
My Three Obsessive Magnate Husbands Are Infatuated With My Beauty

Mei Xing navigates the treacherous waters of marriage, she discovers hidden depths within herself and her husbands. Each of them has their own secrets, their own desires, and their own reasons for being drawn to her. But as time goes on, Mei Xing finds herself torn between her past and her present. Rex, her childhood love, resurfaces, begging for a second chance. Will Mei Xing give in to the allure of a familiar love, or will she stay true to her three doting husbands? In a world where power, wealth, and desire collide, Mei Xing must make choices that will shape her future. With each decision, the stakes get higher, and the consequences become more dire. Can Mei Xing navigate the dangerous game of love and power, or will she be consumed by the very passion that once ignited her? This is my very first book, Please don't expect perfection but it will be better if you watch as the book develops so rapidly with your nice support.

Purple_Fantasies74 · 都市
77 Chs

Insignificant Pig

Mei Xing made her way to the kitchen with a heavy sigh, donning her apron before embarking on her culinary tasks. Her troublemaker mother came running to her like a bloody vampire hungry for blood.

"They're here!" Mother Mei Ling exclaimed, her words delivered with a surprised tone. Intrigued and slightly apprehensive, Mei Xing inquired, "Who is here, Mother?" Her mother, consumed by excitement, held her waist and stomped her feet on the ground with an air of enthusiasm. "Go and dress in something stunning, my dear. Your prospective husbands are arriving," she announced, her joy evident in her voice. Mei Xing, taken aback by her mother's statement, questioned in disbelief, "Mother, did you just say prospective husbands? Or is this some sort of joke?" A mixture of confusion and concern colored her face.

Her mother, unfazed by her daughter's reaction, continued her enthusiastic display. "My poor little baby, weren't you worried that Yan Feng is a heartless man? So, in my wisdom, I arranged a marriage contract with all three Yan brothers for you," Mother Mei explained with an exaggerated flourish. The weight of her mother's words bore down on Mei Xing, threatening to crush her spirit. A surge of anger and disbelief coursed through her veins. "Mother, you hate me. How could you do this? Don't you love me again?" Mei Xing roared in frustration, her voice echoing through the air. She couldn't fathom the idea of being forced into such an unconventional and potentially disastrous arrangement. Her mind raced, unable to comprehend her mother's reasoning.

"If this marriage is supposedly so good, why don't you marry the Yan brothers yourself? After all, you still look a bit young," Mei Xing sneered, her voice laced with bitterness and sarcasm. Her words sliced through the tension, challenging her mother's questionable decisions. Mother Mei's reaction was swift, her anger blazing like wildfire. "Are you out of your mind? If you refuse to marry those three brothers, I will make sure you suffer until you perish like an insignificant pig. Do you agree to marry them or not?" Her words were harsh, filled with a venomous intent.

Mei Xing, in an attempt to maintain her composure, absentmindedly played with her beautiful ebony hair. The weight of the situation pressed upon her, pushing her towards a decision she despised. "No, have I wronged you in some way that you are willing to subject me to this torment?" she responded, her voice tinged with defiance. The sweet reason seemed to escape her mother as she pleaded desperately, "Oh, my baby, please consider this. Please, please, I beg of you." Mei Xing couldn't deny the deplorable nature of the polyandrous marriage that awaited her. It felt like an inescapable curse, an undesired fate. Reluctantly, Mei Xing agreed, her voice laced with resignation. "Okay, Mother...I... I agree," she conceded, her resolve adopted with a heavy heart. "Yes, yes, yes! I am proud of my little princess!" Mother Mei Ling exclaimed with delight, her fingers gently squeezing Mei Xing's soft cheeks.

