizing that the knife didn't pierce me, the spy put more strength into his hands twisting the knife clockwise and counter-clockwise, trying to cut past the feather but the knife didn't budge.

Suddenly, he threw the knife in frustration and pushed me with his hands. Caught by surprise, I stumbled back and collided with Valerie.

She was already in her own thoughts, and when we collided she couldn't do anything except stumble back, as her skill got deactivated.


[ The Existence 'Valerie Davison' skill Wind Manipulation Lvl.2 is deactivated. ]


And the notification white slate screen came into my view.

" Sir Arthur. "

Again Ducas's voice came into my ear, which was strangely very close, and I realized that he was already holding me from falling back. He moved so quickly, none of us realized, since his stats were all above a hundred.

What a monster. The spy ahead of me was already dead, his knees bent underneath his thighs and there was a wound on his chest - pierced by a sword - staining his coat.

I put strength into my thighs and gently pushed Ducas's hand aside. I stood up, regaining my balance. My eyes went towards the sky, and the bombs in the air started to move with gravity coming closer.

My mind went blank for a second as it focused again. If that many bombs fell at once, the plaza will be destroyed, and I will die along with it. A shudder went through my spine at this, but then Zoe's echoed voice - along with some sound of water falling from a waterfall - resounded in my head.

-I will protect my king, and anything else he wishes to protect.

I didn't realize what she meant, and suddenly the sky in view started to be covered with two huge silver-colored feather beds. Silvery-white feather bed, with two edges, where the actual large feather lies were closing in like a dom.

" Sir Arthur, y-your back. "

I heard Ducas voice stammering pealing away from the view. I looked at him and he had a weird expression, somehow he looked amazed, and uncertain at the same time.

He pointed his index finger toward my back, and I looked back. Two large bases of wings were coming out from half of my back through my wing bones, without damaging even a thread of my clothes.

Realizing something I tried to see the whole picture, and basically, two huge mythical wings were coming out of my back and covering the whole plaza like a small dome.

boom. boom. boom. boom. boom.

The bombs in the air started falling on top of those wings, a numbing sensation ran all over my body, like mosquitoes were biting every inch of me or like I was stunned by a stun gun.

My body jerked as I stood straight, forming a tight fist, my eyes closed, and I tightened my jaw while trying to hold the feeling inside me.

After taking a deep breath, I let my body loose and my eyes opened, as suddenly strain on my body decreased.


[ The Existence 'Valerie Davison' has used Active skill Wind Manipulation Lvl.2 ]


The message appeared, and unconsciously I looked over my shoulder towards Valerie extending her hands towards the sky, and soon the sound of bombs falling died down.

I tried to meet her eyes, to show some appreciation but I think she avoided my gaze for some reason. Nevertheless, Valerie manipulated the wind and the bombs started to descend. She collected the bombs on one corner of the street.


[ The Passive Skill 'Zoe's heart' is on cooldown. ]

[ Cooldown Period: 1 minute ]


And a slate screen - like it was made up of water that is still- appeared.

It looks like 'Zoe's heart' was overused, but I was still glad that it activated when it did. It was the right choice to acquire this skill. I need to thank Zoe for today.


[ The Nubecula 'Who Like Cigars And Candy' comments "You never get tired acting like a hero?" ]

[ The Nubecula 'Gumiho' comments "He was cool." ]

[ The Nubecula 'Who Like Cigars And Candy' comments "Yeah right. pftt." ]

[ The Nubecula 'Whose Heart Bleeds For Heartbroken' agrees with Gumiho ]

[ The Nubecula 'Hwang Jini' comments "It could have been strategically better" ]

[ Some Nubecula are pleased with your fight. ]


[ 1000 total points donated ]


My mood came crashing down as messages from Nubeculas appeared in front of me.

Here people are trying to fight with their lives on the line, and these supposed-to-be-gods were enjoying while we struggle. Yeah, who cares? Who cares if the person who asks riddles every day dies? They can just go to another 'Tonight show' and have fun.

These bastards were heartless, and I know that they have also suffered at one point and survived to reach a higher realm, but every life, still is precious.

Ducas and Valerie approached me which made my mind shift from the messages. Suddenly I felt tired and the world around me blurred like I had a high dose of some drug.

My hand went up to my head holding it tightly. I shook it, trying to clear my vision, but I stumbled a little, and Ducas moved and caught me by the shoulders.

