
16. Green family (part 1)

Inside a lab, two researchers went busy with their respective tasks. They were in a single big room and inside were strange devices and experiments. Suddenly they heard a voice.

"A message detected as a top priority has been received". From the top of the room, a big semi-sphere was located. The voice came from it.

The two researchers a man and a woman stopped everything immediately and came to a screen. The voice belonged to their Ai Ash. They knew Ash would only disturb them only if the message belong to a set of instructions the researcher configured it to.

The video message started and they could see a young boy. He looked unfamiliar to them. As soon as the video started, on another screen, many programs were running. Among them, one responded with no facial match detected and no voice match detected. All happened in milliseconds and they obtained the information without the need to pause the video.

The video continued and they saw the boy's eyes start to shine red.

"My name is Abraham Eno. I need your help. Can you send transport for me to have a meeting with you?".

The video ended after the short message. Now they knew why Ash alerted them. The message contained the word Eno.

Both the researchers looked at each other wondering what to do next.

"Let's meet him and see what this is all about. He looks like a child. I hope as a child he isn't going to create more trouble for humanity." the woman said while she was lost in her thought.


Abraham was sitting in the abandoned ruined village training his blood energy. From a single drop of blood, now he could make drops of blood above each finger.

He also could control a single drop of blood by moving it in a straight line. After 10cm, the blood would get out of his control range and it would collapse.

Right now he was manipulating the drop of blood by trying to change in form. During his week of training, he had successfully changed it to a single vertical line, like the alphabet"I" but he was able to maintain the form for only a few seconds before it revert to the spherical shape.

This time he was making the form of the number "0". It was much more difficult and required extreme concentration to make a hole in the blood.

Abraham was lost in his training until his ears registered a faint noise. While training his blood energy, Abraham was also activating his cells using the Qi energy and at the same time coating his body with the second stage Qi.

Abraham opened his eyes and saw a small dot in the sky. Gradually it was increasing and at some point, Abraham saw the silhouette of the object. It was an aircraft completely different from anything Abraham had seen during his past life. The aircraft came near Abraham and landed on the outside of the village. Abraham walked to the spaceship and when he came face-to-face, he couldn't help but marvel at the object in from of him. It was all made of polished metal and was painted green. There were two turbines on each side and yet the noise coming from them was extremely low. On its back, a door opened up and a ramp slid down until it came in contact with the ground.

As soon as Abraham both feet were on the ramp, it raised automatically like an escalator. Abraham found himself in a room with every comfort possible. It looked like the VIP section of a plane in his past life. Abraham went on an inclined chair and fasten his seatbelt. The aircraft slowly took off. If Abraham was to go inside the control room, he would notice something particular. There was no human inside. Everything was automated.

The screen in front of him showed 15 minutes as time left to reach his destination.

Abraham was admiring the sky through the window when a voice announced the landing was in a minute. When the aircraft descent, Abraham noticed the topography of his destination. The buildings were in the middle of a forest. Slowly, the plane landed and Abraham got off.

He was welcomed by multiple aircraft parked on the left. Huge weapons were present all around the land. Drones were hovering, scanning anything foreign.

"It's what to be expected from the mega-rich family". Abraham could not help but think to himself.

A spherical metal was hovering and it came near Abraham.

"I'm Ash, the Ai assistant of the Green family. I hope you had a great journey. My masters are waiting for you inside. Please follow me." The metal ball informed Abraham before going in the direction of a building. When he got near, the door opened automatically and Abraham was welcomed in a grand hall. Two people were standing. They both looked in their 30's.

"Good morning Mr. Mrs. Green. Thanks for such an easy journey. I hope both of you are doing well". Abraham extended his hand to the man for a handshake. After the shake, he did the same to the woman.

"It is our duty to serve an Eno Mr. Abraham, the pleasure is all ours. I'm Tom and the beautiful lady next to me is my wife Emily. Come let's sit and talk". Both the husband and wife's first impression of the boy was great.

While Abraham got seated on the sofa, a robot came by his side. It had a screen on it to select the type of drinks he wanted. Abraham selected a grape juice and inside the robot, Abraham could hear a process happening. Soon, a component slid and on it was the grape juice.

"I know what's going inside your head. Both of you are wondering what type of request I am going to come up with. I understand your nervousness and fear. After what Jim did to both of you, anyone will be worried to meet another Eno. But as you can see from Richard, not all Eno or vampires are bad. I'm someone who deeply cares for humanity and I hope for us to get along". Abraham started the talk as he saw both of them looking awkwardly at him.

Both didn't know what to say as Abraham was stating their deepest secret.

The Green family was currently among the richest in the world. They were so rich that they had many lands on every planet that humans had captured. The green ability was Technology Communication. They were responsible for most of the systems humans were using. From ticketing to traverse portals to the online marketplace, everything was made by them. Even the big Four, that was controlling the world needed them. But unknown to every human they hold a very big secret.

Many generations back, when the world was divided into nations and abilities were unknown to the world, the green was a normal family without abilities. They were always trying to build new technologies. At one time a member of the Green who was a game creator was approached by a stranger. The man asked if Logan the then-Green family was the one who made a particular game.

The stranger then asked Logan if he helped him and Ai's gaming system, and the stranger would introduce him to something beyond his mind.

Logan got hooked on the new knowledge and later the man introduced Logan to the world of ability.

A deal was made between them and in return, the stranger gave Logan Green the Technology communication ability. The deal was if in the entire lifetime of the Green family, someone with the name Eno approached them, they had to help him with whatever request. They had to inform their descendent of the deal and made sure it would go on.

After the deal, Logan with the ability completed the ai system and used his newly acquired ability to invent new things for the world. In each generation, someone from the Eno family would come to them with a request. It was either to use their power or to use their money for a task. The Green family kept a video log of each interaction, and if someone was to see it, they would notice the Eno man was really similar in each video.

The stranger who approached them was none other than Richard Eno, the current greatest scientist in the world.

It was only in this generation that the Green family came to know that every Eno they met was the same man. But they learned the truth only after a disaster hit them.

When Tom and Emily were enjoying their teen life, they were approached by a different Eno. The man came with the request to find another Eno by the name of Vicent Eno.

They tried everything but no man with the name Vicent Eno was found. With no clue, the man left.

Tom and Emily continued with their work until one day the man came and kidnapped them.