
My Viewpoint as a Dreamer

We all see dreams, but what are dreams? Our Mc saw dreams about a world. He found his dreams to be too real. One night he went to sleep but when he woke up he was not in his bed, he found himself on an isolated island. Read the journey of a dreamer as he found himself in a world he saw in his dreams. His advantage? He has been dreaming about that world for ten years and he knows about its past, present, and future.

blank2711 · ファンタジー
78 Chs

Vision 10 - …One More? (2)

It was six in the morning. It is the day when lectures are supposed to start.

I was standing inside Lisa's office. Since the opening ceremony for new students will start at seven in the morning, I had to come early today.

" Classes will start at eight as usual, but since you are my assistant you have to be with me at the opening ceremony. "

" Of course. "

I didn't want to wake up so early but there was a saying from a very famous movie 'with great power comes a great responsibilities'. I had to attend events that Lisa will attend. It was not bad since I will get more opportunities to gain Lisa's trust.

Right now, I was dressing the white cat in a formal cat dress. Since this is an opening ceremony, the grandmaster of the school have to appear. Lisa was also putting on her cloak.

" Done. "


The white cat was dressed in a beautiful princess-like dress. Heckat looked very beautiful. Then I heard someone sigh, I looked around to find Lisa was struggling to tie her cloak around her shoulders.

" Let me help you. "

I got up and walked over to Lisa. She was standing in front of body size mirror, she turned around hearing my word. No matter how many times I look at her, she is very beautiful, not as beautiful as Persephone who is looking at me.

I ignored Persephone's gaze and helped Lisa to put on her cloak. She didn't show any resistance and let me help her. Lisa had no particular expression as usual and I just maintain a smile on my face.

" All done. "

Lisa looked at herself in the mirror and nodded to give her approval. I stepped aside, and Lisa walked past me towards the desk. She picked up the file and read it.

" You did everything? "

" Yes. I put the summary of everything you gave me. "

Yesterday, I worked really hard and wrote a speech that Lisa suppose to give at the ceremony. I also did the summary of every lecture she had to give today.

Since I did every basic thing. Lisa could focus on her research for the whole day. I knew she was very satisfied with that.


[ The Existence 'Lisa Hart' trust in you has increased. ]

[ The affection of 'Lisa hart' is increasing. ]

[ Affection increased to 15. ]


The number inside the heart shape icon above Lisa changed from twelve to fifteen in front of my eyes. I wasn't planning on raising Lisa's affection with some cliche but this is how it happened.

I thought about how I should increase her affection. I didn't want to raise them by creating some romantic atmosphere, taking her on dates, or by something like accidentally touching her hands.

I hate those stuff. I never even like those situations even when I read about them in any novel. Besides, I hate using feelings like affection and love.

I decided to show my worth to Lisa. I will show, how having me in her life will help her and make everything easier. That is how I will gain more affection from her.

" Okay. You did well. "

" Don't mention it. I am here so that you could rely on me. "

I intentionally used the word 'rely'. I was trying to plant a seed here, it will grow and bloom in the future. I am intending on gaining her full trust. She nodded and went towards the door while holding on to the file.

I followed behind her, but then I felt something on my foot. It was Hekate, the white cat was rubbing herself on my foot and looking up at me. It was like some kid was asking me to pick her up.

" Miss Lisa. Wouldn't it be weird if I went there with the headmaster in my arms? "

Lisa looked over her shoulder, she saw Heckate looking at me, and then she turned around.

" It will be wired. You will attract a lot of attention to you. "

I agreed, that is the reason why I said what I said. I do not want unnecessary attention on the opening ceremony, everyone will be there.

Again she looked at Hekate and this time Hekate also looked at her. The white cat and Lisa made eye contact.

They seemed to be talking with their gaze. I am a hundred percent sure that they were talking right now. It is a conversation between a Nubecula and her Avatar, so I could not get any information about it.

After a few seconds, Lisa broke eye contact and let out a sigh. I don't need to know about their conversation to realize the outcome.

" It will be fine, pick her up. "

It was like that. I already knew that Hekate was pretty stubborn, but I was hoping Lisa could help me. Alas, I picked up the white cat with an awkward smile.


[ The Nubecula 'Gumiho' comments " Do you like cats? " ]


I ignored the weird comment, as we went out of the room and headed to where the opening ceremony will take place.


Inside a large hall, several people could be seen. Everyone was wearing a black cloak with a symbol on the chest area. A magic wand and paintbrush, making a cross symbol, with a sword in the center, and three items were inside a shield like a symbol. It was the symbol of 'Trivia'.

All were wearing neatly dressed fresh cloaks. The Grand hall was where the Opening ceremony for new students was going to take place.

The hall was filled with students, who were sitting on chairs, and there was a huge platform, where a mic was placed.

Outside the hallway, all the faculty of the school was present. Lisa was also standing among them, and I was standing behind her.

After reaching outside the hallway, I asked Hekate to go in front, the white cat was just the outer appearance she is originally an intelligent existence, so she understood me.

Since she was the headmaster of the school, she will be entering the hallway first and all rest will be following behind her.

So right now I was just one of the faculty among others.