" There is still one left. Capture him. " I tried to tell him that, while ignoring the sudden blurriness. The spy who attacked me first, the leader, was still left. I couldn't just let him get away and meet the person who hired them.

" Sir Arthur you need help, you look so pale- " Ducas tried to say something, but I couldn't hear through the dizziness and cut him off while he was speaking.

" Catch him now. " I can not let the spy get away, the more he talked the more time he was wasting.

Ducas quickly moved me towards Valerie, she put my arm over her shoulders and I took her support to remain standing. Then Ducas went away like a ghost and then appeared in an instant with the same spy that had run off when our attention was occupied.

'What a monster.'

I looked at the spy from all the dizziness, while he struggled to get out of Ducas's hand. He was holding him from the backside of the neck and then threw him in front of me. I looked down at him, trying to open my eye, and maintained clear cold eye contact as I spoke.

" It's over. If you have anything to say, say it now. "

My voice didn't come out right but hoarse and deeper. Zoe's heart skill was on cooldown so it didn't do anything to help my fatigue, and 'False Awekening' was the skill I didn't know much about, but it seemed to work against mental attacks.

I felt my eyes forcing me to close themself. Damn it. I was feeling sleepy, I am so tired.

" ha. haha..." Spy suddenly laughed while looking at me through those mask holes, his voice muffled by it " that intimidating gaze. You think You can scare me, Kid."

I didn't say anything, as a thought that, Is this gonna be one of those cliche lines? came into my mind. I couldn't understand why villain always laughs when they are defeated, and this corny advice giving lane that it was extending, I am too tired for this shit.

As I was even struggling to keep my eyes open. The spy stretched his head towards me as his eyes burn wildly and his voice growling.

" You should quit the job and go back to wherever you came from. "


[ You have overused your stamina stats, you have been severely exhausted. ]


That were the last words I heard and the last message that appeared in front of me. I had exhausted all my stamina and I couldn't hold my consciousness from fading away.

' Damn it. I should have shared some stamina as well. ' with that thought, everything went dark as I fainted.


My eyes struggled like I am just waking up from a night of sleep. I tried to open them and my eyebrows developed into a frown as I struggled. A white blur cleared past by some random shutter of eyelids as the vision around me became visible.

The first thing that came into my view was a white plastered ceiling with an air conditioner at one of its edges. It was a familiar ceiling for me, that felt like I haven't seen in weeks.

" urghhh... "

A groan came out of my mouth. One of the muscles of my legs tightens up, sending a jolt of pain through it. I moved my head on the soft fabric along my hair which pulled my attention. It was a pillow, and I realized I was on my bed.

I pushed myself forcing through my arm while jerking my legs under the blanket to ease the pain. I sat up straight while holding my head, trying to clear the sleepiness.

" My head. "

Exhaling a deep long breath, I looked around. There was a big long shelf filled with books and clothes on it. In one corner alongside the window, there was a chair with a desk and a laptop was on it among other books and studying accessories.

I lean back to rest my head on the headrest.

" Another same old day, right? " I said and paused looking at the posters of my fav band, college, and one of a basketball slammed into the basket.

A low laugh escaped my mouth. What the hell am I doing? I felt stupid talking to myself like I was waiting for a response. I got up and sat on the edge of the bed pushing away the blanket and slid my foot into the sandals which were already there.

Extending my arms I grab the water thermos that was on the small desk beside my bed.

I got up with the bottle in my hand and approached the shelf while opening the cap of the water thermos. My eyes wandered over them. There were several books there and I browsed them while drinking water.

-National College Entrance Exam previous papers

-Advance Mathematics

-Physics Mechanics

-Computer Language

I filled my mouth with the liquid but didn't swallow it, as my mind wandered. There were many similar types of books there. I studied so hard to get into the college I wanted. I missed out on having a fun teenage life, but I got what I wanted, so I guess it was worth it.

I took in all the content in my mouth, sending the cold sensation of water all over my body, as I tried to focus on the positives. I wanted to have fun as well, but I didn't want to live life the way we were living.

I looked around and saw my laptop, I wanted to open it and write something so that I could relive it again, but I ignored the feeling.

Vaulting over some books and a guitar that was on the carpet, I went towards the door.

Traveling through the long hallway, I went past a door that was my sister's room. As I walked, A photo of raindeers running through the forest on the wall came into view. Opposite to it, there was a window showing a beautiful garden and a road following more houses behind our garden's wall.

