
Chapter 23

Venom POV

Ahh cool. My idiotic father left me literally everything including his Mafia stuff and l can't believe Ashley slept through all that, you should've seen Jeff's face, it was priceless

Anyway l carried Ashley to the car and placed her inside then l went in and drove off.

She woke up a few minutes later

"Did he finish his dumb speech?" She asked

"Yah. We heading home now" l said

"Wait, which home?" She asked

"My home with all my pets and stuff" l said

"Oh ok" she replied

"Tell me more about this Amanda" l said

She started crying

"What's wrong?" I asked

"I knew it, you like her don't you?" She said

"Wait what, no…I…no. Look l would never do something like that to you. Sweetie you are my soulmate, my love ,my everything..l can never fall for another woman" l said

"Then why where you staring at her, is it because she has a bigger ass than mine?" She asked

I parked the car and got out

I opened her door and she got out too

I hugged her so tightly and told her everything about my visions and all the tribes except for the mating thing, l want it to be a surprise.

"So you don't like her!" She asked

"No my love, l love you and only you, l love you so much, if it wasn't for your African Traditions, l would make love to you so much that you'd pass out every time" l said

"Wait, you haven't slept with another woman since l left have you?" She asked

"Off cause l haven't and l can stay like this until you're ready" l said while hugging her tightly

"You, really love me that much?" She asked

"No, l love you even more" l said

"Okay then" l let her go and she stood in front of me

"Amanda is, was my best friend, we did everything together since child hood but then you came along and l guess she had a crush on you or something and she hated the fact that you and l were dating, l mean together, l mean…..you know what l mean" she said

I smiled while l watched her fail in hiding her now blushing face

"I see" l said and signaled her to get in the car and l drove off.

So this Amanda character is a changeling. I smiled

Now l know her plan and if she wants to play then we'll play

By A_zee_Black