
Truedream Familiy

After entering through the Glathrium door, the group then went to lift the fallen part of the door up and place it back up. It was heavy, but with Hayley's help, the door felt extremely light, and they managed to set it perfectly like a jigsaw puzzle.

While it might not keep the beast out at least, it would deter them from entering.

Del watching the whole thing hated to think just how high a level of beast equipment Hayley was wearing to be able to lift the door so easily.

They continued to walk in the hallway which was covered in darkness, although for Leo leading the way it made no difference.

But while walking, Del couldn't get out of his head how easily Leo was able to break the door. It wasn't like Del was a student he was a professor too. He had participated in the war back then as well and never saw anything like what he saw today.

'Could it be a demon level weapon?' He thought.