
My Viewpoint as a Dreamer

We all see dreams, but what are dreams? Our Mc saw dreams about a world. He found his dreams to be too real. One night he went to sleep but when he woke up he was not in his bed, he found himself on an isolated island. Read the journey of a dreamer as he found himself in a world he saw in his dreams. His advantage? He has been dreaming about that world for ten years and he knows about its past, present, and future.

blank2711 · Fantasy
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78 Chs

Vision 10 - ...One More? (1)

The riddle competition went on for a while, it was weird how much Nubeculas liked the riddle game. It was good for me since I was able to get many points.

I had a lot of points now, it might have been good if my stats weren't so low, then I might have been able to feel good about being someone with so many points in his possession. But, I will have to use the points to increase my stats in the future, so I had to take what I can get.


[ The Nubecula 'Hwang Jini' is happy with her victory. ]


As expected Hwang Jini got the most right answers, I can not always put out the riddle that Nubeculas can't answer, but they enjoyed it nonetheless.


[ The Nubecula 'Who Like Cigars And Candy' comments "Oh that's bullshit." ]


Some Nubeculas didn't get the right answer as others.


[ The Nubecula 'Gumiho' comments "One more!" ]


[ The Nubecula 'Raziel' comments " Yes let's have one more."]


Some were competitive. It might have been just their ego. Nubeculas have high pride as they are high existence afterall, the almighty gods.

" This is going to be the last one. 'Until I am measured I am not known, Yet how you miss me when I have flown. What Am I?' "


[ Some Nubeculas are thinking about your riddle. ]


Nubeculas once again immersed themselves in their thoughts, but there was one Nubecula who did not look that interested.

-Do you not like riddles anymore?

It was Persephone, she was just sitting on the couch laying there with her back on the cushion. She did not participate as often as she used to. Her lack of interest was more of an obvious reaction that I was expecting. I thought it was the Nubeculas who were too enthusiastic about my riddle games.

" You always just ask questions. It is fun but I do not gain anything from it. "

I nodded my head in understanding. That was the thing I was also wondering. I do not know what Nubeculas are gaining but I guess I could make it more interesting for her. I thought about it a little.

I used the chatbox item to talk to her.

-How about every time you get one riddle right I will answer one of your questions.

It wasn't much, I could answer some of her questions. Persephone lifted her head which was on the headrest of the couch. She sat on the couch and looked straight at me with serious eyes.

" You would answer any Question? "

I nodded. I didn't know why she was being so serious, it was not like I was hiding anything. She is always with me and knew about me more than anyone in this world.

Persephone flew towards me and again sat on the chair across me.

" You will have to answer. I do not want any excuse. "

I felt ominous hearing her words. I thought about it for a second, if it is the right choice. After thinking a bit I just shrugged my shoulder.

-Answer any tough riddle and I will answer any question. Obviously too easy a riddle doesn't count.

Persephone narrowed her eyes. I added that condition just to be on the safe side. I didn't have anything to hide, but It wouldn't hurt to take some precautions just in case.

" Fine. "

-Then try answering the last one.

Persephone also tried answering the riddle, after some time I started getting many answers.


[ The Nubecula 'Dionysus' comments " Party. " ]


[ The Nubecula 'Who Like Cigars And Candy' comments " I don't like it. " ]


[ The Nubecula 'Whose Heart Bleeds For Heartbroken' comments " Air. " ]


[ The Nubecula 'Raziel' comments " Rest time. " ]


[ The Nubecula 'Hwang Jini' comments " Life. " ]


There were all kinds of answers, Hwang Jini's answer made the most sense but I agreed with Raziel, rest time is something I would miss. I looked at Persephone, she was still thinking about it.

" It is a little difficult. "

It was pretty difficult, to be honest. It was difficult because it could have many answers. I was about to answer when I got the message.


[ The Nubecula 'Gumiho' comments " Time. It's Time." ]


It was Gumiho who answered. A smile appeared on my face, Gumiho was the one who was most excited about the competition.

" Congratulation, Gumiho. You finally got it right. As an honor, I will answer one of your questions. "


[ The Nubecula 'Gumiho' comments " REALLY!? " ]


" Yes. "

Since I told Persephone that she could ask me anything if she won, I told the same thing to Gumiho. It was the reward. Persephone was looking at me with betrayed expression.


[ The Nubecula 'Gumiho' comments " ok I will ask then." ]


[ The Nubecula 'Whose Heart Bleeds For Heartbroken' is paying attention. ]


[ The Nubecula 'Raziel' is paying attention. ]


[ The Nubecula 'Hwang Jin' is paying attention. ]


Nubeculas got curious and started paying attention.


[ Some Nubeculas are holding their breaths. ]


They are all making too much big a deal out of it. Even Persephone was seriously waiting for the question Gumiho will ask. It was just one question.


[ The Nubecula 'Gumiho' is thinking about her question. ]


Yes, think all you want. I can answer one question.


[ The Nubecula 'Gumiho' comments " I got it. " ]


[ Some Nubecula are curious. They took a loud gulp. ]


[ The Nubecula 'Gumiho' comments " How much do you like Gumiho? " ]


[ Some NUbeculas are speechless. ]


[ The Nubecula 'Gumiho' is blushing. ]


" What The Hell? She should ask something more personal. That Narcissistic rumor freak. "

Persephone slammed the desk with frustration. Gumiho asked a typical fan-like question. I honestly did not know what she will ask, but it was within my expectations.

She had a personality of a journalist who gets curious about anything, but she was a little dumb. She only thought about her own curiosity and not about others, that is why she is called a rumor expert, not an information expert or a dilettante.