It was better this way, I don't want attention from lower existences anyway. I was planning on just following Lisa, she will attract all the attention while I can just be in the background.

" Good morning Professor Yates. It is good to see you. "

A voice was heard as I was standing among the crowd. I looked past Lisa, and a man, with a handsome face and blonde hair was standing in front of her. I instantly recognized him.

'I can not forget this annoying two face person, even if I try.' I mumbled as I used prescient description.


[ The Active Skill 'Prescient description' is activated. ]


[ Name: Eddie Sherman

Age: 70 years old

Blessing: none

Active Attribute: The one who hides (General)

Active skill: Two-Face Lvl.3, Intice Lvl.2, Mana Manifestation Lvl.3

Passive skills: Fake-disguise Lvl.2, Creeper Lvl.2, Patience Lvl.1, Smooth-talking Lvl.2

Overall Stats: Strength Lvl 51, Stamina Lvl 53, Agility Lvl 51, Magic Power Lvl 48

Description: A double-faced person who hides behind his "true" nature. He has no exceptional skills but still wants to pursue in the magic field. ]


The person in front of Lisa was Eddie Sherman. As his information said, he is a double-faced person. On the outside, he appears to have a friendly atmosphere, and many students in the school like him.

He is someone who does not have an ounce of magic talent, but he shows a great passion for magic. That is the reason many students admired him, most students are like him, with no talent but a dream.

That is how it is always been. Only a few outshine the crowd.

I knew that feeling all too well, I was like that as well, someone who had no talent but work hard to achieve his dreams. But Eddie was different as his passion was fake. He didn't have a dream, He have goals, and his goal is to have an easy life.

He showed his passion for magic because of Lisa. He is one of the few who knows about Lisa's 'real' identity.

' He is a stalker. '

I saw him following Lisa many times in my dreams. Right now, he is smiling like a saint.

I understood why everyone found him approachable, but I knew that he was faking it, which made his smile disgusting to me.

I looked away from him like was I trying to find someone in the crowd. I don't want to get the attention of a stalker, but I knew he would be unavoidable in the future, but I still want to delay it if possible.

" Yes. It has been a while. "

I could not see Lisa's expression but judging from her cold tone she must have her usual uninterested face. Eddie just smile like her cold attitude wasn't surprising to him.

" You are always immersed in your research Professor Yates. I am happy you could make it to the opening ceremony today. "

Ah... there is that tone again. It was quite annoying. I remember watching him saying stuff that sounded like he is her godfather or her husband, who hasn't seen her for a long time.

Lisa feign ignorance to it like she didn't hear him. Eddie had the same smile but her reaction was obvious. It was obvious Lisa never gave any face to him.


Then, a sound of the wind was heard and a person in a white cloak appeared. The man appeared like a ghost. People present in the hall looked at him with respect.

" Good morning, Acting Headmaster. "

" Good Morning, Sir. "

" Good morning, Sir. Now we can start the ceremony. "

The person who appeared was the Acting Headmaster, Eldrich II-hung. Since Hekate is always in her cat form, someone need to do the actual headmaster's job.

It was this person, who looked in his forties compared to people from earth but he was much older. He had some wrinkles and a mixture of white and black hair and beard, neatly combed.

Everyone moved to make up the line in front of the entrance door of the Hall. Eddie moved in front, closer to Elrich. I let out a sigh, he was going to smooth talk Acting Headmaster, he never gets tired of it.

Lisa looked over her shoulder, she heard my sigh. She mistook my reaction and spoke.

" You have a good judge of a character. "

" Huh? "

" You were trying to avoid him right? "

I was surprised that Lisa noticed my reaction. I was trying to act like I didn't exist in the same atmosphere as Eddie, and I was glad he didn't even glance at me.

" He gives out a creepy atmosphere. "

It looks like she also senses this all along. Women have frightening abilities when comes to these things. Eddie has a passive skill 'Creeper' she might have sensed that but something tells me it was her women's instincts.

" No. That was not it Miss Lisa. "

Even though I don't like him, I can not openly admit that. Lisa looked at me with the same expression.

" I was just overwhelmed by the most likable professor of Trivia. It made me nervous. "

As I said those words, I could see some people around us nodding their heads a little. Obviously, we were not alone and even walls have ears. People around us were watching me from the time I walked in with Lisa.

People were curious about a new faculty member who was walking with Lisa Yates. It was no secret that Lisa has a cold personality, but I can not afford to bad-mouth anyone here.

Lisa also nodded, it was like she was saying 'Wise choice of words'. She was cold and pretended not to care, but she was not aloof. She is Archduke of The Could continent.

trpppp... thruuuppp...

Suddenly, The sound of the trumpets was heard and a voice came from inside the hall.

" Good Morning Students. Please settle down and maintain silence, Opening ceremony will now begin. "

The sound of shoes was heard from inside and outside the hall. Students took their places and faculty once again reorder themselves. I was a bit nervous now.

" Good. Now let the ceremony begins. "

Once again, the voice came from inside the hall. Now it is time.

Hello readers,

I just wanted to say that I hope you like the story progression and I will continue working on it diligently.

That's all.

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