
Bring out Jim (Part 1)

The original vampire leaders had dealt with the cities in quick fashion. The attacking forces were quickly being annihilated and at the same time with no word of what to do, or back up from the main capital, the Namriks were losing the will to fight.

After seeing that it was mostly a losing battle, many of them had decided to give up. By the time support came from the ship to help out the original vampires, the whole city, with populations of tens of thousands of Namriks, were dealt with.

The word had spread, and even the Namriks who had yet to see any invaders, or were still putting up a fight against the original wave that had been sent out, had given up because they knew it was the end of it all.

More ships were being sent from one of the Marpo Cruise ships but it was mainly small black ships, with pointed wings at the end, and a streak of red down the centre. This was the trademark of the ships belonging to the vampires.