[ The Nubecula 'Who Like Cigars And Candy' comments " Hahaha. As expected for her" ]


[ The Nubecula 'Raziel' comments " I guess. " ]


[ The Nubecula 'Whose Heart Bleeds For Heartbroken' has let out a sigh. ]


[ The Nubecula 'Hwang Jin' is holding her head. ]


[ Some Nubeculas are disappointed. ]


Nubeculas were also expecting some secret revealing question. Alas, no one can do anything about it now. I put on a smile on my face.

" Of course. I like Gumiho very much, She is an active audience and helped me a lot. "

" Tch. "

Persephone clicked her tongue. She must be disappointed since she could not answer the riddle and Gumiho asked such a bland question.


[ The Nubecula 'Gumiho' is blushing. ]


[ The Nubecula 'Hwang Jin' is jealous. ]


[ The Nubecula 'Whose Heart Bleeds For Heartbroken' is Jealous.. ]


It was true anyway. Her over-enthusiastic personality and the fact that other Nubeculas listen to her rumors help me get more Nubecula, which resulted getting me more Donations. It was good.

I ignored everything else after that, it was already afternoon and I need to finish reading all the files. I spend the rest of the time reading all the papers.

In the evening, after finish reading everything, I went to Lisa and told her that. She didn't say much and told me to come at the same time tomorrow. I bid farewell to her and the white cat, then I went out of her office.

I was going out to eat something, but I found someone sitting on the couch in front of the reception desk. It was a silver-haired man, Ducas. Todd was also there, he was filing some papers.

Ducas looked at me. He stood up and walked toward me, with a big basket in his hand, earlier it was on the table in front of the couch. I thought it belonged to some lady but I guess I was wrong.

" Good evening Sir Arthur. Is your work done for today? "

" Yes. "

" Good. I bought some food for you. "

Ducas lifted the basket, it was very big. I guess I do not need to go out anymore. I went towards the stairs, Todd looked at me, but I ignored him and went straight to my room and Ducas followed me from behind.

Inside the room, I went straight towards the bed and sat down there. After taking a deep breath I fall back on the bed. Coming back after working for the whole day was very relaxing.

Ducas went over to the big table and put the basket over it. I spoke without moving a muscle.

" You finished registration and got your dorm room? "

" Yes sir. "

" It's good. "

It was good that he got someplace he could settle in, I can have some alone time now.

I got up from the bed and went towards the shower. After taking a shower I was feeling refreshed, then I went towards the couch and sat on it.

I pulled the basket Ducas brought and opened it. It was filled with many varieties of foods. It had four sections: meat, cookies, some refreshers, and sandwiches. I took out a cookie and started eating it.

" You come and eat too. "

" No, it is for you. I will eat later. "

Ducas flinched, as I asked him to come and eat the food that he brought. His reaction was a little confusing for me. I could not even eat all even if I wanted to.

" Eat. "

I said one word since I had a cookie in my mouth, but it came out like an order. Ducas didn't refute this time, as he sat on another chair, and started eating.

In the middle of this I remembered something. It was about Valerie, the outstanding mage of the school 'Trivia'.

" Ducas. "

Ducas looked at me with a fork in his mouth, his plate had a lot of food made up of meat on it.

" How do you feel about injustice? "

HIs expressions hardened at my question. I was doing a normal conversation, but the subject of the conversation was serious.

Ducas spoke without any hesitation.

" I hate people who do injustice. No one should suffer through something like that. Everyone should be treated equally. "

Hearing his response, I felt a little cringe. He was someone who suffer injustice and had an attribute as 'Very holy'. From a believer's perspective, He has morals that a God should have. Maybe I should help him become one of them in the future.

" So, If you find someone in trouble? "

" I will obviously help them. "

He was very serious with his words. I know some people who are like him in this world. His attitude might look very just but it makes him blind.

" And what if the person is unjust themselves? "

Ducas opened his mouth to say something but couldn't say anything. That is what I am talking about, he is someone who suffered for years, so it was obvious he wants to help anyone in trouble.

There is nothing wrong with that, but he needs to have some common sense. Bad and Good are all relative, if someone is good that person will be bad for someone else and a bad person will be good for certain someone.

Ducas started thinking about my question for a while. He didn't need to think about it so seriously so I spoke to ease his thoughts.

" Don't think too much about it. "

Anyway, all I have to do is make him think rationally. Everything in practical life is an 'as you go learn' process, I can not make him feed it.

" I need you to do something for me. "

" Yes, Sir Arthur. What do you need me to do? "

" Go to street 45 near the plaza tomorrow. "

Ducas was confused but he did not ask anything. Plaza was in the center of the city and it was very big. There will be people all over the place.

" On the street side, there is an alley. Go there and spend the afternoon and evening there. "

" Spend the afternoon and evening? "

" Yes. "

Since the classes will start the day after tomorrow. He must not have anything to do, and he needs to be there because he will find Valerie there.

Ducas thought about it and said.

" Okay. I will spend the afternoon and evening in the alleyway on street 45. "

I nodded my head. It was good he understood. He was curious as to why I wanted him there but he didn't ask anything. Then I remembered something else.

" Ah... also make sure to observe from far, and don't do anything unless you think have to. "


[ Some Nubeculas are curious about what you are planning. ]


Some Nubeculas got curious about my plan. I ignored them and Ducas, who was eating with a happy expression. I finished eating and headed for the bed.

It will all be good, Ducas will get a friend and I will get more time to relax.

Now it is all up to him.