Mother Mei walked to the dining area with a megaphone in her left hand while the customers were looking at her like a pig head. She cleared her coarse throat softly. "Mhm hello everyone." Said mother Mei, "Hello Madam Mei." The whole customer echoed with smiles on their lovely faces. "You all have five good minutes remaining before I close the restaurant, I have an important meeting to attend now." Immediately all the customers started to rush their meal while Mei Xing went to her room to change her clothes. Mother Mei's building was a big one, well furnished and decorated. After all, she inherited it from her husband after they divorced. it was okay for her and her lovely daughter, the house was located beside the restaurant and a big exception was made in selling the building.

Mei Xing quickly changed her clothes to a simple short sleeveless gown that got to her knees, she combed her beautiful soft hair and added a sweet hair fragrance to her hair. When she was done with her dressing and her quick make-up, she took a look at herself in the mirror hung on the wall and then headed to the restaurant, but now more customers were there eating and ordering their meals.

"Mother, I thought you gave them five minutes so they could finish up their dishes." She asked stubbornly. "Your three husbands said you should prepare them noodles with roasted pork! you alone." Mother Mei said happily, but seeing no emotions on Mei Xing's face she pulled Mei Xing's hair. "Are you not happy about that!" Mother Mei said coldly as her eyes were like a dangerous dagger piercing Mei Xing's heart.

Mei Xing immediately faked a smile and acted stupidly which satisfied the crazy old lady. "Go and cook darling." Mother Mei said then kissed Mei Xing's forehead. Mother Mei went on buzzing with happiness.

Mei Xing made her way to the kitchen, her mind filled with conflicting thoughts. Should she add an excessive amount of pepper to punish her three husbands-to-be? Or perhaps make the food intentionally awful in hopes that they would run away, thereby canceling the marriage contract? Mei Xing's innocent heart couldn't bear the weight of these thoughts, for they would cause her mother pain and potentially bring about the closure of the family restaurant. She couldn't allow that to happen.

Resolute in her decision, Mei Xing set aside her mischievous ideas and focused on preparing the noodles with roasted pork chops. The tantalizing aroma of the food soon permeated the air, tempting the senses of all who caught a whiff.

Finally, with diligence and care, the food was presented in elegant vitrified glass dinnerware. Mei Xing arranged the dishes on a beautiful flat tray and made her way toward the table where her three soon-to-be husbands and her spirited mother sat. As she approached, Mei Xing was taken aback to see the two younger brothers, dressed in grey shirts and blue jeans, heading in her direction. They were both undeniably handsome, their presence commanding attention. The eldest Yan Feng, the man she met at the uppermost cafe was fair complexion and complemented by his silver hair, he sat beside mother Mei, engrossed in a serious conversation.

"Wife, do you need any help?" Yan Bei, the third Yan brother, asked softly, his gentle voice filled with concern. He smiled broadly, revealing his white well arranged teeth, his green eyes sparkled in amusement as he waited for Mei Xing to respond.

The audacity of these men! Mei Xing felt a surge of frustration welling up within her. She swiftly responded, "No, I do not need any assistance. I am perfectly capable of doing things myself," her tone laced with defiance. Mei Xing struggled to maintain her composure, feeling the feverish flush of emotions coursing through her veins. The third Yan brother smiled reassuringly, while the second brother stared at her intently.

Lost in his good look, Mei Xing admired his fair skin, her eye moved to his trimmed dark hair and his grey eyes which were as sharp l as that of an eagle.

Inwardly, Mei Xing referred to the three brothers as blood-sucking mosquitoes, their intense gazes making her feel uneasy. Yet, she remained composed as she approached the table, tray in hand, and carefully placed the delectable dishes before them. The aroma of the food wafted through the air, its inviting scent signaling the culinary excellence that awaited them. Mei Xing couldn't help but feel baffled by their reactions. "Perhaps this is simply how they were raised," she reasoned, attempting to rationalize their behavior.

Meanwhile, the two younger Yan brothers were stunned by their eldest brother's invitation to dine at this particular restaurant. Yan Feng, who had never before commented on the taste of any food they had ordered, had spoken fondly of the unforgettable flavors experienced here. It was an unusual occurrence that left the two younger brothers in awe.