I walked through the sunlight that was coming through the window. The hallway ended opening its walls and revealing a living room. My family lived in a simple house- with only a ground floor, it had four rooms, two were in the hallway I just walked from and two were on the other two hallways infront of me

The living room was at its center with an LCD, sofas at the left corner: A big dining table with chairs, and a normal Chandelier in the middle; at the right corner was an attached Kitchen.

My parents used one room, my sister and I had one of our own, and the last one was the guest room.

I went to the living room, sat on the couch, and looked around. Suddenly I realized our house is very beautiful filled with gifts and ornaments hanging from the walls, pictures, and flower pots, everywhere.

'If only people living in it were also this beautiful.' I thought and suddenly a voice snapped my focus and tugged it toward itself.

" What happened? "

I heard a feminine voice, sweet and filled with warmth. For some reason, it felt so good to hear it like I haven't heard them in a long time. I turned my head, and I saw a beautiful woman standing behind the couch with a smile on her face looking at me.

Some little wrinkles at the corner of her eyes but her skin was fair like she was suppose to be young. Her hair and eyes were black as mine. In fact, I had most of my features of hers.

Our eyes met for a second and then she raised her eyebrows and quickly pulled them down at me, as her head also moved in a similar manner, demanding the answer to her question.

" Nothing Mom. My head is just hurting. " I shrugged while looking away from her.

It was my mother. A concerned look appeared on her face. She walked across the couch and sat on a sofa that was on the opposite side of me.

" You want something? "

There was a concern in her voice but she was also stern. My mother used to be gentle but she changed becoming more strict. I didn't hate her for that, it was inevitable, and anyone would change with the way things were around in this house.

" Just give me some warm water, this one is cold. " I spoke while handing the water thermos to my mom, stretching my arm over the coffee table between us.

She took the bottle from my hand, and went to the kitchen, but not without giving me a frustrated look. She put the water on the stove and soon came back with some apples -neatly cut into pieces- and again sat across me.

" How was your day? " She asked, completely casual, it was an everyday thing to ask this for her as a mother.

" Exhausting." I said sinking further onto the couch " I had to go for the college semester registration, even though it was supposed to be a holiday. "

Despite what I said, I liked going to college. I worked so hard to get into one of the top national colleges, and I always tried to have a great time going there.

" College?" Suddenly mother spoke with confusion " How were your coaching classes? "

" Which classes? " I asked back, even more confused.

" Coaching classes which you take after your high school. This December you are eighteen. You have your exam in two months Arthur. Take it seriously. " my mother scolded as she pushed the tray full of apples toward me.

I became baffled as a hollow laugh escaped my mouth. What is she talking about? Coaching classes? I failed the exam after high school and had to drop a year. Also I am going to be in my second semester of college this January. So what is she talking about?

I came back home from college to celebrate this New Year, and I am twenty this year, she is even joking about my age now?

I was about to ask why was she talking about last year, asking weird questions, but she spoke first.

" And did you sleep well? Are you still having those weird dreams again? "

" They are not weird... Just different. "

Words just came out of my mouth, as I have said them numerous times whenever my parents had asked about my dreams. Wait, suddenly I realize. Dreams? My dream world.

Thoughts started to jumble in my head. Flashes of memories came into my head. The leafy island surrounded by an ocean, The church with god-goddess sculptures, and the dark side of it where people were prisoned inside the cells.

Memories of my meeting with Lisa, Stressing myself while getting tricked by Nubeculas into rescuing Daina and Charlotte, acquiring Zoe's heart, bantering with Valerie, Slapping Ducas, and Persephone above me as her hair fell parted in two, falling to the side of my face like a curtain on the top of the island.

All the memory jumbled up inside my head at random and Suddenly the world around me got blurred and dimmer.

" Wh-- ha---n-- s-n? A-- -ou Al-ght? "

My mother's voice reached me, but I couldn't understand them. I couldn't see her beautiful face anymore. Everything around me blurred and dimmed as everything started to spin.

The world around me suddenly moved like colors, as if they were moving to deform the intact painting.

I could feel my mother's hand gripping my arms. But everything became blurred and the colors started to wash off from the canvas. The reality was peeled away from my vision, and the world around me melted away.

Hi guys.

This is Author. Finally, another chapter is ready to be read, and I hope you all like it.

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